File size: 8,637 Bytes
79859e3 |
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from __future__ import annotations
import os
import json
import asyncio
from http.cookiejar import CookieJar
from urllib.parse import quote
from curl_cffi.requests import Session, CurlWsFlag
has_curl_cffi = True
except ImportError:
has_curl_cffi = False
import nodriver
has_nodriver = True
except ImportError:
has_nodriver = False
from .base_provider import AbstractProvider, BaseConversation
from .helper import format_prompt
from ..typing import CreateResult, Messages, ImageType
from ..errors import MissingRequirementsError
from ..requests.raise_for_status import raise_for_status
from ..providers.asyncio import get_running_loop
from ..Provider.openai.har_file import NoValidHarFileError, get_headers
from ..requests import get_nodriver
from ..image import ImageResponse, to_bytes, is_accepted_format
from ..cookies import get_cookies_dir
from .. import debug
class Conversation(BaseConversation):
conversation_id: str
cookie_jar: CookieJar
access_token: str
def __init__(self, conversation_id: str, cookie_jar: CookieJar, access_token: str = None):
self.conversation_id = conversation_id
self.cookie_jar = cookie_jar
self.access_token = access_token
class Copilot(AbstractProvider):
label = "Microsoft Copilot"
url = ""
working = True
supports_stream = True
default_model = "Copilot"
websocket_url = "wss://"
conversation_url = f"{url}/c/api/conversations"
def create_completion(
model: str,
messages: Messages,
stream: bool = False,
proxy: str = None,
timeout: int = 900,
image: ImageType = None,
conversation: Conversation = None,
return_conversation: bool = False,
web_search: bool = True,
) -> CreateResult:
if not has_curl_cffi:
raise MissingRequirementsError('Install or update "curl_cffi" package | pip install -U curl_cffi')
websocket_url = cls.websocket_url
access_token = None
headers = None
cookies = conversation.cookie_jar if conversation is not None else None
if cls.needs_auth or image is not None:
if conversation is None or conversation.access_token is None:
access_token, cookies = readHAR()
except NoValidHarFileError as h:
debug.log(f"Copilot: {h}")
access_token, cookies =
except MissingRequirementsError:
raise h
access_token = conversation.access_token
debug.log(f"Copilot: Access token: {access_token[:7]}...{access_token[-5:]}")
websocket_url = f"{websocket_url}&accessToken={quote(access_token)}"
headers = {"authorization": f"Bearer {access_token}"}
with Session(
) as session:
response = session.get("")
debug.log(f"Copilot: User: {response.json().get('firstName', 'null')}")
if conversation is None:
response =
conversation_id = response.json().get("id")
if return_conversation:
yield Conversation(conversation_id, session.cookies.jar, access_token)
prompt = format_prompt(messages)
debug.log(f"Copilot: Created conversation: {conversation_id}")
conversation_id = conversation.conversation_id
prompt = messages[-1]["content"]
debug.log(f"Copilot: Use conversation: {conversation_id}")
images = []
if image is not None:
data = to_bytes(image)
response =
headers={"content-type": is_accepted_format(data)},
images.append({"type":"image", "url": response.json().get("url")})
wss = session.ws_connect(cls.websocket_url)
"event": "send",
"conversationId": conversation_id,
"content": [*images, {
"type": "text",
"text": prompt,
"mode": "chat"
}).encode(), CurlWsFlag.TEXT)
is_started = False
msg = None
image_prompt: str = None
last_msg = None
while True:
msg = wss.recv()[0]
msg = json.loads(msg)
last_msg = msg
if msg.get("event") == "appendText":
is_started = True
yield msg.get("text")
elif msg.get("event") == "generatingImage":
image_prompt = msg.get("prompt")
elif msg.get("event") == "imageGenerated":
yield ImageResponse(msg.get("url"), image_prompt, {"preview": msg.get("thumbnailUrl")})
elif msg.get("event") == "done":
elif msg.get("event") == "error":
raise RuntimeError(f"Error: {msg}")
elif msg.get("event") not in ["received", "startMessage", "citation", "partCompleted"]:
debug.log(f"Copilot Message: {msg}")
if not is_started:
raise RuntimeError(f"Invalid response: {last_msg}")
async def get_access_token_and_cookies(cls, proxy: str = None):
browser = await get_nodriver(proxy=proxy)
page = await browser.get(cls.url)
access_token = None
while access_token is None:
access_token = await page.evaluate("""
(() => {
for (var i = 0; i < localStorage.length; i++) {
try {
item = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(localStorage.key(i)));
if (item.credentialType == "AccessToken"
&& item.expiresOn > Math.floor( / 1000)
&&"ChatAI")) {
return item.secret;
} catch(e) {}
if access_token is None:
await asyncio.sleep(1)
cookies = {}
for c in await page.send([cls.url])):
cookies[] = c.value
await page.close()
return access_token, cookies
def readHAR():
harPath = []
for root, _, files in os.walk(get_cookies_dir()):
for file in files:
if file.endswith(".har"):
harPath.append(os.path.join(root, file))
if not harPath:
raise NoValidHarFileError("No .har file found")
api_key = None
cookies = None
for path in harPath:
with open(path, 'rb') as file:
harFile = json.loads(
except json.JSONDecodeError:
# Error: not a HAR file!
for v in harFile['log']['entries']:
v_headers = get_headers(v)
if v['request']['url'].startswith(Copilot.url):
if "authorization" in v_headers:
api_key = v_headers["authorization"].split(maxsplit=1).pop()
except Exception as e:
debug.log(f"Error on read headers: {e}")
if v['request']['cookies']:
cookies = {c['name']: c['value'] for c in v['request']['cookies']}
if api_key is None:
raise NoValidHarFileError("No access token found in .har files")
return api_key, cookies |