Commit History

Adds interaction flow to formally send reports to AVID (reviewing reports and adding additional info); puts print statements behind debug flag

Michelle Lam commited on

Sets default scaffolding method to 'personal' method; adjusts topic selection with new preds_df columns; removes print and log statements

Michelle Lam commited on

Refreshes overall plot when model is edited. Uses user ID in preds_df. Exports reports and chart to json. Streamlines performance plot and description.

Michelle Lam commited on

Restructures cached data to be organized by user, then model (to simplify retrieval). Refactors code throughout to support this change.

Michelle Lam commited on

Adapts labeling and auditing for single-session flow. Removes unused functionality throughout.

Michelle Lam commited on

Adds automatically generated usernames. Removes username selection and shared user store. Removes Results and Study Links views. Removes AppOld component.

Michelle Lam commited on

Resizes UI elements for default zoom level

Michelle Lam commited on

Transfer IndieLabel demo version

Michelle Lam commited on