# Builder stage FROM python:3.10.0-alpine as builder # Create a non-root user RUN adduser -D admin # Set the working directory and adjust permissions WORKDIR /srv RUN chown -R admin:admin /srv && \ chmod -R 755 /srv # Install system dependencies RUN apk --no-cache add \ libu2f-dev \ vulkan-tools \ mesa-vulkan-radeon \ wget \ ffmpeg \ curl \ aria2 \ ttf-liberation \ at-spi2-atk \ atk \ cups-libs \ libdrm \ libgbm \ gtk3 \ nspr \ nss \ libu2f-host \ vulkan-loader \ libxcomposite \ libxdamage \ libxfixes \ alsa-lib \ libxkbcommon \ libxrandr \ xdg-utils \ npm # Copy the application code COPY --chown=admin . /srv # Install Node.js and npm RUN npm install npm@latest -g && \ npm install n -g && \ n latest # Print Node.js and npm versions RUN echo "Node.js version: $(node -v)" && \ echo "npm version: $(npm -v)" # Install Thorium Browser or other dependencies if needed # Install Python dependencies COPY requirements.txt . RUN pip install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt # Application Run Command CMD ["bash", "-c", "python -m uvicorn App.app:app --host --port 7860 & python -m celery -A App.Worker.celery worker -c 4 --loglevel=info"] # Expose ports EXPOSE 7860