import OpenHands from "#/api/open-hands"; import { downloadWorkspace } from "./download-workspace"; interface DownloadProgress { filesTotal: number; filesDownloaded: number; currentFile: string; totalBytesDownloaded: number; bytesDownloadedPerSecond: number; isDiscoveringFiles: boolean; } interface DownloadOptions { onProgress?: (progress: DownloadProgress) => void; signal?: AbortSignal; } /** * Checks if the File System Access API is supported */ function isFileSystemAccessSupported(): boolean { return "showDirectoryPicker" in window; } /** * Creates subdirectories and returns the final directory handle */ async function createSubdirectories( baseHandle: FileSystemDirectoryHandle, pathParts: string[], ): Promise { return pathParts.reduce(async (promise, part) => { const handle = await promise; return handle.getDirectoryHandle(part, { create: true }); }, Promise.resolve(baseHandle)); } /** * Recursively gets all files in a directory */ async function getAllFiles( conversationID: string, path: string, progress: DownloadProgress, options?: DownloadOptions, ): Promise { const entries = await OpenHands.getFiles(conversationID, path); const processEntry = async (entry: string): Promise => { if (options?.signal?.aborted) { throw new Error("Download cancelled"); } const fullPath = path + entry; if (entry.endsWith("/")) { const subEntries = await OpenHands.getFiles(conversationID, fullPath); const subFilesPromises = => processEntry(subEntry), ); const subFilesArrays = await Promise.all(subFilesPromises); return subFilesArrays.flat(); } const updatedProgress = { ...progress, filesTotal: progress.filesTotal + 1, currentFile: fullPath, }; options?.onProgress?.(updatedProgress); return [fullPath]; }; const filePromises = => processEntry(entry)); const fileArrays = await Promise.all(filePromises); const updatedProgress = { ...progress, isDiscoveringFiles: false, }; options?.onProgress?.(updatedProgress); return fileArrays.flat(); } /** * Process a batch of files */ async function processBatch( conversationID: string, batch: string[], directoryHandle: FileSystemDirectoryHandle, progress: DownloadProgress, startTime: number, completedFiles: number, totalBytes: number, options?: DownloadOptions, ): Promise<{ newCompleted: number; newBytes: number }> { if (options?.signal?.aborted) { throw new Error("Download cancelled"); } // Process files in the batch in parallel const results = await Promise.all( (path) => { try { const newProgress = { ...progress, currentFile: path, isDiscoveringFiles: false, filesDownloaded: completedFiles, totalBytesDownloaded: totalBytes, bytesDownloadedPerSecond: totalBytes / (( - startTime) / 1000), }; options?.onProgress?.(newProgress); const content = await OpenHands.getFile(conversationID, path); // Save to the selected directory preserving structure const pathParts = path.split("/").filter(Boolean); const fileName = pathParts.pop() || "file"; const dirHandle = pathParts.length > 0 ? await createSubdirectories(directoryHandle, pathParts) : directoryHandle; // Create and write the file const fileHandle = await dirHandle.getFileHandle(fileName, { create: true, }); const writable = await fileHandle.createWritable(); await writable.write(content); await writable.close(); // Return the size of this file return new Blob([content]).size; } catch (error) { // Silently handle file processing errors and return 0 bytes return 0; } }), ); // Calculate batch totals const batchBytes = results.reduce((sum, size) => sum + size, 0); const newTotalBytes = totalBytes + batchBytes; const newCompleted = completedFiles + results.filter((size) => size > 0).length; // Update progress with batch results const updatedProgress = { ...progress, filesDownloaded: newCompleted, totalBytesDownloaded: newTotalBytes, bytesDownloadedPerSecond: newTotalBytes / (( - startTime) / 1000), isDiscoveringFiles: false, }; options?.onProgress?.(updatedProgress); return { newCompleted, newBytes: newTotalBytes, }; } /** * Downloads files from the workspace one by one * @param initialPath Initial path to start downloading from. If not provided, downloads from root * @param options Download options including progress callback and abort signal */ export async function downloadFiles( conversationID: string, initialPath?: string, options?: DownloadOptions, ): Promise { const startTime =; const progress: DownloadProgress = { filesTotal: 0, // Will be updated during file discovery filesDownloaded: 0, currentFile: "", totalBytesDownloaded: 0, bytesDownloadedPerSecond: 0, isDiscoveringFiles: true, }; try { // Check if File System Access API is supported if (!isFileSystemAccessSupported()) { throw new Error( "Your browser doesn't support downloading folders. Please use Chrome, Edge, or another browser that supports the File System Access API.", ); } // Show directory picker first let directoryHandle: FileSystemDirectoryHandle; try { directoryHandle = await window.showDirectoryPicker(); } catch (error) { if (error instanceof Error && === "AbortError") { throw new Error("Download cancelled"); } if (error instanceof Error && === "SecurityError") { throw new Error( "Permission denied. Please allow access to the download location when prompted.", ); } throw new Error("Failed to select download location. Please try again."); } // Then recursively get all files const files = await getAllFiles( conversationID, initialPath || "", progress, options, ); // Set isDiscoveringFiles to false now that we have the full list and preserve filesTotal const finalTotal = progress.filesTotal; options?.onProgress?.({ ...progress, filesTotal: finalTotal, isDiscoveringFiles: false, }); // Verify we still have permission after the potentially long file scan try { // Try to create and write to a test file to verify permissions const testHandle = await directoryHandle.getFileHandle( ".openhands-test", { create: true }, ); const writable = await testHandle.createWritable(); await writable.close(); } catch (error) { if ( error instanceof Error && error.message.includes("User activation is required") ) { // Ask for permission again try { directoryHandle = await window.showDirectoryPicker(); } catch (permissionError) { if ( permissionError instanceof Error && === "AbortError" ) { throw new Error("Download cancelled"); } if ( permissionError instanceof Error && === "SecurityError" ) { throw new Error( "Permission denied. Please allow access to the download location when prompted.", ); } throw new Error( "Failed to select download location. Please try again.", ); } } else { throw error; } } // Process files in parallel batches to avoid overwhelming the browser const BATCH_SIZE = 5; const batches = Array.from( { length: Math.ceil(files.length / BATCH_SIZE) }, (_, i) => files.slice(i * BATCH_SIZE, (i + 1) * BATCH_SIZE), ); // Keep track of completed files across all batches let completedFiles = 0; let totalBytesDownloaded = 0; // Process batches sequentially to maintain order and avoid overwhelming the browser await batches.reduce( (promise, batch) => promise.then(async () => { const { newCompleted, newBytes } = await processBatch( conversationID, batch, directoryHandle, progress, startTime, completedFiles, totalBytesDownloaded, options, ); completedFiles = newCompleted; totalBytesDownloaded = newBytes; }), Promise.resolve(), ); } catch (error) { if (error instanceof Error && error.message === "Download cancelled") { throw error; } // Fallback to old style download if ( error instanceof Error && (error.message.includes("browser doesn't support") || error.message.includes("Failed to select") || error.message.includes("Permission denied")) ) { await downloadWorkspace(conversationID); return; } // Otherwise, wrap it with a generic message throw new Error( `Failed to download files: ${error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error)}`, ); } }