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# class UDlexPT - the PortiLexicon-UD it reads dic files from the current directory
# - it should contain WORDmaster.txt plus the 12 tags .tsv files
# member functions:
# UDlexPT - the constructor
# sget(self, word): # get the entries for a word - returns a list with 3-tuples (empty if absent)
# exists(self, word): # returns True if the word exists
# pget(self, word, tag): # get the entries of a word for a specific tag - return similar to sget
# pexists(self, word, tag): # returns True if this word has at least one entry for tag
# theTags(self, word): # returns an array of all tags of a word - empty if absent of the lexicon
from os import path
class UDlexPT:
def __init__(self): # creates the lexicon
self.tags = ["ADJ", "ADP", "ADV", "AUX", "CCONJ", "DET", "INTJ", \
self.master = {}
self.words = 0
self.entries = 0
nEnt = [0]*len(self.tags)
nNAE = [0]*len(self.tags)
nEnD = [0]*len(self.tags)
infile = open(path.dirname(__file__)+"/WORDmaster.txt")
for line in infile:
buf = line[:-1].split(",")
tg = buf[1].split(" ")
self.words += 1
### compute totals
if (len(tg) == 1):
nNAE[self.tags.index(tg[0])] += 1
for t in tg:
nEnt[self.tags.index(t)] += 1
self.t = []
i = 0
for t in self.tags:
infile = open(path.dirname(__file__)+"/"+t+".tsv")
for line in infile:
buf = line[:-1].split("\t")
entry = self.t[i].get(buf[0],"none")
if (entry == "none"):
self.entries += 1
nEnD[self.tags.index(t)] += 1
i += 1
print("UDlexPT read with", self.words, "distinct words and", self.entries, "entries")
print("{:5} & {:6} & {:6} & {:6} \\\\ \\hline".format("tag","total","amb","non-amb"))
accW, accN, accE = 0, 0, 0
for t in self.tags:
print("{:5} & {:6} & {:6} & {:6} & {:6} \\\\ \\hline".format(t, \
nEnt[self.tags.index(t)], \
nEnt[self.tags.index(t)]-nNAE[self.tags.index(t)], \
nNAE[self.tags.index(t)], \
accW += nEnt[self.tags.index(t)]
accN += nNAE[self.tags.index(t)]
accE += nEnD[self.tags.index(t)]
print("{:5} & {:6} & {:6} & {:6} & {:6} \\\\ \\hline".format("total", self.words, self.words-accN, accN, accE))
def sget(self, word): # get the entries for a word
tags = self.master.get(word,"none")
if (tags == "none"):
return []
ans = []
for t in tags:
a = self.t[self.tags.index(t)].get(word)
#if (a == None):
# input("fix WORDmaster for: "+word)
for n in a:
return ans
def exists(self, word): # returns True if the word exists
tags = self.master.get(word,"none")
if (tags == "none"):
return False
return True
def pget(self, word, tag): # get the entries of a word for a specific tag
a = self.t[self.tags.index(tag)].get(word,"none")
if (a == "none"):
return []
ans = []
for n in a:
return ans
def pexists(self, word, tag): # returns True if this word has at least one entry for tag
a = self.t[self.tags.index(tag)].get(word,"none")
if (a == "none"):
return False
return True
def theTags(self, word): # returns an array of all tags of a word - empty if absent of the dictionary
ts = self.master.get(word,"none")
if (ts == "none"):
return []
return ts