from __future__ import annotations import contextlib from functools import partial import attr import einops import torch import torch.nn as nn from attr import dataclass from esm.layers.regression_head import RegressionHead from esm.layers.transformer_stack import TransformerStack from esm.models.function_decoder import FunctionTokenDecoder from esm.models.vqvae import ( StructureTokenDecoder, StructureTokenEncoder, ) from esm.sdk.api import ( ESM3InferenceClient, ESMProtein, ESMProteinTensor, ForwardAndSampleOutput, ForwardConfig, ForwardOutput, ForwardTrackData, GenerationConfig, ProteinType, ReturnLogitsConfig, SamplingConfig, SamplingTrackConfig, ) from esm.tokenization import get_model_tokenizers from esm.utils import encoding from esm.utils.constants import esm3 as C from esm.utils.constants.models import ESM3_OPEN_SMALL from esm.utils.decoding import decode_protein_tensor from esm.utils.generation import ( iterative_sampling_raw, iterative_sampling_tokens, ) from esm.utils.misc import rbf from esm.utils.sampling import ( get_default_sampling_config, sample_function_logits, sample_logits, sample_residue_annotation_logits, ) from esm.utils.structure.affine3d import ( build_affine3d_from_coordinates, ) @dataclass class ESMOutput: sequence_logits: torch.Tensor structure_logits: torch.Tensor secondary_structure_logits: torch.Tensor sasa_logits: torch.Tensor function_logits: torch.Tensor residue_logits: torch.Tensor embeddings: torch.Tensor class EncodeInputs(nn.Module): """ Module for encoding input features in the ESM-3 model. Args: d_model (int): The dimensionality of the model's hidden states. """ def __init__(self, d_model: int): super().__init__() # Sequence self.sequence_embed = nn.Embedding(64, d_model) # Mandatory information self.plddt_projection = nn.Linear(16, d_model) self.structure_per_res_plddt_projection = nn.Linear(16, d_model) # Structure self.structure_tokens_embed = nn.Embedding(4096 + 5, d_model) # "Structural" features self.ss8_embed = nn.Embedding(8 + 3, d_model) self.sasa_embed = nn.Embedding(16 + 3, d_model) # "Functional" features self.function_embed = nn.ModuleList( [nn.Embedding(260, d_model // 8, padding_idx=0) for _ in range(8)] ) self.residue_embed = nn.EmbeddingBag(1478, d_model, mode="sum", padding_idx=0) def forward( self, sequence_tokens: torch.Tensor, structure_tokens: torch.Tensor, average_plddt: torch.Tensor, per_res_plddt: torch.Tensor, ss8_tokens: torch.Tensor, sasa_tokens: torch.Tensor, function_tokens: torch.Tensor, residue_annotation_tokens: torch.Tensor, ) -> torch.Tensor: sequence_embed = self.sequence_embed(sequence_tokens) rbf_16_fn = partial(rbf, v_min=0.0, v_max=1.0, n_bins=16) # the `masked_fill(padding_mask.unsqueeze(2), 0)` for the two below is unnecessary # as pad tokens never even interact with the "real" tokens (due to sequence_id) plddt_embed = self.plddt_projection(rbf_16_fn(average_plddt)) structure_per_res_plddt = self.structure_per_res_plddt_projection( rbf_16_fn(per_res_plddt) ) # Structure + "structural features" embeds structure_embed = self.structure_tokens_embed(structure_tokens) ss8_embed = self.ss8_embed(ss8_tokens) sasa_embed = self.sasa_embed(sasa_tokens) # "Functional" features embeds function_embed = [ embed_fn(funcs) for embed_fn, funcs in zip( self.function_embed, function_tokens.unbind(-1) ) ], -1, ) # Residue embeds B, L, N = residue_annotation_tokens.shape residue_embed = self.residue_embed( einops.rearrange( residue_annotation_tokens, "B L N -> (B L) N", B=B, L=L, N=N ) ) residue_embed = einops.rearrange(residue_embed, "(B L) D -> B L D", B=B, L=L) return ( sequence_embed + plddt_embed + structure_per_res_plddt + structure_embed + ss8_embed + sasa_embed + function_embed + residue_embed ) class OutputHeads(nn.Module): def __init__(self, d_model: int): super().__init__() self.sequence_head = RegressionHead(d_model, 64) self.structure_head = RegressionHead(d_model, 4096) self.ss8_head = RegressionHead(d_model, 8 + 3) self.sasa_head = RegressionHead(d_model, 16 + 3) self.function_head = RegressionHead(d_model, 260 * 8) self.residue_head = RegressionHead(d_model, 1478) def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor, embed: torch.Tensor) -> ESMOutput: sequence_logits = self.sequence_head(x) structure_logits = self.structure_head(x) secondary_structure_logits = self.ss8_head(x) sasa_logits = self.sasa_head(x) function_logits = self.function_head(x) function_logits = einops.rearrange( function_logits, "... (k v) -> ... k v", k=8, ) residue_logits = self.residue_head(x) return ESMOutput( sequence_logits=sequence_logits, structure_logits=structure_logits, secondary_structure_logits=secondary_structure_logits, sasa_logits=sasa_logits, function_logits=function_logits, residue_logits=residue_logits, embeddings=embed, ) class ESM3(nn.Module, ESM3InferenceClient): """ ESM3 model implementation. Args: d_model (int): The dimensionality of the input and output feature vectors. n_heads (int): The number of attention heads in the transformer layers. v_heads (int): The number of attention heads in the variational transformer layers. n_layers (int): The number of transformer layers. """ def __init__( self, d_model: int, n_heads: int, v_heads: int, n_layers: int, structure_encoder_name: str, structure_decoder_name: str, function_decoder_name: str, ): super().__init__() self.encoder = EncodeInputs(d_model) self.transformer = TransformerStack( d_model, n_heads, v_heads, n_layers, mask_and_zero_frameless=True, ) self.output_heads = OutputHeads(d_model) self.structure_encoder_name = structure_encoder_name self.structure_decoder_name = structure_decoder_name self.function_decoder_name = function_decoder_name self.structure_encoder: StructureTokenEncoder | None = None # type: ignore self.structure_decoder: StructureTokenDecoder | None = None # type: ignore self.function_decoder: FunctionTokenDecoder | None = None # type: ignore self.tokenizers = get_model_tokenizers(ESM3_OPEN_SMALL) @classmethod def from_pretrained( cls, model_name: str = ESM3_OPEN_SMALL, device: torch.device | str = "cpu", ) -> ESM3: from esm.pretrained import load_local_model if model_name not in [ESM3_OPEN_SMALL]: raise ValueError(f"Model name {model_name} is not a valid ESM3 model name.") model: ESM3 = load_local_model(model_name, device=device) # type: ignore return model def get_structure_token_encoder(self) -> StructureTokenEncoder: if self.structure_encoder is None: self.structure_encoder = self.load_model(self.structure_encoder_name) # type: ignore return self.structure_encoder # type: ignore def get_structure_token_decoder(self) -> StructureTokenDecoder: if self.structure_decoder is None: self.structure_decoder = self.load_model(self.structure_decoder_name) # type: ignore return self.structure_decoder # type: ignore def get_function_token_decoder(self) -> FunctionTokenDecoder: if self.function_decoder is None: self.function_decoder = self.load_model(self.function_decoder_name) # type: ignore return self.function_decoder # type: ignore def load_model(self, model_name: str): # Lazy import from pretrained from esm.pretrained import load_local_model return load_local_model(model_name, device=next(self.parameters()).device) def forward( self, *, sequence_tokens: torch.Tensor | None = None, structure_tokens: torch.Tensor | None = None, ss8_tokens: torch.Tensor | None = None, sasa_tokens: torch.Tensor | None = None, function_tokens: torch.Tensor | None = None, residue_annotation_tokens: torch.Tensor | None = None, average_plddt: torch.Tensor | None = None, per_res_plddt: torch.Tensor | None = None, structure_coords: torch.Tensor | None = None, chain_id: torch.Tensor | None = None, sequence_id: torch.Tensor | None = None, ) -> ESMOutput: """ Performs forward pass through the ESM3 model. Check utils to see how to tokenize inputs from raw data. Args: sequence_tokens (torch.Tensor, optional): The amino acid tokens. structure_tokens (torch.Tensor, optional): The structure tokens. ss8_tokens (torch.Tensor, optional): The secondary structure tokens. sasa_tokens (torch.Tensor, optional): The solvent accessible surface area tokens. function_tokens (torch.Tensor, optional): The function tokens. residue_annotation_tokens (torch.Tensor, optional): The residue annotation tokens. average_plddt (torch.Tensor, optional): The average plddt across the entire sequence. per_res_plddt (torch.Tensor, optional): The per residue plddt, if you want to specify exact plddts, use this, otherwise, use average_plddt. structure_coords (torch.Tensor, optional): The structure coordinates, in the form of (B, L, 3, 3). chain_id (torch.Tensor, optional): The chain ID sequence_id (torch.Tensor, optional): The sequence ID. Returns: ESMOutput: The output of the ESM3 model. Raises: ValueError: If at least one of the inputs is None. """ # Reasonable defaults: try: L, device = next( (x.shape[1], x.device) for x in [ sequence_tokens, structure_tokens, ss8_tokens, sasa_tokens, structure_coords, function_tokens, residue_annotation_tokens, ] if x is not None ) except StopIteration: raise ValueError("At least one of the inputs must be non-None") t = self.tokenizers defaults = lambda x, tok: ( torch.full((1, L), tok, dtype=torch.long, device=device) if x is None else x ) sequence_tokens = defaults(sequence_tokens, t.sequence.mask_token_id) ss8_tokens = defaults(ss8_tokens, C.SS8_UNK_TOKEN) sasa_tokens = defaults(sasa_tokens, C.SASA_UNK_TOKEN) average_plddt = defaults(average_plddt, 1).float() per_res_plddt = defaults(per_res_plddt, 0).float() chain_id = defaults(chain_id, 0) sequence_id = defaults(sequence_id, 0) if residue_annotation_tokens is None: residue_annotation_tokens = torch.full( (1, L, 16), C.RESIDUE_PAD_TOKEN, dtype=torch.long, device=device ) if function_tokens is None: function_tokens = torch.full( (1, L, 8), C.INTERPRO_PAD_TOKEN, dtype=torch.long, device=device ) if structure_coords is None: structure_coords = torch.full( (1, L, 3, 3), float("nan"), dtype=torch.float, device=device ) structure_coords = structure_coords[ ..., :3, : ] # In case we pass in an atom14 or atom37 repr affine, affine_mask = build_affine3d_from_coordinates(structure_coords) if structure_tokens is None: _, structure_tokens = self.get_structure_token_encoder().encode( structure_coords ) assert structure_tokens is not None structure_tokens = ( structure_tokens.masked_fill( (structure_tokens == -1) | ~affine_mask, C.STRUCTURE_MASK_TOKEN ) .masked_fill(sequence_tokens == C.SEQUENCE_BOS_TOKEN, C.STRUCTURE_BOS_TOKEN) .masked_fill(sequence_tokens == C.SEQUENCE_PAD_TOKEN, C.STRUCTURE_PAD_TOKEN) .masked_fill(sequence_tokens == C.SEQUENCE_EOS_TOKEN, C.STRUCTURE_EOS_TOKEN) .masked_fill( sequence_tokens == C.SEQUENCE_CHAINBREAK_TOKEN, C.STRUCTURE_CHAINBREAK_TOKEN, ) ) x = self.encoder( sequence_tokens, structure_tokens, average_plddt, per_res_plddt, ss8_tokens, sasa_tokens, function_tokens, residue_annotation_tokens, ) x, embedding = self.transformer(x, sequence_id, affine, affine_mask, chain_id) return self.output_heads(x, embedding) # The following methods are for the ESM3InferenceClient interface def generate(self, input: ProteinType, config: GenerationConfig) -> ProteinType: if isinstance(input, ESMProtein): return iterative_sampling_raw(self, input, config) elif isinstance(input, ESMProteinTensor): return iterative_sampling_tokens(self, input, config, self.tokenizers) else: raise ValueError("Input must be an ESMProtein or ESMProteinTensor") def encode(self, input: ESMProtein) -> ESMProteinTensor: input = attr.evolve(input) # Make a copy sequence_tokens = None structure_tokens = None secondary_structure_tokens = None sasa_tokens = None function_tokens = None residue_annotation_tokens = None coordinates = None if input.sequence is not None: sequence_tokens = encoding.tokenize_sequence( input.sequence, self.tokenizers.sequence, add_special_tokens=True ) if input.secondary_structure is not None: secondary_structure_tokens = encoding.tokenize_secondary_structure( input.secondary_structure, self.tokenizers.secondary_structure, add_special_tokens=True, ) if input.sasa is not None: sasa_tokens = encoding.tokenize_sasa( input.sasa, self.tokenizers.sasa, add_special_tokens=True ) # Infer input length sequence_length = -1 if sequence_tokens is not None: sequence_length = len(sequence_tokens) elif secondary_structure_tokens is not None: sequence_length = len(secondary_structure_tokens) elif sasa_tokens is not None: sequence_length = len(sasa_tokens) # Try to infer input length from structure data if input.coordinates is not None: coordinates, _, structure_tokens = encoding.tokenize_structure( input.coordinates, self.get_structure_token_encoder(), structure_tokenizer=self.tokenizers.structure, reference_sequence=input.sequence or "", add_special_tokens=True, ) if sequence_length == -1: sequence_length = len(structure_tokens) if sequence_length == -1: raise ValueError( "Cannot infer input length from input data. Please provide one of: sequence, structure, secondary_structure, sasa.\n" "To condition on sequence length only, use ESM3LocalInferenceClient.get_default_sequence(sequence_length) to generate a default sequence input." ) # Function and Residue annotations if input.function_annotations is not None: if input.sequence is None: reference_sequence = encoding.get_default_sequence(sequence_length - 2) else: reference_sequence = input.sequence ( function_tokens, residue_annotation_tokens, ) = encoding.tokenize_function_annotations( input.function_annotations, reference_sequence=reference_sequence, function_tokenizer=self.tokenizers.function, residue_annotation_tokenizer=self.tokenizers.residue_annotations, add_special_tokens=True, ) return ESMProteinTensor( sequence=sequence_tokens, structure=structure_tokens, secondary_structure=secondary_structure_tokens, sasa=sasa_tokens, function=function_tokens, residue_annotations=residue_annotation_tokens, coordinates=coordinates, ).to(next(self.parameters()).device) def decode( self, input: ESMProteinTensor, ) -> ESMProtein: return decode_protein_tensor( input=input, tokenizers=self.tokenizers, structure_token_decoder=self.get_structure_token_decoder(), function_token_decoder=self.get_function_token_decoder(), ) def _forward( self, input: ESMProteinTensor, config: ForwardConfig = ForwardConfig() ) -> ForwardOutput: # Default plddt conditioning for inference. 1s where coordinates are provided. if input.coordinates is None: per_res_plddt = None else: # 1.0 if all coordinates at specific indices have valid non-nan values. per_res_plddt = input.coordinates.isfinite().all(dim=-1).any(dim=-1).float() with torch.no_grad() if self.eval else contextlib.nullcontext(): output = self.forward( sequence_tokens=input.sequence, structure_tokens=input.structure, ss8_tokens=input.secondary_structure, sasa_tokens=input.sasa, function_tokens=input.function, residue_annotation_tokens=input.residue_annotations, average_plddt=torch.tensor(1.0, device=input.device), per_res_plddt=per_res_plddt, structure_coords=input.coordinates, chain_id=None, sequence_id=None, ) if config.return_logits: logits = ForwardTrackData( sequence=output.sequence_logits, structure=output.structure_logits, secondary_structure=output.secondary_structure_logits, sasa=output.sasa_logits, function=output.function_logits, ) else: logits = None return ForwardOutput( logits=logits, residue_annotation_logits=output.residue_logits, embeddings=output.embeddings if config.return_embeddings else None, ) def forward_and_sample( self, input: ESMProteinTensor, sampling_configuration: SamplingConfig ) -> ForwardAndSampleOutput: protein_tensor = attr.evolve(input) # Make a copy def maybe_clone(x: torch.Tensor | None) -> torch.Tensor | None: return x.clone() if x is not None else None device = next(self.parameters()).device sampling_config = sampling_configuration if sampling_config is None: sampling_config = get_default_sampling_config(self.tokenizers) # Initialize default values for missing tracks default_protein_tensor = ESMProteinTensor.empty( len(input) - 2, tokenizers=self.tokenizers, device=input.device ) for track in attr.fields(ESMProteinTensor): if getattr(protein_tensor,, None) is None: setattr( protein_tensor,, getattr(default_protein_tensor,, None), ) # Preprocessing sequence_length: int = -1 for track in [ "sequence", "structure", "secondary_structure", "sasa", "function", "residue_annotations", ]: input_tensor: torch.Tensor | None = getattr(protein_tensor, track, None) if input_tensor is not None: # Add batch dimension if necessary if track in ["sequence", "structure", "secondary_structure", "sasa"]: if len(input_tensor.size()) == 1: input_tensor = input_tensor.unsqueeze(0) # (L,) -> (1, L) elif track in ["function", "residue_annotations"]: if len(input_tensor.size()) == 2: input_tensor = input_tensor.unsqueeze(0) # (L, O) -> (1, L, O) # Check length consistency if sequence_length == -1: sequence_length = input_tensor.size(1) else: if input_tensor.size(1) != sequence_length: raise ValueError( f"Length mismatch for track {track}. Expected {sequence_length}, got {input_tensor.size(1)}" ) # Move input tensor to model device input_tensor = setattr(protein_tensor, track, input_tensor) if protein_tensor.coordinates is not None: coordinates = protein_tensor.coordinates if len(coordinates.size()) == 3: coordinates = coordinates.unsqueeze(0) protein_tensor.coordinates = sequence_length = coordinates.size(1) if sequence_length == -1: raise ValueError("No input data provided") # Forward pass forward_output = self._forward( protein_tensor, ForwardConfig( ReturnLogitsConfig( sequence=True, structure=True, secondary_structure=True, sasa=True, function=True, residue_annotations=True, ), return_embeddings=True, ), ) # Sampling tokens_dir = {} track_sampling_metadata_dir: dict[str, dict | None] = {} for track in ["sequence", "structure", "secondary_structure", "sasa"]: config = getattr(sampling_config, track) if config is None: tokens_dir[track] = maybe_clone(getattr(input, track)) continue sampling_metadata = self._sample_track( logits=getattr(forward_output.logits, track)[0, ...], tokens=getattr(protein_tensor, track)[0, ...], sampling_track_config=config, mask_idx=getattr(self.tokenizers, track).mask_token_id, ) tokens_dir[track] = sampling_metadata.pop("sampled_tokens") # (L,) track_sampling_metadata_dir[track] = sampling_metadata # Sample function and residue annotations separately config = getattr(sampling_config, "function") if config is None: tokens_dir["function"] = maybe_clone(getattr(input, "function")) tokens_dir["residue_annotations"] = maybe_clone( getattr(input, "residue_annotations") ) else: sampling_metadata = self._sample_function_track( tokens=getattr(protein_tensor, "function")[0, ...], logits=getattr(forward_output.logits, "function")[0, ...], sampling_track_config=config, ) tokens_dir["function"] = sampling_metadata.pop("sampled_tokens") # (L, D) track_sampling_metadata_dir["function"] = sampling_metadata sampled_tokens, _ = sample_residue_annotation_logits( logits=forward_output.residue_annotation_logits[0, ...] # type: ignore ) tokens_dir["residue_annotations"] = sampled_tokens # (L, MAX_R) # Format output forward_and_sample_output_dir = {} forward_and_sample_output_dir["protein_tensor"] = ESMProteinTensor(**tokens_dir) for property in [ "entropy", "prob", "logprob", "top_prob", "topk_logprob", "topk_tokens", ]: is_all_none = True forward_track_data_dir = {} for track in track_sampling_metadata_dir.keys(): values = track_sampling_metadata_dir[track] if values is not None and values.get(property, None) is not None: forward_track_data_dir[track] = values.get(property, None) is_all_none = False if not is_all_none: forward_and_sample_output_dir[property] = ForwardTrackData( **forward_track_data_dir ) else: forward_and_sample_output_dir[property] = None perres_embed = ( forward_output.embeddings[0] # type: ignore if sampling_configuration.return_per_residue_embeddings else None ) mean_embedding = ( forward_output.embeddings[0].mean(1) # type: ignore if sampling_configuration.return_per_residue_embeddings else None ) return ForwardAndSampleOutput( per_residue_embedding=perres_embed, mean_embedding=mean_embedding, **forward_and_sample_output_dir, ) def _sample_track( self, logits: torch.Tensor, tokens: torch.Tensor, sampling_track_config: SamplingTrackConfig, mask_idx: int, ) -> dict[str, torch.Tensor]: # Sample in all positions temperature = sampling_track_config.temperature sampled_tokens = sample_logits( logits, temperature=temperature, top_p=sampling_track_config.top_p ) log_probs = logits.log_softmax(-1) # Do not sample at BOS and EOS tokens sampling_mask = torch.ones_like(tokens, dtype=torch.bool) # (L, ) sampling_mask[0] = False sampling_mask[-1] = False # Do not sample at special token positions but allow sampling at mask token special_minus_mask = list(set(sampling_track_config.invalid_ids) - {mask_idx}) if len(special_minus_mask) > 0: special_tokens = torch.tensor(special_minus_mask, device=tokens.device) assert special_tokens.numel() > 0 sampling_mask = sampling_mask & ( tokens[..., None] != special_tokens[None, :] ).all(-1) # Keep only samples from masked positions (if specified) if sampling_track_config.only_sample_masked_tokens: masked_tokens = tokens == mask_idx sampling_mask = sampling_mask & masked_tokens sampled_tokens = torch.where(sampling_mask, sampled_tokens, tokens) return self._compute_track_metadata( sampled_tokens, log_probs, sampling_mask, top_k=sampling_track_config.topk_logprobs, ) def _sample_function_track( self, tokens: torch.Tensor, logits: torch.Tensor, sampling_track_config: SamplingTrackConfig, ) -> dict[str, torch.Tensor]: # Do not sample at BOS and EOS tokens sampling_mask = torch.ones_like(tokens, dtype=torch.bool) sampling_mask[0] = False sampling_mask[-1] = False sampled_tokens, probs = sample_function_logits( logits, self.tokenizers.function, top_p=sampling_track_config.top_p, temperature=sampling_track_config.temperature, ) if sampling_track_config.only_sample_masked_tokens: raise ValueError( "Sampling only masked tokens is undefined for function tokens." ) sampled_tokens = torch.where(sampling_mask, sampled_tokens, tokens) # (L, D) return self._compute_track_metadata( sampled_tokens, probs, sampling_mask, top_k=sampling_track_config.topk_logprobs, ) @staticmethod def _compute_track_metadata( sampled_tokens: torch.Tensor, log_probs: torch.Tensor, sampling_mask: torch.Tensor, top_k: int, ) -> dict: probs = torch.exp(log_probs) # (B, L) entropy = torch.distributions.Categorical(probs=probs).entropy() # (B, L) # Only compute probabilities for sampled tokens sampled_logprob = torch.zeros_like( sampled_tokens, dtype=torch.float32 ) # (B, L) sampled_tokens_valid = sampled_tokens[sampling_mask] sampled_log_probs_valid = log_probs[sampling_mask, sampled_tokens_valid] sampled_logprob[sampling_mask] = sampled_log_probs_valid # Calculate extra metadata sampled_prob = torch.exp(sampled_logprob) top_prob = torch.max(probs, dim=-1).values topk_logprobs, topk_tokens = torch.topk(log_probs, top_k, dim=-1) topk_logprobs = None if top_k == 0 else topk_logprobs topk_tokens = None if top_k == 0 else topk_tokens return { "entropy": entropy, "sampled_tokens": sampled_tokens, "prob": sampled_prob, "logprob": sampled_logprob, "top_prob": top_prob, "topk_logprob": topk_logprobs, "topk_tokens": topk_tokens, }