from fastapi import APIRouter, status, Depends, UploadFile, File, Query, BackgroundTasks |
from typing_extensions import Annotated |
from .Schemas import ( |
UserDetails, |
TranscriptionMetadata, |
TranscriptionResult, |
BaseTranscription, |
) |
from App import bot |
import aiofiles, os, re |
import tempfile |
from celery.result import AsyncResult |
from App.Worker import transcription_task, downloadfile |
from App.Users.Model import User |
from App.Users.UserRoutes import get_token_owner |
from App.Users.Schemas import UserSchema |
from .Model import Transcriptions |
from .Utils.fastapi_tasks import perform_background_task |
import yt_dlp |
from fastapi_jwt_auth import AuthJWT |
transcription_router = APIRouter(tags=["Transcription"]) |
@transcription_router.get("/download-audio") |
async def download_audio( |
url: str, |
model: str = Query( |
"tiny", |
enum=["tiny", "small", "medium", "base", "large-v2"], |
description="Whisper model Sizes", |
), |
user: UserSchema = Depends(get_token_owner), |
): |
if user == None: |
return {"code": 400, "message": "doesn't exist", "payload": None} |
ydl_opts_info = { |
"quiet": True, |
} |
with yt_dlp.YoutubeDL(ydl_opts_info) as ydl: |
info_dict = ydl.extract_info(url, download=False) |
video_title = info_dict.get("title", None) |
sanitized_title = re.sub( |
r"(?u)[^-\w.]", "", video_title |
) |
filename = f"{sanitized_title}.mp3" |
file_path = os.path.join("/srv/App/", "Downloads", filename) |
ydl_opts = { |
"format": "bestaudio/best", |
"outtmpl": file_path, |
} |
task = downloadfile.delay(url, ydl_opts, model) |
response = {"task_id": task.id, "file_name": f"{video_title}.mp3"} |
transcription_enrty = await Transcriptions.objects.create( |
user=user, youtubeLink=url, **response |
) |
return response |
@transcription_router.get("/transcriptions") |
async def get_user_transcriptions( |
user: UserSchema = Depends(get_token_owner), |
): |
transcriptions = await Transcriptions.objects.filter(user=user.id).all() |
objects = [ |
BaseTranscription(**obj.__dict__) for obj in transcriptions if obj != None |
] |
return objects |
@transcription_router.post("/delete/{task_id}") |
async def delete_transcription( |
task_id: str, |
user: UserSchema = Depends(get_token_owner), |
): |
transcript = await Transcriptions.objects.filter(task_id=task_id).first() |
await transcript.delete() |
return {"code": 200, "message": f"deleted {task_id}", "payload": None} |
@transcription_router.post("/uploadfile/") |
async def create_file( |
background_tasks: BackgroundTasks, |
file: UploadFile, |
model: str = Query( |
"tiny", |
enum=["tiny", "small", "medium", "base", "large-v2"], |
description="Whisper model Sizes", |
), |
user: UserSchema = Depends(get_token_owner), |
): |
Upload_dir = "" |
try: |
async with aiofiles.open(file.filename, "wb") as f: |
while contents := await file.read(1024 * 1): |
await f.write(contents) |
except Exception as e: |
return { |
"message": f"There was an error uploading the file, error message {str(e)} " |
} |
finally: |
await file.close() |
task = transcription_task.delay(file.filename, model) |
transcription_enrty = await Transcriptions.objects.create( |
task_id=task.id, user=user, file_name=file.filename |
) |
background_tasks.add_task(perform_background_task, file=file, task_id=task.id) |
return { |
"file_size": file.size, |
"file_name": file.filename, |
"task_id": task.id, |
} |
@transcription_router.get("/tasks/{task_id}") |
async def get_status(task_id): |
task_result = AsyncResult(task_id) |
if task_result.result == None: |
return { |
"task_id": task_id, |
"task_status": task_result.status, |
"task_result": task_result.result, |
} |
entry: Transcriptions = await Transcriptions.objects.filter(task_id=task_id).first() |
if task_result.status == "SUCCESS": |
trans = TranscriptionResult(**task_result.result) |
trans |
await entry.update( |
content=trans.content, |
**trans.dict( |
exclude={"transcript"}, |
), |
) |
else: |
_trans = TranscriptionMetadata(**task_result.result) |
await entry.update(**_trans.dict(exclude={"transcription"})) |
result = { |
"task_id": task_id, |
"task_status": task_result.status, |
"task_result": task_result.result, |
"id": entry.tl_file_id, |
} |
return result |