slide-deck-ai / helpers /
barunsaha's picture
Fix photo link text
history blame
33.7 kB
A set of functions to create a PowerPoint slide deck.
import logging
import pathlib
import random
import re
import sys
import tempfile
from typing import List, Tuple, Optional
import json5
import pptx
from dotenv import load_dotenv
from pptx.enum.shapes import MSO_AUTO_SHAPE_TYPE
from pptx.shapes.placeholder import PicturePlaceholder, SlidePlaceholder
import helpers.image_search as ims
from global_config import GlobalConfig
# English Metric Unit (used by PowerPoint) to inches
INCHES_1_5 = pptx.util.Inches(1.5)
INCHES_1 = pptx.util.Inches(1)
INCHES_0_5 = pptx.util.Inches(0.5)
INCHES_0_4 = pptx.util.Inches(0.4)
INCHES_0_3 = pptx.util.Inches(0.3)
SLIDE_NUMBER_REGEX = re.compile(r"^slide[ ]+\d+:", re.IGNORECASE)
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def remove_slide_number_from_heading(header: str) -> str:
Remove the slide number from a given slide header.
:param header: The header of a slide.
:return: The header without slide number.
if SLIDE_NUMBER_REGEX.match(header):
idx = header.find(':')
header = header[idx + 1:]
return header
def generate_powerpoint_presentation(
structured_data: str,
slides_template: str,
output_file_path: pathlib.Path
) -> List:
Create and save a PowerPoint presentation file containing the content in JSON format.
:param structured_data: The presentation contents as "JSON" (may contain trailing commas).
:param slides_template: The PPTX template to use.
:param output_file_path: The path of the PPTX file to save as.
:return: A list of presentation title and slides headers.
# The structured "JSON" might contain trailing commas, so using json5
parsed_data = json5.loads(structured_data)
presentation = pptx.Presentation(GlobalConfig.PPTX_TEMPLATE_FILES[slides_template]['file'])
slide_width_inch, slide_height_inch = _get_slide_width_height_inches(presentation)
# The title slide
title_slide_layout = presentation.slide_layouts[0]
slide = presentation.slides.add_slide(title_slide_layout)
title = slide.shapes.title
subtitle = slide.placeholders[1]
title.text = parsed_data['title']
'PPT title: %s | #slides: %d | template: %s',
title.text, len(parsed_data['slides']),
subtitle.text = 'by Myself and SlideDeck AI :)'
all_headers = [title.text, ]
# Add content in a loop
for a_slide in parsed_data['slides']:
# The loop has a bug:
# if any of this functions fail (i.e., returns False), an empty slide would still exist
is_processing_done = _handle_double_col_layout(
if not is_processing_done:
is_processing_done = _handle_step_by_step_process(
if not is_processing_done:
# The thank-you slide
last_slide_layout = presentation.slide_layouts[0]
slide = presentation.slides.add_slide(last_slide_layout)
title = slide.shapes.title
title.text = 'Thank you!'
return all_headers
def get_flat_list_of_contents(items: list, level: int) -> List[Tuple]:
Flatten a (hierarchical) list of bullet points to a single list containing each item and
its level.
:param items: A bullet point (string or list).
:param level: The current level of hierarchy.
:return: A list of (bullet item text, hierarchical level) tuples.
flat_list = []
for item in items:
if isinstance(item, str):
flat_list.append((item, level))
elif isinstance(item, list):
flat_list = flat_list + get_flat_list_of_contents(item, level + 1)
return flat_list
def get_slide_placeholders(
slide: pptx.slide.Slide,
layout_number: int,
is_debug: bool = False
) -> List[Tuple[int, str]]:
Return the index and name (lower case) of all placeholders present in a slide, except
the title placeholder.
A placeholder in a slide is a place to add content. Each placeholder has a name and an index.
This index is NOT a list index, rather a set of keys used to look up a dict. So, `idx` is
non-contiguous. Also, the title placeholder of a slide always has index 0. User-added
placeholder get indices assigned starting from 10.
With user-edited or added placeholders, their index may be difficult to track. This function
returns the placeholders name as well, which could be useful to distinguish between the
different placeholder.
:param slide: The slide.
:param layout_number: The layout number used by the slide.
:param is_debug: Whether to print debugging statements.
:return: A list containing placeholders (idx, name) tuples, except the title placeholder.
if is_debug:
f'Slide layout #{layout_number}:'
f' # of placeholders: {len(slide.shapes.placeholders)} (including the title)'
placeholders = [
(shape.placeholder_format.idx, for shape in slide.shapes.placeholders
placeholders.pop(0) # Remove the title placeholder
if is_debug:
return placeholders
def _handle_default_display(
presentation: pptx.Presentation,
slide_json: dict,
slide_width_inch: float,
slide_height_inch: float
Display a list of text in a slide.
:param presentation: The presentation object.
:param slide_json: The content of the slide as JSON data.
:param slide_width_inch: The width of the slide in inches.
:param slide_height_inch: The height of the slide in inches.
status = False
if random.random() < IMAGE_DISPLAY_PROBABILITY:
status = _handle_display_image__in_foreground(
status = _handle_display_image__in_background(
if status:
# Image display failed, so display only text
bullet_slide_layout = presentation.slide_layouts[1]
slide = presentation.slides.add_slide(bullet_slide_layout)
shapes = slide.shapes
title_shape = shapes.title
body_shape = shapes.placeholders[1]
except KeyError:
placeholders = get_slide_placeholders(slide, layout_number=1)
body_shape = shapes.placeholders[placeholders[0][0]]
title_shape.text = remove_slide_number_from_heading(slide_json['heading'])
text_frame = body_shape.text_frame
# The bullet_points may contain a nested hierarchy of JSON arrays
# In some scenarios, it may contain objects (dictionaries) because the LLM generated so
# ^ The second scenario is not covered
flat_items_list = get_flat_list_of_contents(slide_json['bullet_points'], level=0)
for idx, an_item in enumerate(flat_items_list):
if idx == 0:
text_frame.text = an_item[0].removeprefix(STEP_BY_STEP_PROCESS_MARKER)
paragraph = text_frame.add_paragraph()
paragraph.text = an_item[0].removeprefix(STEP_BY_STEP_PROCESS_MARKER)
paragraph.level = an_item[1]
def _handle_display_image__in_foreground(
presentation: pptx.Presentation(),
slide_json: dict,
slide_width_inch: float,
slide_height_inch: float
) -> bool:
Create a slide with text and image using a picture placeholder layout.
:param presentation: The presentation object.
:param slide_json: The content of the slide as JSON data.
:param slide_width_inch: The width of the slide in inches.
:param slide_height_inch: The height of the slide in inches.
:return: True if the side has been processed.
img_keywords = slide_json['img_keywords'].strip()
slide = presentation.slide_layouts[8] # Picture with Caption
slide = presentation.slides.add_slide(slide)
placeholders = None
title_placeholder = slide.shapes.title
title_placeholder.text = remove_slide_number_from_heading(slide_json['heading'])
pic_col: PicturePlaceholder = slide.shapes.placeholders[1]
except KeyError:
placeholders = get_slide_placeholders(slide, layout_number=8)
pic_col = None
for idx, name in placeholders:
if 'picture' in name:
pic_col: PicturePlaceholder = slide.shapes.placeholders[idx]
text_col: SlidePlaceholder = slide.shapes.placeholders[2]
except KeyError:
text_col = None
if not placeholders:
placeholders = get_slide_placeholders(slide, layout_number=8)
for idx, name in placeholders:
if 'content' in name:
text_col: SlidePlaceholder = slide.shapes.placeholders[idx]
flat_items_list = get_flat_list_of_contents(slide_json['bullet_points'], level=0)
for idx, an_item in enumerate(flat_items_list):
if idx == 0:
text_col.text_frame.text = an_item[0].removeprefix(STEP_BY_STEP_PROCESS_MARKER)
paragraph = text_col.text_frame.add_paragraph()
paragraph.text = an_item[0].removeprefix(STEP_BY_STEP_PROCESS_MARKER)
paragraph.level = an_item[1]
if not img_keywords:
# No keywords, so no image search and addition
return True
photo_url, page_url = ims.get_photo_url_from_api_response(
ims.search_pexels(query=img_keywords, size='medium')
if photo_url:
text='Photo provided by Pexels',
except Exception as ex:
'*** Error occurred while running adding image to slide: %s',
return True
def _handle_display_image__in_background(
presentation: pptx.Presentation(),
slide_json: dict,
slide_width_inch: float,
slide_height_inch: float
) -> bool:
Add a slide with text and an image in the background. It works just like
`_handle_default_display()` but with a background image added.
:param presentation: The presentation object.
:param slide_json: The content of the slide as JSON data.
:param slide_width_inch: The width of the slide in inches.
:param slide_height_inch: The height of the slide in inches.
:return: True if the slide has been processed.
img_keywords = slide_json['img_keywords'].strip()
# Add a photo in the background, text in the foreground
slide = presentation.slides.add_slide(presentation.slide_layouts[1])
title_shape = slide.shapes.title
body_shape = slide.shapes.placeholders[1]
except KeyError:
placeholders = get_slide_placeholders(slide, layout_number=1)
# Layout 1 usually has two placeholders, including the title
body_shape = slide.shapes.placeholders[placeholders[0][0]]
title_shape.text = remove_slide_number_from_heading(slide_json['heading'])
flat_items_list = get_flat_list_of_contents(slide_json['bullet_points'], level=0)
for idx, an_item in enumerate(flat_items_list):
if idx == 0:
body_shape.text_frame.text = an_item[0].removeprefix(STEP_BY_STEP_PROCESS_MARKER)
paragraph = body_shape.text_frame.add_paragraph()
paragraph.text = an_item[0].removeprefix(STEP_BY_STEP_PROCESS_MARKER)
paragraph.level = an_item[1]
if not img_keywords:
# No keywords, so no image search and addition
return True
photo_url, page_url = ims.get_photo_url_from_api_response(
ims.search_pexels(query=img_keywords, size='large')
if photo_url:
picture = slide.shapes.add_picture(
text='Photo provided by Pexels',
# Move picture to background
slide.shapes._spTree.insert(2, picture._element)
except Exception as ex:
'*** Error occurred while running adding image to the slide background: %s',
return True
def _add_text_at_bottom(
slide: pptx.slide.Slide,
slide_width_inch: float,
slide_height_inch: float,
text: str,
hyperlink: Optional[str] = None,
target_height: Optional[float] = 0.5
Add arbitrary text to a textbox positioned near the lower left side of a slide.
:param slide: The slide.
:param slide_width_inch: The width of the slide.
:param slide_height_inch: The height of the slide.
:param target_height: the target height of the box in inches (optional).
:param text: The text to be added
:param hyperlink: The hyperlink to be added to the text (optional).
footer = slide.shapes.add_textbox(
top=pptx.util.Inches(slide_height_inch - target_height),
paragraph = footer.text_frame.paragraphs[0]
run = paragraph.add_run()
run.text = text
run.font.size = pptx.util.Pt(10)
run.font.underline = False
if hyperlink:
run.hyperlink.address = hyperlink
def _handle_double_col_layout(
presentation: pptx.Presentation(),
slide_json: dict,
slide_width_inch: float,
slide_height_inch: float
) -> bool:
Add a slide with a double column layout for comparison.
:param presentation: The presentation object.
:param slide_json: The content of the slide as JSON data.
:param slide_width_inch: The width of the slide in inches.
:param slide_height_inch: The height of the slide in inches.
:return: True if double col layout has been added; False otherwise.
if 'bullet_points' in slide_json and slide_json['bullet_points']:
double_col_content = slide_json['bullet_points']
if double_col_content and (
len(double_col_content) == 2
) and isinstance(double_col_content[0], dict) and isinstance(double_col_content[1], dict):
slide = presentation.slide_layouts[4]
slide = presentation.slides.add_slide(slide)
placeholders = None
shapes = slide.shapes
title_placeholder = shapes.title
title_placeholder.text = remove_slide_number_from_heading(slide_json['heading'])
left_heading, right_heading = shapes.placeholders[1], shapes.placeholders[3]
except KeyError:
# For manually edited/added master slides, the placeholder idx numbers in the dict
# will be different (>= 10)
left_heading, right_heading = None, None
placeholders = get_slide_placeholders(slide, layout_number=4)
for idx, name in placeholders:
if 'text placeholder' in name:
if not left_heading:
left_heading = shapes.placeholders[idx]
elif not right_heading:
right_heading = shapes.placeholders[idx]
left_col, right_col = shapes.placeholders[2], shapes.placeholders[4]
except KeyError:
left_col, right_col = None, None
if not placeholders:
placeholders = get_slide_placeholders(slide, layout_number=4)
for idx, name in placeholders:
if 'content placeholder' in name:
if not left_col:
left_col = shapes.placeholders[idx]
elif not right_col:
right_col = shapes.placeholders[idx]
left_col_frame, right_col_frame = left_col.text_frame, right_col.text_frame
if 'heading' in double_col_content[0] and left_heading:
left_heading.text = double_col_content[0]['heading']
if 'bullet_points' in double_col_content[0]:
flat_items_list = get_flat_list_of_contents(
double_col_content[0]['bullet_points'], level=0
if not left_heading:
left_col_frame.text = double_col_content[0]['heading']
for idx, an_item in enumerate(flat_items_list):
if left_heading and idx == 0:
left_col_frame.text = an_item[0].removeprefix(STEP_BY_STEP_PROCESS_MARKER)
paragraph = left_col_frame.add_paragraph()
paragraph.text = an_item[0].removeprefix(STEP_BY_STEP_PROCESS_MARKER)
paragraph.level = an_item[1]
if 'heading' in double_col_content[1] and right_heading:
right_heading.text = double_col_content[1]['heading']
if 'bullet_points' in double_col_content[1]:
flat_items_list = get_flat_list_of_contents(
double_col_content[1]['bullet_points'], level=0
if not right_heading:
right_col_frame.text = double_col_content[1]['heading']
for idx, an_item in enumerate(flat_items_list):
if right_col_frame and idx == 0:
right_col_frame.text = an_item[0].removeprefix(STEP_BY_STEP_PROCESS_MARKER)
paragraph = right_col_frame.add_paragraph()
paragraph.text = an_item[0].removeprefix(STEP_BY_STEP_PROCESS_MARKER)
paragraph.level = an_item[1]
return True
return False
def _handle_step_by_step_process(
presentation: pptx.Presentation,
slide_json: dict,
slide_width_inch: float,
slide_height_inch: float
) -> bool:
Add shapes to display a step-by-step process in the slide, if available.
:param presentation: The presentation object.
:param slide_json: The content of the slide as JSON data.
:param slide_width_inch: The width of the slide in inches.
:param slide_height_inch: The height of the slide in inches.
:return True if this slide has a step-by-step process depiction added; False otherwise.
if 'bullet_points' in slide_json and slide_json['bullet_points']:
steps = slide_json['bullet_points']
no_marker_count = 0.0
n_steps = len(steps)
# Ensure that it is a single list of strings without any sub-list
for step in steps:
if not isinstance(step, str):
return False
# In some cases, one or two steps may not begin with >>, e.g.:
# {
# "heading": "Step-by-Step Process: Creating a Legacy",
# "bullet_points": [
# "Identify your unique talents and passions",
# ">> Develop your skills and knowledge",
# ">> Create meaningful work",
# ">> Share your work with the world",
# ">> Continuously learn and adapt"
# ],
# "key_message": ""
# },
# Use a threshold, e.g., at most 20%
if not step.startswith(STEP_BY_STEP_PROCESS_MARKER):
no_marker_count += 1
slide_header = slide_json['heading'].lower()
if (no_marker_count / n_steps > 0.25) and not (
('step-by-step' in slide_header) or ('step by step' in slide_header)
return False
bullet_slide_layout = presentation.slide_layouts[1]
slide = presentation.slides.add_slide(bullet_slide_layout)
shapes = slide.shapes
shapes.title.text = remove_slide_number_from_heading(slide_json['heading'])
if 3 <= n_steps <= 4:
# Horizontal display
height = INCHES_1_5
width = pptx.util.Inches(slide_width_inch / n_steps - 0.01)
top = pptx.util.Inches(slide_height_inch / 2)
left = pptx.util.Inches((slide_width_inch - width.inches * n_steps) / 2 + 0.05)
for step in steps:
shape = shapes.add_shape(MSO_AUTO_SHAPE_TYPE.CHEVRON, left, top, width, height)
shape.text = step.removeprefix(STEP_BY_STEP_PROCESS_MARKER)
left += width - INCHES_0_4
elif 4 < n_steps <= 6:
# Vertical display
height = pptx.util.Inches(0.65)
top = pptx.util.Inches(slide_height_inch / 4)
left = INCHES_1 # slide_width_inch - width.inches)
# Find the close to median width, based on the length of each text, to be set
# for the shapes
width = pptx.util.Inches(slide_width_inch * 2 / 3)
lengths = [len(step) for step in steps]
font_size_20pt = pptx.util.Pt(20)
widths = sorted(
pptx.util.Inches(font_size_20pt.inches * a_len),
) for a_len in lengths
width = widths[len(widths) // 2]
for step in steps:
shape = shapes.add_shape(MSO_AUTO_SHAPE_TYPE.PENTAGON, left, top, width, height)
shape.text = step.removeprefix(STEP_BY_STEP_PROCESS_MARKER)
top += height + INCHES_0_3
left += INCHES_0_5
# Two steps -- probably not a process
# More than 5--6 steps -- would likely cause a visual clutter
return False
return True
def _handle_key_message(
the_slide: pptx.slide.Slide,
slide_json: dict,
slide_width_inch: float,
slide_height_inch: float
Add a shape to display the key message in the slide, if available.
:param the_slide: The slide to be processed.
:param slide_json: The content of the slide as JSON data.
:param slide_width_inch: The width of the slide in inches.
:param slide_height_inch: The height of the slide in inches.
if 'key_message' in slide_json and slide_json['key_message']:
height = pptx.util.Inches(1.6)
width = pptx.util.Inches(slide_width_inch / 2.3)
top = pptx.util.Inches(slide_height_inch - height.inches - 0.1)
left = pptx.util.Inches((slide_width_inch - width.inches) / 2)
shape = the_slide.shapes.add_shape(
shape.text = slide_json['key_message']
def _get_slide_width_height_inches(presentation: pptx.Presentation) -> Tuple[float, float]:
Get the dimensions of a slide in inches.
:param presentation: The presentation object.
:return: The width and the height.
slide_width_inch = EMU_TO_INCH_SCALING_FACTOR * presentation.slide_width
slide_height_inch = EMU_TO_INCH_SCALING_FACTOR * presentation.slide_height
# logger.debug('Slide width: %f, height: %f', slide_width_inch, slide_height_inch)
return slide_width_inch, slide_height_inch
if __name__ == '__main__':
_JSON_DATA = '''
"title": "The Fascinating World of Chess",
"slides": [
"heading": "Introduction to Chess",
"bullet_points": [
"Chess is a strategic board game played between two players.",
"Each player begins the game with 16 pieces: one king, one queen, two rooks, two knights, two bishops, and eight pawns.",
"The goal of the game is to checkmate your opponent's king. This means the king is in a position to be captured (in 'check') but has no move to escape (mate)."
"Chess is believed to have originated in northern India in the 6th century AD."
"key_message": "Understanding the basics of chess is crucial before delving into strategies.",
"img_keywords": "chessboard, chess pieces, king, queen, rook, knight, bishop, pawn"
"heading": "The Chessboard",
"bullet_points": [
"The chessboard is made up of 64 squares in an 8x8 grid.",
"Each player starts with their pieces on their home rank (row).",
"The board is divided into two camps: one for each player."
"key_message": "Knowing the layout of the chessboard is essential for understanding piece movement.",
"img_keywords": "chessboard layout, 8x8 grid, home rank, player camps"
"heading": "Movement of Pieces",
"bullet_points": [
">> Each piece moves differently. Learning these movements is key to playing chess.",
">> The king moves one square in any direction.",
">> The queen combines the moves of the rook and bishop.",
">> The rook moves horizontally or vertically along a rank or file.",
">> The bishop moves diagonally.",
">> The knight moves in an L-shape: two squares in a horizontal or vertical direction, then one square perpendicular to that.",
">> The pawn moves forward one square, but captures diagonally.",
">> Pawns have the initial option of moving two squares forward on their first move."
"key_message": "Understanding how each piece moves is fundamental to playing chess.",
"img_keywords": "chess piece movements, king, queen, rook, bishop, knight, pawn"
"heading": "Special Moves",
"bullet_points": [
"heading": "Castling",
"bullet_points": [
"Castling is a unique move involving the king and a rook.",
"It involves moving the king two squares towards a rook, then moving that rook to the square the king skipped over."
"heading": "En Passant",
"bullet_points": [
"En passant is a special pawn capture move.",
"It occurs when a pawn moves two squares forward from its starting position and lands beside an opponent's pawn, which could have captured it if the first pawn had only moved one square forward."
"key_message": "Understanding these special moves can add depth to your chess strategy.",
"img_keywords": "castling, en passant, special chess moves"
"heading": "Chess Notation",
"bullet_points": [
"Chess notation is a system used to record and communicate chess games.",
"It uses algebraic notation, where each square on the board is identified by a letter and a number.",
"Pieces are identified by their initial letters: K for king, Q for queen, R for rook, B for bishop, N for knight, and P for pawn."
"key_message": "Learning chess notation is helpful for recording, analyzing, and discussing games.",
"img_keywords": "chess notation, algebraic notation, chess symbols"
"heading": "Chess Strategies",
"bullet_points": [
"Develop your pieces quickly and efficiently.",
"Control the center of the board.",
"Castle early to protect your king.",
"Keep your king safe.",
"Think ahead and plan your moves."
"key_message": "Following these strategies can help improve your chess skills.",
"img_keywords": "chess strategies, piece development, center control, king safety, planning ahead"
"heading": "Chess Tactics",
"bullet_points": [
"Fork: attacking two enemy pieces with the same move.",
"Pin: restricting the movement of an enemy piece.",
"Skewer: forcing an enemy piece to move away from a threatened piece.",
"Discovered attack: moving a piece to reveal an attack by another piece behind it."
"key_message": "Mastering these tactics can help you gain an advantage in games.",
"img_keywords": "chess tactics, fork, pin, skewer, discovered attack"
"heading": "Chess Openings",
"bullet_points": [
"heading": "Italian Game",
"bullet_points": [
"1. e4 e5",
"2. Nf3 Nc6",
"3. Bc4 Bc5"
"heading": "Ruy Lopez",
"bullet_points": [
"1. e4 e5",
"2. Nf3 Nc6",
"3. Bb5"
"key_message": "Learning popular chess openings can help you start games effectively.",
"img_keywords": "chess openings, Italian Game, Ruy Lopez"
"heading": "Chess Endgames",
"bullet_points": [
"heading": "King and Pawn Endgame",
"bullet_points": [
"This endgame involves a king and one or more pawns against a lone king.",
"The goal is to promote a pawn to a new queen."
"heading": "Rook Endgame",
"bullet_points": [
"This endgame involves a rook against a lone king.",
"The goal is to checkmate the opponent's king using the rook."
"key_message": "Understanding common chess endgames can help you win games.",
"img_keywords": "chess endgames, king and pawn endgame, rook endgame"
"heading": "Conclusion",
"bullet_points": [
"Chess is a complex game that requires strategy, tactics, and planning.",
"Understanding the rules, piece movements, and common strategies can help improve your chess skills.",
"Practice regularly to improve your game."
"key_message": "To excel at chess, one must understand its fundamentals and practice regularly.",
"img_keywords": "chess fundamentals, chess improvement, regular practice"
temp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, suffix='.pptx')
path = pathlib.Path(
slides_template='Minimalist Sales Pitch'
print(f'File path: {path}')