from itertools import product as cproduct from itertools import combinations from pathlib import Path from pylab import * import base64 import json import math import os import pandas as pd import streamlit as st import subprocess import time import shutil import zipfile import io import sys from feeed.feature_extractor import extract_features st.set_page_config(layout='wide') INPUT_XES="output/inputlog_temp.xes" LOGO_PATH="gedi/utils/logo.png" def get_base64_image(image_path): with open(image_path, "rb") as image_file: return base64.b64encode( def play_header(): # Convert local image to base64 logo_base64 = get_base64_image(LOGO_PATH) # HTML and CSS for placing the logo at the top left corner head1, head2 = st.columns([1,8]) head1.markdown( f""" """, unsafe_allow_html=True ) with head2: """ # interactive GEDI """ """ ## **G**enerating **E**vent **D**ata with **I**ntentional Features for Benchmarking Process Mining """ return def double_switch(label_left, label_right, third_label=None, fourth_label=None, value=False): if third_label==None and fourth_label==None: # Create two columns for the labels and toggle switch col0, col1, col2, col3, col4 = st.columns([2,1,1,1,2]) else: # Create two columns for the labels and toggle switch col0, col1, col2, col3, col4, col5, col6, col7, col8 = st.columns([1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1]) # Add labels to the columns with col1: st.write(label_left) with col2: # Create the toggle switch toggle_option = st.toggle(" ",value=value, key="toggle_switch_"+label_left, ) with col3: st.write(label_right) if third_label is None and fourth_label is None:return toggle_option else: with col5: st.write(third_label) with col6: # Create the toggle switch toggle_option_2 = st.toggle(" ",value=False, key="toggle_switch_"+third_label, ) with col7: st.write(fourth_label) return toggle_option, toggle_option_2 def multi_button(labels): cols = st.columns(len(labels)) activations = [] for col, label in zip(cols, labels): activations.append(col.button(label)) return activations def input_multicolumn(labels, default_values, n_cols=5): result = {} cols = st.columns(n_cols) factor = math.ceil(len(labels)/n_cols) extended = cols.copy() for _ in range(factor): extended.extend(cols) for label, default_value, col in zip(labels, default_values, extended): with col: result[label] = col.text_input(label, default_value, key=f"input_"+label+'_'+str(default_value)) return result.values() def split_list(input_list, n): # Calculate the size of each chunk k, m = divmod(len(input_list), n) # Use list comprehension to create n sublists return [input_list[i * k + min(i, m):(i + 1) * k + min(i + 1, m)] for i in range(n)] def get_ranges_from_stats(stats, tuple_values): col_for_row = ", ".join([f"x[\'{i}\'].astype(float)" for i in tuple_values]) stats['range'] = stats.apply(lambda x: tuple([eval(col_for_row)]), axis=1) #tasks = eval(f"list(itertools.product({(parameters*n_para_obj)[:-2]}))") result = [f"np.around({x}, 2)" for x in stats['range']] result = ", ".join(result) return result def create_objectives_grid(df, objectives, n_para_obj=2, method="combinatorial"): if "combinatorial" in method: sel_features = df.index.to_list() parameters_o = "objectives, " parameters = get_ranges_from_stats(df, sorted(objectives)) objectives = sorted(sel_features) tasks = f"list(cproduct({parameters}))[0]" elif method=="range-from-csv": tasks = "" for objective in objectives: min_col, max_col, step_col = st.columns(3) with min_col: selcted_min = st.slider(objective+': min', min_value=float(df[objective].min()), max_value=float(df[objective].max()), value=df[objective].quantile(0.1), step=0.1, key=objective+"min") with max_col: selcted_max = st.slider('max', min_value=selcted_min, max_value=float(df[objective].max()), value=df[objective].quantile(0.9), step=0.1, key=objective+"max") with step_col: step_value = st.slider('step', min_value=float(df[objective].min()), max_value=float(df[objective].quantile(0.9)), value=df[objective].median()/(df[objective].min()+0.0001), step=0.01, key=objective+"step") tasks += f"np.around(np.arange({selcted_min}, {selcted_max}+{step_value}, {step_value}),2), " else :#method=="range-manual": experitments = [] tasks="" if objectives != None: cross_labels = [feature[0]+': '+feature[1] for feature in list(cproduct(objectives,['min', 'max', 'step']))] cross_values = [round(eval(str(combination[0])+combination[1]), 2) for combination in list(cproduct(list(df.values()), ['*1', '*2', '/3']))] ranges = zip(objectives, split_list(list(input_multicolumn(cross_labels, cross_values, n_cols=3)), n_para_obj)) for objective, range_value in ranges: selcted_min, selcted_max, step_value = range_value tasks += f"np.around(np.arange({selcted_min}, {selcted_max}+{step_value}, {step_value}),2), " try: cartesian_product = list(cproduct(*eval(tasks))) experiments = [{key: value[idx] for idx, key in enumerate(objectives)} for value in cartesian_product] return experiments except SyntaxError as e: st.write("Please select valid features above.") sys.exit(1) except TypeError as e: st.write("Please select at least 2 values to define.") sys.exit(1) def set_generator_experiments(generator_params): def handle_csv_file(uploaded_file,grid_option): #TODO: This code is duplicated. Should be moved and removed. def column_mappings(): column_names_short = { 'rvpnot': 'ratio_variants_per_number_of_traces', 'rmcv': 'ratio_most_common_variant', 'tlcv': 'trace_len_coefficient_variation', 'mvo': 'mean_variant_occurrence', 'enve': 'epa_normalized_variant_entropy', 'ense': 'epa_normalized_sequence_entropy', 'eself': 'epa_sequence_entropy_linear_forgetting', 'enself': 'epa_normalized_sequence_entropy_linear_forgetting', 'eseef': 'epa_sequence_entropy_exponential_forgetting', 'enseef': 'epa_normalized_sequence_entropy_exponential_forgetting' } return column_names_short # uploaded_file = st.file_uploader("Pick a csv-file containing feature values for features:", type="csv") if uploaded_file is not None: df = pd.read_csv(uploaded_file) if len(df.columns) <= 1: raise pd.errors.ParserError("Please select a file withat least two columns (e.g. log, feature) and use ',' as a delimiter.") columns_to_rename = {col: column_mappings()[col] for col in df.columns if col in column_mappings()} # Rename the matching columns df.rename(columns=columns_to_rename, inplace=True) sel_features = st.multiselect("Selected features", list(df.columns), list(df.columns)[-1]) if sel_features: df = df[sel_features] return df, sel_features return None, None def handle_combinatorial(sel_features, stats, tuple_values): triangular_option = double_switch("Square", "Triangular") if triangular_option: experiments = [] elements = sel_features # List to store all combinations all_combinations = [combinations(sel_features, r) for r in range(1, len(sel_features) + 1)] all_combinations = [comb for sublist in all_combinations for comb in sublist] # Print or use the result as needed for comb in all_combinations: sel_stats = stats.loc[sorted(list(comb))] experiments += create_objectives_grid(sel_stats, tuple_values, n_para_obj=len(tuple_values), method="combinatorial") else: # Square experiments = create_objectives_grid(stats, tuple_values, n_para_obj=len(tuple_values), method="combinatorial") return experiments def handle_csv_option(grid_option, df, sel_features): if grid_option: combinatorial = double_switch("Range", "Combinatorial") if combinatorial: add_quantile = st.slider('Add %-quantile', min_value=0.0, max_value=100.0, value=50.0, step=5.0) stats = df.describe().transpose().sort_index() stats[f"{int(add_quantile)}%"] = df.quantile(q=add_quantile / 100) st.write(stats) tuple_values = st.multiselect("Tuples including", list(stats.columns)[3:], default=['min', 'max']) return handle_combinatorial(sel_features, stats, tuple_values) else: # Range return create_objectives_grid(df, sel_features, n_para_obj=len(sel_features), method="range-from-csv") else: # Point st.write(df) return df.to_dict(orient='records') def feature_select(): return st.multiselect("Selected features", list(generator_params['experiment'].keys()), list(generator_params['experiment'].keys())[-1]) def handle_manual_option(grid_option): if grid_option: combinatorial = double_switch("Range", "Combinatorial", value=True) if combinatorial: col1, col2 = st.columns([1,4]) with col1: num_values = st.number_input('How many values to define?', min_value=2, step=1) with col2: sel_features = feature_select() filtered_dict = {key: generator_params['experiment'][key] for key in sel_features if key in generator_params['experiment']} values_indexes = ["value "+str(i+1) for i in range(num_values)] values_defaults = ['*(1+2*0.'+str(i)+')' for i in range(num_values)] cross_labels = [feature[0]+': '+feature[1] for feature in list(cproduct(sel_features,values_indexes))] cross_values = [round(eval(str(combination[0])+combination[1]), 2) for combination in list(cproduct(list(filtered_dict.values()), values_defaults))] parameters = split_list(list(input_multicolumn(cross_labels, cross_values, n_cols=num_values)), len(sel_features)) tasks = f"list({parameters})" tasks_df = pd.DataFrame(eval(tasks), index=sel_features, columns=values_indexes) tasks_df = tasks_df.astype(float) return handle_combinatorial(sel_features, tasks_df, values_indexes) else: # Range sel_features = feature_select() return create_objectives_grid(generator_params['experiment'], sel_features, n_para_obj=len(sel_features), method="range-manual") else: # Point sel_features = feature_select() #sel_features = st.multiselect("Selected features", list(generator_params['experiment'].keys())) experiment = {sel_feature: float(st.text_input(sel_feature, generator_params['experiment'][sel_feature])) for sel_feature in sel_features} return [experiment] return[] grid_option, csv_option = double_switch("Point-", "Grid-based", third_label="Manual", fourth_label="From File") if csv_option: uploaded_file = st.file_uploader("Pick a csv-file containing feature values for features (or) an xes-event log:", type=["csv","xes"]) experiments = [] if uploaded_file is not None: if'.xes'): with open(f"{}", 'wb') as f: f.write(uploaded_file.getbuffer()) sel_features = st.multiselect("Selected features", list(generator_params['experiment'].keys())) xes_features = extract_features(f"{}", sel_features) del xes_features['log'] # removing the temporary file uploaded_file.close() if os.path.exists(f"{}"): os.remove(f"{}") xes_features = {key: float(value) for key, value in xes_features.items()} experiments = [xes_features] if'.csv'): df, sel_features = handle_csv_file(uploaded_file,grid_option) if df is not None and sel_features is not None: experiments = handle_csv_option(grid_option, df, sel_features) else: experiments = [] else: # Manual experiments = handle_manual_option(grid_option) generator_params['experiment'] = experiments st.write(f"...result in {len(generator_params['experiment'])} experiment(s)") """ #### Configuration space """ updated_values = input_multicolumn(generator_params['config_space'].keys(), generator_params['config_space'].values()) for key, new_value in zip(generator_params['config_space'].keys(), updated_values): generator_params['config_space'][key] = eval(new_value) generator_params['n_trials'] = int(st.text_input('n_trials', generator_params['n_trials'])) return generator_params def sort_key(val): parts = val.split('_') # Extract and convert the numeric parts part1 = int(parts[0][5:]) # e.g., from 'genEL1', extract '1' return (part1) if __name__ == '__main__': play_header() # Load the configuration layout from a JSON file config_layout = json.load(open("config_files/config_layout.json")) # Define available pipeline steps step_candidates = ["event_logs_generation", "feature_extraction"] # Streamlit multi-select for pipeline steps pipeline_steps = st.multiselect( "Choose pipeline step", step_candidates, ["event_logs_generation"] ) step_configs = [] set_col, view_col = st.columns([3, 2]) # Iterate through selected pipeline steps for pipeline_step in pipeline_steps: step_config = next(d for d in config_layout if d['pipeline_step'] == pipeline_step) with set_col: st.header(pipeline_step) # Iterate through step configuration keys for step_key in step_config.keys(): if step_key == "generator_params": st.subheader("Set-up experiments") step_config[step_key] = set_generator_experiments(step_config[step_key]) elif step_key == "feature_params": layout_features = list(step_config[step_key]['feature_set']) step_config[step_key]["feature_set"] = st.multiselect( "features to extract", layout_features ) elif step_key != "pipeline_step": step_config[step_key] = st.text_input(step_key, step_config[step_key]) with view_col: st.write(step_config) step_configs.append(step_config) # Convert step configurations to JSON config_file = json.dumps(step_configs, indent=4) # Streamlit input for output file path output_path = st.text_input("Output file path", "config_files/experiment_config.json") # Ensure output directory exists os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(output_path), exist_ok=True) # Streamlit multi-button for saving options button_col1, button_col2 = st.columns([1, 1]) with button_col1: create_button = st.download_button(label="Download config file", data=config_file, file_name=os.path.basename(output_path), mime='application/json') if pipeline_steps != ["event_logs_generation"]: st.write("Run command:") st.code(f"python -W ignore -a {output_path}", language='bash') if pipeline_steps == ["event_logs_generation"]: with button_col2: create_run_button = st.button("Run Generation") if create_run_button: # Save configuration to the specified output path with open(output_path, "w") as f: f.write(config_file) command = f"python -W ignore -a {output_path}".split() # Prepare output path for feature extraction directory = Path(step_config['output_path']).parts path = os.path.join(directory[0], 'features', *directory[1:]) # for feature storage path_to_logs = os.path.join(*directory[:]) # for log storage # Clean existing output path if it exists if os.path.exists(path): shutil.rmtree(path) if os.path.exists(path_to_logs): shutil.rmtree(path_to_logs) # Simulate running the command with a loop and update progress with st.spinner("Generating logs.."): # Run the actual command result =, capture_output=True, text=True) st.success("Logs generated!") st.write("## Results") # Collect all file paths from the output directory file_paths = [os.path.join(root, file) for root, _, files in os.walk(path) for file in files] # Download the generated logs as a ZIP file download_file_paths = [os.path.join(root, file) for root, _, files in os.walk(path_to_logs) for file in files] zip_buffer = io.BytesIO() with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_buffer, 'w') as zip_file: for file in download_file_paths: zip_file.write(file, os.path.basename(file)) st.download_button(label="Download generated logs", data=zip_buffer, file_name='', mime='application/zip') # Read and concatenate all JSON files into a DataFrame dataframes = pd.concat([pd.read_json(file, lines=True) for file in file_paths], ignore_index=True) # Reorder columns with 'target_similarity' as the last column columns = [col for col in dataframes.columns if col != 'target_similarity'] + ['target_similarity'] dataframes = dataframes[columns] dataframes = dataframes.sort_values(by='log', key=lambda col: # Set 'log' as the index dataframes['log'] = dataframes['log'].astype(str) xticks_labels=dataframes['log'].apply(lambda x: x.split('_')[0])#+'_'+x.split('_')[1][:4]+'_'+x.split('_')[2][:4]) dataframes.set_index('log', inplace=True) col1, col2 = st.columns([2, 3]) with col1: st.dataframe(dataframes) with col2: plt.figure(figsize=(6, 3)) plt.plot(xticks_labels, dataframes['target_similarity'], 'o-') plt.xlabel('Log') plt.ylabel('Target Similarity') if len(dataframes) > 10: plt.xticks(rotation=30, ha='right') else: plt.xticks(rotation=0, ha='center') plt.tight_layout() st.pyplot(plt, dpi=400)