import { afterEach, beforeAll, describe, expect, it, vi } from "vitest"; import { createRoutesStub } from "react-router"; import { screen, waitFor, within } from "@testing-library/react"; import { renderWithProviders } from "test-utils"; import userEvent from "@testing-library/user-event"; import MainApp from "#/routes/_oh/route"; import i18n from "#/i18n"; import * as CaptureConsent from "#/utils/handle-capture-consent"; import OpenHands from "#/api/open-hands"; describe("frontend/routes/_oh", () => { const RouteStub = createRoutesStub([{ Component: MainApp, path: "/" }]); const { userIsAuthenticatedMock, settingsAreUpToDateMock } = vi.hoisted( () => ({ userIsAuthenticatedMock: vi.fn(), settingsAreUpToDateMock: vi.fn(), }), ); beforeAll(() => { vi.mock("#/utils/user-is-authenticated", () => ({ userIsAuthenticated: userIsAuthenticatedMock.mockReturnValue(true), })); vi.mock("#/services/settings", async (importOriginal) => ({ ...(await importOriginal()), settingsAreUpToDate: settingsAreUpToDateMock, })); }); afterEach(() => { vi.clearAllMocks(); localStorage.clear(); }); it("should render", async () => { renderWithProviders(); await screen.findByTestId("root-layout"); }); it.skip("should render the AI config modal if settings are not up-to-date", async () => { settingsAreUpToDateMock.mockReturnValue(false); renderWithProviders(); await screen.findByTestId("ai-config-modal"); }); it("should not render the AI config modal if the settings are up-to-date", async () => { settingsAreUpToDateMock.mockReturnValue(true); renderWithProviders(); await waitFor(() => { expect(screen.queryByTestId("ai-config-modal")).not.toBeInTheDocument(); }); }); it("should render and capture the user's consent if oss mode", async () => { const user = userEvent.setup(); const getConfigSpy = vi.spyOn(OpenHands, "getConfig"); const handleCaptureConsentSpy = vi.spyOn( CaptureConsent, "handleCaptureConsent", ); getConfigSpy.mockResolvedValue({ APP_MODE: "oss", GITHUB_CLIENT_ID: "test-id", POSTHOG_CLIENT_KEY: "test-key", }); renderWithProviders(); // The user has not consented to tracking const consentForm = await screen.findByTestId("user-capture-consent-form"); expect(handleCaptureConsentSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(localStorage.getItem("analytics-consent")).toBeNull(); const submitButton = within(consentForm).getByRole("button", { name: /confirm preferences/i, }); await; // The user has now consented to tracking expect(handleCaptureConsentSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(true); expect(localStorage.getItem("analytics-consent")).toBe("true"); expect( screen.queryByTestId("user-capture-consent-form"), ).not.toBeInTheDocument(); }); it("should not render the user consent form if saas mode", async () => { const getConfigSpy = vi.spyOn(OpenHands, "getConfig"); getConfigSpy.mockResolvedValue({ APP_MODE: "saas", GITHUB_CLIENT_ID: "test-id", POSTHOG_CLIENT_KEY: "test-key", }); renderWithProviders(); await waitFor(() => { expect( screen.queryByTestId("user-capture-consent-form"), ).not.toBeInTheDocument(); }); }); it("should not render the user consent form if the user has already made a decision", async () => { localStorage.setItem("analytics-consent", "true"); renderWithProviders(); await waitFor(() => { expect( screen.queryByTestId("user-capture-consent-form"), ).not.toBeInTheDocument(); }); }); // TODO: Likely failing due to how tokens are now handled in context. Move to e2e tests it.skip("should render a new project button if a token is set", async () => { localStorage.setItem("token", "test-token"); const { rerender } = renderWithProviders(); await screen.findByTestId("new-project-button"); localStorage.removeItem("token"); rerender(); await waitFor(() => { expect( screen.queryByTestId("new-project-button"), ).not.toBeInTheDocument(); }); }); // TODO: Move to e2e tests it.skip("should update the i18n language when the language settings change", async () => { const changeLanguageSpy = vi.spyOn(i18n, "changeLanguage"); const { rerender } = renderWithProviders(); // The default language is English expect(changeLanguageSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith("en"); localStorage.setItem("LANGUAGE", "es"); rerender(); expect(changeLanguageSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith("es"); rerender(); // The language has not changed, so the spy should not have been called again expect(changeLanguageSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2); }); // FIXME: logoutCleanup has been replaced with a hook it.skip("should call logoutCleanup after a logout", async () => { const user = userEvent.setup(); localStorage.setItem("ghToken", "test-token"); // const logoutCleanupSpy = vi.spyOn(LogoutCleanup, "logoutCleanup"); renderWithProviders(); const userActions = await screen.findByTestId("user-actions"); const userAvatar = within(userActions).getByTestId("user-avatar"); await; const logout = within(userActions).getByRole("button", { name: /logout/i }); await; // expect(logoutCleanupSpy).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(localStorage.getItem("ghToken")).toBeNull(); }); });