import gradio as gr
import pandas as pd
import os
import subprocess
import sys

# Install spaCy model
os.system("python -m spacy download en_core_web_sm")

def process_tweets(files, reset_processing=False):
    # Save uploaded files
    file_paths = []
    for file in files:
            # Ensure directory exists
            os.makedirs("projects_twitter_post", exist_ok=True)
            # Save file to the directory
            dest_path = f"projects_twitter_post/{os.path.basename(}"
            os.system(f"cp {} {dest_path}")
    if not file_paths:
        return "No CSV files uploaded. Please upload CSV files containing tweet data."
    # Run the processing script
    reset_flag = "--reset" if reset_processing else ""
    result =
        f"python {reset_flag}",
    # Check if output files were created
    output_files = []
    for file_path in file_paths:
        base_name = os.path.basename(file_path).replace('.csv', '')
        processed_path = f"projects_twitter_post/{base_name}_processed.csv"
        analysis_path = f"projects_twitter_post/{base_name}_analysis.csv"
        if os.path.exists(processed_path):
        if os.path.exists(analysis_path):
    return_files = [f for f in output_files if os.path.exists(f)]
    log_output = result.stdout + "\n" + result.stderr
    return log_output, return_files

with gr.Blocks() as demo:
    gr.Markdown("# Crypto Tweet Processor")
    gr.Markdown("Upload CSV files containing tweet data to process")
    with gr.Row():
        files_input = gr.File(file_count="multiple", label="Upload CSV Files")
        reset_checkbox = gr.Checkbox(label="Reset Processing", value=False)
    process_btn = gr.Button("Process Tweets")
    output_text = gr.Textbox(label="Processing Log")
    output_files = gr.File(label="Processed Files", file_count="multiple")
        inputs=[files_input, reset_checkbox],
        outputs=[output_text, output_files]

# Add the modified processing script code here
with open("", "w") as f:
import os
import re
import json
import numpy as np
import torch
import math
import gc
from tqdm import tqdm
from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModelForMaskedLM, pipeline
import spacy

# ==============================================
# COLAB SETUP - Run these cells first in Colab
# ==============================================

# Uncomment and run this cell to mount your Google Drive
from google.colab import drive

# Uncomment and run this cell to install required packages
!pip install pandas tqdm transformers spacy
!python -m spacy download en_core_web_sm

# Uncomment and run this cell to verify GPU availability
import torch
print(f"GPU available: {torch.cuda.is_available()}")
print(f"GPU device: {torch.cuda.get_device_name(0) if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'None'}")

# ==============================================
# Constants - Update these paths for your setup
# ==============================================

# Update this to your Google Drive path
DRIVE_PATH = "./projects_twitter_post"
CHECKPOINT_FILE = f"{OUTPUT_FOLDER}/processing_checkpoint.json"
BATCH_SIZE = 500  # Reduced batch size for GPU memory management

# Create output folder if it doesn't exist
if not os.path.exists(OUTPUT_FOLDER):

# ==============================================
# Model Initialization with GPU Acceleration
# ==============================================

print("Loading RoBERTa model...")
model_name = "roberta-base"
device = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu"
print(f"Using device: {device}")

# Initialize with GPU acceleration
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_name)
model = AutoModelForMaskedLM.from_pretrained(model_name).to(device)
nlp_pipeline = pipeline("fill-mask", model=model_name, device=0 if torch.cuda.is_available() else -1)

# Initialize sentiment analysis pipeline
print("Loading sentiment analysis model...")
    # Using a Twitter-specific sentiment model for better results on social media text
    sentiment_model = "cardiffnlp/twitter-roberta-base-sentiment"
    sentiment_pipeline = pipeline("sentiment-analysis", model=sentiment_model, device=0 if torch.cuda.is_available() else -1)
except Exception as e:
    print(f"Error loading sentiment model: {e}")
    # Fallback to a simpler sentiment model if the Twitter-specific one fails
        sentiment_pipeline = pipeline("sentiment-analysis", device=0 if torch.cuda.is_available() else -1)
        print("Sentiment analysis not available. Continuing without sentiment analysis.")

# Try to load spaCy for basic text preprocessing
    import spacy
    spacy_nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm")
    print("SpaCy not available. Using basic text processing instead.")

# Crypto-specific keywords with hierarchical categories
    "COIN": {
        "MAJOR": [
            "bitcoin", "ethereum", "btc", "eth", "bnb", "xrp", "sol", "doge",
            "cardano", "polkadot", "dot", "avalanche", "avax", "solana", "polygon", "matic"
        "STABLECOIN": [
            "tether", "usdt", "usdc", "busd", "dai", "frax", "tusd", "usdd", "lusd", "gusd", "husd"
        "ALTCOIN": [
            "litecoin", "ltc", "chainlink", "link", "stellar", "xlm", "dogecoin", "shib",
            "tron", "trx", "cosmos", "atom", "near", "algo", "fantom", "ftm", "monero", "xmr"
        "DEFI": [
            "uniswap", "uni", "aave", "sushi", "cake", "comp", "maker", "mkr", "curve", "crv",
            "yearn", "yfi", "compound", "balancer", "bal", "synthetix", "snx"
        "UTILITY": [
            "filecoin", "fil", "the graph", "grt", "arweave", "ar", "chainlink", "link", 
            "helium", "hnt", "theta", "icp"
        "NFT": [
            "enjin", "enj", "decentraland", "mana", "sandbox", "sand", "axie", "axs",
            "gala", "apecoin", "ape", "flow", "ens", "stepn", "gmt"
    "TECH": {
        "CONCEPTS": [
            "blockchain", "defi", "nft", "dao", "smart contract", "web3", "dapp", "protocol",
            "consensus", "tokenomics", "tokenization"
        "CHAIN_TYPES": [
            "layer1", "layer2", "rollup", "sidechain", "mainnet", "testnet", "devnet",
            "pow", "pos", "poh", "pbft", "dpos"
        "PRIVACY": [
            "zk", "zk-rollups", "zero-knowledge", "zkp", "zksnark", "zkstark", "mpc",
            "privacy", "private", "anonymous", "confidential", "encrypted"
        "SECTORS": [
            "defi", "cefi", "gamefi", "metaverse", "socialfi", "fintech", "realfi",
            "play-to-earn", "move-to-earn", "learn-to-earn", "x-to-earn", "defai", "depin", "desci",
            "refi", "did", "dedata", "dedao", "deid", "deai", "degov", "decloud", "dehealth", 
            "decex", "deinsurance", "deworkplace", "public goods", "zk", "ordinals", "soulbound",
            "onchain gaming", "ai agents", "infrastructure", "credentials", "restaking", "modular blockchain",
            "liquid staking", "real world assets", "rwa", "synthetic assets", "account abstraction"
    "ACTION": {
        "TRADING": [
            "buy", "sell", "long", "short", "margin", "leverage", "trade", "swap",
            "arbitrage", "dca", "ape", "pump", "dump", "moon", "ath", "atl", "breakout",
            "correction", "consolidation", "accumulate", "distribute", "front run", "front runner", 
            "front running", "mev", "sandwich attack"
        "DEFI": [
            "stake", "yield", "farm", "lend", "borrow", "supply", "withdraw", "claim",
            "harvest", "flash loan", "liquidate", "collateralize", "wrap", "unwrap", "bridge",
            "provide liquidity", "withdraw liquidity", "impermanent loss"
        "GOVERNANCE": [
            "delegate", "vote", "propose", "governance", "dao", "snapshot", "quorum",
            "execution", "timelock", "veto"
        "NFT": [
            "mint", "airdrop", "whitelist", "burn", "floor price", "rarity", "trait", "pfp",
            "collection", "secondary", "flip"
        "DEVELOPMENT": [
            "deploy", "audit", "fork", "bootstrap", "initiate", "merge", "split",
            "rebase", "optimize", "gas optimization", "implement", "compile"
    "PLATFORM": {
        "EXCHANGE": [
            "coinbase", "binance", "kraken", "kucoin", "ftx", "okx", "bybit", "bitfinex", 
            "huobi", "gate", "gemini", "bitstamp", "bittrex", "", "cex", "dex"
        "WALLET": [
            "metamask", "phantom", "trust wallet", "ledger", "trezor", "argent", "rainbow",
            "wallet", "hot wallet", "cold storage", "hardware wallet", "seed phrase"
        "NFT_MARKET": [
            "opensea", "rarible", "foundation", "superrare", "looksrare", "blur", "magic eden",
            "nifty gateway", "zora", "x2y2", "element"
        "INFRA": [
            "alchemy", "infura", "moralis", "quicknode", "ceramic", "arweave", "ipfs",
            "node", "rpc", "api", "indexer", "subgraph"
    "NETWORK": {
        "LAYER1": [
            "ethereum", "bitcoin", "solana", "avalanche", "polygon", "bnb chain", "bsc",
            "cardano", "polkadot", "cosmos", "algorand", "tezos", "flow", "near", "tron"
        "LAYER2": [
            "arbitrum", "optimism", "zksync", "starknet", "base", "polygon", "loopring",
            "immutablex", "metis", "boba", "aztec", "validium", "zkevm"
            "cosmos", "polkadot", "kusama", "moonbeam", "moonriver", "parachains", "relay chain",
            "ibc", "cross-chain", "bridge"
    "EVENTS": {
        "MARKET": [
            "bull market", "bear market", "bull run", "bear trap", "bull trap", "halving",
            "capitulation", "golden cross", "death cross", "breakout", "resistance", "support"
        "SECURITY": [
            "hack", "exploit", "vulnerability", "scam", "phishing", "rug pull", "honeypot",
            "flash crash", "attack", "51% attack", "front running", "sandwich attack", "mev extraction"
        "TOKEN_EVENTS": [
            "airdrop", "token unlock", "vesting", "ico", "ido", "ito", "ieo", "fair launch",
            "private sale", "seed round", "listing", "delisting"
    "METRICS": {
        "FINANCIAL": [
            "apy", "apr", "roi", "tvl", "market cap", "mcap", "volume", "liquidity", "supply",
            "circulating supply", "total supply", "max supply", "inflation", "deflation",
            "volatility", "dominance"
        "TECHNICAL": [
            "gas fee", "gas price", "gas limit", "slippage", "impermanent loss", "yield",
            "hashrate", "difficulty", "tps", "latency", "finality", "block time", "block size",
            "block reward"
    "COMMUNITY": {
        "ROLES": [
            "whale", "degen", "anon", "influencer", "kol", "thought leader", "ambassador",
            "advocate", "og", "contributor", "dev", "builder", "founder", "investor", "vc",
            "angel", "team", "core team", "front runner", "mev bot", "searcher", "validator",
            "miner", "node operator", "liquidity provider", "market maker", "arbitrageur"
        "SLANG": [
            "diamond hands", "paper hands", "wagmi", "ngmi", "gm", "gn", "ser", "based",
            "crypto twitter", "ct", "alpha", "dyor", "fomo", "fud", "hodl", "rekt"

# ==============================================
# Helper Functions
# ==============================================

def clear_gpu_memory():
    """Clear GPU memory to prevent OOM errors"""
    if torch.cuda.is_available():

def load_checkpoint():
    """Load processing checkpoint if it exists"""
    if os.path.exists(CHECKPOINT_FILE):
        with open(CHECKPOINT_FILE, 'r') as f:
            return json.load(f)
    return {'last_processed_index': 0}

def save_checkpoint(index):
    """Save the current processing index to a checkpoint file"""
    with open(CHECKPOINT_FILE, 'w') as f:
        json.dump({'last_processed_index': index}, f)

def identify_crypto_entities(text: str) -> list:
    Identify crypto-specific entities in text using the hierarchical taxonomy.
        text (str): Text to analyze
        list: List of tuples (entity, main_category, sub_category)
    if not isinstance(text, str):
        return []
    text_lower = text.lower()
    found_entities = []
    # Search for each entity in the taxonomy
    for main_cat, subcats in CRYPTO_TAXONOMY.items():
        for subcat, terms in subcats.items():
            for term in terms:
                # Avoid matching partial words (ensure word boundaries)
                pattern = r'\b' + re.escape(term) + r'\b'
                if, text_lower):
                    found_entities.append((term, main_cat, subcat))
    return found_entities

def clean_text(text: str) -> str:
    """Clean text while preserving mentions and hashtags"""
    if not isinstance(text, str):
        return ""
    # Remove URLs
    text = re.sub(r'http\S+', '', text)
    # Remove non-alphanumeric characters (except mentions, hashtags, and spaces)
    text = re.sub(r'[^\w\s@#]', ' ', text)
    # Remove extra whitespace
    text = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', text).strip()
    return text.lower()

def process_nlp_text(text: str) -> str:
    """Process text with advanced NLP (lemmatization, stopword removal)"""
    if not isinstance(text, str):
        return ""
    # Basic cleaning
    text = clean_text(text)
        # Process with spaCy for advanced NLP
        doc = spacy_nlp(text)
        # Lemmatize and remove stopwords
        processed_tokens = [token.lemma_ for token in doc if not token.is_stop and not token.is_punct]
        return " ".join(processed_tokens)
        # Fallback to basic cleaning if spaCy is not available
        return text

def extract_mentions(text: str) -> list:
    """Extract @mentions from text"""
    if not isinstance(text, str):
        return []
    return re.findall(r'@(\w+)', text)

def extract_hashtags(text: str) -> list:
    """Extract #hashtags from text"""
    if not isinstance(text, str):
        return []
    return re.findall(r'#(\w+)', text)

def extract_urls(text: str) -> list:
    """Extract URLs from text"""
    if not isinstance(text, str):
        return []
    urls = re.findall(r'(https?://\S+)', text)
    return urls

def analyze_sentiment(text: str) -> dict:
    Analyze the sentiment of a text using the sentiment analysis pipeline.
        text (str): The text to analyze
        dict: A dictionary containing sentiment label and score
    if not SENTIMENT_AVAILABLE or not text.strip():
        return {"sentiment": "unknown", "sentiment_score": 0.0, "sentiment_magnitude": 0.0}
        # Pre-process the text to improve sentiment analysis accuracy
        # Limit text length to avoid errors with very long tweets
        truncated_text = text[:512] if len(text) > 512 else text
        # Get sentiment prediction
        sentiment_result = sentiment_pipeline(truncated_text)[0]
        label = sentiment_result['label']
        score = sentiment_result['score']
        # Map to standardized format (positive, negative, neutral)
        sentiment_mapping = {
            'LABEL_0': 'negative',
            'LABEL_1': 'neutral',
            'LABEL_2': 'positive',
            'NEGATIVE': 'negative',
            'NEUTRAL': 'neutral',
            'POSITIVE': 'positive'
        standardized_sentiment = sentiment_mapping.get(label, label.lower())
        # Calculate magnitude (confidence) - useful for filtering high-confidence sentiments
        magnitude = abs(score - 0.5) * 2 if standardized_sentiment != 'neutral' else score
        return {
            "sentiment": standardized_sentiment,
            "sentiment_score": score,
            "sentiment_magnitude": magnitude
    except Exception as e:
        print(f"Error in sentiment analysis: {e}")
        return {"sentiment": "error", "sentiment_score": 0.0, "sentiment_magnitude": 0.0}

def process_with_nlp(text: str) -> dict:
    Process text with NLP to extract named entities, key phrases, etc.
        text (str): The text to process
        dict: A dictionary containing NLP processing results
    results = {
        "named_entities": [],
        "pos_tags": [],
        "lemmatized_tokens": [],
        "key_phrases": [],
        "important_nouns": [],
        "sentiment_analysis": {"sentiment": "unknown", "sentiment_score": 0.0, "sentiment_magnitude": 0.0}
    if not text or text.isspace():
        return results
    # First, analyze sentiment
    results["sentiment_analysis"] = analyze_sentiment(text)
        # Use spaCy for advanced NLP if available
            doc = spacy_nlp(text)
            # Extract named entities (excluding crypto entities which are handled separately)
            results["named_entities"] = [(ent.text, ent.label_) for ent in doc.ents]
            # Extract POS tags for content words
            results["pos_tags"] = [(token.text, token.pos_) for token in doc 
                                   if token.pos_ in ["NOUN", "VERB", "ADJ", "ADV"] and not token.is_stop]
            # Get lemmatized tokens (normalized words)
            results["lemmatized_tokens"] = [token.lemma_ for token in doc 
                                           if not token.is_stop and not token.is_punct and token.text.strip()]
            # Extract important nouns (potential topics)
            results["important_nouns"] = [token.text for token in doc 
                                         if token.pos_ == "NOUN" and not token.is_stop]
            # Try to extract key phrases using noun chunks
            results["key_phrases"] = [chunk.text for chunk in doc.noun_chunks 
                                     if len(chunk.text.split()) > 1]
        # If key phrases are empty, use RoBERTa to attempt extraction
        if not results["key_phrases"] and len(text.split()) > 3:
                # Create a masked sentence from the text
                words = text.split()
                if len(words) > 5:
                    # Get 3 random positions to mask
                    import random
                    positions = sorted(random.sample(range(len(words)), min(3, len(words))))
                    # Create masked sentences
                    key_terms = []
                    for pos in positions:
                        words_copy = words.copy()
                        words_copy[pos] = tokenizer.mask_token
                        masked_text = " ".join(words_copy)
                        # Get predictions for the masked token
                        predictions = nlp_pipeline(masked_text, top_k=2)
                        for prediction in predictions:
            except Exception as e:
                print(f"Error in key phrase extraction: {e}")
        # Ensure all results are strings for CSV output
        results["named_entities"] = ";".join([f"{ent[0]}:{ent[1]}" for ent in results["named_entities"]])
        results["pos_tags"] = ";".join([f"{tag[0]}:{tag[1]}" for tag in results["pos_tags"]])
        results["lemmatized_tokens"] = ";".join(results["lemmatized_tokens"])
        results["key_phrases"] = ";".join(list(set(results["key_phrases"])))  # Remove duplicates
        results["important_nouns"] = ";".join(list(set(results["important_nouns"])))  # Remove duplicates
    except Exception as e:
        print(f"Error in NLP processing: {e}")
    # Clear GPU memory after processing
    if (results["named_entities"].count(";") > 100) or (len(text) > 1000):
    return results

def process_tweet(text: str) -> tuple:
    Process a tweet to extract mentions, hashtags, URLs, crypto entities, and perform NLP analysis.
    Also performs sentiment analysis.
        text (str): The tweet text to process
        tuple: A tuple containing mentions, hashtags, URLs, NLP results, and sentiment analysis
    if not text or not isinstance(text, str):
        return [], [], [], "", "", {}, {"sentiment": "unknown", "sentiment_score": 0.0, "sentiment_magnitude": 0.0}
    # Clean the text while preserving mentions and hashtags
    cleaned_text = clean_text(text)
    # Process text with NLP
    processed_text = process_nlp_text(text)
    # Extract mentions, hashtags, and URLs
    mentions = extract_mentions(text)
    hashtags = extract_hashtags(text)
    urls = extract_urls(text)
    # Identify crypto entities
    crypto_entities = identify_crypto_entities(text)
    # Process with NLP models
    nlp_results = process_with_nlp(text)
    # Ensure we have the sentiment analysis results
    sentiment_results = nlp_results.pop("sentiment_analysis", {"sentiment": "unknown", "sentiment_score": 0.0, "sentiment_magnitude": 0.0})
    # Add crypto entities to the named entities
    formatted_crypto_entities = [f"{entity}:{main_cat}.{sub_cat}" for entity, main_cat, sub_cat in crypto_entities]
    # If named_entities is a string (joined with semicolons), we need to handle differently
    if isinstance(nlp_results.get("named_entities", ""), str):
        nlp_results["named_entities"] = nlp_results.get("named_entities", "")
        if nlp_results["named_entities"] and formatted_crypto_entities:
            nlp_results["named_entities"] += ";" + ";".join(formatted_crypto_entities)
        elif formatted_crypto_entities:
            nlp_results["named_entities"] = ";".join(formatted_crypto_entities)
    return mentions, hashtags, urls, cleaned_text, processed_text, nlp_results, sentiment_results

def process_batch(df_batch):
    """Process a batch of tweets"""
    processed_data = []
    for idx, row in df_batch.iterrows():
        text = row.get('text', '')
        # Process the tweet
        mentions, hashtags, urls, cleaned_text, processed_text, nlp_results, sentiment_results = process_tweet(text)
        # Create a dictionary with the results
        result = {
            'id': row.get('id', ''),
            'original_text': text,  # Store the original text
            'cleaned_text': cleaned_text,
            'nlp_processed_text': processed_text,
            'extracted_mentions': ';'.join(mentions),
            'extracted_hashtags': ';'.join(hashtags),
            'extracted_urls': ';'.join(urls),
            'named_entities': nlp_results.get('named_entities', ''),
            'pos_tags': nlp_results.get('pos_tags', ''),
            'lemmatized_tokens': nlp_results.get('lemmatized_tokens', ''),
            'key_phrases': nlp_results.get('key_phrases', ''),
            'important_nouns': nlp_results.get('important_nouns', ''),
            'sentiment': sentiment_results.get('sentiment', 'unknown'),
            'sentiment_score': sentiment_results.get('sentiment_score', 0.0),
            'sentiment_magnitude': sentiment_results.get('sentiment_magnitude', 0.0)
    return pd.DataFrame(processed_data)

# ==============================================
# Main Processing Function
# ==============================================

def main(reset_checkpoint=False, input_file=None):
    Main function to process tweets
        reset_checkpoint (bool): Whether to reset the checkpoint and process all data
        input_file (str): Optional specific input file to process, otherwise processes all CSV files
    if reset_checkpoint and os.path.exists(CHECKPOINT_FILE):
        print("Checkpoint reset. Will process all data from the beginning.")
    # Get list of CSV files to process
    if input_file:
        # Process a specific file
        input_files = [input_file]
        # Find all CSV files in the OUTPUT_FOLDER
        import glob
        input_files = glob.glob(f"{OUTPUT_FOLDER}/*.csv")
        # Exclude our output files
        input_files = [f for f in input_files if not any(x in f for x in ["_processed.csv", "_analysis.csv"])]
    if not input_files:
        print(f"No input CSV files found in {OUTPUT_FOLDER}")
    print(f"Found {len(input_files)} files to process: {[os.path.basename(f) for f in input_files]}")
    # Process each file
    for input_csv in input_files:
        print(f"\nProcessing file: {os.path.basename(input_csv)}")
        print("Loading dataset...")
        # Check if input file exists
        if not os.path.exists(input_csv):
            print(f"Input file {input_csv} not found. Skipping.")
        # Load the dataset
            df = pd.read_csv(input_csv)
            print(f"Loaded dataset with {len(df)} records and {len(df.columns)} columns.")
        except Exception as e:
            print(f"Error loading {input_csv}: {e}")
        # Load checkpoint if it exists
        checkpoint = load_checkpoint()
        start_idx = checkpoint['last_processed_index']
        # For simplicity, reset checkpoints between files
        start_idx = 0
        print("\nProcessing tweets...")
        print(f"Starting from index {start_idx}")
        # Filter to only unprocessed rows
        df_to_process = df.iloc[start_idx:]
        if len(df_to_process) == 0:
            print("No new data to process in this file.")
        # Process in batches for memory efficiency
        batch_size = BATCH_SIZE
        num_batches = math.ceil(len(df_to_process) / batch_size)
        print(f"Processing in {num_batches} batches of {batch_size} records each")
        processed_batches = []
        # Create progress bar
        for i in tqdm(range(num_batches)):
            batch_start = i * batch_size
            batch_end = min((i + 1) * batch_size, len(df_to_process))
            # Get current batch
            df_batch = df_to_process.iloc[batch_start:batch_end]
            # Process the batch
            processed_batch = process_batch(df_batch)
            # Save checkpoint
            save_checkpoint(start_idx + batch_end)
            # Save intermediate results every 5 batches to prevent data loss in case of session timeout
            if i % 5 == 0 and i > 0:
                file_basename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(input_csv))[0]
                interim_df = pd.concat(processed_batches, ignore_index=True)
                interim_file = f"{OUTPUT_FOLDER}/{file_basename}_interim_{i}.csv"
                interim_df.to_csv(interim_file, index=False)
                print(f"\nSaved interim results to {interim_file}")
                # Clear memory
        # Combine all batches
        if processed_batches:
            file_basename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(input_csv))[0]
            final_df = pd.concat(processed_batches, ignore_index=True)
            # Calculate statistics columns
            final_df["mention_count"] = final_df["extracted_mentions"].str.count(";") + (final_df["extracted_mentions"] != "").astype(int)
            final_df["hashtag_count"] = final_df["extracted_hashtags"].str.count(";") + (final_df["extracted_hashtags"] != "").astype(int)
            final_df["entity_count"] = final_df["named_entities"].str.count(";") + (final_df["named_entities"] != "").astype(int)
            # Save the full processed dataset
            output_file = f"{OUTPUT_FOLDER}/{file_basename}_processed.csv"
            final_df.to_csv(output_file, index=False)
            print(f"Processed data saved to {output_file}")
            # Create a lighter version with just the analysis
            analysis_columns = [
                "id", "original_text", "cleaned_text", "nlp_processed_text", 
                "extracted_mentions", "extracted_hashtags", "extracted_urls",
                "named_entities", "key_phrases", "important_nouns",
                "sentiment", "sentiment_score", "sentiment_magnitude",
                "mention_count", "hashtag_count", "entity_count"
            # Ensure all columns exist before subsetting
            available_columns = [col for col in analysis_columns if col in final_df.columns]
            analysis_df = final_df[available_columns]
            analysis_file = f"{OUTPUT_FOLDER}/{file_basename}_analysis.csv"
            analysis_df.to_csv(analysis_file, index=False)
            print(f"Analysis results saved to {analysis_file}")
            # Print statistics
            print(f"\nAnalysis completed successfully!")
            print(f"Total records: {len(final_df)}")
            print(f"Tweets with Mentions: {(final_df['extracted_mentions'] != '').sum()}")
            print(f"Tweets with Hashtags: {(final_df['extracted_hashtags'] != '').sum()}")
            print(f"Tweets with Named Entities: {(final_df['named_entities'] != '').sum()}")
            # Print sentiment statistics
            sentiment_counts = final_df['sentiment'].value_counts()
            print("\nSentiment Distribution:")
            for sentiment, count in sentiment_counts.items():
                percentage = (count / len(final_df)) * 100
                print(f"  {sentiment}: {count} tweets ({percentage:.1f}%)")
            # Get average sentiment scores
            avg_score = final_df['sentiment_score'].mean()
            avg_magnitude = final_df['sentiment_magnitude'].mean()
            print(f"\nAverage sentiment score: {avg_score:.3f}")
            print(f"Average sentiment magnitude: {avg_magnitude:.3f}")
            # Get top entities by sentiment
            positive_entities = []
            for idx, row in final_df[final_df['sentiment'] == 'positive'].iterrows():
                entities = row['named_entities'].split(';') if isinstance(row['named_entities'], str) and row['named_entities'] else []
                for entity in entities:
                    if entity and ':' in entity:
                        entity_name = entity.split(':')[0]
            # Get the most common positive entities
            from collections import Counter
            top_positive = Counter(positive_entities).most_common(5)
            if top_positive:
                print("\nTop entities with positive sentiment:")
                for entity, count in top_positive:
                    print(f"  {entity}: {count} mentions")
            # Print sample results
            print("\nSample of processing results:")
            for i, row in analysis_df.head(3).iterrows():
                print(f"\nOriginal Text: {row['original_text']}")
                print(f"Cleaned Text: {row['cleaned_text']}")
                print(f"NLP Processed Text: {row['nlp_processed_text']}")
                print(f"Mentions: {row['extracted_mentions']}")
                print(f"Hashtags: {row['extracted_hashtags']}")
                print(f"Named Entities: {row['named_entities']}")
                print(f"Key Phrases: {row['key_phrases']}")
                print(f"Sentiment: {row['sentiment']} (Score: {row['sentiment_score']:.3f}, Magnitude: {row['sentiment_magnitude']:.3f})")
                print("-" * 80)
            # Delete interim files
            import glob
            interim_files = glob.glob(f"{OUTPUT_FOLDER}/{file_basename}_interim_*.csv")
            for f in interim_files:
                    print(f"Deleted interim file: {os.path.basename(f)}")
            # Clear memory after processing each file
            print("No data processed for this file.")
    # Clean up checkpoint file after successful processing
    if os.path.exists(CHECKPOINT_FILE):
    print("\nAll files processed successfully!")

# ==============================================
# Colab Usage Example
# ==============================================


# 1. Install packages and mount drive
from google.colab import drive

# 2. Process one specific file
input_file = "/content/drive/MyDrive/projects_twitter_post/zilliqa.csv"
main(reset_checkpoint=True, input_file=input_file)

# 3. Process all files

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import sys
    # Check if --reset flag is provided
    reset_checkpoint = "--reset" in sys.argv
    # Check if --file flag is provided
    input_file = None
    if "--file" in sys.argv:
            input_file = sys.argv[sys.argv.index("--file") + 1]
        except IndexError:
            print("Error: --file flag requires a filename argument")
    # Run the main function
    main(reset_checkpoint=reset_checkpoint, input_file=input_file) )
