import torch from torch import nn from einops import rearrange from typing import List import torch_geometric from torch_geometric.nn import MessagePassing from torch_geometric.typing import Adj, Size, OptTensor, Tensor from .egnn_pytorch import * # global linear attention class Attention_Sparse(Attention): def __init__(self, dim, heads = 8, dim_head = 64): """ Wraps the attention class to operate with pytorch-geometric inputs. """ super(Attention_Sparse, self).__init__(dim, heads = 8, dim_head = 64) def sparse_forward(self, x, context, batch=None, batch_uniques=None, mask=None): assert batch is not None or batch_uniques is not None, "Batch/(uniques) must be passed for block_sparse_attn" if batch_uniques is None: batch_uniques = torch.unique(batch, return_counts=True) # only one example in batch - do dense - faster if batch_uniques[0].shape[0] == 1: x, context = map(lambda t: rearrange(t, 'h d -> () h d'), (x, context)) return self.forward(x, context, mask=None).squeeze() # get rid of batch dim # multiple examples in batch - do block-sparse by dense loop else: x_list = [] aux_count = 0 for bi,n_idxs in zip(*batch_uniques): x_list.append( self.sparse_forward( x[aux_count:aux_count+n_idxs], context[aux_count:aux_count+n_idxs], batch_uniques = (bi.unsqueeze(-1), n_idxs.unsqueeze(-1)) ) ) return, dim=0) class GlobalLinearAttention_Sparse(nn.Module): def __init__( self, *, dim, heads = 8, dim_head = 64 ): super().__init__() self.norm_seq = torch_geometric.nn.norm.LayerNorm(dim) self.norm_queries = torch_geometric.nn.norm.LayerNorm(dim) self.attn1 = Attention_Sparse(dim, heads, dim_head) self.attn2 = Attention_Sparse(dim, heads, dim_head) # can't concat pyg norms with torch sequentials self.ff_norm = torch_geometric.nn.norm.LayerNorm(dim) self.ff = nn.Sequential( nn.Linear(dim, dim * 4), nn.GELU(), nn.Linear(dim * 4, dim) ) def forward(self, x, queries, batch=None, batch_uniques=None, mask = None): res_x, res_queries = x, queries x, queries = self.norm_seq(x, batch=batch), self.norm_queries(queries, batch=batch) induced = self.attn1.sparse_forward(queries, x, batch=batch, batch_uniques=batch_uniques, mask = mask) out = self.attn2.sparse_forward(x, induced, batch=batch, batch_uniques=batch_uniques) x = out + res_x queries = induced + res_queries x_norm = self.ff_norm(x, batch=batch) x = self.ff(x_norm) + x_norm return x, queries # define pytorch-geometric equivalents class EGNN_Sparse(MessagePassing): """ Different from the above since it separates the edge assignment from the computation (this allows for great reduction in time and computations when the graph is locally or sparse connected). * aggr: one of ["add", "mean", "max"] """ def __init__( self, feats_dim, pos_dim=3, edge_attr_dim = 0, m_dim = 16, fourier_features = 0, soft_edge = 0, norm_feats = False, norm_coors = False, norm_coors_scale_init = 1e-2, update_feats = True, update_coors = False, dropout = 0., coor_weights_clamp_value = None, aggr = "add", mlp_num = 2, **kwargs ): assert aggr in {'add', 'sum', 'max', 'mean'}, 'pool method must be a valid option' assert update_feats or update_coors, 'you must update either features, coordinates, or both' kwargs.setdefault('aggr', aggr) super(EGNN_Sparse, self).__init__(**kwargs) # model params self.fourier_features = fourier_features self.feats_dim = feats_dim self.pos_dim = pos_dim self.m_dim = m_dim self.soft_edge = soft_edge self.norm_feats = norm_feats self.norm_coors = norm_coors self.update_coors = update_coors self.update_feats = update_feats self.coor_weights_clamp_value = None self.mlp_num = mlp_num self.edge_input_dim = (fourier_features * 2) + edge_attr_dim + 1 + (feats_dim * 2) self.dropout = nn.Dropout(dropout) if dropout > 0 else nn.Identity() # EDGES if self.mlp_num >2: self.edge_mlp = nn.Sequential( nn.Linear(self.edge_input_dim, self.edge_input_dim * 8), self.dropout, SiLU(), nn.Linear(self.edge_input_dim * 8, self.edge_input_dim * 4), self.dropout, SiLU(), nn.Linear(self.edge_input_dim * 4, self.edge_input_dim * 2), self.dropout, SiLU(), nn.Linear(self.edge_input_dim * 2, m_dim), SiLU(), ) if update_feats else None else: self.edge_mlp = nn.Sequential( nn.Linear(self.edge_input_dim, self.edge_input_dim * 2), self.dropout, SiLU(), nn.Linear(self.edge_input_dim * 2, m_dim), SiLU() ) self.edge_weight = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(m_dim, 1), nn.Sigmoid() ) if soft_edge else None # NODES - can't do identity in node_norm bc pyg expects 2 inputs, but identity expects 1. self.node_norm = torch_geometric.nn.norm.LayerNorm(feats_dim) if norm_feats else None self.coors_norm = CoorsNorm(scale_init = norm_coors_scale_init) if norm_coors else nn.Identity() if self.mlp_num >2: self.node_mlp = nn.Sequential( nn.Linear(feats_dim + m_dim, feats_dim * 8), self.dropout, SiLU(), nn.Linear(feats_dim * 8, feats_dim * 4), self.dropout, SiLU(), nn.Linear(feats_dim * 4, feats_dim * 2), self.dropout, SiLU(), nn.Linear(feats_dim * 2, feats_dim), ) if update_feats else None else: self.node_mlp = nn.Sequential( nn.Linear(feats_dim + m_dim, feats_dim * 2), self.dropout, SiLU(), nn.Linear(feats_dim * 2, feats_dim), ) if update_feats else None # COORS self.coors_mlp = nn.Sequential( nn.Linear(m_dim, m_dim * 4), self.dropout, SiLU(), nn.Linear(self.m_dim * 4, 1) ) if update_coors else None self.apply(self.init_) def init_(self, module): if type(module) in {nn.Linear}: # seems to be needed to keep the network from exploding to NaN with greater depths nn.init.xavier_normal_(module.weight) nn.init.zeros_(module.bias) def forward(self, x: Tensor, edge_index: Adj, edge_attr: OptTensor = None, batch: Adj = None, angle_data: List = None, size: Size = None) -> Tensor: """ Inputs: * x: (n_points, d) where d is pos_dims + feat_dims * edge_index: (2, n_edges) * edge_attr: tensor (n_edges, n_feats) excluding basic distance feats. * batch: (n_points,) long tensor. specifies xloud belonging for each point * angle_data: list of tensors (levels, n_edges_i, n_length_path) long tensor. * size: None """ coors, feats = x[:, :self.pos_dim], x[:, self.pos_dim:] rel_coors = coors[edge_index[0]] - coors[edge_index[1]] rel_dist = (rel_coors ** 2).sum(dim=-1, keepdim=True) if self.fourier_features > 0: rel_dist = fourier_encode_dist(rel_dist, num_encodings = self.fourier_features) rel_dist = rearrange(rel_dist, 'n () d -> n d') if exists(edge_attr): edge_attr_feats =[edge_attr, rel_dist], dim=-1) else: edge_attr_feats = rel_dist hidden_out, coors_out = self.propagate(edge_index, x=feats, edge_attr=edge_attr_feats, coors=coors, rel_coors=rel_coors, batch=batch) return[coors_out, hidden_out], dim=-1) def message(self, x_i, x_j, edge_attr) -> Tensor: m_ij = self.edge_mlp([x_i, x_j, edge_attr], dim=-1) ) return m_ij def propagate(self, edge_index: Adj, size: Size = None, **kwargs): """The initial call to start propagating messages. Args: `edge_index` holds the indices of a general (sparse) assignment matrix of shape :obj:`[N, M]`. size (tuple, optional) if none, the size will be inferred and assumed to be quadratic. **kwargs: Any additional data which is needed to construct and aggregate messages, and to update node embeddings. """ size = self._check_input(edge_index, size) coll_dict = self._collect(self._user_args, edge_index, size, kwargs) msg_kwargs = self.inspector.collect_param_data('message', coll_dict) aggr_kwargs = self.inspector.collect_param_data('aggregate', coll_dict) update_kwargs = self.inspector.collect_param_data('update', coll_dict) # get messages m_ij = self.message(**msg_kwargs) # update coors if specified if self.update_coors: coor_wij = self.coors_mlp(m_ij) # clamp if arg is set if self.coor_weights_clamp_value: coor_weights_clamp_value = self.coor_weights_clamp_value # coor_weights.clamp_(min = -clamp_value, max = clamp_value) # normalize if needed kwargs["rel_coors"] = self.coors_norm(kwargs["rel_coors"]) mhat_i = self.aggregate(coor_wij * kwargs["rel_coors"], **aggr_kwargs) coors_out = kwargs["coors"] + mhat_i else: coors_out = kwargs["coors"] # update feats if specified if self.update_feats: # weight the edges if arg is passed if self.soft_edge: m_ij = m_ij * self.edge_weight(m_ij) m_i = self.aggregate(m_ij, **aggr_kwargs) hidden_feats = self.node_norm(kwargs["x"], kwargs["batch"]) if self.node_norm else kwargs["x"] hidden_out = self.node_mlp([hidden_feats, m_i], dim = -1) ) hidden_out = kwargs["x"] + hidden_out else: hidden_out = kwargs["x"] # return tuple return self.update((hidden_out, coors_out), **update_kwargs) def __repr__(self): dict_print = {} return "E(n)-GNN Layer for Graphs " + str(self.__dict__) class EGNN_Sparse_Network(nn.Module): r"""Sample GNN model architecture that uses the EGNN-Sparse message passing layer to learn over point clouds. Main MPNN layer introduced in Inputs will be standard GNN: x, edge_index, edge_attr, batch, ... Args: * n_layers: int. number of MPNN layers * ... : same interpretation as the base layer. * embedding_nums: list. number of unique keys to embedd. for points 1 entry per embedding needed. * embedding_dims: list. point - number of dimensions of the resulting embedding. 1 entry per embedding needed. * edge_embedding_nums: list. number of unique keys to embedd. for edges. 1 entry per embedding needed. * edge_embedding_dims: list. point - number of dimensions of the resulting embedding. 1 entry per embedding needed. * recalc: int. Recalculate edge feats every `recalc` MPNN layers. 0 for no recalc * verbose: bool. verbosity level. ----- Diff with normal layer: one has to do preprocessing before (radius, global token, ...) """ def __init__(self, n_layers, feats_dim, pos_dim = 3, edge_attr_dim = 0, m_dim = 16, fourier_features = 0, soft_edge = 0, embedding_nums=[], embedding_dims=[], edge_embedding_nums=[], edge_embedding_dims=[], update_coors=True, update_feats=True, norm_feats=True, norm_coors=False, norm_coors_scale_init = 1e-2, dropout=0., coor_weights_clamp_value=None, aggr="add", global_linear_attn_every = 0, global_linear_attn_heads = 8, global_linear_attn_dim_head = 64, num_global_tokens = 4, recalc=0 ,): super().__init__() self.n_layers = n_layers # Embeddings? solve here self.embedding_nums = embedding_nums self.embedding_dims = embedding_dims self.emb_layers = nn.ModuleList() self.edge_embedding_nums = edge_embedding_nums self.edge_embedding_dims = edge_embedding_dims self.edge_emb_layers = nn.ModuleList() # instantiate point and edge embedding layers for i in range( len(self.embedding_dims) ): self.emb_layers.append(nn.Embedding(num_embeddings = embedding_nums[i], embedding_dim = embedding_dims[i])) feats_dim += embedding_dims[i] - 1 for i in range( len(self.edge_embedding_dims) ): self.edge_emb_layers.append(nn.Embedding(num_embeddings = edge_embedding_nums[i], embedding_dim = edge_embedding_dims[i])) edge_attr_dim += edge_embedding_dims[i] - 1 # rest self.mpnn_layers = nn.ModuleList() self.feats_dim = feats_dim self.pos_dim = pos_dim self.edge_attr_dim = edge_attr_dim self.m_dim = m_dim self.fourier_features = fourier_features self.soft_edge = soft_edge self.norm_feats = norm_feats self.norm_coors = norm_coors self.norm_coors_scale_init = norm_coors_scale_init self.update_feats = update_feats self.update_coors = update_coors self.dropout = dropout self.coor_weights_clamp_value = coor_weights_clamp_value self.recalc = recalc self.has_global_attn = global_linear_attn_every > 0 self.global_tokens = None self.global_linear_attn_every = global_linear_attn_every if self.has_global_attn: self.global_tokens = nn.Parameter(torch.randn(num_global_tokens, self.feats_dim)) # instantiate layers for i in range(n_layers): layer = EGNN_Sparse(feats_dim = feats_dim, pos_dim = pos_dim, edge_attr_dim = edge_attr_dim, m_dim = m_dim, fourier_features = fourier_features, soft_edge = soft_edge, norm_feats = norm_feats, norm_coors = norm_coors, norm_coors_scale_init = norm_coors_scale_init, update_feats = update_feats, update_coors = update_coors, dropout = dropout, coor_weights_clamp_value = coor_weights_clamp_value) # global attention case is_global_layer = self.has_global_attn and (i % self.global_linear_attn_every) == 0 if is_global_layer: attn_layer = GlobalLinearAttention_Sparse(dim = self.feats_dim, heads = global_linear_attn_heads, dim_head = global_linear_attn_dim_head) self.mpnn_layers.append(nn.ModuleList([attn_layer,layer])) # normal case else: self.mpnn_layers.append(layer) def forward(self, x, edge_index, batch, edge_attr, bsize=None, recalc_edge=None, verbose=0): """ Recalculate edge features every `self.recalc_edge` with the `recalc_edge` function if self.recalc_edge is set. * x: (N, pos_dim+feats_dim) will be unpacked into coors, feats. """ # NODES - Embedd each dim to its target dimensions: x = embedd_token(x, self.embedding_dims, self.emb_layers) # regulates wether to embedd edges each layer edges_need_embedding = False for i,layer in enumerate(self.mpnn_layers): # EDGES - Embedd each dim to its target dimensions: if edges_need_embedding: edge_attr = embedd_token(edge_attr, self.edge_embedding_dims, self.edge_emb_layers) edges_need_embedding = False # attn tokens self.global_tokens = None if exists(self.global_tokens): unique, amounts = torch.unique(batch, return_counts=True) num_idxs =[torch.arange(num_idxs_i,device=self.global_tokens.device) for num_idxs_i in amounts], dim=-1) global_tokens = self.global_tokens[num_idxs] # pass layers is_global_layer = self.has_global_attn and (i % self.global_linear_attn_every) == 0 if not is_global_layer: x = layer(x, edge_index, edge_attr, batch=batch, size=bsize) else: # only pass feats to the attn layer # unique, amounts = torch.unique(batch, return_counts=True) x_attn = layer[0](x[:, self.pos_dim:], x[:, self.pos_dim:],batch)[0]#global_tokens # merge attn-ed feats and coords x = (x[:, :self.pos_dim], x_attn), dim=-1) x = layer[-1](x, edge_index, edge_attr, batch=batch, size=bsize) # recalculate edge info - not needed if last layer if self.recalc and ((i%self.recalc == 0) and not (i == len(self.mpnn_layers)-1)) : edge_index, edge_attr, _ = recalc_edge(x) # returns attr, idx, any_other_info edges_need_embedding = True return x def __repr__(self): return 'EGNN_Sparse_Network of: {0} layers'.format(len(self.mpnn_layers))