Runtime error
Runtime error
File size: 5,274 Bytes
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#!/usr/bin/env python
import argparse
import json
from typing import List
from ltp import LTP
from transformers import BertTokenizer
def _is_chinese_char(cp):
"""Checks whether CP is the codepoint of a CJK character."""
# This defines a "chinese character" as anything in the CJK Unicode block:
# Note that the CJK Unicode block is NOT all Japanese and Korean characters,
# despite its name. The modern Korean Hangul alphabet is a different block,
# as is Japanese Hiragana and Katakana. Those alphabets are used to write
# space-separated words, so they are not treated specially and handled
# like the all of the other languages.
if (
(cp >= 0x4E00 and cp <= 0x9FFF)
or (cp >= 0x3400 and cp <= 0x4DBF) #
or (cp >= 0x20000 and cp <= 0x2A6DF) #
or (cp >= 0x2A700 and cp <= 0x2B73F) #
or (cp >= 0x2B740 and cp <= 0x2B81F) #
or (cp >= 0x2B820 and cp <= 0x2CEAF) #
or (cp >= 0xF900 and cp <= 0xFAFF)
or (cp >= 0x2F800 and cp <= 0x2FA1F) #
): #
return True
return False
def is_chinese(word: str):
# word like '180' or '身高' or '神'
for char in word:
char = ord(char)
if not _is_chinese_char(char):
return 0
return 1
def get_chinese_word(tokens: List[str]):
word_set = set()
for token in tokens:
chinese_word = len(token) > 1 and is_chinese(token)
if chinese_word:
word_list = list(word_set)
return word_list
def add_sub_symbol(bert_tokens: List[str], chinese_word_set: set()):
if not chinese_word_set:
return bert_tokens
max_word_len = max([len(w) for w in chinese_word_set])
bert_word = bert_tokens
start, end = 0, len(bert_word)
while start < end:
single_word = True
if is_chinese(bert_word[start]):
l = min(end - start, max_word_len)
for i in range(l, 1, -1):
whole_word = "".join(bert_word[start : start + i])
if whole_word in chinese_word_set:
for j in range(start + 1, start + i):
bert_word[j] = "##" + bert_word[j]
start = start + i
single_word = False
if single_word:
start += 1
return bert_word
def prepare_ref(lines: List[str], ltp_tokenizer: LTP, bert_tokenizer: BertTokenizer):
ltp_res = []
for i in range(0, len(lines), 100):
res = ltp_tokenizer.seg(lines[i : i + 100])[0]
res = [get_chinese_word(r) for r in res]
assert len(ltp_res) == len(lines)
bert_res = []
for i in range(0, len(lines), 100):
res = bert_tokenizer(lines[i : i + 100], add_special_tokens=True, truncation=True, max_length=512)
assert len(bert_res) == len(lines)
ref_ids = []
for input_ids, chinese_word in zip(bert_res, ltp_res):
input_tokens = []
for id in input_ids:
token = bert_tokenizer._convert_id_to_token(id)
input_tokens = add_sub_symbol(input_tokens, chinese_word)
ref_id = []
# We only save pos of chinese subwords start with ##, which mean is part of a whole word.
for i, token in enumerate(input_tokens):
if token[:2] == "##":
clean_token = token[2:]
# save chinese tokens' pos
if len(clean_token) == 1 and _is_chinese_char(ord(clean_token)):
assert len(ref_ids) == len(bert_res)
return ref_ids
def main(args):
# For Chinese (Ro)Bert, the best result is from : RoBERTa-wwm-ext (
# If we want to fine-tune these model, we have to use same tokenizer : LTP (
with open(args.file_name, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
data = f.readlines()
data = [line.strip() for line in data if len(line) > 0 and not line.isspace()] # avoid delimiter like '\u2029'
ltp_tokenizer = LTP(args.ltp) # faster in GPU device
bert_tokenizer = BertTokenizer.from_pretrained(args.bert)
ref_ids = prepare_ref(data, ltp_tokenizer, bert_tokenizer)
with open(args.save_path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
data = [json.dumps(ref) + "\n" for ref in ref_ids]
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="prepare_chinese_ref")
help="file need process, same as training data in lm",
"--ltp", type=str, default="./resources/ltp", help="resources for LTP tokenizer, usually a path"
parser.add_argument("--bert", type=str, default="./resources/robert", help="resources for Bert tokenizer")
parser.add_argument("--save_path", type=str, default="./resources/ref.txt", help="path to save res")
args = parser.parse_args()