import streamlit as st import requests import os import urllib import base64 from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import hashlib import json import uuid import glob import zipfile EXCLUDED_FILES = ['', 'requirements.txt', 'pre-requirements.txt', 'packages.txt', '','.gitattributes', "","Dockerfile"] URLS = { "Lumiere": "", "National Library of Medicine": "", "World Health Organization": "", "UHCProvider - United Health and Optum": "", "CMS - Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services": "", "Mayo Clinic": "", "WebMD": "", "MedlinePlus": "", "Healthline": "", "CDC - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention": "", "Johns Hopkins Medicine": "" } if not os.path.exists("history.json"): with open("history.json", "w") as f: json.dump({}, f) import os import base64 import zipfile import streamlit as st def zip_subdirs(start_dir): for subdir, dirs, files in os.walk(start_dir): if subdir != start_dir: # Skip the root directory zip_filename = os.path.join(start_dir, subdir.split(os.sep)[-1] + '.zip') allFileSummary = "" with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_filename, 'w') as zipf: for file in files: file_path = os.path.join(subdir, file) zipf.write(file_path, os.path.relpath(file_path, start_dir)) allFileSummary=allFileSummary+(f"Added: {file_path}") st.write(allFileSummary) yield zip_filename def get_zip_download_link(zip_file): with open(zip_file, 'rb') as f: bytes = b64 = base64.b64encode(bytes).decode() link_name = os.path.basename(zip_file) href = f'Download: {link_name}' return href @st.cache_resource def create_zip_of_files(files): zip_name = "" with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_name, 'w') as zipf: for file in files: zipf.write(file) return zip_name @st.cache_resource def get_zip_download_link(zip_file): with open(zip_file, 'rb') as f: data = b64 = base64.b64encode(data).decode() href = f'Download All' return href def download_file(url, local_filename): if url.startswith('http://') or url.startswith('https://'): try: with requests.get(url, stream=True) as r: r.raise_for_status() with open(local_filename, 'wb') as f: for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size=8192): f.write(chunk) return local_filename except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as err: print(f"HTTP error occurred: {err}") def download_html_and_files(url, subdir): html_content = requests.get(url).text soup = BeautifulSoup(html_content, 'html.parser') base_url = urllib.parse.urlunparse(urllib.parse.urlparse(url)._replace(path='', params='', query='', fragment='')) for link in soup.find_all('a'): file_url = urllib.parse.urljoin(base_url, link.get('href')) local_filename = os.path.join(subdir, urllib.parse.urlparse(file_url).path.split('/')[-1]) if not local_filename.endswith('/') and local_filename != subdir: link['href'] = local_filename download_file(file_url, local_filename) with open(os.path.join(subdir, "index.html"), "w") as file: file.write(str(soup)) def list_files(directory_path='.'): files = [f for f in os.listdir(directory_path) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(directory_path, f))] return [f for f in files if f not in EXCLUDED_FILES] def file_editor(file_path): st.write(f"Editing File: {os.path.basename(file_path)}") file_content = "" with open(file_path, "r") as f: file_content = file_content = st.text_area("Edit the file content:", value=file_content, height=250) if st.button("💾 Save"): with open(file_path, "w") as f: f.write(file_content) st.success(f"File '{os.path.basename(file_path)}' saved!") def show_file_operations(file_path, sequence_number): #st.write(f"File: {os.path.basename(file_path)}") unique_key = hashlib.md5(file_path.encode()).hexdigest() file_content = "" col01, col02, col1, col2, col3 = st.columns(5) with col01: st.write(os.path.basename(file_path)) #with col02: #st.write(file_path) with col1: edit_key = f"edit_{unique_key}_{sequence_number}" if st.button(f"✏️ Edit", key=edit_key): with open(file_path, "r") as f: file_content = text_area_key = f"text_area_{unique_key}_{sequence_number}" file_content = st.text_area("Edit the file content:", value=file_content, height=250, key=text_area_key) with col2: save_key = f"save_{unique_key}_{sequence_number}" if st.button(f"💾 Save", key=save_key): if file_content: # Ensure file_content is not empty with open(file_path, "w") as f: f.write(file_content) st.success(f"File saved!") with col3: delete_key = f"delete_{unique_key}_{sequence_number}" if st.button(f"🗑️ Delete", key=delete_key): os.remove(file_path) st.markdown(f"File deleted!") file_sequence_numbers = {} def show_download_links(subdir): global file_sequence_numbers for file in list_files(subdir): file_path = os.path.join(subdir, file) if file_path not in file_sequence_numbers: file_sequence_numbers[file_path] = 1 else: file_sequence_numbers[file_path] += 1 sequence_number = file_sequence_numbers[file_path] if os.path.isfile(file_path): #st.markdown(get_download_link(file_path), unsafe_allow_html=True) st.markdown(file_path, unsafe_allow_html=True) # faster than encapsulating file into base64 download link show_file_operations(file_path, sequence_number) else: st.write(f"File not found: {file}") def get_download_link(file): with open(file, "rb") as f: bytes = b64 = base64.b64encode(bytes).decode() href = f'Download: {os.path.basename(file)}' return href def main(): st.sidebar.title('🌐 Web Datasets Bulk Downloader') # Check for query parameters for file editing #query_params = st.query_params() query_params = st.experimental_get_query_params() file_to_edit = query_params.get('file_to_edit', [None])[0] if file_to_edit and os.path.exists(file_to_edit): file_editor(file_to_edit) else: # Selecting URL input method # Selecting URL input method url_input_method ="Choose URL Input Method", ["Enter URL", "Select from List"], index=1) url = "" if url_input_method == "Enter URL": url = st.sidebar.text_input('Please enter a Web URL to bulk download text and files') else: selected_site = st.sidebar.selectbox("Select a Website", list(URLS.keys()), index=0) url = URLS[selected_site] #url_input_method ="Choose URL Input Method", ["Enter URL", "Select from List"]) #url = "" #if url_input_method == "Enter URL": # url = st.sidebar.text_input('Please enter a Web URL to bulk download text and files') #else: # selected_site = st.sidebar.selectbox("Select a Website", list(URLS.keys())) # url = URLS[selected_site] # Reading or creating history.json if not os.path.exists("history.json"): with open("history.json", "w") as f: json.dump({}, f) with open("history.json", "r") as f: try: history = json.load(f) except: print('error') # Handling URL submission if url: subdir = hashlib.md5(url.encode()).hexdigest() if not os.path.exists(subdir): os.makedirs(subdir) if url not in history: history[url] = subdir with open("history.json", "w") as f: json.dump(history, f) if st.sidebar.button('📥 Get All the Content', help="Download content from the selected URL"): download_html_and_files(url, history[url]) show_download_links(history[url]) if st.sidebar.button('📂 Show Download Links', help="Show all available download links"): for subdir in history.values(): show_download_links(subdir) # Button for downloading content #if st.sidebar.button('📥 Get All the Content'): # download_html_and_files(url, history[url]) # show_download_links(history[url]) # Button for showing download links #if st.sidebar.button('📂 Show Download Links'): # for subdir in history.values(): # show_download_links(subdir) if st.sidebar.button("🗑 Delete All", help="Delete all downloaded content"): #if st.sidebar.button("🗑 Delete All"): # Clear history file with open("history.json", "w") as f: json.dump({}, f) # Delete all files in subdirectories for subdir in glob.glob('*'): if os.path.isdir(subdir) and subdir not in EXCLUDED_FILES: for file in os.listdir(subdir): file_path = os.path.join(subdir, file) os.remove(file_path) st.write(f"Deleted: {file_path}") os.rmdir(subdir) # Remove the empty directory st.experimental_rerun() if st.sidebar.button("⬇️ Download All", help="Download all files in a zip"): start_directory = '.' # Current directory for zip_file in zip_subdirs(start_directory): st.sidebar.markdown(zip_file, unsafe_allow_html=True) st.sidebar.markdown(get_zip_download_link(zip_file), unsafe_allow_html=True) #if st.sidebar.button("⬇️ Download All"): # start_directory = '.' # Current directory # for zip_file in zip_subdirs(start_directory): # st.sidebar.markdown(get_zip_download_link(zip_file), unsafe_allow_html=True) # Expander for showing URL history and download links with st.expander("URL History and Downloaded Files"): try: for url, subdir in history.items(): st.markdown(f"#### {url}") # show_download_links(subdir) except: print('url history is empty') # Update each time to show files we have #for subdir in history.values(): # show_download_links(subdir) if __name__ == "__main__": main()