tranny / App /Chat /utils /
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# from poe_api_wrapper import PoeApi
# import pprint
# client = PoeApi("sXvCnfYy8CHnXNTRlxhmVg==")
# # print(client.get_chat_history()['data'])
# bot = "gpt3_5"
# message = ''' hello'''
# # Create new chat thread
# # Streamed example:
# # for chunk in client.send_message(bot, message,chatCode='TWVzc2FnZTozMDY2MzYwNjQ5OQ=='):
# # pprint.pprint(chunk)
# # print("\n")
# # # Non-streamed example:
# for chunk in client.send_message(bot, message,chatCode=''):
# pass
# pprint.pprint(chunk)
# # You can get chatCode and chatId of created thread to continue the conversation
# chatCode = chunk["chatCode"]
# chatId = chunk["chatId"]
# # You can get the meaningful title as well
# title = chunk["title"]
# # Send message to an existing chat thread
# # 1. Using chatCode
# for chunk in client.send_message(bot, message, chatCode="2i58ciex72dom7im83r"):
# print(chunk["response"], end="", flush=True)
# 2. Using chatId
# for chunk in client.send_message(bot, message, chatId=59726162):
# print(chunk["response"], end="", flush=True)