""" A set of configurations used by the app. """ import logging import os from dataclasses import dataclass from dotenv import load_dotenv load_dotenv() @dataclass(frozen=True) class GlobalConfig: """ A data class holding the configurations. """ PROVIDER_COHERE = 'co' PROVIDER_GOOGLE_GEMINI = 'gg' PROVIDER_HUGGING_FACE = 'hf' PROVIDER_OLLAMA = 'ol' PROVIDER_TOGETHER_AI = 'to' PROVIDER_AZURE_OPENAI = 'az' VALID_PROVIDERS = { PROVIDER_COHERE, PROVIDER_GOOGLE_GEMINI, PROVIDER_HUGGING_FACE, PROVIDER_OLLAMA, PROVIDER_TOGETHER_AI, PROVIDER_AZURE_OPENAI, } VALID_MODELS = { '[az]azure/open-ai': { 'description': 'faster, detailed', 'max_new_tokens': 8192, 'paid': True, }, '[co]command-r-08-2024': { 'description': 'simpler, slower', 'max_new_tokens': 4096, 'paid': True, }, '[gg]gemini-2.0-flash': { 'description': 'fast, detailed', 'max_new_tokens': 8192, 'paid': True, }, '[gg]gemini-2.0-flash-lite-preview-02-05': { 'description': 'fastest, detailed', 'max_new_tokens': 8192, 'paid': True, }, '[hf]mistralai/Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.2': { 'description': 'faster, shorter', 'max_new_tokens': 8192, 'paid': False, }, '[hf]mistralai/Mistral-Nemo-Instruct-2407': { 'description': 'longer response', 'max_new_tokens': 10240, 'paid': False, }, '[to]meta-llama/Llama-3.3-70B-Instruct-Turbo': { 'description': 'detailed, slower', 'max_new_tokens': 4096, 'paid': True, }, '[to]meta-llama/Meta-Llama-3.1-8B-Instruct-Turbo-128K': { 'description': 'shorter, faster', 'max_new_tokens': 4096, 'paid': True, }, } LLM_PROVIDER_HELP = ( 'LLM provider codes:\n\n' '- **[az]**: Azure OpenAI\n' '- **[co]**: Cohere\n' '- **[gg]**: Google Gemini API\n' '- **[hf]**: Hugging Face Inference API\n' '- **[to]**: Together AI\n\n' '[Find out more](https://github.com/barun-saha/slide-deck-ai?tab=readme-ov-file#summary-of-the-llms)' ) DEFAULT_MODEL_INDEX = 4 LLM_MODEL_TEMPERATURE = 0.2 LLM_MODEL_MIN_OUTPUT_LENGTH = 100 LLM_MODEL_MAX_INPUT_LENGTH = 400 # characters HUGGINGFACEHUB_API_TOKEN = os.environ.get('HUGGINGFACEHUB_API_TOKEN', '') LOG_LEVEL = 'DEBUG' COUNT_TOKENS = False APP_STRINGS_FILE = 'strings.json' PRELOAD_DATA_FILE = 'examples/example_02.json' SLIDES_TEMPLATE_FILE = 'langchain_templates/template_combined.txt' INITIAL_PROMPT_TEMPLATE = 'langchain_templates/chat_prompts/initial_template_v4_two_cols_img.txt' REFINEMENT_PROMPT_TEMPLATE = 'langchain_templates/chat_prompts/refinement_template_v4_two_cols_img.txt' LLM_PROGRESS_MAX = 90 ICONS_DIR = 'icons/png128/' TINY_BERT_MODEL = 'gaunernst/bert-mini-uncased' EMBEDDINGS_FILE_NAME = 'file_embeddings/embeddings.npy' ICONS_FILE_NAME = 'file_embeddings/icons.npy' PPTX_TEMPLATE_FILES = { 'Basic': { 'file': 'pptx_templates/Blank.pptx', 'caption': 'A good start (Uses [photos](https://unsplash.com/photos/AFZ-qBPEceA) by [cetteup](https://unsplash.com/@cetteup?utm_content=creditCopyText&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=unsplash) on [Unsplash](https://unsplash.com/photos/a-foggy-forest-filled-with-lots-of-trees-d3ci37Gcgxg?utm_content=creditCopyText&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=unsplash)) 🟧' }, 'Ion Boardroom': { 'file': 'pptx_templates/Ion_Boardroom.pptx', 'caption': 'Make some bold decisions 🟥' }, 'Minimalist Sales Pitch': { 'file': 'pptx_templates/Minimalist_sales_pitch.pptx', 'caption': 'In high contrast ⬛' }, 'Urban Monochrome': { 'file': 'pptx_templates/Urban_monochrome.pptx', 'caption': 'Marvel in a monochrome dream ⬜' }, } # This is a long text, so not incorporated as a string in `strings.json` CHAT_USAGE_INSTRUCTIONS = ( 'Briefly describe your topic of presentation in the textbox provided below. For example:\n' '- Make a slide deck on AI.' '\n\n' 'Subsequently, you can add follow-up instructions, e.g.:\n' '- Can you add a slide on GPUs?' '\n\n' ' You can also ask it to refine any particular slide, e.g.:\n' '- Make the slide with title \'Examples of AI\' a bit more descriptive.' '\n\n' 'Finally, click on the download button at the bottom to download the slide deck.' ' See this [demo video](https://youtu.be/QvAKzNKtk9k) for a brief walkthrough.\n\n' 'Remember, the conversational interface is meant to (and will) update yor *initial*' ' slide deck. If you want to create a new slide deck on a different topic,' ' start a new chat session by reloading this page.\n\n' 'Currently, paid or *free-to-use* LLMs from five different providers are supported.' ' If one is not available, choose the other from the dropdown list. A [summary of' ' the supported LLMs](' 'https://github.com/barun-saha/slide-deck-ai/blob/main/README.md#summary-of-the-llms)' ' is available for reference. SlideDeck AI does **NOT** store your API keys.\n\n' ' SlideDeck AI does not have access to the Web, apart for searching for images relevant' ' to the slides. Photos are added probabilistically; transparency needs to be changed' ' manually, if required.\n\n' '[SlideDeck AI](https://github.com/barun-saha/slide-deck-ai) is an Open-Source project,' ' released under the' ' [MIT license](https://github.com/barun-saha/slide-deck-ai?tab=MIT-1-ov-file#readme).' '\n\n---\n\n' '© Copyright 2023-2025 Barun Saha.\n\n' ) logging.basicConfig( level=GlobalConfig.LOG_LEVEL, format='%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(name)s - %(message)s', datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' ) def get_max_output_tokens(llm_name: str) -> int: """ Get the max output tokens value configured for an LLM. Return a default value if not configured. :param llm_name: The name of the LLM. :return: Max output tokens or a default count. """ try: return GlobalConfig.VALID_MODELS[llm_name]['max_new_tokens'] except KeyError: return 2048