awacke1's picture
import streamlit as st
# Define Roles and their Descriptions
roles = {
"1. Coder": "πŸ’» Creates short python code functions to solve tasks.",
"2. Humanities Expert": "πŸ“š Focuses on arts, literature, history, and other humanities subjects.",
"3. Analyst": "πŸ€” Analyzes situations and provides logical solutions.",
"4. Roleplay Expert": "🎭 Specialized in mimicking behaviors or characters.",
"5. Mathematician": "βž— Solves mathematical problems with precision.",
"6. STEM Expert": "πŸ”¬ Specialized in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics tasks.",
"7. Extraction Expert": "πŸ” Strictly sticks to facts and extracts concise information.",
"8. Drafter": "πŸ“ Exhibits expertise in generating textual content and narratives.",
# Streamlit UI
st.title("AI Role Selector - CHARMSED πŸ€–βœ¨")
### Harness the power of AI with the CHARMSED framework.
#### This suite of roles brings together a comprehensive set of AI capabilities, tailored for diverse tasks:
- **C**oder πŸ’»: Craft pythonic solutions with precision.
- **H**umanities Expert πŸ“š: Dive deep into arts, literature, and history.
- **A**nalyst πŸ€”: Derive insights through logical reasoning.
- **R**oleplay Expert 🎭: Mimic behaviors or adopt personas for engaging interactions.
- **M**athematician βž—: Crunch numbers and solve mathematical enigmas.
- **S**TEM Expert πŸ”¬: Navigate through the realms of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics.
- **E**xtraction Expert πŸ”: Extract concise information with a laser-focus.
- **D**rafter πŸ“: Generate textual content and narratives with flair.
Empower your tasks with the perfect AI role and unleash the magic of CHARMSED!
# Dropdown to select role
selected_role = st.selectbox("Select AI Role:", list(roles.keys()))
# Display the description of the selected role
# Switch to choose between two models
model ="Choose Model:", ["model_1", "model_2"])
# Text area for user input
user_input = st.text_area("Provide your task/question:")
# Button to execute
if st.button("Execute"):
# Here, you would add code to get the AI response based on the selected role and model.
# For now, just echoing the user input.
st.write(f"You said: {user_input}")