leaderboard / utils.py
ChrisWilson010101's picture
import functools
import multiprocessing
import os
import codecs
import re
from typing import Any, Optional, Tuple
import bittensor as bt
# def sopt_check(row):
def assert_registered(wallet: bt.wallet, metagraph: bt.metagraph) -> int:
"""Asserts the wallet is a registered miner and returns the miner's UID.
ValueError: If the wallet is not registered.
if wallet.hotkey.ss58_address not in metagraph.hotkeys:
raise ValueError(
f"You are not registered. \nUse: \n`btcli s register --netuid {metagraph.netuid}` to register via burn \n or btcli s pow_register --netuid {metagraph.netuid} to register with a proof of work"
uid = metagraph.hotkeys.index(wallet.hotkey.ss58_address)
f"You are registered with address: {wallet.hotkey.ss58_address} and uid: {uid}"
return uid
# def validate_hf_repo_id(repo_id: str) -> Tuple[str, str]:
# """Verifies a Hugging Face repo id is valid and returns it split into namespace and name.
# Raises:
# ValueError: If the repo id is invalid.
# """
# if not repo_id:
# raise ValueError("Hugging Face repo id cannot be empty.")
# if not 3 < len(repo_id) <= ModelId.MAX_REPO_ID_LENGTH:
# raise ValueError(
# f"Hugging Face repo id must be between 3 and {ModelId.MAX_REPO_ID_LENGTH} characters. Got={repo_id}"
# )
# parts = repo_id.split("/")
# if len(parts) != 2:
# raise ValueError(
# f"Hugging Face repo id must be in the format <org or user name>/<repo_name>. Got={repo_id}"
# )
# return parts[0], parts[1]
# def get_hf_url(model_metadata: ModelMetadata) -> str:
# """Returns the URL to the Hugging Face repo for the provided model metadata."""
# return f"https://huggingface.co/{model_metadata.id.namespace}/{model_metadata.id.name}/tree/{model_metadata.id.commit}"
def _wrapped_func(func: functools.partial, queue: multiprocessing.Queue):
result = func()
except (Exception, BaseException) as e:
# Catch exceptions here to add them to the queue.
def run_in_subprocess(func: functools.partial, ttl: int, mode="fork") -> Any:
"""Runs the provided function on a subprocess with 'ttl' seconds to complete.
func (functools.partial): Function to be run.
ttl (int): How long to try for in seconds.
Any: The value returned by 'func'
ctx = multiprocessing.get_context(mode)
queue = ctx.Queue()
process = ctx.Process(target=_wrapped_func, args=[func, queue])
if process.is_alive():
raise TimeoutError(f"Failed to {func.func.__name__} after {ttl} seconds")
# Raises an error if the queue is empty. This is fine. It means our subprocess timed out.
result = queue.get(block=False)
# If we put an exception on the queue then raise instead of returning.
if isinstance(result, Exception):
raise result
if isinstance(result, BaseException):
raise Exception(f"BaseException raised in subprocess: {str(result)}")
return result
def get_version() -> str:
Retrieves the version.
base_directory = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
with codecs.open(os.path.join(base_directory, '../__init__.py'), encoding='utf-8') as init_file:
version_match = re.search(r"^__version__ = ['\"]([^'\"]*)['\"]", init_file.read(), re.M)
version = version_match.group(1)
return version
def upgrade_version():
Upgrade if there is a new version available
local_version = get_version()
bt.logging.info(f"You are using v{local_version}")
os.system("git pull origin main > /dev/null 2>&1")
remote_version = get_version()
if local_version != remote_version:
os.system("python3 -m pip install -e . > /dev/null 2>&1")
bt.logging.info(f"⏫ Upgraded to v{remote_version}")
except Exception as e:
bt.logging.error(f"❌ Error occured while upgrading the version : {e}")
def save_version(filepath: str, version: int):
"""Saves a version to the provided filepath."""
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(filepath), exist_ok=True)
with open(filepath, "w") as f:
def move_file_if_exists(src: str, dst: str) -> bool:
"""Moves a file from src to dst if it exists.
bool: True if the file was moved, False otherwise.
if os.path.exists(src) and not os.path.exists(dst):
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(dst), exist_ok=True)
os.replace(src, dst)
return True
return False