import torch | |
import time | |
from .constants import * | |
from utilities.device import get_device | |
from .lr_scheduling import get_lr | |
import numpy as np | |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt | |
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix | |
import json | |
from dataset.vevo_dataset import compute_vevo_accuracy, compute_vevo_correspondence, compute_hits_k, compute_hits_k_root_attr, compute_vevo_accuracy_root_attr, compute_vevo_correspondence_root_attr | |
def train_epoch(cur_epoch, model, dataloader, | |
train_loss_func, train_loss_emotion_func, | |
opt, lr_scheduler=None, print_modulus=1, isVideo=True): | |
loss_chord = -1 | |
loss_emotion = -1 | |
model.train() | |
for batch_num, batch in enumerate(dataloader): | |
time_before = time.time() | |
opt.zero_grad() | |
x = batch["x"].to(get_device()) | |
tgt = batch["tgt"].to(get_device()) | |
x_root = batch["x_root"].to(get_device()) | |
tgt_root = batch["tgt_root"].to(get_device()) | |
x_attr = batch["x_attr"].to(get_device()) | |
tgt_attr = batch["tgt_attr"].to(get_device()) | |
tgt_emotion = batch["tgt_emotion"].to(get_device()) | |
tgt_emotion_prob = batch["tgt_emotion_prob"].to(get_device()) | |
feature_semantic_list = [] | |
for feature_semantic in batch["semanticList"]: | |
feature_semantic_list.append( ) | |
feature_key = batch["key"].to(get_device()) | |
feature_scene_offset = batch["scene_offset"].to(get_device()) | |
feature_motion = batch["motion"].to(get_device()) | |
feature_emotion = batch["emotion"].to(get_device()) | |
if isVideo: | |
# use VideoMusicTransformer | |
y_root, y_attr = model(x, | |
x_root, | |
x_attr, | |
feature_semantic_list, | |
feature_key, | |
feature_scene_offset, | |
feature_motion, | |
feature_emotion) | |
y_root = y_root.reshape(y_root.shape[0] * y_root.shape[1], -1) | |
y_attr = y_attr.reshape(y_attr.shape[0] * y_attr.shape[1], -1) | |
tgt_root = tgt_root.flatten() | |
tgt_attr = tgt_attr.flatten() | |
tgt_emotion = tgt_emotion.squeeze() | |
loss_chord_root = train_loss_func.forward(y_root, tgt_root) | |
loss_chord_attr = train_loss_func.forward(y_attr, tgt_attr) | |
loss_chord = loss_chord_root + loss_chord_attr | |
first_14 = tgt_emotion[:, :14] | |
last_2 = tgt_emotion[:, -2:] | |
tgt_emotion_attr =, last_2), dim=1) | |
loss_emotion = train_loss_emotion_func.forward(y_attr, tgt_emotion_attr) | |
total_loss = LOSS_LAMBDA * loss_chord + (1-LOSS_LAMBDA) * loss_emotion | |
total_loss.backward() | |
opt.step() | |
if(lr_scheduler is not None): | |
lr_scheduler.step() | |
else: | |
#videomusic tran nosep | |
y = model(x, | |
x_root, | |
x_attr, | |
feature_semantic_list, | |
feature_key, | |
feature_scene_offset, | |
feature_motion, | |
feature_emotion) | |
y = y.reshape(y.shape[0] * y.shape[1], -1) | |
tgt = tgt.flatten() | |
tgt_emotion = tgt_emotion.squeeze() | |
loss_chord = train_loss_func.forward(y, tgt) | |
loss_emotion = train_loss_emotion_func.forward(y, tgt_emotion) | |
total_loss = LOSS_LAMBDA * loss_chord + (1-LOSS_LAMBDA) * loss_emotion | |
total_loss.backward() | |
opt.step() | |
if(lr_scheduler is not None): | |
lr_scheduler.step() | |
else: | |
# music transformer | |
y_root, y_attr = model(x, | |
x_root, | |
x_attr, | |
feature_key) | |
y_root = y_root.reshape(y_root.shape[0] * y_root.shape[1], -1) | |
y_attr = y_attr.reshape(y_attr.shape[0] * y_attr.shape[1], -1) | |
tgt_root = tgt_root.flatten() | |
tgt_attr = tgt_attr.flatten() | |
tgt_emotion = tgt_emotion.squeeze() | |
loss_chord_root = train_loss_func.forward(y_root, tgt_root) | |
loss_chord_attr = train_loss_func.forward(y_attr, tgt_attr) | |
loss_chord = loss_chord_root + loss_chord_attr | |
loss_emotion = -1 | |
total_loss = loss_chord | |
total_loss.backward() | |
opt.step() | |
if(lr_scheduler is not None): | |
lr_scheduler.step() | |
else: | |
# use MusicTransformer (no sep) | |
y = model(x, | |
x_root, | |
x_attr, | |
feature_key) | |
y = y.reshape(y.shape[0] * y.shape[1], -1) | |
tgt = tgt.flatten() | |
loss_chord = train_loss_func.forward(y, tgt) | |
loss_emotion = -1 | |
total_loss = loss_chord | |
total_loss.backward() | |
opt.step() | |
if(lr_scheduler is not None): | |
lr_scheduler.step() | |
time_after = time.time() | |
time_took = time_after - time_before | |
if((batch_num+1) % print_modulus == 0): | |
print(SEPERATOR) | |
print("Epoch", cur_epoch, " Batch", batch_num+1, "/", len(dataloader)) | |
print("LR:", get_lr(opt)) | |
print("Train loss (total):", float(total_loss)) | |
print("Train loss (chord):", float(loss_chord)) | |
print("Train loss (emotion):", float(loss_emotion)) | |
print("") | |
print("Time (s):", time_took) | |
print(SEPERATOR) | |
print("") | |
return | |
def eval_model(model, dataloader, | |
eval_loss_func, eval_loss_emotion_func, | |
isVideo = True, isGenConfusionMatrix=False): | |
model.eval() | |
avg_acc = -1 | |
avg_cor = -1 | |
avg_acc_cor = -1 | |
avg_h1 = -1 | |
avg_h3 = -1 | |
avg_h5 = -1 | |
avg_loss_chord = -1 | |
avg_loss_emotion = -1 | |
avg_total_loss = -1 | |
true_labels = [] | |
true_root_labels = [] | |
true_attr_labels = [] | |
pred_labels = [] | |
pred_root_labels = [] | |
pred_attr_labels = [] | |
with torch.set_grad_enabled(False): | |
n_test = len(dataloader) | |
n_test_cor = 0 | |
sum_loss_chord = 0.0 | |
sum_loss_emotion = 0.0 | |
sum_total_loss = 0.0 | |
sum_acc = 0.0 | |
sum_cor = 0.0 | |
sum_h1 = 0.0 | |
sum_h3 = 0.0 | |
sum_h5 = 0.0 | |
for batch in dataloader: | |
x = batch["x"].to(get_device()) | |
tgt = batch["tgt"].to(get_device()) | |
x_root = batch["x_root"].to(get_device()) | |
tgt_root = batch["tgt_root"].to(get_device()) | |
x_attr = batch["x_attr"].to(get_device()) | |
tgt_attr = batch["tgt_attr"].to(get_device()) | |
tgt_emotion = batch["tgt_emotion"].to(get_device()) | |
tgt_emotion_prob = batch["tgt_emotion_prob"].to(get_device()) | |
feature_semantic_list = [] | |
for feature_semantic in batch["semanticList"]: | |
feature_semantic_list.append( ) | |
feature_key = batch["key"].to(get_device()) | |
feature_scene_offset = batch["scene_offset"].to(get_device()) | |
feature_motion = batch["motion"].to(get_device()) | |
feature_emotion = batch["emotion"].to(get_device()) | |
if isVideo: | |
y_root, y_attr = model(x, | |
x_root, | |
x_attr, | |
feature_semantic_list, | |
feature_key, | |
feature_scene_offset, | |
feature_motion, | |
feature_emotion) | |
sum_acc += float(compute_vevo_accuracy_root_attr(y_root, y_attr, tgt)) | |
cor = float(compute_vevo_correspondence_root_attr(y_root, y_attr, tgt, tgt_emotion, tgt_emotion_prob, EMOTION_THRESHOLD)) | |
if cor >= 0 : | |
n_test_cor +=1 | |
sum_cor += cor | |
sum_h1 += float(compute_hits_k_root_attr(y_root, y_attr, tgt,1)) | |
sum_h3 += float(compute_hits_k_root_attr(y_root, y_attr, tgt,3)) | |
sum_h5 += float(compute_hits_k_root_attr(y_root, y_attr, tgt,5)) | |
y_root = y_root.reshape(y_root.shape[0] * y_root.shape[1], -1) | |
y_attr = y_attr.reshape(y_attr.shape[0] * y_attr.shape[1], -1) | |
tgt_root = tgt_root.flatten() | |
tgt_attr = tgt_attr.flatten() | |
tgt_emotion = tgt_emotion.squeeze() | |
loss_chord_root = eval_loss_func.forward(y_root, tgt_root) | |
loss_chord_attr = eval_loss_func.forward(y_attr, tgt_attr) | |
loss_chord = loss_chord_root + loss_chord_attr | |
first_14 = tgt_emotion[:, :14] | |
last_2 = tgt_emotion[:, -2:] | |
tgt_emotion_attr =, last_2), dim=1) | |
loss_emotion = eval_loss_emotion_func.forward(y_attr, tgt_emotion_attr) | |
total_loss = LOSS_LAMBDA * loss_chord + (1-LOSS_LAMBDA) * loss_emotion | |
sum_loss_chord += float(loss_chord) | |
sum_loss_emotion += float(loss_emotion) | |
sum_total_loss += float(total_loss) | |
else: | |
y= model(x, | |
x_root, | |
x_attr, | |
feature_semantic_list, | |
feature_key, | |
feature_scene_offset, | |
feature_motion, | |
feature_emotion) | |
sum_acc += float(compute_vevo_accuracy(y, tgt )) | |
cor = float(compute_vevo_correspondence(y, tgt, tgt_emotion, tgt_emotion_prob, EMOTION_THRESHOLD)) | |
if cor >= 0 : | |
n_test_cor +=1 | |
sum_cor += cor | |
sum_h1 += float(compute_hits_k(y, tgt,1)) | |
sum_h3 += float(compute_hits_k(y, tgt,3)) | |
sum_h5 += float(compute_hits_k(y, tgt,5)) | |
y = y.reshape(y.shape[0] * y.shape[1], -1) | |
tgt = tgt.flatten() | |
tgt_root = tgt_root.flatten() | |
tgt_attr = tgt_attr.flatten() | |
tgt_emotion = tgt_emotion.squeeze() | |
loss_chord = eval_loss_func.forward(y, tgt) | |
loss_emotion = eval_loss_emotion_func.forward(y, tgt_emotion) | |
total_loss = LOSS_LAMBDA * loss_chord + (1-LOSS_LAMBDA) * loss_emotion | |
sum_loss_chord += float(loss_chord) | |
sum_loss_emotion += float(loss_emotion) | |
sum_total_loss += float(total_loss) | |
if isGenConfusionMatrix: | |
pred = y.argmax(dim=1).detach().cpu().numpy() | |
pred_root = [] | |
pred_attr = [] | |
for i in pred: | |
if i == 0: | |
pred_root.append(0) | |
pred_attr.append(0) | |
elif i == 157: | |
pred_root.append(CHORD_ROOT_END) | |
pred_attr.append(CHORD_ATTR_END) | |
elif i == 158: | |
pred_root.append(CHORD_ROOT_PAD) | |
pred_attr.append(CHORD_ATTR_PAD) | |
else: | |
rootindex = int( (i-1)/13 ) + 1 | |
attrindex = (i-1)%13 + 1 | |
pred_root.append(rootindex) | |
pred_attr.append(attrindex) | |
pred_root = np.array(pred_root) | |
pred_attr = np.array(pred_attr) | |
true = tgt.detach().cpu().numpy() | |
true_root = tgt_root.detach().cpu().numpy() | |
true_attr = tgt_attr.detach().cpu().numpy() | |
pred_labels.extend(pred) | |
pred_root_labels.extend(pred_root) | |
pred_attr_labels.extend(pred_attr) | |
true_labels.extend(true) | |
true_root_labels.extend(true_root) | |
true_attr_labels.extend(true_attr) | |
else: | |
y_root, y_attr = model(x, | |
x_root, | |
x_attr, | |
feature_key) | |
sum_acc += float(compute_vevo_accuracy_root_attr(y_root, y_attr, tgt)) | |
cor = float(compute_vevo_correspondence_root_attr(y_root, y_attr, tgt, tgt_emotion, tgt_emotion_prob, EMOTION_THRESHOLD)) | |
if cor >= 0 : | |
n_test_cor +=1 | |
sum_cor += cor | |
sum_h1 += float(compute_hits_k_root_attr(y_root, y_attr, tgt,1)) | |
sum_h3 += float(compute_hits_k_root_attr(y_root, y_attr, tgt,3)) | |
sum_h5 += float(compute_hits_k_root_attr(y_root, y_attr, tgt,5)) | |
y_root = y_root.reshape(y_root.shape[0] * y_root.shape[1], -1) | |
y_attr = y_attr.reshape(y_attr.shape[0] * y_attr.shape[1], -1) | |
tgt_root = tgt_root.flatten() | |
tgt_attr = tgt_attr.flatten() | |
tgt_emotion = tgt_emotion.squeeze() | |
loss_chord_root = eval_loss_func.forward(y_root, tgt_root) | |
loss_chord_attr = eval_loss_func.forward(y_attr, tgt_attr) | |
loss_chord = loss_chord_root + loss_chord_attr | |
first_14 = tgt_emotion[:, :14] | |
last_2 = tgt_emotion[:, -2:] | |
tgt_emotion_attr =, last_2), dim=1) | |
loss_emotion = eval_loss_emotion_func.forward(y_attr, tgt_emotion_attr) | |
total_loss = LOSS_LAMBDA * loss_chord + (1-LOSS_LAMBDA) * loss_emotion | |
sum_loss_chord += float(loss_chord) | |
sum_loss_emotion += float(loss_emotion) | |
sum_total_loss += float(total_loss) | |
else: | |
# use MusicTransformer no sep | |
y = model(x, | |
x_root, | |
x_attr, | |
feature_key) | |
sum_acc += float(compute_vevo_accuracy(y, tgt )) | |
cor = float(compute_vevo_correspondence(y, tgt, tgt_emotion, tgt_emotion_prob, EMOTION_THRESHOLD)) | |
if cor >= 0 : | |
n_test_cor +=1 | |
sum_cor += cor | |
sum_h1 += float(compute_hits_k(y, tgt,1)) | |
sum_h3 += float(compute_hits_k(y, tgt,3)) | |
sum_h5 += float(compute_hits_k(y, tgt,5)) | |
tgt_emotion = tgt_emotion.squeeze() | |
y = y.reshape(y.shape[0] * y.shape[1], -1) | |
tgt = tgt.flatten() | |
loss_chord = eval_loss_func.forward(y, tgt) | |
loss_emotion = eval_loss_emotion_func.forward(y, tgt_emotion) | |
total_loss = loss_chord | |
sum_loss_chord += float(loss_chord) | |
sum_loss_emotion += float(loss_emotion) | |
sum_total_loss += float(total_loss) | |
avg_loss_chord = sum_loss_chord / n_test | |
avg_loss_emotion = sum_loss_emotion / n_test | |
avg_total_loss = sum_total_loss / n_test | |
avg_acc = sum_acc / n_test | |
avg_cor = sum_cor / n_test_cor | |
avg_h1 = sum_h1 / n_test | |
avg_h3 = sum_h3 / n_test | |
avg_h5 = sum_h5 / n_test | |
avg_acc_cor = (avg_acc + avg_cor)/ 2.0 | |
if isGenConfusionMatrix: | |
chordInvDicPath = "./dataset/vevo_meta/chord_inv.json" | |
chordRootInvDicPath = "./dataset/vevo_meta/chord_root_inv.json" | |
chordAttrInvDicPath = "./dataset/vevo_meta/chord_attr_inv.json" | |
with open(chordInvDicPath) as json_file: | |
chordInvDic = json.load(json_file) | |
with open(chordRootInvDicPath) as json_file: | |
chordRootInvDic = json.load(json_file) | |
with open(chordAttrInvDicPath) as json_file: | |
chordAttrInvDic = json.load(json_file) | |
# Confusion matrix (CHORD) | |
topChordList = [] | |
with open("./dataset/vevo_meta/top_chord.txt", encoding = 'utf-8') as f: | |
for line in f: | |
line = line.strip() | |
line_arr = line.split(" ") | |
if len(line_arr) == 3 : | |
chordID = line_arr[1] | |
topChordList.append( int(chordID) ) | |
topChordList = np.array(topChordList) | |
topChordList = topChordList[:10] | |
mask = np.isin(true_labels, topChordList) | |
true_labels = np.array(true_labels)[mask] | |
pred_labels = np.array(pred_labels)[mask] | |
conf_matrix = confusion_matrix(true_labels, pred_labels, labels=topChordList) | |
label_names = [ chordInvDic[str(label_id)] for label_id in topChordList ] | |
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6)) | |
plt.imshow(conf_matrix, | |
plt.title("Confusion Matrix") | |
plt.colorbar() | |
tick_marks = np.arange(len(topChordList)) | |
plt.xticks(tick_marks, label_names, rotation=45) | |
plt.yticks(tick_marks, label_names) | |
thresh = conf_matrix.max() / 2.0 | |
for i in range(conf_matrix.shape[0]): | |
for j in range(conf_matrix.shape[1]): | |
plt.text(j, i, format(conf_matrix[i, j], 'd'), | |
ha="center", va="center", | |
color="white" if conf_matrix[i, j] > thresh else "black") | |
plt.ylabel('True label') | |
plt.xlabel('Predicted label') | |
plt.tight_layout() | |
plt.savefig("confusion_matrix.png") | | | |
# Confusion matrix (CHORD ROOT) | |
chordRootList = np.arange(1, 13) | |
conf_matrix = confusion_matrix(true_root_labels, pred_root_labels, labels= chordRootList ) | |
label_names = [ chordRootInvDic[str(label_id)] for label_id in chordRootList ] | |
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6)) | |
plt.imshow(conf_matrix, | |
plt.title("Confusion Matrix (Chord root)") | |
plt.colorbar() | |
tick_marks = np.arange(len(chordRootList)) | |
plt.xticks(tick_marks, label_names, rotation=45) | |
plt.yticks(tick_marks, label_names) | |
thresh = conf_matrix.max() / 2.0 | |
for i in range(conf_matrix.shape[0]): | |
for j in range(conf_matrix.shape[1]): | |
plt.text(j, i, format(conf_matrix[i, j], 'd'), | |
ha="center", va="center", | |
color="white" if conf_matrix[i, j] > thresh else "black") | |
plt.ylabel('True label') | |
plt.xlabel('Predicted label') | |
plt.tight_layout() | |
plt.savefig("confusion_matrix_root.png") | | | |
# Confusion matrix (CHORD ATTR) | |
chordAttrList = np.arange(1, 14) | |
conf_matrix = confusion_matrix(true_attr_labels, pred_attr_labels, labels= chordAttrList ) | |
label_names = [ chordAttrInvDic[str(label_id)] for label_id in chordAttrList ] | |
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6)) | |
plt.imshow(conf_matrix, | |
plt.title("Confusion Matrix (Chord quality)") | |
plt.colorbar() | |
tick_marks = np.arange(len(chordAttrList)) | |
plt.xticks(tick_marks, label_names, rotation=45) | |
plt.yticks(tick_marks, label_names) | |
thresh = conf_matrix.max() / 2.0 | |
for i in range(conf_matrix.shape[0]): | |
for j in range(conf_matrix.shape[1]): | |
plt.text(j, i, format(conf_matrix[i, j], 'd'), | |
ha="center", va="center", | |
color="white" if conf_matrix[i, j] > thresh else "black") | |
plt.ylabel('True label') | |
plt.xlabel('Predicted label') | |
plt.tight_layout() | |
plt.savefig("confusion_matrix_quality.png") | | | |
return { "avg_total_loss" : avg_total_loss, | |
"avg_loss_chord" : avg_loss_chord, | |
"avg_loss_emotion": avg_loss_emotion, | |
"avg_acc" : avg_acc, | |
"avg_cor" : avg_cor, | |
"avg_acc_cor" : avg_acc_cor, | |
"avg_h1" : avg_h1, | |
"avg_h3" : avg_h3, | |
"avg_h5" : avg_h5 } | |