Spaces: Sleeping
sample = """ | |
[1]: "质能方程(质能方程式)_百度百科" | |
[2]: "如何理解质能方程 E=mc²? - 知乎" | |
[3]: "质能方程的推导与理解 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏" | |
你好,这是必应。质能方程是描述质量与能量之间的当量关系的方程[^1^][1]。用tex格式,质能方程可以写成$$E=mc^2$$,其中$E$是能量,$m$是质量,$c$是光速[^2^][2] [^3^][3]。 | |
""" | |
import re | |
def preprocess_newbing_out(s): | |
pattern = r'\^(\d+)\^' # 匹配^数字^ | |
pattern2 = r'\[(\d+)\]' # 匹配^数字^ | |
sub = lambda m: '\[''\]' # 将匹配到的数字作为替换值 | |
result = re.sub(pattern, sub, s) # 替换操作 | |
if '[1]' in result: | |
result += '<br/><hr style="border-top: dotted 1px #44ac5c;"><br/><small>' + "<br/>".join([re.sub(pattern2, sub, r) for r in result.split('\n') if r.startswith('[')]) + '</small>' | |
return result | |
def close_up_code_segment_during_stream(gpt_reply): | |
""" | |
在gpt输出代码的中途(输出了前面的```,但还没输出完后面的```),补上后面的``` | |
Args: | |
gpt_reply (str): GPT模型返回的回复字符串。 | |
Returns: | |
str: 返回一个新的字符串,将输出代码片段的“后面的```”补上。 | |
""" | |
if '```' not in gpt_reply: | |
return gpt_reply | |
if gpt_reply.endswith('```'): | |
return gpt_reply | |
# 排除了以上两个情况,我们 | |
segments = gpt_reply.split('```') | |
n_mark = len(segments) - 1 | |
if n_mark % 2 == 1: | |
# print('输出代码片段中!') | |
return gpt_reply+'\n```' | |
else: | |
return gpt_reply | |
import markdown | |
from latex2mathml.converter import convert as tex2mathml | |
from functools import wraps, lru_cache | |
def markdown_convertion(txt): | |
""" | |
将Markdown格式的文本转换为HTML格式。如果包含数学公式,则先将公式转换为HTML格式。 | |
""" | |
pre = '<div class="markdown-body">' | |
suf = '</div>' | |
if txt.startswith(pre) and txt.endswith(suf): | |
# print('警告,输入了已经经过转化的字符串,二次转化可能出问题') | |
return txt # 已经被转化过,不需要再次转化 | |
markdown_extension_configs = { | |
'mdx_math': { | |
'enable_dollar_delimiter': True, | |
'use_gitlab_delimiters': False, | |
}, | |
} | |
find_equation_pattern = r'<script type="math/tex(?:.*?)>(.*?)</script>' | |
def tex2mathml_catch_exception(content, *args, **kwargs): | |
try: | |
content = tex2mathml(content, *args, **kwargs) | |
except: | |
content = content | |
return content | |
def replace_math_no_render(match): | |
content = | |
if 'mode=display' in | |
content = content.replace('\n', '</br>') | |
return f"<font color=\"#00FF00\">$$</font><font color=\"#FF00FF\">{content}</font><font color=\"#00FF00\">$$</font>" | |
else: | |
return f"<font color=\"#00FF00\">$</font><font color=\"#FF00FF\">{content}</font><font color=\"#00FF00\">$</font>" | |
def replace_math_render(match): | |
content = | |
if 'mode=display' in | |
if '\\begin{aligned}' in content: | |
content = content.replace('\\begin{aligned}', '\\begin{array}') | |
content = content.replace('\\end{aligned}', '\\end{array}') | |
content = content.replace('&', ' ') | |
content = tex2mathml_catch_exception(content, display="block") | |
return content | |
else: | |
return tex2mathml_catch_exception(content) | |
def markdown_bug_hunt(content): | |
""" | |
解决一个mdx_math的bug(单$包裹begin命令时多余<script>) | |
""" | |
content = content.replace('<script type="math/tex">\n<script type="math/tex; mode=display">', '<script type="math/tex; mode=display">') | |
content = content.replace('</script>\n</script>', '</script>') | |
return content | |
if ('$' in txt) and ('```' not in txt): # 有$标识的公式符号,且没有代码段```的标识 | |
# convert everything to html format | |
split = markdown.markdown(text='---') | |
convert_stage_1 = markdown.markdown(text=txt, extensions=['mdx_math', 'fenced_code', 'tables', 'sane_lists'], extension_configs=markdown_extension_configs) | |
convert_stage_1 = markdown_bug_hunt(convert_stage_1) | |
# re.DOTALL: Make the '.' special character match any character at all, including a newline; without this flag, '.' will match anything except a newline. Corresponds to the inline flag (?s). | |
# 1. convert to easy-to-copy tex (do not render math) | |
convert_stage_2_1, n = re.subn(find_equation_pattern, replace_math_no_render, convert_stage_1, flags=re.DOTALL) | |
# 2. convert to rendered equation | |
convert_stage_2_2, n = re.subn(find_equation_pattern, replace_math_render, convert_stage_1, flags=re.DOTALL) | |
# cat them together | |
return pre + convert_stage_2_1 + f'{split}' + convert_stage_2_2 + suf | |
else: | |
return pre + markdown.markdown(txt, extensions=['fenced_code', 'codehilite', 'tables', 'sane_lists']) + suf | |
sample = preprocess_newbing_out(sample) | |
sample = close_up_code_segment_during_stream(sample) | |
sample = markdown_convertion(sample) | |
with open('tmp.html', 'w', encoding='utf8') as f: | |
f.write(""" | |
<head> | |
<title>My Website</title> | |
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css"> | |
</head> | |
""") | |
f.write(sample) | |