FloraJ's picture
update model
"dataset": "data1.json",
"question": "Who is the director of the lab",
"answer": [
"Bhaskar Krishnamachari"
"dataset": "data1.json",
"question": "Who are the current phd working at the lab",
"answer": [
"Jason A. Tran",
"Martin Martinez",
"Diyi Hu",
"Lillian Clark",
"Mehrdad Kiamari",
"Sulyab Thottungal Valapu",
"Sampad Mohanty",
"Arvin Hekmati",
"Elizabeth Ondula",
"Jared Coleman",
"Tamoghna Sarkar",
"Yousef AlSaqabi",
"Narjes Nourzad"
"dataset": "data1.json",
"question": "Who is Bhaskar Krishnamachari",
"answer": [
"Director of the lab",
"dataset": "data1.json",
"question": "Who published \"Search and Rescue on the Line\"",
"answer": [
"J Coleman",
"L Cheng",
"B Krishnamachari"
"dataset": "data1.json",
"question": "Give me the link to \"Search and Rescue on the Line\"",
"answer": [
"dataset": "data1.json",
"question": "Which year is \"Search and Rescue on the Line\" published>",
"answer": [
"Bhaskar Krishnamachari"
"dataset": "data1.json",
"question": "Give me the link to \"RouteSwarm Video\"",
"answer": [
"dataset": "data1.json",
"question": "What is depicted in \"RouteSwarm Video\"",
"answer": [
"July 2013. Simulation video showing automated network reconfiguration using robotic nodes in response to dynamic flow\u00a0activation/deactivation. This is described in the following paper: \u201cRouteSwarm: Wireless Network Optimization through Mobility\u201d, by \u00a0Ryan Williams, Andrea Gasparri, and Bhaskar Krishnamachari, currently in submission."
"dataset": "data1.json",
"question": "Who contributed to \"Time stamped packet exchange data with CC2420-equipped motes.\"",
"answer": [
"Maulik Desai",
"Xiaofan Qiu",
"Bhaskar Krishnamachari"
"dataset": "data1.json",
"question": "Give me the files about \"Sequence-Based Localization in Wireless Sensor Networks.\"",
"answer": [
"dataset": "data1.json",
"question": "Give me the photo of the director",
"answer": [