fs = require 'fs' os = require 'os' bytes = require 'bytes' express = require 'express' { fromBuffer } = require 'file-type' limitSize = '500mb' tmpFolder = os.tmpdir() isBase64 = (str) -> try btoa(atob(str)) is str catch false app = express() app.set 'json spaces', 4 # limit upload file app.use express.json limit: limitSize app.use express.urlencoded extended: true, limit: limitSize # logger app.use (req, res, next) -> time = new Date().toLocaleString 'id', timeZone: 'Asia/Jakarta' console.log "[#{time}] #{req.method}: #{req.url}" next() # allow user to access file in tmpFolder app.use '/file', express.static tmpFolder app.all '/', (_, res) -> res.send 'POST /upload' app.all '/upload', (req, res) -> if req.method isnt 'POST' res.json message: 'Method not allowed' { file } = req.body if not file and typeof file isnt 'string' and not isBase64 file res.json message: 'Payload body file must be filled in base64 format' fileBuffer = Buffer.from file, 'base64' ftype = await fromBuffer fileBuffer if not ftype then ftype = mime: 'file', ext: 'bin' randomName = Math.random().toString(36).slice(2) fileName = "#{ftype.mime.split('/')[0]}-NDXZ#{randomName}.#{ftype.ext}" await fs.promises.writeFile "#{tmpFolder}/#{fileName}", fileBuffer res.json name: fileName, size: bytes: fileBuffer.length, readable: bytes fileBuffer.length, unitSeparator: ' ' , type: ftype, url: "https://#{process.env.SPACE_HOST}/file/#{fileName}" app.listen 7860, () -> console.log 'App running on port', 7860