import json import os import argparse import sys sys.path.append("Gradio_Config") from SOP import SOP from Agent import Agent from Environment import Environment from Memory import Memory from gradio_base import Client, convert2list4agentname # add =================== def process(action): response = action.response send_name = send_role = action.role if not action.is_user: print(f"{send_name}({send_role}):{response}") memory = Memory(send_role, send_name, response) return memory def gradio_process(action,current_state): response = action.response all = "" for i,res in enumerate(response): all+=res state = 10 if action.is_user: state = 30 elif action.state_begin: state = 12 action.state_begin = False elif i>0: state = 11 send_name = f"{}({action.role})" Client.send_server(str([state, send_name, res,])) if state == 30: # print("client: waiting for server") data: list = next(Client.receive_server) content = "" for item in data: if item.startswith(""): content = item.split("")[1] break # print(f"client: received `{content}` from server.") action.response = content break else: action.response = all def prepare(agents, sop, environment): client = Client() Client.send_server = client.send_message client.send_message( { "agents_name": convert2list4agentname(sop)[0], "api_key": os.environ["API_KEY"] } ) print(f"client: {list(agents.keys())}") client.listening_for_start_() client.mode = Client.mode = client.cache["mode"] os.environ["API_KEY"] = client.cache["api_key"] uploaded_sop = Client.cache['uploaded_sop'] agents,sop,environment = init(uploaded_sop) run(agents,sop,environment) def block_when_next(current_agent, current_state): if Client.LAST_USER: assert not current_agent.is_user Client.LAST_USER = False return if current_agent.is_user: # if next turn is user, we don't handle it here Client.LAST_USER = True return if Client.FIRST_RUN: Client.FIRST_RUN = False else: # block current process if Client.mode == Client.SINGLE_MODE: Client.send_server(str([98, f"{}({current_agent.state_roles[]})", " ",])) data: list = next(Client.receive_server) # ======================= def init(config): if not os.path.exists("logs"): os.mkdir("logs") sop = SOP.from_config(config) agents,roles_to_names,names_to_roles = Agent.from_config(config) environment = Environment.from_config(config) environment.agents = agents environment.roles_to_names,environment.names_to_roles = roles_to_names,names_to_roles sop.roles_to_names,sop.names_to_roles = roles_to_names,names_to_roles for name,agent in agents.items(): agent.environment = environment return agents,sop,environment def run(agents,sop,environment): while True: current_state,current_agent=,agents) if sop.finished: print("finished!") Client.send_server(str([99, " ", " ", "done"])) os.environ.clear() break block_when_next(current_agent, current_state) action = current_agent.step(current_state) #component_dict = current_state[self.role[]] current_agent.compile(component_dict) gradio_process(action,current_state) memory = process(action) environment.update_memory(memory,current_state) if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='A demo of chatbot') parser.add_argument('--agent', type=str, help='path to SOP json',default="config.json") args = parser.parse_args() agents,sop,environment = init(args.agent) prepare(agents, sop, environment) # run(agents,sop,environment)