import train |
import os |
import time |
import csv |
import sys |
import warnings |
import random |
import numpy as np |
import time |
import pprint |
import pickle |
import torch |
import torch.nn as nn |
import torch.nn.functional as F |
from torch.utils.tensorboard import SummaryWriter |
from torch.nn.parallel import DistributedDataParallel as DDP |
from loguru import logger |
import smplx |
from utils import config, logger_tools, other_tools, metric |
from utils import rotation_conversions as rc |
from dataloaders import data_tools |
from optimizers.optim_factory import create_optimizer |
from optimizers.scheduler_factory import create_scheduler |
from optimizers.loss_factory import get_loss_func |
from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation |
class CustomTrainer(train.BaseTrainer): |
""" |
motion representation learning |
""" |
def __init__(self, args): |
super().__init__(args) |
self.joints = self.train_data.joints |
self.smplx = smplx.create( |
self.args.data_path_1+"smplx_models/", |
model_type='smplx', |
gender='NEUTRAL_2020', |
use_face_contour=False, |
num_betas=300, |
num_expression_coeffs=100, |
ext='npz', |
use_pca=False, |
).cuda().eval() |
self.tracker = other_tools.EpochTracker(["rec", "contact", "vel", "foot", "ver", "com", "kl", "acc", "trans", "transv"], [False,False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False]) |
if not self.args.rot6d: |
logger.error(f"this script is for rot6d, your pose rep. is {args.pose_rep}") |
self.rec_loss = get_loss_func("GeodesicLoss") |
self.vel_loss = torch.nn.L1Loss(reduction='mean') |
self.vectices_loss = torch.nn.MSELoss(reduction='mean') |
def inverse_selection(self, filtered_t, selection_array, n): |
original_shape_t = np.zeros((n, selection_array.size)) |
selected_indices = np.where(selection_array == 1)[0] |
for i in range(n): |
original_shape_t[i, selected_indices] = filtered_t[i] |
return original_shape_t |
def inverse_selection_tensor(self, filtered_t, selection_array, n): |
selection_array = torch.from_numpy(selection_array).cuda() |
original_shape_t = torch.zeros((n, 165)).cuda() |
selected_indices = torch.where(selection_array == 1)[0] |
for i in range(n): |
original_shape_t[i, selected_indices] = filtered_t[i] |
return original_shape_t |
def train(self, epoch): |
self.model.train() |
t_start = time.time() |
self.tracker.reset() |
for its, dict_data in enumerate(self.train_loader): |
tar_pose_raw = dict_data["pose"] |
tar_beta = dict_data["beta"].cuda() |
tar_trans = dict_data["trans"].cuda() |
tar_trans_vel_x = other_tools.estimate_linear_velocity(tar_trans[:, :, 0:1], dt=1/self.args.pose_fps) |
tar_trans_vel_z = other_tools.estimate_linear_velocity(tar_trans[:, :, 2:3], dt=1/self.args.pose_fps) |
tar_pose = tar_pose_raw[:, :, :27].cuda() |
tar_contact = tar_pose_raw[:, :, 27:31].cuda() |
bs, n, j = tar_pose.shape[0], tar_pose.shape[1], self.joints |
tar_exps = torch.zeros((bs, n, 100)).cuda() |
tar_pose = rc.axis_angle_to_matrix(tar_pose.reshape(bs, n, j, 3)) |
tar_pose = rc.matrix_to_rotation_6d(tar_pose).reshape(bs, n, j*6) |
tar_trans_copy = tar_trans-tar_trans |
tar_contact_copy = tar_contact-tar_contact |
in_tar_pose = torch.cat((tar_pose, tar_trans_copy, tar_contact_copy), dim=-1) |
t_data = time.time() - t_start |
self.opt.zero_grad() |
g_loss_final = 0 |
net_out = self.model(in_tar_pose) |
rec_pose = tar_pose |
rec_pose = rec_pose.reshape(bs, n, j, 6) |
rec_pose = rc.rotation_6d_to_matrix(rec_pose) |
tar_pose = rc.rotation_6d_to_matrix(tar_pose.reshape(bs, n, j, 6)) |
rec_contact = net_out["rec_pose"][:, :, j*6+3:j*6+7] |
loss_contact = self.vectices_loss(rec_contact, tar_contact) * self.args.rec_weight * self.args.rec_pos_weight |
self.tracker.update_meter("contact", "train", loss_contact.item()) |
g_loss_final += loss_contact |
rec_trans = net_out["rec_pose"][:, :, j*6:j*6+3] |
rec_x_trans = other_tools.velocity2position(rec_trans[:, :, 0:1], 1/self.args.pose_fps, tar_trans[:, 0, 0:1]) |
rec_z_trans = other_tools.velocity2position(rec_trans[:, :, 2:3], 1/self.args.pose_fps, tar_trans[:, 0, 2:3]) |
rec_y_trans = rec_trans[:,:,1:2] |
rec_xyz_trans = torch.cat([rec_x_trans, rec_y_trans, rec_z_trans], dim=-1) |
loss_trans_vel = self.vel_loss(rec_trans[:, :, 0:1], tar_trans_vel_x) * self.args.rec_weight \ |
+ self.vel_loss(rec_trans[:, :, 2:3], tar_trans_vel_z) * self.args.rec_weight |
v3 = self.vel_loss(rec_trans[:, :, 0:1][:, 1:] - rec_trans[:, :, 0:1][:, :-1], tar_trans_vel_x[:, 1:] - tar_trans_vel_x[:, :-1]) * self.args.rec_weight \ |
+ self.vel_loss(rec_trans[:, :, 2:3][:, 1:] - rec_trans[:, :, 2:3][:, :-1], tar_trans_vel_z[:, 1:] - tar_trans_vel_z[:, :-1]) * self.args.rec_weight |
a3 = self.vel_loss(rec_trans[:, :, 0:1][:, 2:] + rec_trans[:, :, 0:1][:, :-2] - 2 * rec_trans[:, :, 0:1][:, 1:-1], tar_trans_vel_x[:, 2:] + tar_trans_vel_x[:, :-2] - 2 * tar_trans_vel_x[:, 1:-1]) * self.args.rec_weight \ |
+ self.vel_loss(rec_trans[:, :, 2:3][:, 2:] + rec_trans[:, :, 2:3][:, :-2] - 2 * rec_trans[:, :, 2:3][:, 1:-1], tar_trans_vel_z[:, 2:] + tar_trans_vel_z[:, :-2] - 2 * tar_trans_vel_z[:, 1:-1]) * self.args.rec_weight |
g_loss_final += 5*v3 |
g_loss_final += 5*a3 |
v2 = self.vel_loss(rec_xyz_trans[:, 1:] - rec_xyz_trans[:, :-1], tar_trans[:, 1:] - tar_trans[:, :-1]) * self.args.rec_weight |
a2 = self.vel_loss(rec_xyz_trans[:, 2:] + rec_xyz_trans[:, :-2] - 2 * rec_xyz_trans[:, 1:-1], tar_trans[:, 2:] + tar_trans[:, :-2] - 2 * tar_trans[:, 1:-1]) * self.args.rec_weight |
g_loss_final += 5*v2 |
g_loss_final += 5*a2 |
self.tracker.update_meter("transv", "train", loss_trans_vel.item()) |
g_loss_final += loss_trans_vel |
loss_trans = self.vel_loss(rec_xyz_trans, tar_trans) * self.args.rec_weight |
self.tracker.update_meter("trans", "train", loss_trans.item()) |
g_loss_final += loss_trans |
if self.args.rec_ver_weight > 0: |
tar_pose = rc.matrix_to_axis_angle(tar_pose).reshape(bs*n, j*3) |
rec_pose = rc.matrix_to_axis_angle(rec_pose).reshape(bs*n, j*3) |
rec_pose = self.inverse_selection_tensor(rec_pose, self.train_data.joint_mask, rec_pose.shape[0]) |
tar_pose = self.inverse_selection_tensor(tar_pose, self.train_data.joint_mask, tar_pose.shape[0]) |
vertices_rec = self.smplx( |
betas=tar_beta.reshape(bs*n, 300), |
transl=rec_xyz_trans.reshape(bs*n, 3), |
expression=tar_exps.reshape(bs*n, 100), |
jaw_pose=rec_pose[:, 66:69], |
global_orient=rec_pose[:,:3], |
body_pose=rec_pose[:,3:21*3+3], |
left_hand_pose=rec_pose[:,25*3:40*3], |
right_hand_pose=rec_pose[:,40*3:55*3], |
return_verts=True, |
return_joints=True, |
leye_pose=tar_pose[:, 69:72], |
reye_pose=tar_pose[:, 72:75], |
) |
vertices_tar = self.smplx( |
betas=tar_beta.reshape(bs*n, 300), |
transl=tar_trans.reshape(bs*n, 3), |
expression=tar_exps.reshape(bs*n, 100), |
jaw_pose=tar_pose[:, 66:69], |
global_orient=tar_pose[:,:3], |
body_pose=tar_pose[:,3:21*3+3], |
left_hand_pose=tar_pose[:,25*3:40*3], |
right_hand_pose=tar_pose[:,40*3:55*3], |
return_verts=True, |
return_joints=True, |
leye_pose=tar_pose[:, 69:72], |
reye_pose=tar_pose[:, 72:75], |
) |
joints_rec = vertices_rec['joints'] |
joints_rec = joints_rec.reshape(bs, n, -1, 3) |
vectices_loss = self.vectices_loss(vertices_rec['vertices'], vertices_tar['vertices']) |
vertices_vel_loss = self.vectices_loss( |
vertices_rec['vertices'][:, 1:] - vertices_rec['vertices'][:, :-1], |
vertices_tar['vertices'][:, 1:] - vertices_tar['vertices'][:, :-1]) |
vertices_acc_loss = self.vectices_loss( |
vertices_rec['vertices'][:, 2:] + vertices_rec['vertices'][:, :-2] - 2 * vertices_rec['vertices'][:, 1:-1], |
vertices_tar['vertices'][:, 2:] + vertices_tar['vertices'][:, :-2] - 2 * vertices_tar['vertices'][:, 1:-1]) |
foot_idx = [7, 8, 10, 11] |
model_contact = net_out["rec_pose"][:, :, j*6+3:j*6+7] |
static_idx = model_contact > 0.95 |
model_feet = joints_rec[:, :, foot_idx] |
model_foot_v = torch.zeros_like(model_feet) |
model_foot_v[:, :-1] = ( |
model_feet[:, 1:, :, :] - model_feet[:, :-1, :, :] |
) |
model_foot_v[~static_idx] = 0 |
foot_loss = self.vel_loss( |
model_foot_v, torch.zeros_like(model_foot_v) |
) |
self.tracker.update_meter("foot", "train", foot_loss.item()*self.args.rec_weight * self.args.rec_ver_weight*1000) |
self.tracker.update_meter("ver", "train", vectices_loss.item()*self.args.rec_weight * self.args.rec_ver_weight) |
g_loss_final += (vectices_loss+5*vertices_vel_loss+5*vertices_acc_loss)*self.args.rec_weight*self.args.rec_ver_weight |
g_loss_final += foot_loss*self.args.rec_weight*self.args.rec_ver_weight*20 |
if "VQVAE" in self.args.g_name: |
loss_embedding = net_out["embedding_loss"] |
g_loss_final += loss_embedding |
self.tracker.update_meter("com", "train", loss_embedding.item()) |
g_loss_final.backward() |
if self.args.grad_norm != 0: |
torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(self.model.parameters(), self.args.grad_norm) |
self.opt.step() |
t_train = time.time() - t_start - t_data |
t_start = time.time() |
mem_cost = torch.cuda.memory_cached() / 1E9 |
lr_g = self.opt.param_groups[0]['lr'] |
if its % self.args.log_period == 0: |
self.train_recording(epoch, its, t_data, t_train, mem_cost, lr_g) |
if self.args.debug: |
if its == 1: break |
self.opt_s.step(epoch) |
def val(self, epoch): |
self.model.eval() |
t_start = time.time() |
with torch.no_grad(): |
for its, dict_data in enumerate(self.val_loader): |
tar_pose_raw = dict_data["pose"] |
tar_beta = dict_data["beta"].cuda() |
tar_trans = dict_data["trans"].cuda() |
tar_trans_vel_x = other_tools.estimate_linear_velocity(tar_trans[:, :, 0:1], dt=1/self.args.pose_fps) |
tar_trans_vel_z = other_tools.estimate_linear_velocity(tar_trans[:, :, 2:3], dt=1/self.args.pose_fps) |
tar_pose = tar_pose_raw[:, :, :27].cuda() |
tar_contact = tar_pose_raw[:, :, 27:31].cuda() |
bs, n, j = tar_pose.shape[0], tar_pose.shape[1], self.joints |
tar_exps = torch.zeros((bs, n, 100)).cuda() |
tar_pose = rc.axis_angle_to_matrix(tar_pose.reshape(bs, n, j, 3)) |
tar_pose = rc.matrix_to_rotation_6d(tar_pose).reshape(bs, n, j*6) |
tar_trans_copy = tar_trans-tar_trans |
tar_contact_copy = tar_contact-tar_contact |
in_tar_pose = torch.cat((tar_pose, tar_trans_copy, tar_contact_copy), dim=-1) |
t_data = time.time() - t_start |
net_out = self.model(in_tar_pose) |
rec_pose = tar_pose |
rec_pose = rec_pose.reshape(bs, n, j, 6) |
rec_pose = rc.rotation_6d_to_matrix(rec_pose) |
tar_pose = rc.rotation_6d_to_matrix(tar_pose.reshape(bs, n, j, 6)) |
rec_contact = net_out["rec_pose"][:, :, j*6+3:j*6+7] |
loss_contact = self.vel_loss(rec_contact, tar_contact) * self.args.rec_weight * self.args.rec_pos_weight |
self.tracker.update_meter("contact", "val", loss_contact.item()) |
rec_trans = net_out["rec_pose"][:, :, j*6:j*6+3] |
rec_x_trans = other_tools.velocity2position(rec_trans[:, :, 0:1], 1/self.args.pose_fps, tar_trans[:, 0, 0:1]) |
rec_z_trans = other_tools.velocity2position(rec_trans[:, :, 2:3], 1/self.args.pose_fps, tar_trans[:, 0, 2:3]) |
rec_y_trans = rec_trans[:,:,1:2] |
rec_xyz_trans = torch.cat([rec_x_trans, rec_y_trans, rec_z_trans], dim=-1) |
loss_trans_vel = self.vel_loss(rec_trans[:, :, 0:1], tar_trans_vel_x) * self.args.rec_weight \ |
+ self.vel_loss(rec_trans[:, :, 2:3], tar_trans_vel_z) * self.args.rec_weight |
self.tracker.update_meter("transv", "val", loss_trans_vel.item()) |
loss_trans = self.vel_loss(rec_xyz_trans, tar_trans) * self.args.rec_weight |
self.tracker.update_meter("trans", "val", loss_trans.item()) |
if self.args.rec_ver_weight > 0: |
tar_pose = rc.matrix_to_axis_angle(tar_pose).reshape(bs*n, j*3) |
rec_pose = rc.matrix_to_axis_angle(rec_pose).reshape(bs*n, j*3) |
rec_pose = self.inverse_selection_tensor(rec_pose, self.train_data.joint_mask, rec_pose.shape[0]) |
tar_pose = self.inverse_selection_tensor(tar_pose, self.train_data.joint_mask, tar_pose.shape[0]) |
vertices_rec = self.smplx( |
betas=tar_beta.reshape(bs*n, 300), |
transl=rec_xyz_trans.reshape(bs*n, 3), |
expression=tar_exps.reshape(bs*n, 100), |
jaw_pose=rec_pose[:, 66:69], |
global_orient=rec_pose[:,:3], |
body_pose=rec_pose[:,3:21*3+3], |
left_hand_pose=rec_pose[:,25*3:40*3], |
right_hand_pose=rec_pose[:,40*3:55*3], |
return_verts=False, |
return_joints=True, |
leye_pose=tar_pose[:, 69:72], |
reye_pose=tar_pose[:, 72:75], |
) |
vertices_tar = self.smplx( |
betas=tar_beta.reshape(bs*n, 300), |
transl=tar_trans.reshape(bs*n, 3), |
expression=tar_exps.reshape(bs*n, 100), |
jaw_pose=tar_pose[:, 66:69], |
global_orient=tar_pose[:,:3], |
body_pose=tar_pose[:,3:21*3+3], |
left_hand_pose=tar_pose[:,25*3:40*3], |
right_hand_pose=tar_pose[:,40*3:55*3], |
return_verts=False, |
return_joints=True, |
leye_pose=tar_pose[:, 69:72], |
reye_pose=tar_pose[:, 72:75], |
) |
joints_rec = vertices_rec['joints'] |
joints_rec = joints_rec.reshape(bs, n, -1, 3) |
vectices_loss = self.vectices_loss(vertices_rec['joints'], vertices_tar['joints']) |
foot_idx = [7, 8, 10, 11] |
model_contact = net_out["rec_pose"][:, :, j*6+3:j*6+7] |
static_idx = model_contact > 0.95 |
model_feet = joints_rec[:, :, foot_idx] |
model_foot_v = torch.zeros_like(model_feet) |
model_foot_v[:, :-1] = ( |
model_feet[:, 1:, :, :] - model_feet[:, :-1, :, :] |
) |
model_foot_v[~static_idx] = 0 |
foot_loss = self.vectices_loss( |
model_foot_v, torch.zeros_like(model_foot_v) |
) |
self.tracker.update_meter("foot", "val", foot_loss.item()*self.args.rec_weight * self.args.rec_ver_weight) |
self.tracker.update_meter("ver", "val", vectices_loss.item()*self.args.rec_weight * self.args.rec_ver_weight) |
if "VQVAE" in self.args.g_name: |
loss_embedding = net_out["embedding_loss"] |
self.tracker.update_meter("com", "val", loss_embedding.item()) |
self.val_recording(epoch) |
def test(self, epoch): |
results_save_path = self.checkpoint_path + f"/{epoch}/" |
if os.path.exists(results_save_path): |
return 0 |
os.makedirs(results_save_path) |
start_time = time.time() |
total_length = 0 |
test_seq_list = self.test_data.selected_file |
self.model.eval() |
with torch.no_grad(): |
for its, dict_data in enumerate(self.test_loader): |
tar_pose_raw = dict_data["pose"] |
tar_trans = dict_data["trans"].to(self.rank) |
tar_pose = tar_pose_raw[:, :, :27].cuda() |
tar_contact = tar_pose_raw[:, :, 27:31].cuda() |
bs, n, j = tar_pose.shape[0], tar_pose.shape[1], self.joints |
tar_pose = rc.axis_angle_to_matrix(tar_pose.reshape(bs, n, j, 3)) |
tar_pose = rc.matrix_to_rotation_6d(tar_pose).reshape(bs, n, j*6) |
remain = n%self.args.pose_length |
tar_pose = tar_pose[:, :n-remain, :] |
tar_contact = tar_contact[:, :n-remain, :] |
tar_trans_copy = tar_trans[:, :n-remain, :]-tar_trans[:, :n-remain, :] |
tar_contact_copy = tar_contact-tar_contact |
in_tar_pose = torch.cat([tar_pose, tar_trans_copy, tar_contact_copy], dim=-1) |
if True: |
net_out = self.model(in_tar_pose) |
rec_pose = tar_pose |
rec_trans = net_out["rec_pose"][:, :, j*6:j*6+3] |
rec_x_trans = other_tools.velocity2position(rec_trans[:, :, 0:1], 1/self.args.pose_fps, tar_trans[:, 0, 0:1]) |
rec_z_trans = other_tools.velocity2position(rec_trans[:, :, 2:3], 1/self.args.pose_fps, tar_trans[:, 0, 2:3]) |
rec_y_trans = rec_trans[:,:,1:2] |
rec_trans = torch.cat([rec_x_trans, rec_y_trans, rec_z_trans], dim=-1) |
n = rec_pose.shape[1] |
rec_trans = rec_trans.cpu().numpy().reshape(bs*n, 3) |
tar_pose = tar_pose[:, :n, :] |
rec_pose = rec_pose.reshape(bs, n, j, 6) |
rec_pose = rc.rotation_6d_to_matrix(rec_pose) |
rec_pose = rc.matrix_to_axis_angle(rec_pose).reshape(bs*n, j*3) |
rec_pose = rec_pose.cpu().numpy() |
else: |
pass |
tar_pose = rc.rotation_6d_to_matrix(tar_pose.reshape(bs, n, j, 6)) |
tar_pose = rc.matrix_to_axis_angle(tar_pose).reshape(bs*n, j*3) |
tar_pose = tar_pose.cpu().numpy() |
total_length += n |
if 'smplx' in self.args.pose_rep: |
gt_npz = np.load(self.args.data_path+self.args.pose_rep+"/"+test_seq_list.iloc[its]['id']+'.npz', allow_pickle=True) |
stride = int(30 / self.args.pose_fps) |
tar_pose = self.inverse_selection(tar_pose, self.test_data.joint_mask, tar_pose.shape[0]) |
np.savez(results_save_path+"gt_"+test_seq_list.iloc[its]['id']+'.npz', |
betas=gt_npz["betas"], |
poses=tar_pose[:n], |
expressions=gt_npz["expressions"]-gt_npz["expressions"], |
trans=gt_npz["trans"][::stride][:n], |
model='smplx2020', |
gender='neutral', |
mocap_frame_rate = 30 , |
) |
rec_pose = self.inverse_selection(rec_pose, self.test_data.joint_mask, rec_pose.shape[0]) |
np.savez(results_save_path+"res_"+test_seq_list.iloc[its]['id']+'.npz', |
betas=gt_npz["betas"], |
poses=rec_pose, |
expressions=gt_npz["expressions"]-gt_npz["expressions"], |
trans=rec_trans, |
model='smplx2020', |
gender='neutral', |
mocap_frame_rate = 30 , |
) |
else: |
rec_pose = rc.axis_angle_to_matrix(torch.from_numpy(rec_pose.reshape(bs*n, j, 3))) |
rec_pose = np.rad2deg(rc.matrix_to_euler_angles(rec_pose, "XYZ")).reshape(bs*n, j*3).numpy() |
tar_pose = rc.axis_angle_to_matrix(torch.from_numpy(tar_pose.reshape(bs*n, j, 3))) |
tar_pose = np.rad2deg(rc.matrix_to_euler_angles(tar_pose, "XYZ")).reshape(bs*n, j*3).numpy() |
with open(f"{self.args.data_path}{self.args.pose_rep}/{test_seq_list.iloc[its]['id']}.bvh", "r") as f_demo: |
with open(results_save_path+"gt_"+test_seq_list.iloc[its]['id']+'.bvh', 'w+') as f_gt: |
with open(results_save_path+"res_"+test_seq_list.iloc[its]['id']+'.bvh', 'w+') as f_real: |
for i, line_data in enumerate(f_demo.readlines()): |
if i < 431: |
f_real.write(line_data) |
f_gt.write(line_data) |
else: break |
for line_id in range(n): |
line_data = np.array2string(rec_pose[line_id], max_line_width=np.inf, precision=6, suppress_small=False, separator=' ') |
f_real.write(line_data[1:-2]+'\n') |
for line_id in range(n): |
line_data = np.array2string(tar_pose[line_id], max_line_width=np.inf, precision=6, suppress_small=False, separator=' ') |
f_gt.write(line_data[1:-2]+'\n') |
end_time = time.time() - start_time |
logger.info(f"total inference time: {int(end_time)} s for {int(total_length/self.args.pose_fps)} s motion") |