from datetime import date from typing import cast import openai import streamlit as st import gcal import google_oauth st.title(":calendar: Creative Calendar") st.subheader("Illustrate a month from your Google calendar") client: openai.OpenAI | None = None month_date: date | None = None name: str | None = None gender: str | None = None genre: str | None = None submitted = False creds = google_oauth.load_creds() # no Google credentials? we need to authenticate if creds is None: flow = google_oauth.get_flow() url = google_oauth.get_auth_url(flow) st.link_button("Authenticate with Google", url=url) auth_code = st.text_input("Google auth code", type="password") if auth_code: creds = google_oauth.get_creds(flow, auth_code) st.rerun() # we have Google credentials, make sure we have the other things else: st.checkbox("Authenticated with Google", value=True, disabled=True) openapi_key = st.text_input("OpenAI API key", type="password") if openapi_key: client = openai.OpenAI(api_key=openapi_key) with st.form("my_form"): name = st.text_input("Your name") gender ="Your gender", ["Male", "Female"]) or "Male" genre = st.text_input("Illustration genre", value="fantasy") month_date = cast(date, st.date_input("Select month")) submitted = st.form_submit_button("Submit") def compose_story_prompt( *, name: str, gender: str, events: list[gcal.Event], genre: str, ) -> str: prompt_events = [] for ev in events: dt = ev.start.strftime("%B %d, %Y") line = f"{dt}: {ev.title}" if ev.description: line += f" ({ev.description})" prompt_events.append(line) event_str = "\n".join(["-" + ev for ev in prompt_events]) prompt = f"""Consider the following events from my Google calendar: {event_str} Write a description for a short {genre} story that captures the major events from my calendar. The description should cover only the major themes from my calendar. Do not write the story itself, just a description of the story. Do not include any references to a calendar or specific dates, just the major themes from my calendar. The main character is a {gender} named {name}. """ return prompt def compose_picture_prompt(story: str, genre: str) -> str: prompt = f"""For the following short {genre} story description, create a single {genre}-style image that captures the major events in the story. Do not include any text in the illustration. ----- {story} """ return prompt @st.cache_data(show_spinner="Writing the story...") def write_story(story_prompt): completion = model="gpt-4", messages=[ { "role": "user", "content": [ {"type": "text", "text": story_prompt}, ], } ], ) content = completion.choices[0].message.content return content @st.cache_data(show_spinner="Illustrating the cover...") def draw_picture(picture_prompt: str) -> str: response = client.images.generate( model="dall-e-3", prompt=picture_prompt, size="1024x1024", quality="standard", n=1, ) image_url =[0].url return cast(str, image_url) if client and creds and submitted: cal_service = gcal.build_calendar_api(creds) calendars = gcal.get_calendars(cal_service) month_start, month_end = gcal.get_start_and_end(cast(date, month_date)) events = gcal.get_events(cal_service, month_start, month_end, calendars) st.write( f":white_check_mark: Fetched {len(events)} events from " f"{len(calendars)} calendars" ) story_prompt = compose_story_prompt( name=cast(str, name), gender=cast(str, gender), events=events, genre=cast(str, genre), ) story = write_story(story_prompt) with st.expander("See the story"): st.write(story) st.write( "Tip: The story and image quality depends on the quality" " of your calendar events." ) picture_prompt = compose_picture_prompt(story, genre) image_url = draw_picture(picture_prompt) st.image(image_url)