import re
from unidecode import unidecode
import pyopenjtalk
_japanese_characters = re.compile(
_japanese_marks = re.compile(
def japanese_cleaners(text):
'''Pipeline for notating accent in Japanese text.'''
'''Reference https://r9y9.github.io/ttslearn/latest/notebooks/ch10_Recipe-Tacotron.html'''
sentences = re.split(_japanese_marks, text)
marks = re.findall(_japanese_marks, text)
text = ''
for i, sentence in enumerate(sentences):
if re.match(_japanese_characters, sentence):
if text != '':
text += ' '
labels = pyopenjtalk.extract_fullcontext(sentence)
for n, label in enumerate(labels):
phoneme = re.search(r'\-([^\+]*)\+', label).group(1)
if phoneme not in ['sil', 'pau']:
text += phoneme.replace('ch', 'ʧ').replace('sh', 'ʃ').replace('cl', 'Q')
n_moras = int(re.search(r'/F:(\d+)_', label).group(1))
a1 = int(re.search(r"/A:(\-?[0-9]+)\+", label).group(1))
a2 = int(re.search(r"\+(\d+)\+", label).group(1))
a3 = int(re.search(r"\+(\d+)/", label).group(1))
if re.search(r'\-([^\+]*)\+', labels[n + 1]).group(1) in ['sil', 'pau']:
a2_next = -1
a2_next = int(re.search(r"\+(\d+)\+", labels[n + 1]).group(1))
if a3 == 1 and a2_next == 1:
text += ' '
elif a1 == 0 and a2_next == a2 + 1 and a2 != n_moras:
text += '↓'
elif a2 == 1 and a2_next == 2:
text += '↑'
if i < len(marks):
text += unidecode(marks[i]).replace(' ', '')
if re.match('[A-Za-z]', text[-1]):
text += '.'
return text
def japanese_cleaners2(text):
return japanese_cleaners(text).replace('ts','ʦ').replace('...','…')