from typing import List, Tuple, Union import re from dataclasses import dataclass from chonkie.chunker import RecursiveChunker from chonkie.types import RecursiveChunk from chonkie import RecursiveRules @dataclass class TableChunk: """Represents a table chunk from the markdown document.""" text: str start_index: int end_index: int token_count: int class TableRecursiveChunker(RecursiveChunker): """A recursive chunker that preserves markdown tables while chunking text. This chunker extends the base RecursiveChunker to handle markdown tables as special cases, keeping them intact rather than splitting them according to the recursive rules. """ def _extract_tables(self, text: str) -> Tuple[List[TableChunk], List[Tuple[int, int, str]]]: """ Extract markdown tables from text and return table chunks and remaining text segments. Args: text: The input text containing markdown content Returns: Tuple containing: - List of TableChunk objects for tables - List of (start_index, end_index, text) tuples for non-table segments """ # Regular expression for markdown tables (matches header, separator, and content rows) table_pattern = r'(\|[^\n]+\|\n\|[-:\|\s]+\|\n(?:\|[^\n]+\|\n)+)' table_chunks = [] non_table_segments = [] last_end = 0 for match in re.finditer(table_pattern, text): start, end = match.span() # Add non-table text before this table if start > last_end: non_table_segments.append((last_end, start, text[last_end:start])) # Create table chunk table_text = token_count = self._count_tokens(table_text) table_chunks.append(TableChunk( text=table_text, start_index=start, end_index=end, token_count=token_count )) last_end = end # Add remaining text after last table if last_end < len(text): non_table_segments.append((last_end, len(text), text[last_end:])) return table_chunks, non_table_segments def chunk(self, text: str) -> Tuple[List[RecursiveChunk], List[TableChunk]]: """ Chunk the text while preserving tables. This method overrides the base chunk method to handle tables separately from regular text content. Args: text: The input text to chunk Returns: Tuple containing: - List of RecursiveChunk objects for non-table text - List of TableChunk objects for tables """ # First extract tables table_chunks, non_table_segments = self._extract_tables(text) # Chunk each non-table segment using the parent class's recursive chunking text_chunks = [] for start, end, segment in non_table_segments: if segment.strip(): # Only process non-empty segments # Use the parent class's recursive chunking logic chunks = super()._recursive_chunk(segment, level=0, full_text=text) text_chunks.extend(chunks) return text_chunks, table_chunks def chunk_batch(self, texts: List[str]) -> List[Tuple[List[RecursiveChunk], List[TableChunk]]]: """ Chunk multiple texts while preserving tables in each. Args: texts: List of texts to chunk Returns: List of tuples, each containing: - List of RecursiveChunk objects for non-table text - List of TableChunk objects for tables """ return [self.chunk(text) for text in texts] def __call__(self, texts: Union[str, List[str]]) -> Union[ Tuple[List[RecursiveChunk], List[TableChunk]], List[Tuple[List[RecursiveChunk], List[TableChunk]]] ]: """Make the chunker callable for convenience.""" if isinstance(texts, str): return self.chunk(texts) return self.chunk_batch(texts)