Emojifier / static /script.js
aryan083's picture
please work
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => {
.addEventListener("click", onDetectEmotionClick);
document.getElementById("settingsBtn").addEventListener("click", onDetectEmotionClick);
const technicalSection = document.getElementById("technical-section");
technicalSection.style.display = "none";
// Send the image to the Flask backend
async function sendImageToBackend(imageData) {
try {
// Get base64 string and remove the prefix
const base64String = imageData.src.split(',')[1];
const response = await fetch("/upload", { // Changed to relative path
method: "POST",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
body: JSON.stringify({
image: base64String
if (!response.ok) {
throw new Error(`Server responded with status: ${response.status}`);
const result = await response.json();
console.log("Emotion detection result:", result);
return result;
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error during API call:", error);
throw error;
// Handle the Detect Emotion button click
async function onDetectEmotionClick() {
const initialContent = document.getElementById("initial-content");
const calculatingContent = document.getElementById("calculating-content");
const detectBtn = document.getElementById("detectBtn");
const technicalSection = document.getElementById("technical-section");
const loadingSpinner = document.querySelector(".loading-spinner");
try {
// Hide initial content and show loading
initialContent.style.display = "none";
calculatingContent.style.display = "flex";
detectBtn.style.opacity = "0";
loadingSpinner.style.display = "block";
// Hide technical section while processing
technicalSection.style.display = "none";
// Capture and process image
const capturedImage = captureImage();
const result = await sendImageToBackend(capturedImage);
if (result.error) {
throw new Error(result.error);
// Hide loading spinner after getting results
loadingSpinner.style.display = "none";
// Show and update technical section
technicalSection.style.display = "block";
void technicalSection.offsetWidth;
// Update technical section with processing steps
// Update emotion display with personalized message
document.querySelector(".result-emoji").textContent = result.emoji;
document.querySelector(".result-comment").textContent = getEmotionMessage(result.emotion);
// Update button
detectBtn.innerHTML = '<i class="fas fa-code mr-2"></i>Show Details';
detectBtn.style.opacity = "1";
// Remove old click handler and add new one
detectBtn.removeEventListener('click', onDetectEmotionClick);
detectBtn.addEventListener('click', handleShowDetails);
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error:", error);
loadingSpinner.style.display = "none";
document.querySelector(".result-emoji").textContent = "❌";
document.querySelector(".result-comment").textContent = "Failed to detect emotion. Please try again.";
detectBtn.style.opacity = "1";
technicalSection.style.display = "none";
// Initialize when document is loaded
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => {
const detectBtn = document.getElementById("detectBtn");
const settingsBtn = document.getElementById("settingsBtn");
const technicalSection = document.getElementById("technical-section");
// Hide technical section initially
technicalSection.style.display = "none";
// Add click handlers
detectBtn.addEventListener("click", onDetectEmotionClick);
settingsBtn.addEventListener("click", onDetectEmotionClick);
function updateTechnicalSection(result) {
console.log("Full result:", result);
console.log("Processing steps:", result.processing_steps);
console.log("Detailed steps:", result.processing_steps.detailed_steps);
// Update preprocessed image with processing info
document.getElementById("preprocessed-image").innerHTML = `
<img src="${result.grayscale_image}" alt="Preprocessed Image" class="preprocessed-image">
<div class="processing-info">
<p>Image Size: ${result.processing_steps.original_size[0]}x${result.processing_steps.original_size[1]}</p>
<p>Color Mode: ${result.processing_steps.color_mode}</p>
// Update processing pipeline steps
const processSteps = result.processing_steps.detailed_steps;
if (!processSteps) {
console.error("No processing steps found in result");
let stepsHtml = '<div class="process-flow">';
// Add each processing stage with error handling
try {
for (const [stage, steps] of Object.entries(processSteps)) {
console.log("Processing stage:", stage, steps);
const stageName = stage.split('_').map(word =>
word.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + word.slice(1)
).join(' ');
stepsHtml += `
<div class="process-stage">
<ul class="step-list">
${Array.isArray(steps) ? steps.map(step => `<li>${step}</li>`).join('') : ''}
stepsHtml += '</div>';
// Add model information
stepsHtml += `
<div class="model-info">
<ul class="step-list">
<li>Type: ${result.processing_steps.model_type}</li>
<li>Input Shape: ${result.processing_steps.input_shape}</li>
<li>Output: ${result.processing_steps.output_classes}</li>
console.log("Generated HTML:", stepsHtml);
document.getElementById("processing-steps").innerHTML = stepsHtml;
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error generating steps HTML:", error);
// Update emotion probabilities
const probContainer = document.getElementById("emotion-probabilities");
probContainer.innerHTML = "";
Object.entries(result.model_probabilities).forEach(([emotion, probability]) => {
const percentage = (probability * 100).toFixed(1);
const barElement = document.createElement('div');
barElement.className = 'probability-bar probability-bar-custom probability-bar-width';
barElement.style.setProperty('--percentage', `${percentage}%`);
probContainer.innerHTML += `
<div class="probability-label">
// Update remaining elements
document.getElementById("detected-emoji").textContent = result.emoji;
document.getElementById("detected-emotion").textContent = result.emotion;
document.getElementById("confidence-score").querySelector("h4").textContent =
`${(result.model_probabilities[result.emotion] * 100).toFixed(1)}%`;
function getEmotionMessage(emotion) {
const messages = {
happy: "You're radiating happiness! Your smile lights up the room! 🌟",
sad: "I see some sadness there. Remember, every cloud has a silver lining! 🌈",
angry: "Whoa, looking pretty fired up! Take a deep breath and count to ten. 🧘",
disgust: "That's quite the expression! Something leave a bad taste? πŸ˜–",
fear: "I sense some anxiety there. Remember, you're stronger than you think! πŸ’ͺ",
surprise: "Well, that caught you off guard! What an unexpected moment! 😲",
neutral: "Keeping it cool and collected with that poker face! 😎"
return messages[emotion] || "Interesting expression you've got there! πŸ€”";
// Add this new function for handling the "Show Details" click
function handleShowDetails() {
const technicalSection = document.getElementById("technical-section");
// First ensure the section is visible
technicalSection.style.display = "block";
// Then scroll to it
setTimeout(() => {
behavior: "smooth",
block: "start"
}, 100);