import streamlit as st import cv2 from tensorflow.keras.models import Model from tensorflow.keras.layers import (LSTM, Dense, Dropout, Input, Flatten, Bidirectional, Permute, multiply) import numpy as np import mediapipe as mp import math from streamlit_webrtc import webrtc_streamer, WebRtcMode, RTCConfiguration import av ## Build and Load Model def attention_block(inputs, time_steps): """ Attention layer for deep neural network """ # Attention weights a = Permute((2, 1))(inputs) a = Dense(time_steps, activation='softmax')(a) # Attention vector a_probs = Permute((2, 1), name='attention_vec')(a) # Luong's multiplicative score output_attention_mul = multiply([inputs, a_probs], name='attention_mul') return output_attention_mul @st.cache(allow_output_mutation=True) def build_model(HIDDEN_UNITS=256, sequence_length=30, num_input_values=33*4, num_classes=3): """ Function used to build the deep neural network model on startup Args: HIDDEN_UNITS (int, optional): Number of hidden units for each neural network hidden layer. Defaults to 256. sequence_length (int, optional): Input sequence length (i.e., number of frames). Defaults to 30. num_input_values (_type_, optional): Input size of the neural network model. Defaults to 33*4 (i.e., number of keypoints x number of metrics). num_classes (int, optional): Number of classification categories (i.e., model output size). Defaults to 3. Returns: keras model: neural network with pre-trained weights """ # Input inputs = Input(shape=(sequence_length, num_input_values)) # Bi-LSTM lstm_out = Bidirectional(LSTM(HIDDEN_UNITS, return_sequences=True))(inputs) # Attention attention_mul = attention_block(lstm_out, sequence_length) attention_mul = Flatten()(attention_mul) # Fully Connected Layer x = Dense(2*HIDDEN_UNITS, activation='relu')(attention_mul) x = Dropout(0.5)(x) # Output x = Dense(num_classes, activation='softmax')(x) # Bring it all together model = Model(inputs=[inputs], outputs=x) ## Load Model Weights load_dir = "./models/LSTM_Attention.h5" model.load_weights(load_dir) return model HIDDEN_UNITS = 256 model = build_model(HIDDEN_UNITS) ## App st.write("# AI Personal Fitness Trainer Web App") st.markdown("❗❗ **Development Note** ❗❗") st.markdown("Currently, the exercise recognition model uses the the x, y, and z coordinates of each anatomical landmark from the MediaPipe Pose model. These coordinates are normalized with respect to the image frame (e.g., the top left corner represents (x=0,y=0) and the bottom right corner represents(x=1,y=1)).") st.markdown("I'm currently developing and testing two new feature engineering strategies:") st.markdown("- Normalizing coordinates by the detected bounding box of the user") st.markdown("- Using joint angles rather than keypoint coordaintes as features") st.write("Stay Tuned!") st.write("## Settings") threshold1 = st.slider("Minimum Keypoint Detection Confidence", 0.00, 1.00, 0.50) threshold2 = st.slider("Minimum Tracking Confidence", 0.00, 1.00, 0.50) threshold3 = st.slider("Minimum Activity Classification Confidence", 0.00, 1.00, 0.50) st.write("## Activate the AI 🤖🏋️‍♂️") ## Mediapipe mp_pose = # Pre-trained pose estimation model from Google Mediapipe mp_drawing = # Supported Mediapipe visualization tools pose = mp_pose.Pose(min_detection_confidence=threshold1, min_tracking_confidence=threshold2) # mediapipe pose model ## Real Time Machine Learning and Computer Vision Processes class VideoProcessor: def __init__(self): # Parameters self.actions = np.array(['curl', 'press', 'squat']) self.sequence_length = 30 self.colors = [(245,117,16), (117,245,16), (16,117,245)] self.threshold = threshold3 # Detection variables self.sequence = [] self.current_action = '' # Rep counter logic variables self.curl_counter = 0 self.press_counter = 0 self.squat_counter = 0 self.curl_stage = None self.press_stage = None self.squat_stage = None @st.cache() def draw_landmarks(self, image, results): """ This function draws keypoints and landmarks detected by the human pose estimation model """ mp_drawing.draw_landmarks(image, results.pose_landmarks, mp_pose.POSE_CONNECTIONS, mp_drawing.DrawingSpec(color=(245,117,66), thickness=2, circle_radius=2), mp_drawing.DrawingSpec(color=(245,66,230), thickness=2, circle_radius=2) ) return @st.cache() def extract_keypoints(self, results): """ Processes and organizes the keypoints detected from the pose estimation model to be used as inputs for the exercise decoder models """ pose = np.array([[res.x, res.y, res.z, res.visibility] for res in results.pose_landmarks.landmark]).flatten() if results.pose_landmarks else np.zeros(33*4) return pose @st.cache() def calculate_angle(self, a,b,c): """ Computes 3D joint angle inferred by 3 keypoints and their relative positions to one another """ a = np.array(a) # First b = np.array(b) # Mid c = np.array(c) # End radians = np.arctan2(c[1]-b[1], c[0]-b[0]) - np.arctan2(a[1]-b[1], a[0]-b[0]) angle = np.abs(radians*180.0/np.pi) if angle > 180.0: angle = 360-angle return angle @st.cache() def get_coordinates(self, landmarks, mp_pose, side, joint): """ Retrieves x and y coordinates of a particular keypoint from the pose estimation model Args: landmarks: processed keypoints from the pose estimation model mp_pose: Mediapipe pose estimation model side: 'left' or 'right'. Denotes the side of the body of the landmark of interest. joint: 'shoulder', 'elbow', 'wrist', 'hip', 'knee', or 'ankle'. Denotes which body joint is associated with the landmark of interest. """ coord = getattr(mp_pose.PoseLandmark,side.upper()+"_"+joint.upper()) x_coord_val = landmarks[coord.value].x y_coord_val = landmarks[coord.value].y return [x_coord_val, y_coord_val] @st.cache() def viz_joint_angle(self, image, angle, joint): """ Displays the joint angle value near the joint within the image frame """ cv2.putText(image, str(int(angle)), tuple(np.multiply(joint, [640, 480]).astype(int)), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, (255, 255, 255), 2, cv2.LINE_AA ) return @st.cache() def count_reps(self, image, landmarks, mp_pose): """ Counts repetitions of each exercise. Global count and stage (i.e., state) variables are updated within this function. """ if self.current_action == 'curl': # Get coords shoulder = self.get_coordinates(landmarks, mp_pose, 'left', 'shoulder') elbow = self.get_coordinates(landmarks, mp_pose, 'left', 'elbow') wrist = self.get_coordinates(landmarks, mp_pose, 'left', 'wrist') # calculate elbow angle angle = self.calculate_angle(shoulder, elbow, wrist) # curl counter logic if angle < 30: self.curl_stage = "up" if angle > 140 and self.curl_stage =='up': self.curl_stage="down" self.curl_counter +=1 self.press_stage = None self.squat_stage = None # Viz joint angle self.viz_joint_angle(image, angle, elbow) elif self.current_action == 'press': # Get coords shoulder = self.get_coordinates(landmarks, mp_pose, 'left', 'shoulder') elbow = self.get_coordinates(landmarks, mp_pose, 'left', 'elbow') wrist = self.get_coordinates(landmarks, mp_pose, 'left', 'wrist') # Calculate elbow angle elbow_angle = self.calculate_angle(shoulder, elbow, wrist) # Compute distances between joints shoulder2elbow_dist = abs(math.dist(shoulder,elbow)) shoulder2wrist_dist = abs(math.dist(shoulder,wrist)) # Press counter logic if (elbow_angle > 130) and (shoulder2elbow_dist < shoulder2wrist_dist): self.press_stage = "up" if (elbow_angle < 50) and (shoulder2elbow_dist > shoulder2wrist_dist) and (self.press_stage =='up'): self.press_stage='down' self.press_counter += 1 self.curl_stage = None self.squat_stage = None # Viz joint angle self.viz_joint_angle(image, elbow_angle, elbow) elif self.current_action == 'squat': # Get coords # left side left_shoulder = self.get_coordinates(landmarks, mp_pose, 'left', 'shoulder') left_hip = self.get_coordinates(landmarks, mp_pose, 'left', 'hip') left_knee = self.get_coordinates(landmarks, mp_pose, 'left', 'knee') left_ankle = self.get_coordinates(landmarks, mp_pose, 'left', 'ankle') # right side right_shoulder = self.get_coordinates(landmarks, mp_pose, 'right', 'shoulder') right_hip = self.get_coordinates(landmarks, mp_pose, 'right', 'hip') right_knee = self.get_coordinates(landmarks, mp_pose, 'right', 'knee') right_ankle = self.get_coordinates(landmarks, mp_pose, 'right', 'ankle') # Calculate knee angles left_knee_angle = self.calculate_angle(left_hip, left_knee, left_ankle) right_knee_angle = self.calculate_angle(right_hip, right_knee, right_ankle) # Calculate hip angles left_hip_angle = self.calculate_angle(left_shoulder, left_hip, left_knee) right_hip_angle = self.calculate_angle(right_shoulder, right_hip, right_knee) # Squat counter logic thr = 165 if (left_knee_angle < thr) and (right_knee_angle < thr) and (left_hip_angle < thr) and (right_hip_angle < thr): self.squat_stage = "down" if (left_knee_angle > thr) and (right_knee_angle > thr) and (left_hip_angle > thr) and (right_hip_angle > thr) and (self.squat_stage =='down'): self.squat_stage='up' self.squat_counter += 1 self.curl_stage = None self.press_stage = None # Viz joint angles self.viz_joint_angle(image, left_knee_angle, left_knee) self.viz_joint_angle(image, left_hip_angle, left_hip) else: pass return @st.cache() def prob_viz(self, res, input_frame): """ This function displays the model prediction probability distribution over the set of exercise classes as a horizontal bar graph """ output_frame = input_frame.copy() for num, prob in enumerate(res): cv2.rectangle(output_frame, (0,60+num*40), (int(prob*100), 90+num*40), self.colors[num], -1) cv2.putText(output_frame, self.actions[num], (0, 85+num*40), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, (255,255,255), 2, cv2.LINE_AA) return output_frame @st.cache() def process(self, image): """ Function to process the video frame from the user's webcam and run the fitness trainer AI Args: image (numpy array): input image from the webcam Returns: numpy array: processed image with keypoint detection and fitness activity classification visualized """ # Pose detection model image.flags.writeable = False image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) results = pose.process(image) # Draw the hand annotations on the image. image.flags.writeable = True image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) self.draw_landmarks(image, results) # Prediction logic keypoints = self.extract_keypoints(results) self.sequence.append(keypoints.astype('float32',casting='same_kind')) self.sequence = self.sequence[-self.sequence_length:] if len(self.sequence) == self.sequence_length: res = model.predict(np.expand_dims(self.sequence, axis=0), verbose=0)[0] # interpreter.set_tensor(self.input_details[0]['index'], np.expand_dims(self.sequence, axis=0)) # interpreter.invoke() # res = interpreter.get_tensor(self.output_details[0]['index']) self.current_action = self.actions[np.argmax(res)] confidence = np.max(res) # Erase current action variable if no probability is above threshold if confidence < self.threshold: self.current_action = '' # Viz probabilities image = self.prob_viz(res, image) # Count reps try: landmarks = results.pose_landmarks.landmark self.count_reps( image, landmarks, mp_pose) except: pass # Display graphical information cv2.rectangle(image, (0,0), (640, 40), self.colors[np.argmax(res)], -1) cv2.putText(image, 'curl ' + str(self.curl_counter), (3,30), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, (255, 255, 255), 2, cv2.LINE_AA) cv2.putText(image, 'press ' + str(self.press_counter), (240,30), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, (255, 255, 255), 2, cv2.LINE_AA) cv2.putText(image, 'squat ' + str(self.squat_counter), (490,30), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, (255, 255, 255), 2, cv2.LINE_AA) # return cv2.flip(image, 1) return image def recv(self, frame): """ Receive and process video stream from webcam Args: frame: current video frame Returns: av.VideoFrame: processed video frame """ img = frame.to_ndarray(format="bgr24") img = self.process(img) return av.VideoFrame.from_ndarray(img, format="bgr24") ## Stream Webcam Video and Run Model # Options RTC_CONFIGURATION = RTCConfiguration( {"iceServers": [{"urls": [""]}]} ) # Streamer webrtc_ctx = webrtc_streamer( key="AI trainer", mode=WebRtcMode.SENDRECV, rtc_configuration=RTC_CONFIGURATION, media_stream_constraints={"video": True, "audio": False}, video_processor_factory=VideoProcessor, async_processing=True, )