CPU Upgrade
CPU Upgrade
Browse files
@@ -50,12 +50,11 @@ EDGE_TTS_VOICES = [
50 |
51 |
# Initialize session state variables
52 |
if 'marquee_settings' not in st.session_state:
53 |
# Default to 20s animationDuration instead of 10s:
54 |
st.session_state['marquee_settings'] = {
55 |
"background": "#1E1E1E",
56 |
"color": "#FFFFFF",
57 |
"font-size": "14px",
58 |
"animationDuration": "20s",
59 |
"width": "100%",
60 |
"lineHeight": "35px"
61 |
@@ -91,7 +90,6 @@ if 'last_query' not in st.session_state:
91 |
if 'marquee_content' not in st.session_state:
92 |
st.session_state['marquee_content'] = "🚀 Welcome to TalkingAIResearcher | 🤖 Your Research Assistant"
93 |
94 |
# 🔑 2. API Setup & Clients
95 |
openai_api_key = os.getenv('OPENAI_API_KEY', "")
96 |
anthropic_key = os.getenv('ANTHROPIC_API_KEY_3', "")
97 |
xai_key = os.getenv('xai',"")
@@ -105,7 +103,6 @@ openai_client = OpenAI(api_key=openai.api_key, organization=os.getenv('OPENAI_OR
105 |
HF_KEY = os.getenv('HF_KEY')
106 |
API_URL = os.getenv('API_URL')
107 |
108 |
# Constants
109 |
110 |
"md": "📝",
111 |
"mp3": "🎵",
@@ -113,17 +110,14 @@ FILE_EMOJIS = {
113 |
114 |
115 |
def get_central_time():
116 |
"""Get current time in US Central timezone"""
117 |
central = pytz.timezone('US/Central')
118 |
119 |
120 |
def format_timestamp_prefix():
121 |
"""Generate timestamp prefix in format MM_dd_yy_hh_mm_AM/PM"""
122 |
ct = get_central_time()
123 |
return ct.strftime("%m_%d_%y_%I_%M_%p")
124 |
125 |
def initialize_marquee_settings():
126 |
"""Initialize marquee settings in session state"""
127 |
if 'marquee_settings' not in st.session_state:
128 |
st.session_state['marquee_settings'] = {
129 |
"background": "#1E1E1E",
@@ -135,13 +129,10 @@ def initialize_marquee_settings():
135 |
136 |
137 |
def get_marquee_settings():
138 |
"""Get or update marquee settings from session state"""
139 |
140 |
return st.session_state['marquee_settings']
141 |
142 |
def update_marquee_settings_ui():
143 |
"""Update marquee settings via UI controls"""
144 |
145 |
st.sidebar.markdown("### 🎯 Marquee Settings")
146 |
cols = st.sidebar.columns(2)
147 |
with cols[0]:
@@ -163,7 +154,6 @@ def update_marquee_settings_ui():
163 |
164 |
165 |
def display_marquee(text, settings, key_suffix=""):
166 |
"""Display marquee with given text and settings"""
167 |
truncated_text = text[:280] + "..." if len(text) > 280 else text
168 |
169 |
@@ -173,9 +163,6 @@ def display_marquee(text, settings, key_suffix=""):
173 |
174 |
175 |
def get_high_info_terms(text: str, top_n=10) -> list:
176 |
177 |
Finds the top_n frequent words or bigrams (excluding some common stopwords).
178 |
179 |
stop_words = set(['the', 'a', 'an', 'and', 'or', 'but', 'in', 'on', 'at', 'to', 'for', 'of', 'with'])
180 |
words = re.findall(r'\b\w+(?:-\w+)*\b', text.lower())
181 |
bi_grams = [' '.join(pair) for pair in zip(words, words[1:])]
@@ -185,9 +172,6 @@ def get_high_info_terms(text: str, top_n=10) -> list:
185 |
return [term for term, freq in counter.most_common(top_n)]
186 |
187 |
def clean_text_for_filename(text: str) -> str:
188 |
189 |
Cleans a text so it can be used in a filename.
190 |
191 |
text = text.lower()
192 |
text = re.sub(r'[^\w\s-]', '', text)
193 |
words = text.split()
@@ -196,23 +180,13 @@ def clean_text_for_filename(text: str) -> str:
196 |
filtered = [w for w in words if len(w) > 3 and w not in stop_short]
197 |
return '_'.join(filtered)[:200]
198 |
199 |
200 |
def generate_filename(prompt, response, file_type="md", max_length=200):
201 |
202 |
Generate a shortened filename by:
203 |
1. Extracting high-info terms
204 |
2. Creating a smaller snippet
205 |
3. Cleaning & joining them
206 |
4. Removing duplicates
207 |
5. Truncating if needed
208 |
209 |
prefix = format_timestamp_prefix() + "_"
210 |
combined_text = (prompt + " " + response)[:200]
211 |
info_terms = get_high_info_terms(combined_text, top_n=5)
212 |
snippet = (prompt[:40] + " " + response[:40]).strip()
213 |
snippet_cleaned = clean_text_for_filename(snippet)
214 |
215 |
# Combine info terms + snippet, remove duplicates
216 |
name_parts = info_terms + [snippet_cleaned]
217 |
seen = set()
218 |
unique_parts = []
@@ -228,20 +202,13 @@ def generate_filename(prompt, response, file_type="md", max_length=200):
228 |
229 |
return f"{prefix}{full_name}.{file_type}"
230 |
231 |
232 |
def create_file(prompt, response, file_type="md"):
233 |
234 |
Create a file using the shortened filename from generate_filename().
235 |
236 |
filename = generate_filename(prompt.strip(), response.strip(), file_type)
237 |
with open(filename, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
238 |
f.write(prompt + "\n\n" + response)
239 |
return filename
240 |
241 |
def get_download_link(file, file_type="zip"):
242 |
243 |
Returns an HTML anchor tag for downloading the specified file (base64-encoded).
244 |
245 |
with open(file, "rb") as f:
246 |
b64 = base64.b64encode(
247 |
if file_type == "zip":
@@ -256,9 +223,6 @@ def get_download_link(file, file_type="zip"):
256 |
return f'<a href="data:application/octet-stream;base64,{b64}" download="{os.path.basename(file)}">Download {os.path.basename(file)}</a>'
257 |
258 |
def clean_for_speech(text: str) -> str:
259 |
260 |
Cleans text to make TTS output more coherent.
261 |
262 |
text = text.replace("\n", " ")
263 |
text = text.replace("</s>", " ")
264 |
text = text.replace("#", "")
@@ -281,36 +245,25 @@ def speak_with_edge_tts(text, voice="en-US-AriaNeural", rate=0, pitch=0, file_fo
281 |
return, voice, rate, pitch, file_format))
282 |
283 |
def play_and_download_audio(file_path, file_type="mp3"):
284 |
"""Play audio and show a direct download link in the main area."""
285 |
if file_path and os.path.exists(file_path):
286 |
287 |
dl_link = get_download_link(file_path, file_type=file_type)
288 |
st.markdown(dl_link, unsafe_allow_html=True)
289 |
290 |
def save_qa_with_audio(question, answer, voice=None):
291 |
"""Save Q&A to markdown and generate audio file."""
292 |
if not voice:
293 |
voice = st.session_state['tts_voice']
294 |
295 |
# Create markdown file
296 |
combined_text = f"# Question\n{question}\n\n# Answer\n{answer}"
297 |
md_file = create_file(question, answer, "md")
298 |
299 |
# Generate audio file
300 |
audio_text = f"{question}\n\nAnswer: {answer}"
301 |
audio_file = speak_with_edge_tts(
302 |
303 |
304 |
305 |
306 |
307 |
return md_file, audio_file
308 |
309 |
def parse_arxiv_refs(ref_text: str):
310 |
311 |
Given a multi-line markdown with arxiv references, parse them into
312 |
a structure: [{date, title, url, authors, summary}, ...]
313 |
314 |
if not ref_text:
315 |
return []
316 |
@@ -320,19 +273,16 @@ def parse_arxiv_refs(ref_text: str):
320 |
321 |
for i, line in enumerate(lines):
322 |
if line.count('|') == 2:
323 |
# We found a new paper header line
324 |
if current_paper:
325 |
326 |
if len(results) >= 20:
327 |
328 |
329 |
330 |
header_parts = line.strip('* ').split('|')
331 |
date = header_parts[0].strip()
332 |
title = header_parts[1].strip()
333 |
url_match ='(\S+)', line)
334 |
url = if url_match else f"paper_{len(results)}"
335 |
336 |
current_paper = {
337 |
'date': date,
338 |
'title': title,
@@ -346,9 +296,7 @@ def parse_arxiv_refs(ref_text: str):
346 |
st.warning(f"Error parsing paper header: {str(e)}")
347 |
current_paper = {}
348 |
349 |
350 |
elif current_paper:
351 |
# Fill authors if empty, else fill summary
352 |
if not current_paper['authors']:
353 |
current_paper['authors'] = line.strip('* ')
354 |
@@ -356,31 +304,20 @@ def parse_arxiv_refs(ref_text: str):
356 |
current_paper['summary'] += ' ' + line.strip()
357 |
358 |
current_paper['summary'] = line.strip()
359 |
360 |
if current_paper:
361 |
362 |
363 |
return results[:20]
364 |
365 |
def create_paper_links_md(papers):
366 |
367 |
Creates a minimal markdown list of paper titles + arxiv links
368 |
(and if you store PDF links, you could also include them).
369 |
370 |
lines = ["# Paper Links\n"]
371 |
for i, p in enumerate(papers, start=1):
372 |
# Basic link
373 |
lines.append(f"{i}. **{p['title']}** — [Arxiv]({p['url']})")
374 |
return "\n".join(lines)
375 |
376 |
def create_paper_audio_files(papers, input_question):
377 |
378 |
Generate TTS audio for each paper, store base64 link for stable download,
379 |
and attach to each paper dict.
380 |
381 |
for paper in papers:
382 |
383 |
# Just a short version for TTS
384 |
audio_text = f"{paper['title']} by {paper['authors']}. {paper['summary']}"
385 |
audio_text = clean_for_speech(audio_text)
386 |
@@ -392,11 +329,9 @@ def create_paper_audio_files(papers, input_question):
392 |
393 |
paper['full_audio'] = audio_file
394 |
395 |
# Store a base64 link with consistent name
396 |
if audio_file:
397 |
with open(audio_file, "rb") as af:
398 |
b64_data = base64.b64encode(
399 |
# We'll keep the original file's name as the stable download name
400 |
download_filename = os.path.basename(audio_file)
401 |
mime_type = "mpeg" if file_format == "mp3" else "wav"
402 |
paper['download_base64'] = (
@@ -410,13 +345,8 @@ def create_paper_audio_files(papers, input_question):
410 |
paper['download_base64'] = ''
411 |
412 |
def display_papers(papers, marquee_settings):
413 |
414 |
Display the papers in the main area with marquee + expanders + audio.
415 |
416 |
st.write("## Research Papers")
417 |
418 |
for i, paper in enumerate(papers, start=1):
419 |
# Show marquee
420 |
marquee_text = f"📄 {paper['title']} | 👤 {paper['authors'][:120]} | 📝 {paper['summary'][:200]}"
421 |
display_marquee(marquee_text, marquee_settings, key_suffix=f"paper_{i}")
422 |
@@ -424,7 +354,6 @@ def display_papers(papers, marquee_settings):
424 |
st.markdown(f"**{paper['date']} | {paper['title']} |** [Arxiv Link]({paper['url']})")
425 |
st.markdown(f"*Authors:* {paper['authors']}")
426 |
427 |
428 |
if paper.get('full_audio'):
429 |
st.write("📚 Paper Audio")
430 |['full_audio'])
@@ -432,10 +361,6 @@ def display_papers(papers, marquee_settings):
432 |
st.markdown(paper['download_base64'], unsafe_allow_html=True)
433 |
434 |
def display_papers_in_sidebar(papers):
435 |
436 |
New approach: in the sidebar, mirror the paper listing
437 |
with expanders for each paper, link to arxiv,, etc.
438 |
439 |
st.sidebar.title("🎶 Papers & Audio")
440 |
for i, paper in enumerate(papers, start=1):
441 |
with st.sidebar.expander(f"{i}. {paper['title']}"):
@@ -444,15 +369,11 @@ def display_papers_in_sidebar(papers):
444 |['full_audio'])
445 |
if paper['download_base64']:
446 |
st.markdown(paper['download_base64'], unsafe_allow_html=True)
447 |
# Show minimal text if desired:
448 |
st.markdown(f"**Authors:** {paper['authors']}")
449 |
if paper['summary']:
450 |
st.markdown(f"**Summary:** {paper['summary'][:300]}...")
451 |
452 |
def create_zip_of_files(md_files, mp3_files, wav_files, input_question):
453 |
454 |
Zip up all relevant files, but limit final zip name to 20 chars.
455 |
456 |
md_files = [f for f in md_files if os.path.basename(f).lower() != '']
457 |
all_files = md_files + mp3_files + wav_files
458 |
if not all_files:
@@ -464,7 +385,6 @@ def create_zip_of_files(md_files, mp3_files, wav_files, input_question):
464 |
with open(f, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file:
465 |
466 |
elif f.endswith('.mp3') or f.endswith('.wav'):
467 |
# Add some text representation
468 |
basename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(f))[0]
469 |
words = basename.replace('_', ' ')
470 |
@@ -474,82 +394,61 @@ def create_zip_of_files(md_files, mp3_files, wav_files, input_question):
474 |
info_terms = get_high_info_terms(combined_content, top_n=10)
475 |
476 |
timestamp = format_timestamp_prefix()
477 |
name_text = '-'.join(term for term in info_terms[:5])
478 |
# Limit the final name to 20 chars (excluding .zip)
479 |
short_zip_name = (timestamp + "_" + name_text)[:20] + ".zip"
480 |
481 |
with zipfile.ZipFile(short_zip_name, 'w') as z:
482 |
for f in all_files:
483 |
484 |
485 |
return short_zip_name
486 |
487 |
488 |
# ---------------------------- 1/11/2025 - add a constitution to my arxiv system templating to build configurable personality
489 |
490 |
def perform_ai_lookup(q, vocal_summary=True, extended_refs=False,
491 |
titles_summary=True, full_audio=False):
492 |
start = time.time()
493 |
494 |
ai_constitution = """
495 |
You are a talented AI coder and songwriter
496 |
497 |
(Omitted extra instructions for brevity...)
498 |
499 |
500 |
# Claude:
501 |
client = anthropic.Anthropic(api_key=anthropic_key)
502 |
user_input = q
503 |
504 |
response = client.messages.create(
505 |
506 |
507 |
508 |
{"role": "user", "content": user_input}
509 |
510 |
511 |
st.write("Claude's reply 🧠:")
512 |
513 |
514 |
# Save and produce audio for Claude response
515 |
result = response.content[0].text
516 |
create_file(q, result)
517 |
md_file, audio_file = save_qa_with_audio(q, result)
518 |
st.subheader("📝 Main Response Audio")
519 |
play_and_download_audio(audio_file, st.session_state['audio_format'])
520 |
521 |
522 |
# Arxiv:
523 |
st.write("Arxiv's AI this Evening
524 |
525 |
client = Client("awacke1/Arxiv-Paper-Search-And-QA-RAG-Pattern")
526 |
refs = client.predict(q, 20, "Semantic Search",
527 |
528 |
529 |
530 |
r2 = client.predict(q, "mistralai/Mixtral-8x7B-Instruct-v0.1",
531 |
True, api_name="/ask_llm")
532 |
533 |
result = f"### 🔎 {q}\n\n{r2}\n\n{refs}"
534 |
535 |
# Save and produce audio for second response
536 |
md_file, audio_file = save_qa_with_audio(q, result)
537 |
538 |
st.subheader("📝 Main Response Audio")
539 |
play_and_download_audio(audio_file, st.session_state['audio_format'])
540 |
541 |
papers = parse_arxiv_refs(refs)
542 |
if papers:
543 |
# 4) Create & show a minimal markdown links page before generating audio
544 |
paper_links = create_paper_links_md(papers)
545 |
links_file = create_file(q, paper_links, "md")
546 |
547 |
548 |
# Now produce audio for each paper
549 |
create_paper_audio_files(papers, input_question=q)
550 |
display_papers(papers, get_marquee_settings())
551 |
552 |
# Also display in the sidebar as requested
553 |
554 |
555 |
st.warning("No papers found in the response.")
@@ -561,7 +460,6 @@ def perform_ai_lookup(q, vocal_summary=True, extended_refs=False,
561 |
def process_voice_input(text):
562 |
if not text:
563 |
564 |
565 |
st.subheader("🔍 Search Results")
566 |
result = perform_ai_lookup(
567 |
@@ -570,38 +468,77 @@ def process_voice_input(text):
570 |
571 |
572 |
573 |
574 |
# Save final Q&A with audio
575 |
md_file, audio_file = save_qa_with_audio(text, result)
576 |
577 |
st.subheader("📝 Generated Files")
578 |
st.write(f"Markdown: {md_file}")
579 |
st.write(f"Audio: {audio_file}")
580 |
play_and_download_audio(audio_file, st.session_state['audio_format'])
581 |
582 |
def main():
583 |
# Update marquee settings UI
584 |
585 |
marquee_settings = get_marquee_settings()
586 |
587 |
# Initial welcome marquee
588 |
589 |
{**marquee_settings, "font-size": "28px", "lineHeight": "50px"},
590 |
591 |
592 |
593 |
tab_main ="Action:", ["🎤 Voice", "📸 Media", "🔍 ArXiv", "📝 Editor"],
594 |
595 |
596 |
# Simple example usage of a Streamlit component (placeholder)
597 |
mycomponent = components.declare_component("mycomponent", path="mycomponent")
598 |
val = mycomponent(my_input_value="Hello")
599 |
600 |
# Quick example - if the component returns text:
601 |
if val:
602 |
val_stripped = val.replace('\\n', ' ')
603 |
edited_input = st.text_area("✏️ Edit Input:", value=val_stripped, height=100)
604 |
605 |
run_option = st.selectbox("Model:", ["Arxiv"])
606 |
col1, col2 = st.columns(2)
607 |
with col1:
@@ -629,11 +566,9 @@ def main():
629 |
630 |
631 |
632 |
# --- Tab: ArXiv
633 |
if tab_main == "🔍 ArXiv":
634 |
st.subheader("🔍 Query ArXiv")
635 |
q = st.text_input("🔍 Query:", key="arxiv_query")
636 |
637 |
st.markdown("### 🎛 Options")
638 |
vocal_summary = st.checkbox("🎙ShortAudio", value=True, key="option_vocal_summary")
639 |
extended_refs = st.checkbox("📜LongRefs", value=False, key="option_extended_refs")
@@ -648,18 +583,14 @@ def main():
648 |
if full_transcript:
649 |
create_file(q, result, "md")
650 |
651 |
# --- Tab: Voice
652 |
elif tab_main == "🎤 Voice":
653 |
st.subheader("🎤 Voice Input")
654 |
655 |
# Voice and format settings
656 |
st.markdown("### 🎤 Voice Settings")
657 |
selected_voice = st.selectbox(
658 |
"Select TTS Voice:",
659 |
660 |
661 |
662 |
663 |
st.markdown("### 🔊 Audio Format")
664 |
selected_format =
665 |
"Choose Audio Format:",
@@ -674,7 +605,6 @@ def main():
674 |
st.session_state['audio_format'] = selected_format.lower()
675 |
676 |
677 |
# User text
678 |
user_text = st.text_area("💬 Message:", height=100)
679 |
user_text = user_text.strip().replace('\n', ' ')
680 |
@@ -686,11 +616,9 @@ def main():
686 |
st.write("**You:**", c["user"])
687 |
st.write("**Response:**", c["claude"])
688 |
689 |
# --- Tab: Media
690 |
elif tab_main == "📸 Media":
691 |
st.header("📸 Media Gallery")
692 |
tabs = st.tabs(["🎵 Audio", "🖼 Images", "🎥 Video"]) # audio first
693 |
# --- Audio Tab
694 |
with tabs[0]:
695 |
st.subheader("🎵 Audio Files")
696 |
audio_files = glob.glob("*.mp3") + glob.glob("*.wav")
@@ -703,8 +631,6 @@ def main():
703 |
st.markdown(dl_link, unsafe_allow_html=True)
704 |
705 |
st.write("No audio files found.")
706 |
707 |
# --- Images Tab
708 |
with tabs[1]:
709 |
st.subheader("🖼 Image Files")
710 |
imgs = glob.glob("*.png") + glob.glob("*.jpg") + glob.glob("*.jpeg")
@@ -716,8 +642,6 @@ def main():
716 |
st.image(, use_container_width=True)
717 |
718 |
st.write("No images found.")
719 |
720 |
# --- Video Tab
721 |
with tabs[2]:
722 |
st.subheader("🎥 Video Files")
723 |
vids = glob.glob("*.mp4") + glob.glob("*.mov") + glob.glob("*.avi")
@@ -728,9 +652,11 @@ def main():
728 |
729 |
st.write("No videos found.")
730 |
731 |
# --- Tab: Editor
732 |
elif tab_main == "📝 Editor":
733 |
st.write("Select or create a file to edit. (Currently minimal
734 |
735 |
736 |
@@ -744,6 +670,5 @@ def main():
744 |
st.session_state.should_rerun = False
745 |
746 |
747 |
748 |
if __name__ == "__main__":
749 |
50 |
51 |
# Initialize session state variables
52 |
if 'marquee_settings' not in st.session_state:
53 |
st.session_state['marquee_settings'] = {
54 |
"background": "#1E1E1E",
55 |
"color": "#FFFFFF",
56 |
"font-size": "14px",
57 |
"animationDuration": "20s",
58 |
"width": "100%",
59 |
"lineHeight": "35px"
60 |
90 |
if 'marquee_content' not in st.session_state:
91 |
st.session_state['marquee_content'] = "🚀 Welcome to TalkingAIResearcher | 🤖 Your Research Assistant"
92 |
93 |
openai_api_key = os.getenv('OPENAI_API_KEY', "")
94 |
anthropic_key = os.getenv('ANTHROPIC_API_KEY_3', "")
95 |
xai_key = os.getenv('xai',"")
103 |
HF_KEY = os.getenv('HF_KEY')
104 |
API_URL = os.getenv('API_URL')
105 |
106 |
107 |
"md": "📝",
108 |
"mp3": "🎵",
110 |
111 |
112 |
def get_central_time():
113 |
central = pytz.timezone('US/Central')
114 |
115 |
116 |
def format_timestamp_prefix():
117 |
ct = get_central_time()
118 |
return ct.strftime("%m_%d_%y_%I_%M_%p")
119 |
120 |
def initialize_marquee_settings():
121 |
if 'marquee_settings' not in st.session_state:
122 |
st.session_state['marquee_settings'] = {
123 |
"background": "#1E1E1E",
129 |
130 |
131 |
def get_marquee_settings():
132 |
133 |
return st.session_state['marquee_settings']
134 |
135 |
def update_marquee_settings_ui():
136 |
st.sidebar.markdown("### 🎯 Marquee Settings")
137 |
cols = st.sidebar.columns(2)
138 |
with cols[0]:
154 |
155 |
156 |
def display_marquee(text, settings, key_suffix=""):
157 |
truncated_text = text[:280] + "..." if len(text) > 280 else text
158 |
159 |
163 |
164 |
165 |
def get_high_info_terms(text: str, top_n=10) -> list:
166 |
stop_words = set(['the', 'a', 'an', 'and', 'or', 'but', 'in', 'on', 'at', 'to', 'for', 'of', 'with'])
167 |
words = re.findall(r'\b\w+(?:-\w+)*\b', text.lower())
168 |
bi_grams = [' '.join(pair) for pair in zip(words, words[1:])]
172 |
return [term for term, freq in counter.most_common(top_n)]
173 |
174 |
def clean_text_for_filename(text: str) -> str:
175 |
text = text.lower()
176 |
text = re.sub(r'[^\w\s-]', '', text)
177 |
words = text.split()
180 |
filtered = [w for w in words if len(w) > 3 and w not in stop_short]
181 |
return '_'.join(filtered)[:200]
182 |
183 |
def generate_filename(prompt, response, file_type="md", max_length=200):
184 |
prefix = format_timestamp_prefix() + "_"
185 |
combined_text = (prompt + " " + response)[:200]
186 |
info_terms = get_high_info_terms(combined_text, top_n=5)
187 |
snippet = (prompt[:40] + " " + response[:40]).strip()
188 |
snippet_cleaned = clean_text_for_filename(snippet)
189 |
# remove duplicates
190 |
name_parts = info_terms + [snippet_cleaned]
191 |
seen = set()
192 |
unique_parts = []
202 |
203 |
return f"{prefix}{full_name}.{file_type}"
204 |
205 |
def create_file(prompt, response, file_type="md"):
206 |
filename = generate_filename(prompt.strip(), response.strip(), file_type)
207 |
with open(filename, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
208 |
f.write(prompt + "\n\n" + response)
209 |
return filename
210 |
211 |
def get_download_link(file, file_type="zip"):
212 |
with open(file, "rb") as f:
213 |
b64 = base64.b64encode(
214 |
if file_type == "zip":
223 |
return f'<a href="data:application/octet-stream;base64,{b64}" download="{os.path.basename(file)}">Download {os.path.basename(file)}</a>'
224 |
225 |
def clean_for_speech(text: str) -> str:
226 |
text = text.replace("\n", " ")
227 |
text = text.replace("</s>", " ")
228 |
text = text.replace("#", "")
245 |
return, voice, rate, pitch, file_format))
246 |
247 |
def play_and_download_audio(file_path, file_type="mp3"):
248 |
if file_path and os.path.exists(file_path):
249 |
250 |
dl_link = get_download_link(file_path, file_type=file_type)
251 |
st.markdown(dl_link, unsafe_allow_html=True)
252 |
253 |
def save_qa_with_audio(question, answer, voice=None):
254 |
if not voice:
255 |
voice = st.session_state['tts_voice']
256 |
combined_text = f"# Question\n{question}\n\n# Answer\n{answer}"
257 |
md_file = create_file(question, answer, "md")
258 |
audio_text = f"{question}\n\nAnswer: {answer}"
259 |
audio_file = speak_with_edge_tts(
260 |
261 |
262 |
263 |
264 |
return md_file, audio_file
265 |
266 |
def parse_arxiv_refs(ref_text: str):
267 |
if not ref_text:
268 |
return []
269 |
273 |
274 |
for i, line in enumerate(lines):
275 |
if line.count('|') == 2:
276 |
if current_paper:
277 |
278 |
if len(results) >= 20:
279 |
280 |
281 |
header_parts = line.strip('* ').split('|')
282 |
date = header_parts[0].strip()
283 |
title = header_parts[1].strip()
284 |
url_match ='(\S+)', line)
285 |
url = if url_match else f"paper_{len(results)}"
286 |
current_paper = {
287 |
'date': date,
288 |
'title': title,
296 |
st.warning(f"Error parsing paper header: {str(e)}")
297 |
current_paper = {}
298 |
299 |
elif current_paper:
300 |
if not current_paper['authors']:
301 |
current_paper['authors'] = line.strip('* ')
302 |
304 |
current_paper['summary'] += ' ' + line.strip()
305 |
306 |
current_paper['summary'] = line.strip()
307 |
if current_paper:
308 |
309 |
310 |
return results[:20]
311 |
312 |
def create_paper_links_md(papers):
313 |
lines = ["# Paper Links\n"]
314 |
for i, p in enumerate(papers, start=1):
315 |
lines.append(f"{i}. **{p['title']}** — [Arxiv]({p['url']})")
316 |
return "\n".join(lines)
317 |
318 |
def create_paper_audio_files(papers, input_question):
319 |
for paper in papers:
320 |
321 |
audio_text = f"{paper['title']} by {paper['authors']}. {paper['summary']}"
322 |
audio_text = clean_for_speech(audio_text)
323 |
329 |
330 |
paper['full_audio'] = audio_file
331 |
332 |
if audio_file:
333 |
with open(audio_file, "rb") as af:
334 |
b64_data = base64.b64encode(
335 |
download_filename = os.path.basename(audio_file)
336 |
mime_type = "mpeg" if file_format == "mp3" else "wav"
337 |
paper['download_base64'] = (
345 |
paper['download_base64'] = ''
346 |
347 |
def display_papers(papers, marquee_settings):
348 |
st.write("## Research Papers")
349 |
for i, paper in enumerate(papers, start=1):
350 |
marquee_text = f"📄 {paper['title']} | 👤 {paper['authors'][:120]} | 📝 {paper['summary'][:200]}"
351 |
display_marquee(marquee_text, marquee_settings, key_suffix=f"paper_{i}")
352 |
354 |
st.markdown(f"**{paper['date']} | {paper['title']} |** [Arxiv Link]({paper['url']})")
355 |
st.markdown(f"*Authors:* {paper['authors']}")
356 |
357 |
if paper.get('full_audio'):
358 |
st.write("📚 Paper Audio")
359 |['full_audio'])
361 |
st.markdown(paper['download_base64'], unsafe_allow_html=True)
362 |
363 |
def display_papers_in_sidebar(papers):
364 |
st.sidebar.title("🎶 Papers & Audio")
365 |
for i, paper in enumerate(papers, start=1):
366 |
with st.sidebar.expander(f"{i}. {paper['title']}"):
369 |['full_audio'])
370 |
if paper['download_base64']:
371 |
st.markdown(paper['download_base64'], unsafe_allow_html=True)
372 |
st.markdown(f"**Authors:** {paper['authors']}")
373 |
if paper['summary']:
374 |
st.markdown(f"**Summary:** {paper['summary'][:300]}...")
375 |
376 |
def create_zip_of_files(md_files, mp3_files, wav_files, input_question):
377 |
md_files = [f for f in md_files if os.path.basename(f).lower() != '']
378 |
all_files = md_files + mp3_files + wav_files
379 |
if not all_files:
385 |
with open(f, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file:
386 |
387 |
elif f.endswith('.mp3') or f.endswith('.wav'):
388 |
basename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(f))[0]
389 |
words = basename.replace('_', ' ')
390 |
394 |
info_terms = get_high_info_terms(combined_content, top_n=10)
395 |
396 |
timestamp = format_timestamp_prefix()
397 |
name_text = '-'.join(term for term in info_terms[:5])
398 |
short_zip_name = (timestamp + "_" + name_text)[:20] + ".zip"
399 |
400 |
with zipfile.ZipFile(short_zip_name, 'w') as z:
401 |
for f in all_files:
402 |
403 |
return short_zip_name
404 |
405 |
def perform_ai_lookup(q, vocal_summary=True, extended_refs=False,
406 |
titles_summary=True, full_audio=False):
407 |
start = time.time()
408 |
ai_constitution = """
409 |
You are a talented AI coder and songwriter...
410 |
411 |
# Claude:
412 |
client = anthropic.Anthropic(api_key=anthropic_key)
413 |
user_input = q
414 |
response = client.messages.create(
415 |
416 |
417 |
418 |
{"role": "user", "content": user_input}
419 |
420 |
st.write("Claude's reply 🧠:")
421 |
422 |
423 |
result = response.content[0].text
424 |
create_file(q, result)
425 |
md_file, audio_file = save_qa_with_audio(q, result)
426 |
st.subheader("📝 Main Response Audio")
427 |
play_and_download_audio(audio_file, st.session_state['audio_format'])
428 |
429 |
# Arxiv:
430 |
st.write("Arxiv's AI this Evening...")
431 |
from gradio_client import Client
432 |
client = Client("awacke1/Arxiv-Paper-Search-And-QA-RAG-Pattern")
433 |
refs = client.predict(q, 20, "Semantic Search",
434 |
435 |
436 |
r2 = client.predict(q, "mistralai/Mixtral-8x7B-Instruct-v0.1",
437 |
True, api_name="/ask_llm")
438 |
439 |
result = f"### 🔎 {q}\n\n{r2}\n\n{refs}"
440 |
md_file, audio_file = save_qa_with_audio(q, result)
441 |
st.subheader("📝 Main Response Audio")
442 |
play_and_download_audio(audio_file, st.session_state['audio_format'])
443 |
444 |
papers = parse_arxiv_refs(refs)
445 |
if papers:
446 |
paper_links = create_paper_links_md(papers)
447 |
links_file = create_file(q, paper_links, "md")
448 |
449 |
450 |
create_paper_audio_files(papers, input_question=q)
451 |
display_papers(papers, get_marquee_settings())
452 |
453 |
454 |
st.warning("No papers found in the response.")
460 |
def process_voice_input(text):
461 |
if not text:
462 |
463 |
st.subheader("🔍 Search Results")
464 |
result = perform_ai_lookup(
465 |
468 |
469 |
470 |
471 |
md_file, audio_file = save_qa_with_audio(text, result)
472 |
st.subheader("📝 Generated Files")
473 |
st.write(f"Markdown: {md_file}")
474 |
st.write(f"Audio: {audio_file}")
475 |
play_and_download_audio(audio_file, st.session_state['audio_format'])
476 |
477 |
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
478 |
479 |
def display_file_history_in_sidebar():
480 |
481 |
Shows a history of each local .md, .mp3, .wav file in descending
482 |
order of modification time, with quick icons and optional download links.
483 |
484 |
485 |
st.sidebar.markdown("### 📂 File History")
486 |
487 |
# Gather all files of interest
488 |
md_files = glob.glob("*.md")
489 |
mp3_files = glob.glob("*.mp3")
490 |
wav_files = glob.glob("*.wav")
491 |
all_files = md_files + mp3_files + wav_files
492 |
493 |
if not all_files:
494 |
st.sidebar.write("No files found.")
495 |
496 |
497 |
# Sort by newest first
498 |
all_files = sorted(all_files, key=os.path.getmtime, reverse=True)
499 |
500 |
for f in all_files:
501 |
fname = os.path.basename(f)
502 |
ext = os.path.splitext(fname)[1].lower().strip('.')
503 |
emoji = FILE_EMOJIS.get(ext, '📦')
504 |
time_str = datetime.fromtimestamp(os.path.getmtime(f)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
505 |
506 |
with st.sidebar.expander(f"{emoji} {fname}"):
507 |
st.write(f"**Modified:** {time_str}")
508 |
# Optionally show a snippet for .md:
509 |
if ext == "md":
510 |
with open(f, "r", encoding="utf-8") as file_in:
511 |
snippet ="\n", " ")
512 |
if len(snippet) == 200:
513 |
snippet += "..."
514 |
515 |
st.markdown(get_download_link(f, file_type="md"), unsafe_allow_html=True)
516 |
# If it's audio, let user play it
517 |
elif ext in ["mp3","wav"]:
518 |
519 |
st.markdown(get_download_link(f, file_type=ext), unsafe_allow_html=True)
520 |
521 |
st.markdown(get_download_link(f), unsafe_allow_html=True)
522 |
523 |
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
524 |
525 |
def main():
526 |
527 |
marquee_settings = get_marquee_settings()
528 |
529 |
{**marquee_settings, "font-size": "28px", "lineHeight": "50px"},
530 |
531 |
532 |
# -- Insert your main app tabs, logic, etc. --
533 |
tab_main ="Action:", ["🎤 Voice", "📸 Media", "🔍 ArXiv", "📝 Editor"],
534 |
535 |
536 |
mycomponent = components.declare_component("mycomponent", path="mycomponent")
537 |
val = mycomponent(my_input_value="Hello")
538 |
539 |
if val:
540 |
val_stripped = val.replace('\\n', ' ')
541 |
edited_input = st.text_area("✏️ Edit Input:", value=val_stripped, height=100)
542 |
run_option = st.selectbox("Model:", ["Arxiv"])
543 |
col1, col2 = st.columns(2)
544 |
with col1:
566 |
567 |
568 |
569 |
if tab_main == "🔍 ArXiv":
570 |
st.subheader("🔍 Query ArXiv")
571 |
q = st.text_input("🔍 Query:", key="arxiv_query")
572 |
st.markdown("### 🎛 Options")
573 |
vocal_summary = st.checkbox("🎙ShortAudio", value=True, key="option_vocal_summary")
574 |
extended_refs = st.checkbox("📜LongRefs", value=False, key="option_extended_refs")
583 |
if full_transcript:
584 |
create_file(q, result, "md")
585 |
586 |
elif tab_main == "🎤 Voice":
587 |
st.subheader("🎤 Voice Input")
588 |
st.markdown("### 🎤 Voice Settings")
589 |
selected_voice = st.selectbox(
590 |
"Select TTS Voice:",
591 |
592 |
593 |
594 |
st.markdown("### 🔊 Audio Format")
595 |
selected_format =
596 |
"Choose Audio Format:",
605 |
st.session_state['audio_format'] = selected_format.lower()
606 |
607 |
608 |
user_text = st.text_area("💬 Message:", height=100)
609 |
user_text = user_text.strip().replace('\n', ' ')
610 |
616 |
st.write("**You:**", c["user"])
617 |
st.write("**Response:**", c["claude"])
618 |
619 |
elif tab_main == "📸 Media":
620 |
st.header("📸 Media Gallery")
621 |
tabs = st.tabs(["🎵 Audio", "🖼 Images", "🎥 Video"]) # audio first
622 |
with tabs[0]:
623 |
st.subheader("🎵 Audio Files")
624 |
audio_files = glob.glob("*.mp3") + glob.glob("*.wav")
631 |
st.markdown(dl_link, unsafe_allow_html=True)
632 |
633 |
st.write("No audio files found.")
634 |
with tabs[1]:
635 |
st.subheader("🖼 Image Files")
636 |
imgs = glob.glob("*.png") + glob.glob("*.jpg") + glob.glob("*.jpeg")
642 |
st.image(, use_container_width=True)
643 |
644 |
st.write("No images found.")
645 |
with tabs[2]:
646 |
st.subheader("🎥 Video Files")
647 |
vids = glob.glob("*.mp4") + glob.glob("*.mov") + glob.glob("*.avi")
652 |
653 |
st.write("No videos found.")
654 |
655 |
elif tab_main == "📝 Editor":
656 |
st.write("Select or create a file to edit. (Currently minimal)")
657 |
658 |
# --- IMPORTANT: Display the file-history in the sidebar
659 |
660 |
661 |
662 |
670 |
st.session_state.should_rerun = False
671 |
672 |
673 |
if __name__ == "__main__":
674 |