import os # from flask import Flask, request, Response import requests # pip package requests app = Flask(__name__) API_HOST = "" # @app.route('/', defaults={'path': ''}, methods=["GET", "POST"]) # ref. @app.route('/', methods=["GET", "POST"]) # NOTE: better to specify which methods to be accepted. Otherwise, only GET will be accepted. Ref: def redirect_to_API_HOST(path): #NOTE var :path will be unused as all path we need will be read from :request ie from flask import request forward = '' if path == 'netron': url = request.args.get('url') forward = f'{API_HOST}/?url={url}' else: forward = request.url.replace(request.host_url, f'{API_HOST}/') res = requests.request( # ref. method = request.method, url = forward, headers = {k:v for k,v in request.headers if k.lower() != 'host'}, # exclude 'host' header data = request.get_data(), cookies = request.cookies, allow_redirects = False, ) #region exlcude some keys in :res response excluded_headers = ['content-encoding', 'content-length', 'transfer-encoding', 'connection'] #NOTE we here exclude all "hop-by-hop headers" defined by RFC 2616 section 13.5.1 ref. headers = [ (k,v) for k,v in res.raw.headers.items() if k.lower() not in excluded_headers ] #endregion exlcude some keys in :res response response = Response(res.content, res.status_code, headers) return response from huggingface_hub import hf_hub_url @app.get("/") def chooser(): file_url = hf_hub_url(request.args.get("repo_id"), request.args.get("filename")) if file_url is None: return "Invalid URL" return """ Netron """.format(file_url = file_url)