from langgraph.graph import END, StateGraph, START from langchain_core.prompts import PromptTemplate from src.agents.state import GraphState # from agents.router import route_query import asyncio from src.vectorstore.pinecone_db import get_retriever from import AdvancedWebCrawler from src.llm.graders import ( grade_document_relevance, check_hallucination, grade_answer_quality ) from langchain_core.output_parsers import StrOutputParser from src.llm.query_rewriter import rewrite_query from langchain_ollama import ChatOllama def perform_web_search(question: str): """ Perform web search using the AdvancedWebCrawler. Args: question (str): User's input question Returns: List: Web search results """ # Initialize web crawler crawler = AdvancedWebCrawler( max_search_results=5, word_count_threshold=50, content_filter_type='f', filter_threshold=0.48 ) results = return results def create_adaptive_rag_workflow(retriever, llm, top_k=5, enable_websearch=False): """ Create the adaptive RAG workflow graph. Args: retriever: Vector store retriever Returns: Compiled LangGraph workflow """ def retrieve(state: GraphState): """Retrieve documents from vectorstore.""" print("---RETRIEVE---") question = state['question'] documents = retriever.invoke(question, top_k) print(f"Retrieved {len(documents)} documents.") print(documents) return {"documents": documents, "question": question} def route_to_datasource(state: GraphState): """Route question to web search or vectorstore.""" print("---ROUTE QUESTION---") # question = state['question'] # source = route_query(question) if enable_websearch: print("---ROUTE TO WEB SEARCH---") return "web_search" else: print("---ROUTE TO RAG---") return "vectorstore" def generate_answer(state: GraphState): """Generate answer using retrieved documents.""" print("---GENERATE---") question = state['question'] documents = state['documents'] # Prepare context context = "\n\n".join([doc["page_content"] for doc in documents]) prompt_template = PromptTemplate.from_template("""You are an assistant for question-answering tasks. Use the following pieces of retrieved context to answer the question. If you don't know the answer, just say that you don't know. Use three sentences maximum and keep the answer concise. Question: {question} Context: {context} Answer:""") # Generate answer rag_chain = prompt_template | llm | StrOutputParser() generation = rag_chain.invoke({"context": context, "question": question}) return {"generation": generation, "documents": documents, "question": question} def grade_documents(state: GraphState): """Filter relevant documents.""" print("---GRADE DOCUMENTS---") question = state['question'] documents = state['documents'] # Filter documents filtered_docs = [] for doc in documents: score = grade_document_relevance(question, doc["page_content"], llm) if score == "yes": filtered_docs.append(doc) return {"documents": filtered_docs, "question": question} def web_search(state: GraphState): """Perform web search.""" print("---WEB SEARCH---") question = state['question'] # Perform web search results = perform_web_search(question) web_documents = [ { "page_content": result['content'], "metadata": {"source": result['url']} } for result in results ] return {"documents": web_documents, "question": question} def check_generation_quality(state: GraphState): """Check the quality of generated answer.""" print("---ASSESS GENERATION---") question = state['question'] documents = state['documents'] generation = state['generation'] print("---Generation is not hallucinated.---") # Check answer quality quality_score = grade_answer_quality(question, generation, llm) if quality_score == "yes": print("---Answer quality is good.---") else: print("---Answer quality is poor.---") return "end" if quality_score == "yes" else "rewrite" # Create workflow workflow = StateGraph(GraphState) # Add nodes workflow.add_node("vectorstore", retrieve) workflow.add_node("web_search", web_search) workflow.add_node("grade_documents", grade_documents) workflow.add_node("generate", generate_answer) workflow.add_node("rewrite_query", lambda state: { "question": rewrite_query(state['question'], llm), "documents": [], "generation": None }) # Define edges workflow.add_conditional_edges( START, route_to_datasource, { "web_search": "web_search", "vectorstore": "vectorstore" } ) workflow.add_edge("web_search", "generate") workflow.add_edge("vectorstore", "grade_documents") workflow.add_conditional_edges( "grade_documents", lambda state: "generate" if state['documents'] else "rewrite_query" ) workflow.add_edge("rewrite_query", "vectorstore") workflow.add_conditional_edges( "generate", check_generation_quality, { "end": END, "regenerate": "generate", "rewrite": "rewrite_query" } ) # Compile the workflow app = workflow.compile() return app def run_adaptive_rag(retriever, question: str, llm, top_k=5, enable_websearch=False): """ Run the adaptive RAG workflow for a given question. Args: retriever: Vector store retriever question (str): User's input question Returns: str: Generated answer """ # Create workflow workflow = create_adaptive_rag_workflow(retriever, llm, top_k, enable_websearch=enable_websearch) # Run workflow final_state = None for output in{"question": question}, config={"recursion_limit": 5}): for key, value in output.items(): print(f"Node '{key}':") # Optionally print state details # print(value) final_state = value return final_state.get('generation', 'No answer could be generated.') if __name__ == "__main__": # Example usage from vectorstore.pinecone_db import PINECONE_API_KEY, ingest_data, get_retriever, load_documents, process_chunks, save_to_parquet from pinecone import Pinecone # Load and prepare documents pc = Pinecone(api_key=PINECONE_API_KEY) # Define input files file_paths=[ # './data/2404.19756v1.pdf', # './data/OD429347375590223100.pdf', # './data/Project Report Format.docx', './data/UNIT 2 GENDER BASED VIOLENCE.pptx' ] # Process pipeline try: # Step 1: Load and combine documents print("Loading documents...") markdown_path = load_documents(file_paths) # Step 2: Process into chunks with embeddings print("Processing chunks...") chunks = process_chunks(markdown_path) # Step 3: Save to Parquet print("Saving to Parquet...") parquet_path = save_to_parquet(chunks) # Step 4: Ingest into Pinecone print("Ingesting into Pinecone...") ingest_data(pc, parquet_path=parquet_path, text_column="text", pinecone_client=pc, ) # Step 5: Test retrieval print("\nTesting retrieval...") retriever = get_retriever( pinecone_client=pc, index_name="vector-index", namespace="rag" ) except Exception as e: print(f"Error in pipeline: {str(e)}") llm = ChatOllama(model = "llama3.2", temperature = 0.1, num_predict = 256, top_p=0.5) # Test questions test_questions = [ # "What are the key components of AI agent memory?", # "Explain prompt engineering techniques", # "What are recent advancements in adversarial attacks on LLMs?" "what are the trending papers that are published in NeurIPS 2024?" ] # Run workflow for each test question for question in test_questions: print(f"\n--- Processing Question: {question} ---") answer = run_adaptive_rag(retriever, question, llm) print("\nFinal Answer:", answer)