# Scribd-dl ![nodedotjs](https://img.shields.io/badge/node.js-v21.6.1-339933.svg?style=flat&logo=nodedotjs&logoColor=white) ![npm](https://img.shields.io/badge/npm-10.2.4-dc2c35.svg?style=flat&logo=npm&logoColor=white) [![License: GPLv3](https://img.shields.io/badge/License-GPLv3-blue.svg)](https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0) ## About ## Scribd-dl helps downloading documents on [scribd.com](https://www.scribd.com/) without membership / sign-in. 2 modes are available: - default: the .pdf file is generated by chromium's print function - image-based the .pdf file is generated by image snapshots taken for pages It is prefer to use the `default` mode as it gives a better performance in generation time and file size. `image-based` mode is a backup solution in case the `default` mode doesn't work as expected. Friendly reminder: 1. The .pdf generated by `image-based` mode is formed by images, so it does NOT contain any text. ## Development Plan ## Scribd obfuscates the .pdf files, the texts copied from the documents will become strange garbled message. De-obfuscating will be the next stage. ## Prerequisites ## Please make sure the following tool(s) / application(s) are properly setup and ready to use: - Node.js ([https://nodejs.org/](https://nodejs.org/)) ## Setup ## 1. Download repository ```console git clone https://github.com/rkwyu/scribd-dl ``` 2. Install dependencies ```console cd ./scribd-dl npm install ``` ## Configuration ## ```ini [SCRIBD] rendertime=100 [DIRECTORY] output=output ``` Configuration can be altered in `config.ini`. `rendertime` is the waiting time in millisecond for single page rendering, it is only applicable for `default` mode. (too short might cause missing images) `output` is the ouput directory for generated .pdf files. ## Usage (CLI) ## ```console Usage: npm start [options] url Options: /d default: generated by chromium's print function /i image-based: generated by image snapshots taken for pages ``` #### Example 1: Download 《The Minds of Billy Milligan》 #### ```console npm start https://www.scribd.com/doc/249398282/The-Minds-of-Billy-Milligan-Daniel-Keyes ``` #### Example 2: Download 《The Minds of Billy Milligan》 using image-based method#### ```console npm start /i https://www.scribd.com/doc/249398282/The-Minds-of-Billy-Milligan-Daniel-Keyes ``` ## License ## [GNU GPL v3.0](LICENSE.md)