import streamlit as st # Streamlit UI st.title("Amharic Text Summarizer") st.write("Paste your Amharic text below and click 'Summarize' to generate a concise summary.") st.write("This app uses a trained FastText model to summarize your input text.") # Text input area input_text = st.text_area("Input Text", placeholder="Paste your Amharic text here...",height=200) summarized_text="" # Summarize button if st.button("Summarize"): if input_text.strip(): with st.spinner("Summarizing..."): summarized_text = "summarize_text(input_text, model)" st.success("Summarization complete!") else: summarized_text = "Please enter text to summarize." # Output text area for summary st.text_area("Summarized Text", value=summarized_text, height=200)