igedi / gedi /features.py
Andrea Maldonado
Gets rid of Hotfixes
history blame
8.25 kB
import json
import multiprocessing
import pandas as pd
import os
from datetime import datetime as dt
from functools import partial
from feeed.feature_extractor import extract_features
from pathlib import Path
from gedi.utils.column_mappings import column_mappings
from gedi.utils.io_helpers import dump_features_json
from gedi.utils.param_keys import INPUT_PATH
from gedi.utils.param_keys.features import FEATURE_PARAMS, FEATURE_SET
def get_sortby_parameter(elem):
number = int(elem.rsplit(".")[0].rsplit("_", 1)[1])
return number
class EventLogFile:
def __init__(self, filename, folder_path):
self.root_path: Path = Path(folder_path)
self.filename: str = filename
def filepath(self) -> str:
return str(os.path.join(self.root_path, self.filename))
class EventLogFeatures(EventLogFile):
def __init__(self, filename=None, folder_path='data/event_log', params=None, logs=None, ft_params=None):
super().__init__(filename, folder_path)
if ft_params == None:
self.params = None
self.feat = None
elif ft_params.get(FEATURE_PARAMS) == None:
self.params = {FEATURE_SET: None}
# TODO: handle parameters in main, not in features. Move to main.py
if ft_params[INPUT_PATH]:
input_path = ft_params[INPUT_PATH]
if os.path.isfile(input_path):
self.root_path = Path(os.path.split(input_path)[0])
self.filename = os.path.split(input_path)[-1]
self.root_path = Path(input_path)
# Check if directory exists, if not, create it
if not os.path.exists(input_path):
self.filename = sorted(os.listdir(input_path))
start = dt.now()
print("=========================== EventLogFeatures Computation===========================")
print(f"INFO: Running with {ft_params}")
if str(self.filename).endswith('csv'): # Returns dataframe from loaded metafeatures file
self.feat = pd.read_csv(self.filepath)
columns_to_rename = {col: column_mappings()[col] for col in self.feat.columns if col in column_mappings()}
self.feat.rename(columns=columns_to_rename, inplace=True)
print(f"SUCCESS: EventLogFeatures loaded features from {self.filepath}")
elif isinstance(self.filename, list): # Computes metafeatures for list of .xes files
if self.filename[0].endswith(".json"):
self.filename = [ filename for filename in self.filename if filename.endswith(".json")]
dfs = []
for filename in self.filename:
print(f"INFO: Reading features from {os.path.join(self.root_path, filename)}")
data = pd.read_json(str(os.path.join(self.root_path,filename)), lines=True)
combined_features= pd.concat(dfs, ignore_index = True)
self.feat = combined_features
self.filename = os.path.split(self.root_path)[-1] + '_feat.csv'
combined_features.to_csv(self.filepath, index=False)
print(f"SUCCESS: EventLogFeatures took {dt.now()-start} sec. Saved {len(self.feat.columns)} features for {len(self.feat)} in {self.filepath}")
print("=========================== ~ EventLogFeatures Computation=========================")
self.filename = [ filename for filename in self.filename if filename.endswith(".xes")]
# TODO: only include xes logs in self.filename, otherwise it will result in less rows. Implement skip exception with warning
#self.extract_features_wrapper(self.filename[0], feature_set=self.params[FEATURE_SET]) #TESTING ONLY
num_cores = multiprocessing.cpu_count() if len(
self.filename) >= multiprocessing.cpu_count() else len(self.filename)
with multiprocessing.Pool(num_cores) as p:
f"INFO: EventLogFeatures starting at {start.strftime('%H:%M:%S')} using {num_cores} cores for {len(self.filename)} files, namely {self.filename}...")
result = p.map(partial(self.extract_features_wrapper, feature_set = self.params[FEATURE_SET])
, self.filename)
result = [i for i in result if i is not None]
combined_features = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(result)
except Exception as e:
except IndexError as error:
print("IndexError:", error)
for file in self.filename:
print(f"INFO: Computing features for {file}...")
features = self.extract_features_wrapper(str(os.path.join(self.root_path, file)),
feature_set = self.params[FEATURE_SET])
features['log'] = file.rsplit(".", 1)[0]
temp = pd.DataFrame.from_dict([features])
combined_features = pd.concat([combined_features, temp], ignore_index=True)
except KeyError as error:
print("Ignoring KeyError", error)
# Aggregates metafeatures in saved Jsons into dataframe
path_to_json = f"output/features/{str(self.root_path).split('/',1)[1]}"
df = pd.DataFrame()
# Iterate over the files in the directory
for filename in os.listdir(path_to_json):
if filename.endswith('.json'):
i_path = os.path.join(path_to_json, filename)
with open(i_path) as f:
data = json.load(f)
temp_df = pd.DataFrame([data])
df = pd.concat([df, temp_df])
combined_features = df
self.filename = os.path.split(self.root_path)[-1] + '_feat.csv'
combined_features.to_csv(self.filepath, index=False)
self.feat = combined_features
except (IOError, FileNotFoundError) as err:
print(f"Cannot load {self.filepath}. Double check for file or change config 'load_results' to false")
# -2 because of 'log' and 'similarity'
print(f"SUCCESS: EventLogFeatures took {dt.now()-start} sec. Saved {len(self.feat.columns)-2} features for {len(self.feat)} in {self.filepath}")
print("=========================== ~ EventLogFeatures Computation=========================")
#TODO: Implement optional trying to read already computed jsons first.
def extract_features_wrapper(self, file, feature_set=None):
file_path = os.path.join(self.root_path, file)
print(f" INFO: Starting FEEED for {file_path} and {feature_set}")
features = extract_features(file_path, feature_set)
except Exception as e:
print("ERROR: for ",file.rsplit(".", 1)[0], feature_set, "skipping and continuing with next log.")
return None
identifier = file.rsplit(".", 1)[0]
print(f" DONE: {file_path}. FEEED computed {feature_set}")
dump_features_json(features, os.path.join(self.root_path,identifier))
return features