from pydantic import BaseModel, Field from typing import Optional,List from langchain_core.output_parsers import JsonOutputParser class Noc_Residential_TimeSheetInformation(BaseModel): """Details of a timesheet entry.""" full_name: str = Field(..., description="Full name of the person.") position_title: str = Field(..., description="Position title of the person.") work_location: str = Field(..., description="Work location of the person.") contractor: str = Field(..., description="Contractor's name.") noc_id: str = Field(..., description="NOC ID of the person.") month_year: str = Field(..., description="Month and year in MM/YYYY format.") service_days_onshore: int = Field(0, description="Number of service days onshore.") standby_days_onshore: int = Field(0, description="Number of standby days onshore in Doha.") service_days_offshore: int = Field(0, description="Number of service days offshore.") service_days_weekend_public_holiday: int = Field(0, description="Number of service days during weekends or public holidays.") standby_extended_hitch_days_offshore: int = Field(0, description="Number of standby and extended hitch days offshore.") extended_hitch_days_onshore: int = Field(0, description="Number of extended hitch days onshore for rotational personnel.") overtime_Hourly_Rate_ONSHORE:int = Field(0,description="number of over time hours onshore (Over 8 hours) ") overtime_Hourly_Rate_OFFSHORE:int = Field(0,description="number of over time hours offshore (Over 12 hours) ") per_diem_days: int = Field(0, description="Number of Per Diem days for onshore/offshore rotational personnel.") training_days: int = Field(0, description="Number of training days.") travel_days: int = Field(0, description="Number of travel days.") class Noc_Rotational_TimeSheetInformation(BaseModel): """Details of a timesheet entry.""" full_name: str = Field(..., description="Full name of the person.") position_title: str = Field(..., description="Position title of the person.") work_location: str = Field(..., description="Work location of the person.") contractor: str = Field(..., description="Contractor's name.") PO_number: Optional[str] = Field(None,description="Purchase order") noc_id: str = Field(..., description="NOC ID of the person.") month_year: str = Field(..., description="Month and year in MM/YYYY format.") service_days_onshore: int = Field(0, description="Number of service days onshore.") standby_days_onshore: int = Field(0, description="Number of standby days onshore in Doha.") service_days_offshore: int = Field(0, description="Number of service days offshore.") service_days_weekend_public_holiday: int = Field(0, description="Number of service days during weekends or public holidays.") standby_extended_hitch_days_offshore: int = Field(0, description="Number of standby and extended hitch days offshore.") extended_hitch_days_onshore: int = Field(0, description="Number of extended hitch days onshore for rotational personnel.") overtime_Hourly_Rate_ONSHORE:int = Field(0,description="number of over time hours onshore (Over 8 hours) ") overtime_Hourly_Rate_OFFSHORE:int = Field(0,description="number of over time hours offshore (Over 12 hours) ") per_diem_days: int = Field(0, description="Number of Per Diem days for onshore/offshore rotational personnel.") training_days: int = Field(0, description="Number of training days.") travel_days: int = Field(0, description="Number of travel days.") class Noc_Item_Information(BaseModel): """Details of each item in the document.""" item_number : int = Field(...,description="the number of the item") service_description_code: str = Field(..., description="Service description code for the item.") completion_date: str = Field(..., description="Completion date of the service in DD/MM/YYYY format.") quantity: float = Field(..., description="Quantity of the service or item provided.") unit: str = Field(..., description="Unit of measurement, e.g., Days.") unit_price: float = Field(..., description="Unit price.") net_amount: float = Field(..., description="Total net amount for this item, calculated as quantity * unit price.") service_details: str = Field(..., description="Detailed description of the service provided.") class Noc_Document_Information(BaseModel): """Details of the entire document.""" position_title: str = Field(..., description="Position title of the person.") location: Optional[str] = Field(None, description="Location where the service is rendered.") mobilization_date: str = Field(..., description="Mobilization date in DD/MM/YYYY format.") end_date: str = Field(..., description="End date of the contract in DD/MM/YYYY format.") notice_period: Optional[str] = Field(None, description="Notice period for resignation, if applicable") items: List[Noc_Item_Information] = Field(..., description="List of items or services provided in the document.") class Noc_items(BaseModel): items: List[Noc_Item_Information] = Field(None, description="List of items or services provided in the document.") class Noc_total(BaseModel): """totals of the invoice""" total_amount_wo_taxes : float = Field(...,description="total amount without taxes") total_net_amount_of_order: float = Field(..., description="total net amount of order.") total_amount_of_order: float = Field(..., description="total amount of order.") class Noc_PurchaseOrderInformation(BaseModel): """Details of a purchase order entry.""" purchase_order_number: str = Field(..., description="The unique identifier for the purchase order.") date: str = Field(..., description="Date of the purchase order in DD/MM/YYYY format.") company_name: str = Field(..., description="Name of the company issuing the purchase order.") address: str = Field(..., description="Address of the company issuing the purchase order.") tel: Optional[str] = Field(None, description="Telephone number of the company.") email: Optional[str] = Field(None, description="Email address of the company.") final_shipping_address: Optional[str] = Field(None, description="Final shipping address for the order.") buyer_contact_name: str = Field(..., description="Full name of the buyer contact.") buyer_contact_company: str = Field(..., description="Company name of the buyer contact.") buyer_contact_tel: Optional[str] = Field(None, description="Telephone number of the buyer contact.") buyer_contact_email: Optional[str] = Field(None, description="Email address of the buyer contact.") our_reference: Optional[str] = Field(None, description="under Our reference title.") your_reference: Optional[str] = Field(None, description="under Your reference title.") incoterms: Optional[str] = Field(None, description="Incoterms applicable to the order.") total_value_of_order: str = Field(..., description="Total value of the purchase order.") signed: bool = Field(..., description="Whether the document has been signed or not.") signature_released_by: str = Field(None, description="Name of the person who released the purchase order.") signature_date: Optional[str] = Field(None, description="Date the order was signed.") class Noc_Clauses(BaseModel): Clauses: str = Field(..., description="the contract clauses.") Noc_Res_timesheet_prompt = """ Based on the provided timesheet details, extract the following information: - Full name of the person - Position title of the person - Work location - Contractor's name - NOC ID - Month and year (in MM/YYYY format) And from the bottom table : - Number of service days onshore - Number of standby days onshore in Doha - Number of service days offshore - Number of service days during weekends or public holidays - Number of standby and extended hitch days offshore - Number of extended hitch days onshore for rotational personnel - Number of over time hours onshore (Over 8 hours) - Number of over time hours offshore (Over 12 hours) - Number of Per Diem days for onshore/offshore rotational personnel - Number of training days - Number of travel days """ Noc_Rot_timesheet_prompt = """ Based on the provided timesheet details, extract the following information: - Full name of the person - Position title of the person - Work location - Contractor's name - PO number which is the Purchase order - NOC ID - Month and year (in MM/YYYY format) And from the bottom table : - Number of service days onshore - Number of standby days onshore in Doha - Number of service days offshore - Number of service days during weekends or public holidays - Number of standby and extended hitch days offshore - Number of extended hitch days onshore for rotational personnel - ONSHORE Overtime Hourly Rate (Over 8 hours) - OFFSHORE Overtime Hourly Rate (Over 12 hours) - Number of Per Diem days for onshore/offshore rotational personnel - Number of training days - Number of travel days """ invoice_first_page_prompt=""" Extract the following details from the provided purchase order document: - Purchase Order Number: The unique identifier for the purchase order. - Date: The date the purchase order was issued (format: DD/MM/YYYY). - Company Name: The name of the company issuing the purchase order. - Address: The address of the company issuing the purchase order. - Telephone Number: The company's telephone number (if provided). - Email: The company's email address (if provided). - Final Shipping Address: The destination shipping address (if specified). - Buyer Contact Name: The full name of the buyer's contact person. - Buyer Contact Company: The company name of the buyer contact. - Buyer Contact Telephone Number: The buyer contact's telephone number (if provided). - Buyer Contact Email: The buyer contact's email address (if provided). - Our Reference: Reference specified under the "Our Reference" section (if present). - Your Reference: Reference specified under the "Your Reference" section (if present). - Incoterms: Any applicable incoterms mentioned in the document (e.g., FOB, CIF). - Total Value of the Order: The total monetary value of the purchase order (include currency). - signed: Whether the document has been signed or not. - Signature Released By: The name of the person who authorized or released the purchase order. - Signature Date: The date when the order was signed (format: DD/MM/YYYY). """ invoice_item_page1_prompt = """ Given the document, extract the following information: - Position Title: The role or title mentioned in the document. - Location: The place where the service is being provided. - Mobilization Date: The date work begins in DD-MM-YYYY format. - End Date: The date the work ends in DD-MM-YYYY format. - Notice Period: The required notice period for resignation or termination. - Items: For each item in the document, provide: - Service Description Code: A code identifying the service. - Completion Date: The date the service was completed in DD-MM-YYYY format. - Quantity: The amount of the item/service provided. - Unit: The unit of measurement (e.g., Days, Hours). - Unit Price: The price per unit. - Net Amount: The total value for the item. - Service Details:A description of the service, which follows the corresponding row for the item. """ invoice_item_pages_prompt = """ Given the document, extract the following information: - Items: - Service Description Code: A code identifying the service. - Completion Date: The date the service was completed in DD-MM-YYYY format. - Quantity: The amount of the item/service provided. - Unit: The unit of measurement (e.g., Days, Hours). - Unit Price: The price per unit. - Net Amount: The total value for the item. - Service Details:A description of the service, which follows the corresponding row for the item. """ invoice_total_page_prompt = """ extract from the document: - Total Amount without taxes. - Total net amount of order. - Total amount of order. """ invoice_clauses_page_prompt = """ extract from the document the clauses """ # CHOOSING PARSER DEPENDING ON THE TYPE OF DOCUMENT Noc_Res_timeSheet_parser = JsonOutputParser(pydantic_object=Noc_Residential_TimeSheetInformation) Noc_Rot_timeSheet_parser = JsonOutputParser(pydantic_object=Noc_Rotational_TimeSheetInformation) Noc_PurchaseOrder_information_parser = JsonOutputParser(pydantic_object=Noc_PurchaseOrderInformation) Noc_PurchaseOrder_item1_parser = JsonOutputParser(pydantic_object=Noc_Document_Information) Noc_PurchaseOrder_items_parser = JsonOutputParser(pydantic_object=Noc_items) Noc_PurchaseOrder_total_parser = JsonOutputParser(pydantic_object=Noc_total) Noc_PurchaseOrder_clauses_parser = JsonOutputParser(pydantic_object=Noc_Clauses)