from toolbox import update_ui, update_ui_lastest_msg # 刷新Gradio前端界面 | |
from toolbox import zip_folder, objdump, objload, promote_file_to_downloadzone | |
import os, shutil | |
import re | |
import numpy as np | |
pj = os.path.join | |
""" | |
======================================================================== | |
Part One | |
Latex segmentation with a binary mask (PRESERVE=0, TRANSFORM=1) | |
======================================================================== | |
""" | |
PRESERVE = 0 | |
def set_forbidden_text(text, mask, pattern, flags=0): | |
""" | |
Add a preserve text area in this paper | |
e.g. with pattern = r"\\begin\{algorithm\}(.*?)\\end\{algorithm\}" | |
you can mask out (mask = PRESERVE so that text become untouchable for GPT) | |
everything between "\begin{equation}" and "\end{equation}" | |
""" | |
if isinstance(pattern, list): pattern = '|'.join(pattern) | |
pattern_compile = re.compile(pattern, flags) | |
for res in pattern_compile.finditer(text): | |
mask[res.span()[0]:res.span()[1]] = PRESERVE | |
return text, mask | |
def set_forbidden_text_careful_brace(text, mask, pattern, flags=0): | |
""" | |
Add a preserve text area in this paper (text become untouchable for GPT). | |
count the number of the braces so as to catch compelete text area. | |
e.g. | |
\caption{blablablablabla\texbf{blablabla}blablabla.} | |
""" | |
pattern_compile = re.compile(pattern, flags) | |
for res in pattern_compile.finditer(text): | |
brace_level = -1 | |
p = begin = end = res.regs[0][0] | |
for _ in range(1024*16): | |
if text[p] == '}' and brace_level == 0: break | |
elif text[p] == '}': brace_level -= 1 | |
elif text[p] == '{': brace_level += 1 | |
p += 1 | |
end = p+1 | |
mask[begin:end] = PRESERVE | |
return text, mask | |
def reverse_forbidden_text_careful_brace(text, mask, pattern, flags=0, forbid_wrapper=True): | |
""" | |
Move area out of preserve area (make text editable for GPT) | |
count the number of the braces so as to catch compelete text area. | |
e.g. | |
\caption{blablablablabla\texbf{blablabla}blablabla.} | |
""" | |
pattern_compile = re.compile(pattern, flags) | |
for res in pattern_compile.finditer(text): | |
brace_level = 0 | |
p = begin = end = res.regs[1][0] | |
for _ in range(1024*16): | |
if text[p] == '}' and brace_level == 0: break | |
elif text[p] == '}': brace_level -= 1 | |
elif text[p] == '{': brace_level += 1 | |
p += 1 | |
end = p | |
mask[begin:end] = TRANSFORM | |
if forbid_wrapper: | |
mask[res.regs[0][0]:begin] = PRESERVE | |
mask[end:res.regs[0][1]] = PRESERVE | |
return text, mask | |
def set_forbidden_text_begin_end(text, mask, pattern, flags=0, limit_n_lines=42): | |
""" | |
Find all \begin{} ... \end{} text block that with less than limit_n_lines lines. | |
Add it to preserve area | |
""" | |
pattern_compile = re.compile(pattern, flags) | |
def search_with_line_limit(text, mask): | |
for res in pattern_compile.finditer(text): | |
cmd = # begin{what} | |
this = # content between begin and end | |
this_mask = mask[res.regs[2][0]:res.regs[2][1]] | |
white_list = ['document', 'abstract', 'lemma', 'definition', 'sproof', | |
'em', 'emph', 'textit', 'textbf', 'itemize', 'enumerate'] | |
if (cmd in white_list) or this.count('\n') >= limit_n_lines: # use a magical number 42 | |
this, this_mask = search_with_line_limit(this, this_mask) | |
mask[res.regs[2][0]:res.regs[2][1]] = this_mask | |
else: | |
mask[res.regs[0][0]:res.regs[0][1]] = PRESERVE | |
return text, mask | |
return search_with_line_limit(text, mask) | |
class LinkedListNode(): | |
""" | |
Linked List Node | |
""" | |
def __init__(self, string, preserve=True) -> None: | |
self.string = string | |
self.preserve = preserve | | = None | |
# self.begin_line = 0 | |
# self.begin_char = 0 | |
def convert_to_linklist(text, mask): | |
root = LinkedListNode("", preserve=True) | |
current_node = root | |
for c, m, i in zip(text, mask, range(len(text))): | |
if (m==PRESERVE and current_node.preserve) \ | |
or (m==TRANSFORM and not current_node.preserve): | |
# add | |
current_node.string += c | |
else: | | = LinkedListNode(c, preserve=(m==PRESERVE)) | |
current_node = | |
return root | |
""" | |
======================================================================== | |
Latex Merge File | |
======================================================================== | |
""" | |
def 寻找Latex主文件(file_manifest, mode): | |
""" | |
在多Tex文档中,寻找主文件,必须包含documentclass,返回找到的第一个。 | |
P.S. 但愿没人把latex模板放在里面传进来 (6.25 加入判定latex模板的代码) | |
""" | |
canidates = [] | |
for texf in file_manifest: | |
if os.path.basename(texf).startswith('merge'): | |
continue | |
with open(texf, 'r', encoding='utf8') as f: | |
file_content = | |
if r'\documentclass' in file_content: | |
canidates.append(texf) | |
else: | |
continue | |
if len(canidates) == 0: | |
raise RuntimeError('无法找到一个主Tex文件(包含documentclass关键字)') | |
elif len(canidates) == 1: | |
return canidates[0] | |
else: # if len(canidates) >= 2 通过一些Latex模板中常见(但通常不会出现在正文)的单词,对不同latex源文件扣分,取评分最高者返回 | |
canidates_score = [] | |
# 给出一些判定模板文档的词作为扣分项 | |
unexpected_words = ['\LaTeX', 'manuscript', 'Guidelines', 'font', 'citations', 'rejected', 'blind review', 'reviewers'] | |
expected_words = ['\input', '\ref', '\cite'] | |
for texf in canidates: | |
canidates_score.append(0) | |
with open(texf, 'r', encoding='utf8') as f: | |
file_content = | |
for uw in unexpected_words: | |
if uw in file_content: | |
canidates_score[-1] -= 1 | |
for uw in expected_words: | |
if uw in file_content: | |
canidates_score[-1] += 1 | |
select = np.argmax(canidates_score) # 取评分最高者返回 | |
return canidates[select] | |
def rm_comments(main_file): | |
new_file_remove_comment_lines = [] | |
for l in main_file.splitlines(): | |
# 删除整行的空注释 | |
if l.lstrip().startswith("%"): | |
pass | |
else: | |
new_file_remove_comment_lines.append(l) | |
main_file = '\n'.join(new_file_remove_comment_lines) | |
# main_file = re.sub(r"\\include{(.*?)}", r"\\input{\1}", main_file) # 将 \include 命令转换为 \input 命令 | |
main_file = re.sub(r'(?<!\\)%.*', '', main_file) # 使用正则表达式查找半行注释, 并替换为空字符串 | |
return main_file | |
def merge_tex_files_(project_foler, main_file, mode): | |
""" | |
Merge Tex project recrusively | |
""" | |
main_file = rm_comments(main_file) | |
for s in reversed([q for q in re.finditer(r"\\input\{(.*?)\}", main_file, re.M)]): | |
f = | |
fp = os.path.join(project_foler, f) | |
if os.path.exists(fp): | |
# e.g., \input{srcs/07_appendix.tex} | |
with open(fp, 'r', encoding='utf-8', errors='replace') as fx: | |
c = | |
else: | |
# e.g., \input{srcs/07_appendix} | |
with open(fp+'.tex', 'r', encoding='utf-8', errors='replace') as fx: | |
c = | |
c = merge_tex_files_(project_foler, c, mode) | |
main_file = main_file[:s.span()[0]] + c + main_file[s.span()[1]:] | |
return main_file | |
def merge_tex_files(project_foler, main_file, mode): | |
""" | |
Merge Tex project recrusively | |
P.S. 顺便把CTEX塞进去以支持中文 | |
P.S. 顺便把Latex的注释去除 | |
""" | |
main_file = merge_tex_files_(project_foler, main_file, mode) | |
main_file = rm_comments(main_file) | |
if mode == 'translate_zh': | |
# find paper documentclass | |
pattern = re.compile(r'\\documentclass.*\n') | |
match = | |
assert match is not None, "Cannot find documentclass statement!" | |
position = match.end() | |
add_ctex = '\\usepackage{ctex}\n' | |
add_url = '\\usepackage{url}\n' if '{url}' not in main_file else '' | |
main_file = main_file[:position] + add_ctex + add_url + main_file[position:] | |
# fontset=windows | |
import platform | |
main_file = re.sub(r"\\documentclass\[(.*?)\]{(.*?)}", r"\\documentclass[\1,fontset=windows,UTF8]{\2}",main_file) | |
main_file = re.sub(r"\\documentclass{(.*?)}", r"\\documentclass[fontset=windows,UTF8]{\1}",main_file) | |
# find paper abstract | |
pattern_opt1 = re.compile(r'\\begin\{abstract\}.*\n') | |
pattern_opt2 = re.compile(r"\\abstract\{(.*?)\}", flags=re.DOTALL) | |
match_opt1 = | |
match_opt2 = | |
assert (match_opt1 is not None) or (match_opt2 is not None), "Cannot find paper abstract section!" | |
return main_file | |
""" | |
======================================================================== | |
Post process | |
======================================================================== | |
""" | |
def mod_inbraket(match): | |
""" | |
为啥chatgpt会把cite里面的逗号换成中文逗号呀 | |
""" | |
# get the matched string | |
cmd = | |
str_to_modify = | |
# modify the matched string | |
str_to_modify = str_to_modify.replace(':', ':') # 前面是中文冒号,后面是英文冒号 | |
str_to_modify = str_to_modify.replace(',', ',') # 前面是中文逗号,后面是英文逗号 | |
# str_to_modify = 'BOOM' | |
return "\\" + cmd + "{" + str_to_modify + "}" | |
def fix_content(final_tex, node_string): | |
""" | |
Fix common GPT errors to increase success rate | |
""" | |
final_tex = re.sub(r"(?<!\\)%", "\\%", final_tex) | |
final_tex = re.sub(r"\\([a-z]{2,10})\ \{", r"\\\1{", string=final_tex) | |
final_tex = re.sub(r"\\\ ([a-z]{2,10})\{", r"\\\1{", string=final_tex) | |
final_tex = re.sub(r"\\([a-z]{2,10})\{([^\}]*?)\}", mod_inbraket, string=final_tex) | |
if "Traceback" in final_tex and "[Local Message]" in final_tex: | |
final_tex = node_string # 出问题了,还原原文 | |
if node_string.count('\\begin') != final_tex.count('\\begin'): | |
final_tex = node_string # 出问题了,还原原文 | |
if node_string.count('\_') > 0 and node_string.count('\_') > final_tex.count('\_'): | |
# walk and replace any _ without \ | |
final_tex = re.sub(r"(?<!\\)_", "\\_", final_tex) | |
def compute_brace_level(string): | |
# this function count the number of { and } | |
brace_level = 0 | |
for c in string: | |
if c == "{": brace_level += 1 | |
elif c == "}": brace_level -= 1 | |
return brace_level | |
def join_most(tex_t, tex_o): | |
# this function join translated string and original string when something goes wrong | |
p_t = 0 | |
p_o = 0 | |
def find_next(string, chars, begin): | |
p = begin | |
while p < len(string): | |
if string[p] in chars: return p, string[p] | |
p += 1 | |
return None, None | |
while True: | |
res1, char = find_next(tex_o, ['{','}'], p_o) | |
if res1 is None: break | |
res2, char = find_next(tex_t, [char], p_t) | |
if res2 is None: break | |
p_o = res1 + 1 | |
p_t = res2 + 1 | |
return tex_t[:p_t] + tex_o[p_o:] | |
if compute_brace_level(final_tex) != compute_brace_level(node_string): | |
# 出问题了,还原部分原文,保证括号正确 | |
final_tex = join_most(final_tex, node_string) | |
return final_tex | |
def split_subprocess(txt, project_folder, return_dict, opts): | |
""" | |
break down latex file to a linked list, | |
each node use a preserve flag to indicate whether it should | |
be proccessed by GPT. | |
""" | |
text = txt | |
mask = np.zeros(len(txt), dtype=np.uint8) + TRANSFORM | |
# 吸收title与作者以上的部分 | |
text, mask = set_forbidden_text(text, mask, r"(.*?)\\maketitle", re.DOTALL) | |
# 吸收iffalse注释 | |
text, mask = set_forbidden_text(text, mask, r"\\iffalse(.*?)\\fi", re.DOTALL) | |
# 吸收在42行以内的begin-end组合 | |
text, mask = set_forbidden_text_begin_end(text, mask, r"\\begin\{([a-z\*]*)\}(.*?)\\end\{\1\}", re.DOTALL, limit_n_lines=42) | |
# 吸收匿名公式 | |
text, mask = set_forbidden_text(text, mask, [ r"\$\$(.*?)\$\$", r"\\\[.*?\\\]" ], re.DOTALL) | |
# 吸收其他杂项 | |
text, mask = set_forbidden_text(text, mask, [ r"\\section\{(.*?)\}", r"\\section\*\{(.*?)\}", r"\\subsection\{(.*?)\}", r"\\subsubsection\{(.*?)\}" ]) | |
text, mask = set_forbidden_text(text, mask, [ r"\\bibliography\{(.*?)\}", r"\\bibliographystyle\{(.*?)\}" ]) | |
text, mask = set_forbidden_text(text, mask, r"\\begin\{thebibliography\}.*?\\end\{thebibliography\}", re.DOTALL) | |
text, mask = set_forbidden_text(text, mask, r"\\begin\{lstlisting\}(.*?)\\end\{lstlisting\}", re.DOTALL) | |
text, mask = set_forbidden_text(text, mask, r"\\begin\{wraptable\}(.*?)\\end\{wraptable\}", re.DOTALL) | |
text, mask = set_forbidden_text(text, mask, r"\\begin\{algorithm\}(.*?)\\end\{algorithm\}", re.DOTALL) | |
text, mask = set_forbidden_text(text, mask, [r"\\begin\{wrapfigure\}(.*?)\\end\{wrapfigure\}", r"\\begin\{wrapfigure\*\}(.*?)\\end\{wrapfigure\*\}"], re.DOTALL) | |
text, mask = set_forbidden_text(text, mask, [r"\\begin\{figure\}(.*?)\\end\{figure\}", r"\\begin\{figure\*\}(.*?)\\end\{figure\*\}"], re.DOTALL) | |
text, mask = set_forbidden_text(text, mask, [r"\\begin\{multline\}(.*?)\\end\{multline\}", r"\\begin\{multline\*\}(.*?)\\end\{multline\*\}"], re.DOTALL) | |
text, mask = set_forbidden_text(text, mask, [r"\\begin\{table\}(.*?)\\end\{table\}", r"\\begin\{table\*\}(.*?)\\end\{table\*\}"], re.DOTALL) | |
text, mask = set_forbidden_text(text, mask, [r"\\begin\{minipage\}(.*?)\\end\{minipage\}", r"\\begin\{minipage\*\}(.*?)\\end\{minipage\*\}"], re.DOTALL) | |
text, mask = set_forbidden_text(text, mask, [r"\\begin\{align\*\}(.*?)\\end\{align\*\}", r"\\begin\{align\}(.*?)\\end\{align\}"], re.DOTALL) | |
text, mask = set_forbidden_text(text, mask, [r"\\begin\{equation\}(.*?)\\end\{equation\}", r"\\begin\{equation\*\}(.*?)\\end\{equation\*\}"], re.DOTALL) | |
text, mask = set_forbidden_text(text, mask, [r"\\includepdf\[(.*?)\]\{(.*?)\}", r"\\clearpage", r"\\newpage", r"\\appendix", r"\\tableofcontents", r"\\include\{(.*?)\}"]) | |
text, mask = set_forbidden_text(text, mask, [r"\\vspace\{(.*?)\}", r"\\hspace\{(.*?)\}", r"\\label\{(.*?)\}", r"\\begin\{(.*?)\}", r"\\end\{(.*?)\}", r"\\item "]) | |
text, mask = set_forbidden_text_careful_brace(text, mask, r"\\hl\{(.*?)\}", re.DOTALL) | |
# reverse 操作必须放在最后 | |
text, mask = reverse_forbidden_text_careful_brace(text, mask, r"\\caption\{(.*?)\}", re.DOTALL, forbid_wrapper=True) | |
text, mask = reverse_forbidden_text_careful_brace(text, mask, r"\\abstract\{(.*?)\}", re.DOTALL, forbid_wrapper=True) | |
root = convert_to_linklist(text, mask) | |
# 修复括号 | |
node = root | |
while True: | |
string = node.string | |
if node.preserve: | |
node = | |
if node is None: break | |
continue | |
def break_check(string): | |
str_stack = [""] # (lv, index) | |
for i, c in enumerate(string): | |
if c == '{': | |
str_stack.append('{') | |
elif c == '}': | |
if len(str_stack) == 1: | |
print('stack fix') | |
return i | |
str_stack.pop(-1) | |
else: | |
str_stack[-1] += c | |
return -1 | |
bp = break_check(string) | |
if bp == -1: | |
pass | |
elif bp == 0: | |
node.string = string[:1] | |
q = LinkedListNode(string[1:], False) | | = | | = q | |
else: | |
node.string = string[:bp] | |
q = LinkedListNode(string[bp:], False) | | = | | = q | |
node = | |
if node is None: break | |
# 屏蔽空行和太短的句子 | |
node = root | |
while True: | |
if len(node.string.strip('\n').strip(''))==0: node.preserve = True | |
if len(node.string.strip('\n').strip(''))<42: node.preserve = True | |
node = | |
if node is None: break | |
node = root | |
while True: | |
if and node.preserve and | |
node.string += | | = | |
node = | |
if node is None: break | |
# 将前后断行符脱离 | |
node = root | |
prev_node = None | |
while True: | |
if not node.preserve: | |
lstriped_ = node.string.lstrip().lstrip('\n') | |
if (prev_node is not None) and (prev_node.preserve) and (len(lstriped_)!=len(node.string)): | |
prev_node.string += node.string[:-len(lstriped_)] | |
node.string = lstriped_ | |
rstriped_ = node.string.rstrip().rstrip('\n') | |
if ( is not None) and ( and (len(rstriped_)!=len(node.string)): | | = node.string[len(rstriped_):] + | |
node.string = rstriped_ | |
# ===== | |
prev_node = node | |
node = | |
if node is None: break | |
# 输出html调试文件,用红色标注处保留区(PRESERVE),用黑色标注转换区(TRANSFORM) | |
with open(pj(project_folder, 'debug_log.html'), 'w', encoding='utf8') as f: | |
segment_parts_for_gpt = [] | |
nodes = [] | |
node = root | |
while True: | |
nodes.append(node) | |
show_html = node.string.replace('\n','<br/>') | |
if not node.preserve: | |
segment_parts_for_gpt.append(node.string) | |
f.write(f'<p style="color:black;">#{show_html}#</p>') | |
else: | |
f.write(f'<p style="color:red;">{show_html}</p>') | |
node = | |
if node is None: break | |
for n in nodes: = None # break | |
return_dict['nodes'] = nodes | |
return_dict['segment_parts_for_gpt'] = segment_parts_for_gpt | |
return return_dict | |
class LatexPaperSplit(): | |
""" | |
break down latex file to a linked list, | |
each node use a preserve flag to indicate whether it should | |
be proccessed by GPT. | |
""" | |
def __init__(self) -> None: | |
self.nodes = None | |
self.msg = "*{\\scriptsize\\textbf{警告:该PDF由GPT-Academic开源项目调用大语言模型+Latex翻译插件一键生成," + \ | |
"版权归原文作者所有。翻译内容可靠性无保障,请仔细鉴别并以原文为准。" + \ | |
"项目Github地址 \\url{}。" | |
# 请您不要删除或修改这行警告,除非您是论文的原作者(如果您是论文原作者,欢迎加REAME中的QQ联系开发者) | |
self.msg_declare = "为了防止大语言模型的意外谬误产生扩散影响,禁止移除或修改此警告。}}\\\\" | |
def merge_result(self, arr, mode, msg): | |
""" | |
Merge the result after the GPT process completed | |
""" | |
result_string = "" | |
p = 0 | |
for node in self.nodes: | |
if node.preserve: | |
result_string += node.string | |
else: | |
result_string += fix_content(arr[p], node.string) | |
p += 1 | |
if mode == 'translate_zh': | |
pattern = re.compile(r'\\begin\{abstract\}.*\n') | |
match = | |
if not match: | |
# match \abstract{xxxx} | |
pattern_compile = re.compile(r"\\abstract\{(.*?)\}", flags=re.DOTALL) | |
match = | |
position = match.regs[1][0] | |
else: | |
# match \begin{abstract}xxxx\end{abstract} | |
position = match.end() | |
result_string = result_string[:position] + self.msg + msg + self.msg_declare + result_string[position:] | |
return result_string | |
def split(self, txt, project_folder, opts): | |
""" | |
break down latex file to a linked list, | |
each node use a preserve flag to indicate whether it should | |
be proccessed by GPT. | |
P.S. use multiprocessing to avoid timeout error | |
""" | |
import multiprocessing | |
manager = multiprocessing.Manager() | |
return_dict = manager.dict() | |
p = multiprocessing.Process( | |
target=split_subprocess, | |
args=(txt, project_folder, return_dict, opts)) | |
p.start() | |
p.join() | |
p.close() | |
self.nodes = return_dict['nodes'] | |
self.sp = return_dict['segment_parts_for_gpt'] | |
return self.sp | |
class LatexPaperFileGroup(): | |
""" | |
use tokenizer to break down text according to max_token_limit | |
""" | |
def __init__(self): | |
self.file_paths = [] | |
self.file_contents = [] | |
self.sp_file_contents = [] | |
self.sp_file_index = [] | |
self.sp_file_tag = [] | |
# count_token | |
from request_llm.bridge_all import model_info | |
enc = model_info["gpt-3.5-turbo"]['tokenizer'] | |
def get_token_num(txt): return len(enc.encode(txt, disallowed_special=())) | |
self.get_token_num = get_token_num | |
def run_file_split(self, max_token_limit=1900): | |
""" | |
use tokenizer to break down text according to max_token_limit | |
""" | |
for index, file_content in enumerate(self.file_contents): | |
if self.get_token_num(file_content) < max_token_limit: | |
self.sp_file_contents.append(file_content) | |
self.sp_file_index.append(index) | |
self.sp_file_tag.append(self.file_paths[index]) | |
else: | |
from .crazy_utils import breakdown_txt_to_satisfy_token_limit_for_pdf | |
segments = breakdown_txt_to_satisfy_token_limit_for_pdf(file_content, self.get_token_num, max_token_limit) | |
for j, segment in enumerate(segments): | |
self.sp_file_contents.append(segment) | |
self.sp_file_index.append(index) | |
self.sp_file_tag.append(self.file_paths[index] + f".part-{j}.tex") | |
print('Segmentation: done') | |
def merge_result(self): | |
self.file_result = ["" for _ in range(len(self.file_paths))] | |
for r, k in zip(self.sp_file_result, self.sp_file_index): | |
self.file_result[k] += r | |
def write_result(self): | |
manifest = [] | |
for path, res in zip(self.file_paths, self.file_result): | |
with open(path + '.polish.tex', 'w', encoding='utf8') as f: | |
manifest.append(path + '.polish.tex') | |
f.write(res) | |
return manifest | |
def write_html(sp_file_contents, sp_file_result, chatbot, project_folder): | |
# write html | |
try: | |
import shutil | |
from .crazy_utils import construct_html | |
from toolbox import gen_time_str | |
ch = construct_html() | |
orig = "" | |
trans = "" | |
final = [] | |
for c,r in zip(sp_file_contents, sp_file_result): | |
final.append(c) | |
final.append(r) | |
for i, k in enumerate(final): | |
if i%2==0: | |
orig = k | |
if i%2==1: | |
trans = k | |
ch.add_row(a=orig, b=trans) | |
create_report_file_name = f"{gen_time_str()}.trans.html" | |
ch.save_file(create_report_file_name) | |
shutil.copyfile(pj('./gpt_log/', create_report_file_name), pj(project_folder, create_report_file_name)) | |
promote_file_to_downloadzone(file=f'./gpt_log/{create_report_file_name}', chatbot=chatbot) | |
except: | |
from toolbox import trimmed_format_exc | |
print('writing html result failed:', trimmed_format_exc()) | |
def Latex精细分解与转化(file_manifest, project_folder, llm_kwargs, plugin_kwargs, chatbot, history, system_prompt, mode='proofread', switch_prompt=None, opts=[]): | |
import time, os, re | |
from .crazy_utils import request_gpt_model_multi_threads_with_very_awesome_ui_and_high_efficiency | |
from .latex_utils import LatexPaperFileGroup, merge_tex_files, LatexPaperSplit, 寻找Latex主文件 | |
# <-------- 寻找主tex文件 ----------> | |
maintex = 寻找Latex主文件(file_manifest, mode) | |
chatbot.append((f"定位主Latex文件", f'[Local Message] 分析结果:该项目的Latex主文件是{maintex}, 如果分析错误, 请立即终止程序, 删除或修改歧义文件, 然后重试。主程序即将开始, 请稍候。')) | |
yield from update_ui(chatbot=chatbot, history=history) # 刷新界面 | |
time.sleep(3) | |
# <-------- 读取Latex文件, 将多文件tex工程融合为一个巨型tex ----------> | |
main_tex_basename = os.path.basename(maintex) | |
assert main_tex_basename.endswith('.tex') | |
main_tex_basename_bare = main_tex_basename[:-4] | |
may_exist_bbl = pj(project_folder, f'{main_tex_basename_bare}.bbl') | |
if os.path.exists(may_exist_bbl): | |
shutil.copyfile(may_exist_bbl, pj(project_folder, f'merge.bbl')) | |
shutil.copyfile(may_exist_bbl, pj(project_folder, f'merge_{mode}.bbl')) | |
shutil.copyfile(may_exist_bbl, pj(project_folder, f'merge_diff.bbl')) | |
with open(maintex, 'r', encoding='utf-8', errors='replace') as f: | |
content = | |
merged_content = merge_tex_files(project_folder, content, mode) | |
with open(project_folder + '/merge.tex', 'w', encoding='utf-8', errors='replace') as f: | |
f.write(merged_content) | |
# <-------- 精细切分latex文件 ----------> | |
chatbot.append((f"Latex文件融合完成", f'[Local Message] 正在精细切分latex文件,这需要一段时间计算,文档越长耗时越长,请耐心等待。')) | |
yield from update_ui(chatbot=chatbot, history=history) # 刷新界面 | |
lps = LatexPaperSplit() | |
res = lps.split(merged_content, project_folder, opts) # 消耗时间的函数 | |
# <-------- 拆分过长的latex片段 ----------> | |
pfg = LatexPaperFileGroup() | |
for index, r in enumerate(res): | |
pfg.file_paths.append('segment-' + str(index)) | |
pfg.file_contents.append(r) | |
pfg.run_file_split(max_token_limit=1024) | |
n_split = len(pfg.sp_file_contents) | |
# <-------- 根据需要切换prompt ----------> | |
inputs_array, sys_prompt_array = switch_prompt(pfg, mode) | |
inputs_show_user_array = [f"{mode} {f}" for f in pfg.sp_file_tag] | |
if os.path.exists(pj(project_folder,'temp.pkl')): | |
# <-------- 【仅调试】如果存在调试缓存文件,则跳过GPT请求环节 ----------> | |
pfg = objload(file=pj(project_folder,'temp.pkl')) | |
else: | |
# <-------- gpt 多线程请求 ----------> | |
gpt_response_collection = yield from request_gpt_model_multi_threads_with_very_awesome_ui_and_high_efficiency( | |
inputs_array=inputs_array, | |
inputs_show_user_array=inputs_show_user_array, | |
llm_kwargs=llm_kwargs, | |
chatbot=chatbot, | |
history_array=[[""] for _ in range(n_split)], | |
sys_prompt_array=sys_prompt_array, | |
# max_workers=5, # 并行任务数量限制, 最多同时执行5个, 其他的排队等待 | |
scroller_max_len = 40 | |
) | |
# <-------- 文本碎片重组为完整的tex片段 ----------> | |
pfg.sp_file_result = [] | |
for i_say, gpt_say, orig_content in zip(gpt_response_collection[0::2], gpt_response_collection[1::2], pfg.sp_file_contents): | |
pfg.sp_file_result.append(gpt_say) | |
pfg.merge_result() | |
# <-------- 临时存储用于调试 ----------> | |
pfg.get_token_num = None | |
objdump(pfg, file=pj(project_folder,'temp.pkl')) | |
write_html(pfg.sp_file_contents, pfg.sp_file_result, chatbot=chatbot, project_folder=project_folder) | |
# <-------- 写出文件 ----------> | |
msg = f"当前大语言模型: {llm_kwargs['llm_model']},当前语言模型温度设定: {llm_kwargs['temperature']}。" | |
final_tex = lps.merge_result(pfg.file_result, mode, msg) | |
with open(project_folder + f'/merge_{mode}.tex', 'w', encoding='utf-8', errors='replace') as f: | |
if mode != 'translate_zh' or "binary" in final_tex: f.write(final_tex) | |
# <-------- 整理结果, 退出 ----------> | |
chatbot.append((f"完成了吗?", 'GPT结果已输出, 正在编译PDF')) | |
yield from update_ui(chatbot=chatbot, history=history) # 刷新界面 | |
# <-------- 返回 ----------> | |
return project_folder + f'/merge_{mode}.tex' | |
def remove_buggy_lines(file_path, log_path, tex_name, tex_name_pure, n_fix, work_folder_modified): | |
try: | |
with open(log_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8', errors='replace') as f: | |
log = | |
with open(file_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8', errors='replace') as f: | |
file_lines = f.readlines() | |
import re | |
buggy_lines = re.findall(tex_name+':([0-9]{1,5}):', log) | |
buggy_lines = [int(l) for l in buggy_lines] | |
buggy_lines = sorted(buggy_lines) | |
print("removing lines that has errors", buggy_lines) | |
file_lines.pop(buggy_lines[0]-1) | |
with open(pj(work_folder_modified, f"{tex_name_pure}_fix_{n_fix}.tex"), 'w', encoding='utf-8', errors='replace') as f: | |
f.writelines(file_lines) | |
return True, f"{tex_name_pure}_fix_{n_fix}", buggy_lines | |
except: | |
print("Fatal error occurred, but we cannot identify error, please download zip, read latex log, and compile manually.") | |
return False, -1, [-1] | |
def compile_latex_with_timeout(command, timeout=60): | |
import subprocess | |
process = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) | |
try: | |
stdout, stderr = process.communicate(timeout=timeout) | |
except subprocess.TimeoutExpired: | |
process.kill() | |
stdout, stderr = process.communicate() | |
print("Process timed out!") | |
return False | |
return True | |
def 编译Latex(chatbot, history, main_file_original, main_file_modified, work_folder_original, work_folder_modified, work_folder, mode='default'): | |
import os, time | |
current_dir = os.getcwd() | |
n_fix = 1 | |
max_try = 32 | |
chatbot.append([f"正在编译PDF文档", f'编译已经开始。当前工作路径为{work_folder},如果程序停顿5分钟以上,请直接去该路径下取回翻译结果,或者重启之后再度尝试 ...']); yield from update_ui(chatbot=chatbot, history=history) | |
chatbot.append([f"正在编译PDF文档", '...']); yield from update_ui(chatbot=chatbot, history=history); time.sleep(1); chatbot[-1] = list(chatbot[-1]) # 刷新界面 | |
yield from update_ui_lastest_msg('编译已经开始...', chatbot, history) # 刷新Gradio前端界面 | |
while True: | |
import os | |
# | |
yield from update_ui_lastest_msg(f'尝试第 {n_fix}/{max_try} 次编译, 编译原始PDF ...', chatbot, history) # 刷新Gradio前端界面 | |
os.chdir(work_folder_original); ok = compile_latex_with_timeout(f'pdflatex -interaction=batchmode -file-line-error {main_file_original}.tex'); os.chdir(current_dir) | |
yield from update_ui_lastest_msg(f'尝试第 {n_fix}/{max_try} 次编译, 编译转化后的PDF ...', chatbot, history) # 刷新Gradio前端界面 | |
os.chdir(work_folder_modified); ok = compile_latex_with_timeout(f'pdflatex -interaction=batchmode -file-line-error {main_file_modified}.tex'); os.chdir(current_dir) | |
if ok and os.path.exists(pj(work_folder_modified, f'{main_file_modified}.pdf')): | |
# 只有第二步成功,才能继续下面的步骤 | |
yield from update_ui_lastest_msg(f'尝试第 {n_fix}/{max_try} 次编译, 编译BibTex ...', chatbot, history) # 刷新Gradio前端界面 | |
if not os.path.exists(pj(work_folder_original, f'{main_file_original}.bbl')): | |
os.chdir(work_folder_original); ok = compile_latex_with_timeout(f'bibtex {main_file_original}.aux'); os.chdir(current_dir) | |
if not os.path.exists(pj(work_folder_modified, f'{main_file_modified}.bbl')): | |
os.chdir(work_folder_modified); ok = compile_latex_with_timeout(f'bibtex {main_file_modified}.aux'); os.chdir(current_dir) | |
yield from update_ui_lastest_msg(f'尝试第 {n_fix}/{max_try} 次编译, 编译文献交叉引用 ...', chatbot, history) # 刷新Gradio前端界面 | |
os.chdir(work_folder_original); ok = compile_latex_with_timeout(f'pdflatex -interaction=batchmode -file-line-error {main_file_original}.tex'); os.chdir(current_dir) | |
os.chdir(work_folder_modified); ok = compile_latex_with_timeout(f'pdflatex -interaction=batchmode -file-line-error {main_file_modified}.tex'); os.chdir(current_dir) | |
os.chdir(work_folder_original); ok = compile_latex_with_timeout(f'pdflatex -interaction=batchmode -file-line-error {main_file_original}.tex'); os.chdir(current_dir) | |
os.chdir(work_folder_modified); ok = compile_latex_with_timeout(f'pdflatex -interaction=batchmode -file-line-error {main_file_modified}.tex'); os.chdir(current_dir) | |
if mode!='translate_zh': | |
yield from update_ui_lastest_msg(f'尝试第 {n_fix}/{max_try} 次编译, 使用latexdiff生成论文转化前后对比 ...', chatbot, history) # 刷新Gradio前端界面 | |
print( f'latexdiff --encoding=utf8 --append-safecmd=subfile {work_folder_original}/{main_file_original}.tex {work_folder_modified}/{main_file_modified}.tex --flatten > {work_folder}/merge_diff.tex') | |
ok = compile_latex_with_timeout(f'latexdiff --encoding=utf8 --append-safecmd=subfile {work_folder_original}/{main_file_original}.tex {work_folder_modified}/{main_file_modified}.tex --flatten > {work_folder}/merge_diff.tex') | |
yield from update_ui_lastest_msg(f'尝试第 {n_fix}/{max_try} 次编译, 正在编译对比PDF ...', chatbot, history) # 刷新Gradio前端界面 | |
os.chdir(work_folder); ok = compile_latex_with_timeout(f'pdflatex -interaction=batchmode -file-line-error merge_diff.tex'); os.chdir(current_dir) | |
os.chdir(work_folder); ok = compile_latex_with_timeout(f'bibtex merge_diff.aux'); os.chdir(current_dir) | |
os.chdir(work_folder); ok = compile_latex_with_timeout(f'pdflatex -interaction=batchmode -file-line-error merge_diff.tex'); os.chdir(current_dir) | |
os.chdir(work_folder); ok = compile_latex_with_timeout(f'pdflatex -interaction=batchmode -file-line-error merge_diff.tex'); os.chdir(current_dir) | |
# <---------------------> | |
os.chdir(current_dir) | |
# <---------- 检查结果 -----------> | |
results_ = "" | |
original_pdf_success = os.path.exists(pj(work_folder_original, f'{main_file_original}.pdf')) | |
modified_pdf_success = os.path.exists(pj(work_folder_modified, f'{main_file_modified}.pdf')) | |
diff_pdf_success = os.path.exists(pj(work_folder, f'merge_diff.pdf')) | |
results_ += f"原始PDF编译是否成功: {original_pdf_success};" | |
results_ += f"转化PDF编译是否成功: {modified_pdf_success};" | |
results_ += f"对比PDF编译是否成功: {diff_pdf_success};" | |
yield from update_ui_lastest_msg(f'第{n_fix}编译结束:<br/>{results_}...', chatbot, history) # 刷新Gradio前端界面 | |
if diff_pdf_success: | |
result_pdf = pj(work_folder_modified, f'merge_diff.pdf') # get pdf path | |
promote_file_to_downloadzone(result_pdf, rename_file=None, chatbot=chatbot) # promote file to web UI | |
if modified_pdf_success: | |
yield from update_ui_lastest_msg(f'转化PDF编译已经成功, 即将退出 ...', chatbot, history) # 刷新Gradio前端界面 | |
result_pdf = pj(work_folder_modified, f'{main_file_modified}.pdf') # get pdf path | |
if os.path.exists(pj(work_folder, '..', 'translation')): | |
shutil.copyfile(result_pdf, pj(work_folder, '..', 'translation', 'translate_zh.pdf')) | |
promote_file_to_downloadzone(result_pdf, rename_file=None, chatbot=chatbot) # promote file to web UI | |
return True # 成功啦 | |
else: | |
if n_fix>=max_try: break | |
n_fix += 1 | |
can_retry, main_file_modified, buggy_lines = remove_buggy_lines( | |
file_path=pj(work_folder_modified, f'{main_file_modified}.tex'), | |
log_path=pj(work_folder_modified, f'{main_file_modified}.log'), | |
tex_name=f'{main_file_modified}.tex', | |
tex_name_pure=f'{main_file_modified}', | |
n_fix=n_fix, | |
work_folder_modified=work_folder_modified, | |
) | |
yield from update_ui_lastest_msg(f'由于最为关键的转化PDF编译失败, 将根据报错信息修正tex源文件并重试, 当前报错的latex代码处于第{buggy_lines}行 ...', chatbot, history) # 刷新Gradio前端界面 | |
if not can_retry: break | |
os.chdir(current_dir) | |
return False # 失败啦 | |