lighthouse_demo /
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Copyright $today.year LY Corporation
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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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under the License.
import os
import torch
import subprocess
import ffmpeg
import pandas as pd
import gradio as gr
from tqdm import tqdm
from lighthouse.models import *
# use GPU if available
device = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu"
MODEL_NAMES = ['cg_detr', 'moment_detr', 'eatr', 'qd_detr', 'tr_detr', 'uvcom']
FEATURES = ['clip', 'clip_slowfast']
Helper functions
def load_pretrained_weights():
file_urls = []
for model_name in MODEL_NAMES:
for feature in FEATURES:
"{}_{}_qvhighlight.ckpt".format(feature, model_name)
for file_url in tqdm(file_urls):
if not os.path.exists('weights/' + os.path.basename(file_url)):
command = 'wget -P weights/ {}'.format(file_url), shell=True)
# Slowfast weights
if not os.path.exists('SLOWFAST_8x8_R50.pkl'):'wget')
return file_urls
def flatten(array2d):
list1d = []
for elem in array2d:
list1d += elem
return list1d
Model initialization
model = CGDETRPredictor('weights/clip_cg_detr_qvhighlight.ckpt', device=device,
feature_name='clip', slowfast_path='SLOWFAST_8x8_R50.pkl')
js_codes = ["""() => {{
let moment_text = document.getElementById('result_{}').textContent;
var replaced_text = moment_text.replace(/moment..../, '').replace(/\ Score.*/, '');
let start_end = JSON.parse(replaced_text);
document.getElementsByTagName("video")[0].currentTime = start_end[0];
}}""".format(i) for i in range(TOPK_MOMENT)]
Gradio functions
def video_upload(video):
if video is None:
model.video_feats = None
model.video_mask = None
model.video_path = None
yield gr.update(value="Removed the video", visible=True)
yield gr.update(value="Processing the video. Wait for a minute...", visible=True)
yield gr.update(value="Finished video processing!", visible=True)
def model_load(radio):
if radio is not None:
yield gr.update(value="Loading new model. Wait for a minute...", visible=True)
global model
feature, model_name = radio.split('+')
feature, model_name = feature.strip(), model_name.strip()
if model_name == 'moment_detr':
model_class = MomentDETRPredictor
elif model_name == 'qd_detr':
model_class = QDDETRPredictor
elif model_name == 'eatr':
model_class = EaTRPredictor
elif model_name == 'tr_detr':
model_class = TRDETRPredictor
elif model_name == 'uvcom':
model_class = UVCOMPredictor
elif model_name == 'taskweave':
model_class = TaskWeavePredictor
elif model_name == 'cg_detr':
model_class = CGDETRPredictor
raise gr.Error("Select from the models")
model = model_class('weights/{}_{}_qvhighlight.ckpt'.format(feature, model_name),
device=device, feature_name='{}'.format(feature), slowfast_path='SLOWFAST_8x8_R50.pkl')
yield gr.update(value="Model loaded: {}".format(radio), visible=True)
def predict(textbox, line, gallery):
prediction = model.predict(textbox)
if prediction is None:
raise gr.Error('Upload the video before pushing the `Retrieve moment & highlight detection` button.')
mr_results = prediction['pred_relevant_windows']
hl_results = prediction['pred_saliency_scores']
buttons = []
for i, pred in enumerate(mr_results[:TOPK_MOMENT]):
buttons.append(gr.Button(value='moment {}: [{}, {}] Score: {}'.format(i+1, pred[0], pred[1], pred[2]), visible=True))
# Visualize the HD score
seconds = [model.clip_len * i for i in range(len(hl_results))]
hl_data = pd.DataFrame({ 'second': seconds, 'saliency_score': hl_results })
min_val, max_val = min(hl_results), max(hl_results) + 1
min_x, max_x = min(seconds), max(seconds)
line = gr.LinePlot(value=hl_data, x='second', y='saliency_score', visible=True, y_lim=[min_val, max_val], x_lim=[min_x, max_x])
# Show highlight frames
n_largest_df = hl_data.nlargest(columns='saliency_score', n=TOPK_HIGHLIGHT)
highlighted_seconds = n_largest_df.second.tolist()
highlighted_scores = n_largest_df.saliency_score.tolist()
output_image_paths = []
for i, (second, score) in enumerate(zip(highlighted_seconds, highlighted_scores)):
output_path = "highlight_frames/highlight_{}.png".format(i)
.input(model.video_path, ss=second)
.output(output_path, vframes=1, qscale=2)
.global_args('-loglevel', 'quiet', '-y')
output_image_paths.append((output_path, "Highlight: {} - score: {:.02f}".format(i+1, score)))
gallery = gr.Gallery(value=output_image_paths, label='gradio', columns=5, show_download_button=True, visible=True)
return buttons + [line, gallery]
def main():
title = """# Moment Retrieval & Highlight Detection Demo"""
with gr.Blocks(theme=gr.themes.Soft()) as demo:
with gr.Row():
with gr.Column():
with gr.Group():
gr.Markdown("## Model selection")
radio_list = flatten([["{} + {}".format(feature, model_name) for model_name in MODEL_NAMES] for feature in FEATURES])
radio = gr.Radio(radio_list, label="models", value="clip + cg_detr", info="Which model do you want to use?")
load_status_text = gr.Textbox(label='Model load status', value='Model loaded: clip + cg_detr')
with gr.Group():
gr.Markdown("## Video and query")
video_input = gr.Video(elem_id='video', height=600)
output = gr.Textbox(label='Video processing progress')
query_input = gr.Textbox(label='query')
button = gr.Button("Retrieve moment & highlight detection", variant="primary")
with gr.Column():
with gr.Group():
gr.Markdown("## Retrieved moments")
button_1 = gr.Button(value='moment 1', visible=False, elem_id='result_0')
button_2 = gr.Button(value='moment 2', visible=False, elem_id='result_1')
button_3 = gr.Button(value='moment 3', visible=False, elem_id='result_2')
button_4 = gr.Button(value='moment 4', visible=False, elem_id='result_3')
button_5 = gr.Button(value='moment 5', visible=False, elem_id='result_4'), None, None, js=js_codes[0]), None, None, js=js_codes[1]), None, None, js=js_codes[2]), None, None, js=js_codes[3]), None, None, js=js_codes[4])
# dummy
with gr.Group():
gr.Markdown("## Saliency score")
line = gr.LinePlot(value=pd.DataFrame({'x': [], 'y': []}), x='x', y='y', visible=False)
gr.Markdown("### Highlighted frames")
gallery = gr.Gallery(value=[], label="highlight", columns=5, visible=False)
video_input.change(video_upload, inputs=[video_input], outputs=output), inputs=[radio], outputs=load_status_text),
inputs=[query_input, line, gallery],
outputs=[button_1, button_2, button_3, button_4, button_5, line, gallery])
if __name__ == "__main__":