import { expect, test } from "@playwright/test"; import path from "path"; import { fileURLToPath } from "url"; const filename = fileURLToPath(import.meta.url); const dirname = path.dirname(filename); test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => { await page.goto("/"); await page.evaluate(() => { localStorage.setItem("analytics-consent", "true"); localStorage.setItem("SETTINGS_VERSION", "5"); }); }); test("should redirect to /conversations after uploading a project zip", async ({ page, }) => { const fileInput = page.getByLabel("Upload a .zip"); const filePath = path.join(dirname, "fixtures/"); await fileInput.setInputFiles(filePath); await page.waitForURL(/\/conversations\/\d+/); }); test("should redirect to /conversations after selecting a repo", async ({ page, }) => { // enter a github token to view the repositories const connectToGitHubButton = page.getByRole("button", { name: /connect to github/i, }); await; const tokenInput = page.getByLabel(/github token\*/i); await tokenInput.fill("fake-token"); const submitButton = page.getByTestId("connect-to-github"); await; // select a repository const repoDropdown = page.getByLabel(/github repository/i); await; const repoItem = page.getByTestId("github-repo-item").first(); await; await page.waitForURL(/\/conversations\/\d+/); }); // FIXME: This fails because the MSW WS mocks change state too quickly, // missing the OPENING status where the initial query is rendered. test.skip("should redirect the user to /conversation with their initial query after selecting a project", async ({ page, }) => { // enter query const testQuery = "this is my test query"; const textbox = page.getByPlaceholder(/what do you want to build/i); expect(textbox).not.toBeNull(); await textbox.fill(testQuery); const fileInput = page.getByLabel("Upload a .zip"); const filePath = path.join(dirname, "fixtures/"); await fileInput.setInputFiles(filePath); await page.waitForURL("/conversation"); // get user message const userMessage = page.getByTestId("user-message"); expect(await userMessage.textContent()).toBe(testQuery); });