!pip uninstall -y tensorflow !pip install tensorflow==2.14 !pip install --upgrade pip !pip install --upgrade transformers scipy !pip install transformers !pip install pymupdf ## Summarization import gradio as gr import fitz # PyMuPDF from transformers import BartTokenizer, BartForConditionalGeneration, pipeline import scipy.io.wavfile import numpy as np tokenizer = BartTokenizer.from_pretrained('facebook/bart-large-cnn') model = BartForConditionalGeneration.from_pretrained('facebook/bart-large-cnn') def extract_abstract(pdf_path): doc = fitz.open(pdf_path) first_page = doc[0].get_text() start_idx = first_page.lower().find("abstract") end_idx = first_page.lower().find("introduction") if start_idx != -1 and end_idx != -1: return first_page[start_idx:end_idx].strip() else: return "Abstract not found or '1 Introduction' not found in the first page." # Specify the path to your PDF file pdf_path = "/content/article11.pdf" # Update the path # Extract the abstract abstract_text = extract_abstract(pdf_path) # Print the extracted abstract print("Extracted Abstract:") print(abstract_text) from IPython.core.display import display, HTML # Function to display summary and reduction percentage aesthetically def display_results(final_summary, original_text): reduction_percentage = 100 * (1 - len(final_summary) / len(original_text)) html_content = f"""



Reduction in Text: {reduction_percentage:.2f}%

""" display(HTML(html_content)) # Summary generation and post-processing inputs = tokenizer([abstract_text], max_length=1024, return_tensors='pt', truncation=True) max_length_for_summary = 40 length_penalty_value = 2.0 summary_ids = model.generate(inputs['input_ids'], num_beams=4, max_length=max_length_for_summary, min_length=10, length_penalty=length_penalty_value, early_stopping=True, no_repeat_ngram_size=2) summary = tokenizer.decode(summary_ids[0], skip_special_tokens=True) summary = ' '.join(summary.split()) # Remove extra spaces # Handle truncated words and adjust periods words = summary.split() cleaned_summary = [] for i, word in enumerate(words): if '-' in word and i < len(words) - 1: word = word.replace('-', '') + words[i + 1] words[i + 1] = "" if '.' in word and i != len(words) - 1: word = word.replace('.', '') cleaned_summary.append(word + ' and') else: cleaned_summary.append(word) # Capitalize first word and adjust following words final_summary = ' '.join(cleaned_summary) final_summary = final_summary[0].upper() + final_summary[1:] final_summary = ' '.join(w[0].lower() + w[1:] if w.lower() != 'and' else w for w in final_summary.split()) # Displaying the results display_results(final_summary, abstract_text) ##Text-to-Speech # Initialize the Bark TTS pipeline synthesiser = pipeline("text-to-speech", "suno/bark") # Initialize the Bark TTS pipeline synthesiser = pipeline("text-to-speech", "suno/bark") # Convert the summarized text to speech speech = synthesiser(final_summary, forward_params={"do_sample": True}) # Normalize the audio data audio_data = speech["audio"].squeeze() normalized_audio_data = np.int16(audio_data / np.max(np.abs(audio_data)) * 32767) # Save the normalized audio data as a WAV file output_file = "/content/bark_output.wav" scipy.io.wavfile.write(output_file, rate=speech["sampling_rate"], data=normalized_audio_data) print(f"Audio file saved as {output_file}") # Display an audio player widget to play the generated speech Audio(output_file) # Gradio Interface iface = gr.Interface( fn=process_text, inputs="text", outputs=["text", "audio"], title="Summarization and Text-to-Speech", description="Enter text to summarize and convert to speech." ) if __name__ == "__main__": iface.launch()