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import time
import solara
import soundfile as sf
from kokoro_onnx import Kokoro
from IPython.display import display, Audio
text = solara.reactive("")
def Example(example: str, example_shortened=None):
def on_click():
text.value = example
with solara.Row():
solara.Button(example, on_click=on_click)
models = ["kokoro-v0_19.onnx", "kokoro-quant.onnx"]
model = solara.reactive("kokoro-v0_19.onnx")
voices = ["af", "af_bella", "af_nicole", "af_sarah", "af_sky", "am_adam", "am_michael", "bf_emma", "bf_isabella", "bm_george", "bm_lewis"]
voice = solara.reactive("af_sarah")
generate = solara.reactive(False)
def Page():
title = "Kokoro Text-To-Speech"
with solara.Head():
with solara.Column(style={"width": "100%", "padding": "50px", "align": "center"}):
solara.Markdown("Try some examples:")
with solara.Row():
Example("Hello! How can I assist you today?")
Example("The capital of France is Paris.")
solara.Markdown("Or write your own:")
solara.InputTextArea("Enter some text", value=text, rows=3, continuous_update=False)
with solara.Row():
solara.Select(label="Select voice:", value=voice, values=voices, style={"width": "10%"})
solara.Select(label="Select model:", value=model, values=models, style={"width": "10%"})
solara.Button("Generate", on_click=generate.set(True))
solara.Button("Clear", on_click=lambda: text.set(""))
kokoro = Kokoro(model.value, "voices.bin")
if text.value != "" and generate.value:
start_time = time.time()
samples, sample_rate = kokoro.create(text.value, voice=voice.value, speed=1.0)
end_time = time.time()
display(Audio(data=samples, rate=sample_rate, autoplay=True))
solara.Text(f"Generation time: {end_time - start_time:.1f} seconds", style="color: blue")