(formatting_your_dataset)= # Formatting Your Dataset For training a TTS model, you need a dataset with speech recordings and transcriptions. The speech must be divided into audio clips and each clip needs transcription. If you have a single audio file and you need to split it into clips, there are different open-source tools for you. We recommend Audacity. It is an open-source and free audio editing software. It is also important to use a lossless audio file format to prevent compression artifacts. We recommend using `wav` file format. Let's assume you created the audio clips and their transcription. You can collect all your clips under a folder. Let's call this folder `wavs`. ``` /wavs | - audio1.wav | - audio2.wav | - audio3.wav ... ``` You can either create separate transcription files for each clip or create a text file that maps each audio clip to its transcription. In this file, each line must be delimitered by a special character separating the audio file name from the transcription. And make sure that the delimiter is not used in the transcription text. We recommend the following format delimited by `|`. In the following example, `audio1`, `audio2` refer to files `audio1.wav`, `audio2.wav` etc. ``` # metadata.txt audio1|This is my sentence. audio2|This is maybe my sentence. audio3|This is certainly my sentence. audio4|Let this be your sentence. ... ``` In the end, we have the following folder structure ``` /MyTTSDataset | | -> metadata.txt | -> /wavs | -> audio1.wav | -> audio2.wav | ... ``` The format above is taken from widely-used the [LJSpeech](https://keithito.com/LJ-Speech-Dataset/) dataset. You can also download and see the dataset. 🐸TTS already provides tooling for the LJSpeech. if you use the same format, you can start training your models right away. ## Dataset Quality Your dataset should have good coverage of the target language. It should cover the phonemic variety, exceptional sounds and syllables. This is extremely important for especially non-phonemic languages like English. For more info about dataset qualities and properties check our [post](https://github.com/coqui-ai/TTS/wiki/What-makes-a-good-TTS-dataset). ## Using Your Dataset in 🐸TTS After you collect and format your dataset, you need to check two things. Whether you need a `formatter` and a `text_cleaner`. The `formatter` loads the text file (created above) as a list and the `text_cleaner` performs a sequence of text normalization operations that converts the raw text into the spoken representation (e.g. converting numbers to text, acronyms, and symbols to the spoken format). If you use a different dataset format then the LJSpeech or the other public datasets that 🐸TTS supports, then you need to write your own `formatter`. If your dataset is in a new language or it needs special normalization steps, then you need a new `text_cleaner`. What you get out of a `formatter` is a `List[Dict]` in the following format. ``` >>> formatter(metafile_path) [ {"audio_file":"audio1.wav", "text":"This is my sentence.", "speaker_name":"MyDataset", "language": "lang_code"}, {"audio_file":"audio1.wav", "text":"This is maybe a sentence.", "speaker_name":"MyDataset", "language": "lang_code"}, ... ] ``` Each sub-list is parsed as ```{"<filename>", "<transcription>", "<speaker_name">]```. ```<speaker_name>``` is the dataset name for single speaker datasets and it is mainly used in the multi-speaker models to map the speaker of the each sample. But for now, we only focus on single speaker datasets. The purpose of a `formatter` is to parse your manifest file and load the audio file paths and transcriptions. Then, the output is passed to the `Dataset`. It computes features from the audio signals, calls text normalization routines, and converts raw text to phonemes if needed. ## Loading your dataset Load one of the dataset supported by 🐸TTS. ```python from TTS.tts.configs.shared_configs import BaseDatasetConfig from TTS.tts.datasets import load_tts_samples # dataset config for one of the pre-defined datasets dataset_config = BaseDatasetConfig( formatter="vctk", meta_file_train="", language="en-us", path="dataset-path") ) # load training samples train_samples, eval_samples = load_tts_samples(dataset_config, eval_split=True) ``` Load a custom dataset with a custom formatter. ```python from TTS.tts.datasets import load_tts_samples # custom formatter implementation def formatter(root_path, manifest_file, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """Assumes each line as ```<filename>|<transcription>``` """ txt_file = os.path.join(root_path, manifest_file) items = [] speaker_name = "my_speaker" with open(txt_file, "r", encoding="utf-8") as ttf: for line in ttf: cols = line.split("|") wav_file = os.path.join(root_path, "wavs", cols[0]) text = cols[1] items.append({"text":text, "audio_file":wav_file, "speaker_name":speaker_name, "root_path": root_path}) return items # load training samples train_samples, eval_samples = load_tts_samples(dataset_config, eval_split=True, formatter=formatter) ``` See `TTS.tts.datasets.TTSDataset`, a generic `Dataset` implementation for the `tts` models. See `TTS.vocoder.datasets.*`, for different `Dataset` implementations for the `vocoder` models. See `TTS.utils.audio.AudioProcessor` that includes all the audio processing and feature extraction functions used in a `Dataset` implementation. Feel free to add things as you need.