prettymaps /
besiktas's picture
add app file
import streamlit as st
from prettymaps import plot
x = st.slider("Select a value")
st.write(x, "squared is", x * x)
# import uuid
# # import typer
# # import vsketch
# from prettymaps import *
# import matplotlib.font_manager as fm
# from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
# def draw(
# location: str = "Müvezzi Cd. No:15, Istanbul", radius: int = 1000, width: int = 12, height: int = 12
# ):
# fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(width, height), constrained_layout=True)
# backup = plot(
# location,
# radius=radius,
# ax=ax,
# layers={
# # Perimeter (in this case, a circle)
# "perimeter": {},
# # Streets and their widths
# "streets": {
# "width": {
# "motorway": 5,
# "trunk": 5,
# "primary": 4.5,
# "secondary": 4,
# "tertiary": 3.5,
# "residential": 3,
# "service": 2,
# "unclassified": 2,
# "pedestrian": 2,
# "footway": 1,
# }
# },
# # Other layers:
# # Specify a name (for example, 'building') and which OpenStreetMap tags to fetch
# "building": {"tags": {"building": True, "landuse": "construction"}, "union": False},
# "water": {"tags": {"natural": ["water", "bay"]}},
# "green": {"tags": {"landuse": "grass", "natural": ["island", "wood"], "leisure": "park"}},
# "forest": {"tags": {"landuse": "forest"}},
# "parking": {"tags": {"amenity": "parking", "highway": "pedestrian", "man_made": "pier"}},
# },
# # drawing_kwargs:
# # Reference a name previously defined in the 'layers' argument and specify matplotlib parameters to draw it
# drawing_kwargs={
# "background": {"fc": "#F2F4CB", "ec": "#dadbc1", "hatch": "ooo...", "zorder": -1},
# "perimeter": {"fc": "#F2F4CB", "ec": "#dadbc1", "lw": 0, "hatch": "ooo...", "zorder": 0},
# "green": {"fc": "#D0F1BF", "ec": "#2F3737", "lw": 1, "zorder": 1},
# "forest": {"fc": "#64B96A", "ec": "#2F3737", "lw": 1, "zorder": 1},
# "water": {
# "fc": "#a1e3ff",
# "ec": "#2F3737",
# "hatch": "ooo...",
# "hatch_c": "#85c9e6",
# "lw": 1,
# "zorder": 2,
# },
# "parking": {"fc": "#F2F4CB", "ec": "#2F3737", "lw": 1, "zorder": 3},
# "streets": {"fc": "#2F3737", "ec": "#475657", "alpha": 1, "lw": 0, "zorder": 3},
# "building": {
# "palette": ["#FFC857", "#E9724C", "#C5283D"],
# "ec": "#2F3737",
# "lw": 0.5,
# "zorder": 4,
# },
# },
# )
# filename = str(uuid.uuid4()).split("-")[0] + ".png"
# plt.savefig(filename)
# print(filename)
# draw()