from interactive_pipe import interactive_pipeline, interactive, Control, Image from synthetizer import NOTE_FREQUENCIES, get_note from import Audio from pathlib import Path from typing import Tuple from time import sleep import argparse import cv2 import numpy as np import logging SONG_1 = "Au clair de la lune" SONG_2 = "Ainsi font, font, font" SONG_3 = "Dodo l'enfant do" SONG_4 = "A la claire fontaine" SONG = { SONG_1: "fa fa fa sol la - sol - fa la sol sol fa - fa fa fa sol la - sol - fa la sol sol fa - - sol sol sol sol re - re - sol fa mi re do - fa fa fa sol la - sol - fa la sol sol fa", SONG_2: "mi mi do - mi - sol - sol - la sol fa mi re mi do mi mi do - mi - sol - sol - la sol fa mi re do", SONG_3: "mi - do - mi mi do - re mi fa mi re sol mi do - mi - do - mi mi do - re mi fa mi re sol do", SONG_4: "fa - fa la la sol la sol - fa - fa la la sol la - la - la sol fa la do la do - do la fa la sol - fa - fa la la sol fa la fa la - la sol fa la sol fa" } def select_song(song: str = SONG_1, context={}): previous_song = context.get("song", None) if previous_song != song: # reset time index context["time_index"] = 0 context["song"] = song def select_note(note="C4", context={}): context["note"] = note def create_note(context={}): note = context.get("note", "C4") audio_signal = get_note(note) return audio_signal def play_note(audio_signal: np.ndarray, context={}): note = context.get("note", "C4") file_name = Path(f"__{note}.wav") if not file_name.exists(): Audio.save_audio(audio_signal, str(file_name), 44100) while not file_name.exists(): sleep(0.01) print("waiting for file") assert file_name.exists() try: if context["time_index"] == 0: context["__stop"]() else: context["__set_audio"](file_name) context["__play"]() except Exception as e: logging.warning( f"Error playing note {note}: {e}, not expected to work with MPL backend for instance") def display_current_color(context={}): if context["time_index"] == 0: return np.zeros((256, 256, 3)) note = context.get("note", "C4") return get_color(note, size=(256, 256)) def display_next_color(context={}): target_note = context.get("target_note", None) if target_note is None: return np.zeros((256, 256, 3)) return get_color(target_note, size=(256, 256)) NOTES_TRANSLATION = ["do", "re", "mi", "fa", "sol", "la", "si", "do2"] NOTES_CORRESPONDANCE = { NOTES_TRANSLATION[i]: note for i, note in enumerate(list(NOTE_FREQUENCIES.keys()))} def get_color(note, size=(256, 256)): colors = { "red": (1.0, 0.0, 0.0), "orange": (1.0, 0.65, 0.0), "yellow": (0.9, 0.9, 0.0), "green": (0.0, 0.5, 0.0), "cyan": (0.0, 0.7, 1.0), "dark blue": (0.0, 0.0, 0.7), "purple": (0.5, 0.0, 0.5), "pink": (1.0, 0.75, 0.8), } index = list(NOTE_FREQUENCIES.keys()).index(note) color = colors.get(list(colors.keys())[index], [0., 0., 0.]) img = np.ones((size[1], size[0], 3)) * np.array(color)[None, None, :] text = NOTES_TRANSLATION[index].upper() font_scale = size[0] // 64 thickness = 2 text_size = cv2.getTextSize( text, cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, font_scale, thickness)[0] text_x = (size[0] - text_size[0]) // 2 text_y = (size[1] + text_size[1]) // 2 cv2.putText( img, text, (text_x, text_y), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, font_scale, (255, 255, 255), thickness ) return img def add_border(img, border_size=10, color=(0.2, 0.2, 0.2)): border_size = 4 img[:border_size, :] = color img[-border_size:, :] = color img[:, :border_size] = color img[:, -border_size:] = color def increment_time(context: dict = {}) -> None: time_index = context.get("time_index", None) if time_index is not None: context["time_index"] += 1 else: context["time_index"] = 0 def xylo_player(): select_song() select_note() full_song = song_player() audio = create_note() play_note(audio) # current_note = display_current_color() target_note = display_next_color() increment_time() return [full_song, target_note] def song_player(context={}): song = context["song"] song_str = SONG.get(song, "") image_song, target_note = generate_song( song_str, current_time=context.get("time_index", 0)) context["target_note"] = target_note return image_song def generate_song(song_str, current_time=None) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, str]: notes = song_str.split(" ") all_notes = [] size = (64, 128) index_no_silence = -1 target_note = None for idx, note in enumerate(notes): if note in ["-", "."]: img_note = np.zeros((size[1], size[0], 3)) color = (0.2, 0.2, 0.2) else: note_classic = NOTES_CORRESPONDANCE.get(note, None) index_no_silence += 1 if note_classic is None: print(f"Note {note} not found") continue img_note = get_color(note_classic, size=size) if current_time == index_no_silence: target_note = note_classic color = (0.8, 0., 0.) else: color = (0.2, 0.2, 0.2) add_border(img_note, color=color) all_notes.append(img_note) max_notes_per_line = 12 remainder = max_notes_per_line - len(all_notes) % max_notes_per_line for _ in range(remainder): all_notes.append(np.zeros_like(all_notes[0])) note_lines = [all_notes[i:i + max_notes_per_line] for i in range(0, len(all_notes), max_notes_per_line)] out_image = np.vstack([np.hstack(line) for line in note_lines]) return out_image, target_note if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Xylophone synthesizer') parser.add_argument('-b', '--backend', type=str, default='gradio', choices=['gradio', 'qt', 'mpl']) args = parser.parse_args() all_notes = list(NOTE_FREQUENCIES.keys()) icon_list = [Path(f"__{note}.jpg") for note in all_notes] for note, icon in zip(all_notes, icon_list): img = get_color(note, size=(512, 512)) Image.save_image(img, icon) interactive(note=Control("C4", all_notes, icons=icon_list))(select_note) interactive(song=(SONG_1, list(SONG.keys())))(select_song) interactive_pipeline( gui=args.backend, cache=False, audio=True )(xylo_player)()