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from Bio.PDB import PDBParser
from Bio.PDB.DSSP import DSSP
from Bio.PDB.vectors import calc_dihedral
from hadder import AddHydrogen
import numpy as np
import mdtraj as md
import os
from tqdm import tqdm
import json
import shutil
def get_ss8_dim9(struture, pdb_path):
Calculate the secondary structure of a protein using DSSP and return it as an 8-class one-hot vector.
Returns a 2D numpy array with shape (n_residues, 9).
dssp = DSSP(struture[0], pdb_path)
ss8 = []
for key in dssp.keys():
ss = dssp[key][2] # Secondary structure
ss_onehot = [0] * 9
if ss == 'H':
ss_onehot[0] = 1
elif ss == 'B':
ss_onehot[1] = 1
elif ss == 'E':
ss_onehot[2] = 1
elif ss == 'G':
ss_onehot[3] = 1
elif ss == 'I':
ss_onehot[4] = 1
elif ss == 'T':
ss_onehot[5] = 1
elif ss == 'S':
ss_onehot[6] = 1
elif ss == '-':
ss_onehot[7] = 1
ss_onehot[8] = 1
return np.array(ss8)
def get_atom(residue, atom_name):
""" Helper function to safely get an atom from a residue """
return residue[atom_name] if atom_name in residue else None
def calculate_chi_angles(residue):
Calculate Chi1, Chi2, Chi3, Chi4, and Chi5 angles for a given residue.
If an angle cannot be calculated, use 0 as a placeholder.
chi_angles = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
# Common atoms for all chi angles
n = get_atom(residue, 'N')
ca = get_atom(residue, 'CA')
cb = get_atom(residue, 'CB')
# Chi1: N-CA-CB-CG (or equivalent)
if residue.resname in ['ARG', 'ASN', 'ASP', 'CYS', 'GLN', 'GLU', 'HIS', 'ILE', 'LEU', 'LYS', 'MET', 'PHE', 'PRO', 'SER', 'THR', 'TRP', 'TYR', 'VAL']:
if residue.resname in ['ILE', 'VAL']:
cg = get_atom(residue, 'CG1')
cg = get_atom(residue, 'CG')
if n and ca and cb and cg:
chi1 = calc_dihedral(n.get_vector(), ca.get_vector(), cb.get_vector(), cg.get_vector())
chi_angles[0] = chi1
# Chi2: CA-CB-CG-CD (or equivalent)
if residue.resname in ['ARG', 'GLN', 'GLU', 'HIS', 'LEU', 'LYS', 'MET', 'PHE', 'TRP', 'TYR']:
cd = get_atom(residue, 'CD')
if ca and cb and cg and cd:
chi2 = calc_dihedral(ca.get_vector(), cb.get_vector(), cg.get_vector(), cd.get_vector())
chi_angles[1] = chi2
elif residue.resname in ['GLN', 'GLU']:
cd = get_atom(residue, 'CD')
if ca and cb and cg and cd:
chi2 = calc_dihedral(ca.get_vector(), cb.get_vector(), cg.get_vector(), cd.get_vector())
chi_angles[1] = chi2
# Chi3: CB-CG-CD-CE (or equivalent)
if residue.resname in ['ARG', 'GLN', 'GLU', 'LYS', 'MET']:
ce = get_atom(residue, 'CE')
if cb and cg and cd and ce:
chi3 = calc_dihedral(cb.get_vector(), cg.get_vector(), cd.get_vector(), ce.get_vector())
chi_angles[2] = chi3
# Chi4: CG-CD-CE-NZ (or equivalent)
if residue.resname in ['ARG', 'LYS']:
nz = get_atom(residue, 'NZ')
if cg and cd and ce and nz:
chi4 = calc_dihedral(cg.get_vector(), cd.get_vector(), ce.get_vector(), nz.get_vector())
chi_angles[3] = chi4
# Chi5: CD-CE-NZ (only for ARG)
if residue.resname == 'ARG':
ne = get_atom(residue, 'NE')
if cd and ce and nz and ne:
chi5 = calc_dihedral(cd.get_vector(), ce.get_vector(), nz.get_vector(), ne.get_vector())
chi_angles[4] = chi5
return chi_angles
def get_dihedrals_dim16(structure, pdb_path):
angles_matrix = []
# Calculate Phi and Psi angles
dssp = DSSP(structure[0], pdb_path)
for key in dssp.keys():
res = dssp[key]
phi, psi = res[4], res[5]
np.sin(phi*np.pi/180), np.cos(phi*np.pi/180), np.sin(psi*np.pi/180), np.cos(psi*np.pi/180)
# Calculate Omega angles
angles_matrix[0] += [np.sin(0), np.cos(0)]
residues = list(structure[0]['A'].get_residues())
for i in range(1, len(residues)):
c1 = get_atom(residues[i-1], 'C')
n2 = get_atom(residues[i], 'N')
ca2 = get_atom(residues[i], 'CA')
c2 = get_atom(residues[i], 'C')
omega_angle = calc_dihedral(c1.get_vector(), n2.get_vector(), ca2.get_vector(), c2.get_vector())
angles_matrix[i] += [np.sin(omega_angle), np.cos(omega_angle)]
# Calculate Chi angles
for i, residue in enumerate(structure[0]['A']):
chi_angles = calculate_chi_angles(residue)
sin_cos_angles = []
for angle in chi_angles:
angles_matrix[i] += sin_cos_angles
return np.array(angles_matrix)
def get_atom_features_dim7(structure):
Calculate atomic mass, B-factor, whether it is a residue side-chain atom, electronic charge, the number of hydrogen
atoms bonded to it, whether it is in a ring and the van der Waals radius of the atom.
atomic_masses = {'H': 1.008, 'He': 4.0026, 'Li': 6.94, 'Be': 9.0122, 'B': 10.81, 'C': 12.011, 'N': 14.007, 'O': 15.999, 'F': 18.998, 'Ne': 20.180, 'Na': 22.990, 'Mg': 24.305, 'Al': 26.982,
'Si': 28.085, 'P': 30.974, 'S': 32.06, 'Cl': 35.45, 'Ar': 39.948, 'K': 39.098, 'Ca': 40.078, 'Fe': 55.845, 'Cu': 63.546, 'Zn': 65.38, 'Ag': 107.87, 'Sn': 118.71, 'I': 126.90,
'Au': 196.97, 'Pb': 207.2, 'U': 238.03}
electronic_charges = { 'H': 1, 'He': 2, 'Li': 3, 'Be': 4, 'B': 5, 'C': 6, 'N': 7, 'O': 8, 'F': 9, 'Ne': 10, 'Na': 11, 'Mg': 12, 'Al': 13, 'Si': 14, 'P': 15, 'S': 16, 'Cl': 17, 'Ar': 18, 'K': 19,
'Ca': 20, 'Fe': 26, 'Cu': 29, 'Zn': 30, 'Ag': 47, 'Sn': 50, 'I': 53, 'Au': 79, 'Pb': 82, 'U': 92}
vdw_radii = {'H': 1.20, 'He': 1.40, 'Li': 1.82, 'Be': 1.53, 'B': 1.92, 'C': 1.70, 'N': 1.55, 'O': 1.52, 'F': 1.47, 'Ne': 1.54, 'Na': 2.27, 'Mg': 1.73, 'Al': 1.84, 'Si': 2.10, 'P': 1.80, 'S': 1.80,
'Cl': 1.75, 'Ar': 1.88, 'K': 2.75, 'Ca': 2.31, 'Fe': 1.93, 'Cu': 1.96, 'Zn': 1.87, 'Ag': 1.72, 'Sn': 2.17, 'I': 1.98, 'Au': 1.66, 'Pb': 2.02, 'U': 1.86}
ring_atoms = {'HIS': ['ND1', 'CE1', 'NE2', 'CD2'],
'PHE': ['CG', 'CD1', 'CD2', 'CE1', 'CE2', 'CZ'],
'TYR': ['CG', 'CD1', 'CD2', 'CE1', 'CE2', 'CZ'],
'TRP': ['CG', 'CD1', 'CD2', 'CE3', 'NE1', 'CE2', 'CZ2', 'CH2']}
residue_features = []
for residue in structure[0]['A']:
atom_features = []
for atom in residue:
if atom.element == 'H':
atomic_masses.get(atom.element, 0.0),
int( not in residue.child_dict),
electronic_charges.get(atom.element, 0),
len([neighbor for neighbor in atom.get_parent() if neighbor.element == 'H']),
int(residue.resname in ring_atoms and in ring_atoms[residue.resname]),
vdw_radii.get(atom.element, 0.0)
residue_features.append(np.mean(atom_features, axis=0).tolist())
return np.array(residue_features)
def get_hbond_features_dim2(pdb_file):
Calculate hydrogen bond features using MDtraj.
traj = md.load(pdb_file)
hbonds = md.kabsch_sander(traj)
ax0 = hbonds[0].toarray().mean(axis=0)
ax1 = hbonds[0].toarray().mean(axis=1)
return np.column_stack((ax0, ax1))
def get_centroids(structure):
Calculate the centroid of each residue's side chain.
centroids = []
for model in structure:
for chain in model:
for residue in chain:
side_chain_atoms = [atom for atom in residue.get_atoms() if atom.get_id() not in ['N', 'CA', 'C', 'O']]
atom_coords = np.array([atom.get_coord() for atom in side_chain_atoms])
centroid = np.mean(atom_coords, axis=0)
return np.array(centroids)
def get_pef_features_dim1(structure, reference_index=0, r=1.0):
Calculate pseudo position embedding features.
centroids = get_centroids(structure)
reference_coords = centroids[reference_index]
distances = np.linalg.norm(centroids - reference_coords, axis=1) # 欧几里得距离
pseudo_position_embedding = distances / r
return pseudo_position_embedding.reshape(-1, 1)
def get_residue_features_dim27(structure):
Calculate residue features including hydrophobicity, polarity, charge, pKa, volume, and mass.
category = ['ALA', 'ARG', 'ASN', 'ASP', 'CYS', 'GLN', 'GLU', 'GLY', 'HIS', 'ILE', 'LEU', 'LYS', 'MET', 'PHE', 'PRO', 'SER', 'THR', 'TRP', 'TYR', 'VAL', 'UNK']
hydrophobicity = {'ALA': 1.8, 'ARG': -4.5, 'ASN': -3.5, 'ASP': -3.5, 'CYS': 2.5, 'GLN': -3.5, 'GLU': -3.5, 'GLY': -0.4, 'HIS': -3.2, 'ILE': 4.5,
'LEU': 3.8, 'LYS': -3.9, 'MET': 1.9, 'PHE': 2.8, 'PRO': -1.6, 'SER': -0.8, 'THR': -0.7, 'TRP': -0.9, 'TYR': -1.3, 'VAL': 4.2}
polar = {'ALA': 0, 'ARG': 1, 'ASN': 1, 'ASP': 1, 'CYS': 0, 'GLN': 1, 'GLU': 1, 'GLY': 0, 'HIS': 1, 'ILE': 0,
'LEU': 0, 'LYS': 1, 'MET': 0, 'PHE': 0, 'PRO': 0, 'SER': 1, 'THR': 1, 'TRP': 0, 'TYR': 0, 'VAL': 0}
charge = {'ALA': 0, 'ARG': 1, 'ASN': 0, 'ASP': -1, 'CYS': 0, 'GLN': 0, 'GLU': -1, 'GLY': 0, 'HIS': 0.1, 'ILE': 0,
'LEU': 0, 'LYS': 1, 'MET': 0, 'PHE': 0, 'PRO': 0, 'SER': 0, 'THR': 0, 'TRP': 0, 'TYR': 0, 'VAL': 0}
pKa = {'ALA': 2.34, 'ARG': 9.04, 'ASN': 2.02, 'ASP': 1.88, 'CYS': 1.96, 'GLN': 2.17, 'GLU': 2.19, 'GLY': 2.34, 'HIS': 1.82, 'ILE': 2.36,
'LEU': 2.36, 'LYS': 2.18, 'MET': 2.28, 'PHE': 1.83, 'PRO': 1.99, 'SER': 2.21, 'THR': 2.15, 'TRP': 2.83, 'TYR': 2.20, 'VAL': 2.32}
volume = {'ALA': 88.6, 'ARG': 173.4, 'ASN': 114.1, 'ASP': 111.1, 'CYS': 108.5, 'GLN': 143.8, 'GLU': 138.4, 'GLY': 60.1, 'HIS': 153.2, 'ILE': 166.7,
'LEU': 166.7, 'LYS': 168.6, 'MET': 162.9, 'PHE': 189.9, 'PRO': 112.7, 'SER': 89.0, 'THR': 116.1, 'TRP': 227.8, 'TYR': 193.6, 'VAL': 140.0}
mass = {'ALA': 89.1, 'ARG': 174.2, 'ASN': 132.1, 'ASP': 133.1, 'CYS': 121.2, 'GLN': 146.2, 'GLU': 147.1, 'GLY': 75.1, 'HIS': 155.2, 'ILE': 131.2,
'LEU': 131.2, 'LYS': 146.2, 'MET': 149.2, 'PHE': 165.2, 'PRO': 115.1, 'SER': 105.1, 'THR': 119.1, 'TRP': 204.2, 'TYR': 181.2, 'VAL': 117.1}
categories, hydrophobicities, polarities, charges, pKas, volumes, masses = [], [], [], [], [], [], []
for residue in structure[0]['A']:
resname = residue.resname
cat = np.zeros(len(category))
cat[category.index(resname) if resname in category else -1] = 1
hydrophobicities.append(hydrophobicity.get(resname, 0))
polarities.append(polar.get(resname, 0))
charges.append(charge.get(resname, 0))
pKas.append(pKa.get(resname, 0))
volumes.append(volume.get(resname, 0))
masses.append(mass.get(resname, 0))
return np.column_stack((categories, hydrophobicities, polarities, charges, pKas, volumes, masses)) |