M3Site / esm /utils /structure /normalize_coordinates.py
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from typing import TypeVar
import numpy as np
import torch
from torch import Tensor
from esm.utils import residue_constants as RC
from esm.utils.structure.affine3d import Affine3D
ArrayOrTensor = TypeVar("ArrayOrTensor", np.ndarray, Tensor)
def atom3_to_backbone_frames(bb_positions: torch.Tensor) -> Affine3D:
N, CA, C = bb_positions.unbind(dim=-2)
return Affine3D.from_graham_schmidt(C, CA, N)
def index_by_atom_name(
atom37: ArrayOrTensor, atom_names: str | list[str], dim: int = -2
) -> ArrayOrTensor:
squeeze = False
if isinstance(atom_names, str):
atom_names = [atom_names]
squeeze = True
indices = [RC.atom_order[atom_name] for atom_name in atom_names]
dim = dim % atom37.ndim
index = tuple(slice(None) if dim != i else indices for i in range(atom37.ndim))
result = atom37[index] # type: ignore
if squeeze:
result = result.squeeze(dim)
return result
def get_protein_normalization_frame(coords: Tensor) -> Affine3D:
"""Given a set of coordinates for a protein, compute a single frame that can be used to normalize the coordinates.
Specifically, we compute the average position of the N, CA, and C atoms use those 3 points to construct a frame
using the Gram-Schmidt algorithm. The average CA position is used as the origin of the frame.
coords (torch.FloatTensor): [L, 37, 3] tensor of coordinates
Affine3D: tensor of Affine3D frame
bb_coords = index_by_atom_name(coords, ["N", "CA", "C"], dim=-2)
coord_mask = torch.all(
torch.all(torch.isfinite(bb_coords), dim=-1),
average_position_per_n_ca_c = bb_coords.masked_fill(
~coord_mask[..., None, None], 0
).sum(-3) / (coord_mask.sum(-1)[..., None, None] + 1e-8)
frame = atom3_to_backbone_frames(average_position_per_n_ca_c.float())
return frame
def apply_frame_to_coords(coords: Tensor, frame: Affine3D) -> Tensor:
"""Given a set of coordinates and a single frame, apply the frame to the coordinates.
coords (torch.FloatTensor): [L, 37, 3] tensor of coordinates
frame (Affine3D): Affine3D frame
torch.FloatTensor: [L, 37, 3] tensor of transformed coordinates
coords_trans_rot = frame[..., None, None].invert().apply(coords)
# only transform coordinates with frame that have a valid rotation
valid_frame = frame.trans.norm(dim=-1) > 0
is_inf = torch.isinf(coords)
coords = coords_trans_rot.where(valid_frame[..., None, None, None], coords)
coords.masked_fill_(is_inf, torch.inf)
return coords
def normalize_coordinates(coords: Tensor) -> Tensor:
return apply_frame_to_coords(coords, get_protein_normalization_frame(coords))