# =========== Copyright 2023 @ CAMEL-AI.org. All Rights Reserved. =========== # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an “AS IS” BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # =========== Copyright 2023 @ CAMEL-AI.org. All Rights Reserved. =========== """ Gradio-based web UI to explore the Camel dataset. """ import argparse import random from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple import gradio as gr from apps.data_explorer.loader import Datasets, load_datasets def parse_arguments(): """ Get command line arguments. """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser("Camel data explorer") parser.add_argument( '--data-path', type=str, default=None, help='Path to the folder with ZIP datasets containing JSONs') parser.add_argument('--default-dataset', type=str, default=None, help='Default dataset name selected from ZIPs') parser.add_argument('--share', type=bool, default=False, help='Expose the web UI to Gradio') parser.add_argument( '--server-name', type=str, default="", help='localhost for local, (default) for public') parser.add_argument('--server-port', type=int, default=8080, help='Port ot run the web page on') parser.add_argument('--inbrowser', type=bool, default=False, help='Open the web UI in the default browser on lunch') parser.add_argument( '--concurrency-count', type=int, default=10, help='Number if concurrent threads at Gradio websocket queue. ' + 'Increase to serve more requests but keep an eye on RAM usage.') args, unknown = parser.parse_known_args() if len(unknown) > 0: print("Unknown args: ", unknown) return args def construct_ui(blocks, datasets: Datasets, default_dataset: Optional[str] = None): """ Build Gradio UI and populate with chat data from JSONs. Args: blocks: Gradio blocks datasets (Datasets): Several parsed multi-JSON dataset with chats. default_dataset (str): Default selection of the dataset. Returns: None """ if default_dataset is None: default_dataset = "ai_society_chat" misalignment_set_names = {"misalignment"} ordinary_datasets = [ v for v in datasets.keys() if v not in misalignment_set_names ] misalignment_datasets = [ v for v in datasets.keys() if v in misalignment_set_names ] default_dataset_name = default_dataset \ if default_dataset in datasets.keys() \ else ordinary_datasets[0] if len(ordinary_datasets) > 0 \ else misalignment_datasets[0] if len(misalignment_datasets) > 0 \ else "" dataset_names = list(datasets.keys()) with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(scale=2): with gr.Row(): dataset_dd = gr.Dropdown(dataset_names, label="Select dataset", value="NODEFAULT", interactive=True) with gr.Row(): disclaimer_ta = gr.Markdown( "## By clicking AGREE I consent to use the dataset " "for purely educational and academic purposes and " "not use it for any fraudulent activity; and I take " "all the responsibility if the data is used in a " "malicious application.", visible=False) with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(scale=1): accept_disclaimer_bn = gr.Button("AGREE", visible=False) with gr.Column(scale=1): decline_disclaimer_bn = gr.Button("DECLINE", visible=False) with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(scale=3): assistant_dd = gr.Dropdown([], label="ASSISTANT", value="", interactive=True) with gr.Column(scale=3): user_dd = gr.Dropdown([], label="USER", value="", interactive=True) with gr.Column(scale=1): gr.Markdown( "## CAMEL: Communicative Agents for \"Mind\" Exploration" " of Large Scale Language Model Society\n" "Github repo: [https://github.com/lightaime/camel]" "(https://github.com/lightaime/camel)\n" '
' 'Logo' '
') task_dd = gr.Dropdown([], label="Original task", value="", interactive=True) specified_task_ta = gr.TextArea(label="Specified task", lines=2) chatbot = gr.Chatbot() accepted_st = gr.State(False) def set_default_dataset() -> Dict: """ Trigger for app load. Returns: Dict: Update dict for dataset_dd. """ return gr.update(value=default_dataset_name) def check_if_misalignment(dataset_name: str, accepted: bool) \ -> Tuple[Dict, Dict, Dict]: """ Display AGREE/DECLINE if needed. Returns: Tuple: Visibility updates for the buttons. """ if dataset_name == "misalignment" and not accepted: return gr.update(visible=True), \ gr.update(visible=True), gr.update(visible=True) else: return gr.update(visible=False), \ gr.update(visible=False), gr.update(visible=False) def enable_misalignment() -> Tuple[bool, Dict, Dict, Dict]: """ Update the state of the accepted disclaimer. Returns: Tuple: New state and visibility updates for the buttons. """ return True, gr.update(visible=False), \ gr.update(visible=False), gr.update(visible=False) def disable_misalignment() -> Tuple[bool, Dict, Dict, Dict]: """ Update the state of the accepted disclaimer. Returns: Tuple: New state and visibility updates for the buttons. """ return False, gr.update(visible=False), \ gr.update(visible=False), gr.update(visible=False) def update_dataset_selection(dataset_name: str, accepted: bool) -> Tuple[Dict, Dict]: """ Update roles based on the selected dataset. Args: dataset_name (str): Name of the loaded .zip dataset. accepted (bool): If the disclaimer thas been accepted. Returns: Tuple[Dict, Dict]: New Assistant and User roles. """ if dataset_name == "misalignment" and not accepted: # If used did not accept the misalignment policy, # keep the old selection. return (gr.update(value="N/A", choices=[]), gr.update(value="N/A", choices=[])) dataset = datasets[dataset_name] assistant_roles = dataset['assistant_roles'] user_roles = dataset['user_roles'] assistant_role = random.choice(assistant_roles) \ if len(assistant_roles) > 0 else "" user_role = random.choice(user_roles) if len(user_roles) > 0 else "" return (gr.update(value=assistant_role, choices=assistant_roles), gr.update(value=user_role, choices=user_roles)) def roles_dd_change(dataset_name: str, assistant_role: str, user_role: str) -> Dict: """ Update the displayed chat upon inputs change. Args: assistant_role (str): Assistant dropdown value. user_role (str): User dropdown value. Returns: Dict: New original roles state dictionary. """ matrix = datasets[dataset_name]['matrix'] if (assistant_role, user_role) in matrix: record: Dict[str, Dict] = matrix[(assistant_role, user_role)] original_task_options = list(record.keys()) original_task = original_task_options[0] else: original_task = "N/A" original_task_options = [] choices = gr.Dropdown(choices=original_task_options, value=original_task, interactive=True) return choices def build_chat_history(messages: Dict[int, Dict]) -> List[Tuple]: """ Structures chatbot contents from the loaded data. Args: messages (Dict[int, Dict]): Messages loaded from JSON. Returns: List[Tuple]: Chat history in chatbot UI element format. """ history: List[Tuple] = [] curr_qa = (None, None) for k in sorted(messages.keys()): msg = messages[k] content = msg['content'] if msg['role_type'] == "USER": if curr_qa[0] is not None: history.append(curr_qa) curr_qa = (content, None) else: curr_qa = (content, None) elif msg['role_type'] == "ASSISTANT": curr_qa = (curr_qa[0], content) history.append(curr_qa) curr_qa = (None, None) else: pass return history def task_dd_change(dataset_name: str, assistant_role: str, user_role: str, original_task: str) -> Tuple[str, List]: """ Load task details and chatbot history into UI elements. Args: assistant_role (str): An assistan role. user_role (str): An user role. original_task (str): The original task. Returns: Tuple[str, List]: New contents of the specified task and chatbot history UI elements. """ matrix = datasets[dataset_name]['matrix'] if (assistant_role, user_role) in matrix: task_dict: Dict[str, Dict] = matrix[(assistant_role, user_role)] if original_task in task_dict: chat = task_dict[original_task] specified_task = chat['specified_task'] history = build_chat_history(chat['messages']) else: specified_task = "N/A" history = [] else: specified_task = "N/A" history = [] return specified_task, history dataset_dd.change(check_if_misalignment, [dataset_dd, accepted_st], [disclaimer_ta, accept_disclaimer_bn, decline_disclaimer_bn]) \ .then(update_dataset_selection, [dataset_dd, accepted_st], [assistant_dd, user_dd]) accept_disclaimer_bn.click(enable_misalignment, None, [ accepted_st, disclaimer_ta, accept_disclaimer_bn, decline_disclaimer_bn ]) \ .then(update_dataset_selection, [dataset_dd, accepted_st], [assistant_dd, user_dd]) decline_disclaimer_bn.click(disable_misalignment, None, [ accepted_st, disclaimer_ta, accept_disclaimer_bn, decline_disclaimer_bn ]) \ .then(update_dataset_selection, [dataset_dd, accepted_st], [assistant_dd, user_dd]) func_args = (roles_dd_change, [dataset_dd, assistant_dd, user_dd], task_dd) assistant_dd.change(*func_args) user_dd.change(*func_args) task_dd.change(task_dd_change, [dataset_dd, assistant_dd, user_dd, task_dd], [specified_task_ta, chatbot]) blocks.load(set_default_dataset, None, dataset_dd) def construct_blocks(data_path: str, default_dataset: Optional[str]): """ Construct Blocs app but do not launch it. Args: data_path (str): Path to the set of ZIP datasets. default_dataset (Optional[str]): Name of the default dataset, without extension. Returns: gr.Blocks: Blocks instance. """ print("Loading the dataset...") datasets = load_datasets(data_path) print("Dataset is loaded") print("Getting Data Explorer web server online...") with gr.Blocks() as blocks: construct_ui(blocks, datasets, default_dataset) return blocks def main(): """ Entry point. """ args = parse_arguments() blocks = construct_blocks(args.data_path, args.default_dataset) blocks.queue(args.concurrency_count) \ .launch(share=args.share, inbrowser=args.inbrowser, server_name=args.server_name, server_port=args.server_port) print("Exiting.") if __name__ == "__main__": main()