# Copyright 2020 The HuggingFace Team. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import unittest from transformers import MODEL_FOR_MASKED_LM_MAPPING, TF_MODEL_FOR_MASKED_LM_MAPPING, FillMaskPipeline, pipeline from transformers.pipelines import PipelineException from transformers.testing_utils import ( is_pipeline_test, nested_simplify, require_tf, require_torch, require_torch_gpu, slow, ) from .test_pipelines_common import ANY @is_pipeline_test class FillMaskPipelineTests(unittest.TestCase): model_mapping = MODEL_FOR_MASKED_LM_MAPPING tf_model_mapping = TF_MODEL_FOR_MASKED_LM_MAPPING @require_tf def test_small_model_tf(self): unmasker = pipeline(task="fill-mask", model="sshleifer/tiny-distilroberta-base", top_k=2, framework="tf") outputs = unmasker("My name is ") self.assertEqual( nested_simplify(outputs, decimals=6), [ {"sequence": "My name is grouped", "score": 2.1e-05, "token": 38015, "token_str": " grouped"}, {"sequence": "My name is accuser", "score": 2.1e-05, "token": 25506, "token_str": " accuser"}, ], ) outputs = unmasker("The largest city in France is ") self.assertEqual( nested_simplify(outputs, decimals=6), [ { "sequence": "The largest city in France is grouped", "score": 2.1e-05, "token": 38015, "token_str": " grouped", }, { "sequence": "The largest city in France is accuser", "score": 2.1e-05, "token": 25506, "token_str": " accuser", }, ], ) outputs = unmasker("My name is ", targets=[" Patrick", " Clara", " Teven"], top_k=3) self.assertEqual( nested_simplify(outputs, decimals=6), [ {"sequence": "My name is Clara", "score": 2e-05, "token": 13606, "token_str": " Clara"}, {"sequence": "My name is Patrick", "score": 2e-05, "token": 3499, "token_str": " Patrick"}, {"sequence": "My name is Te", "score": 1.9e-05, "token": 2941, "token_str": " Te"}, ], ) @require_torch def test_small_model_pt(self): unmasker = pipeline(task="fill-mask", model="sshleifer/tiny-distilroberta-base", top_k=2, framework="pt") outputs = unmasker("My name is ") self.assertEqual( nested_simplify(outputs, decimals=6), [ {"sequence": "My name is Maul", "score": 2.2e-05, "token": 35676, "token_str": " Maul"}, {"sequence": "My name isELS", "score": 2.2e-05, "token": 16416, "token_str": "ELS"}, ], ) outputs = unmasker("The largest city in France is ") self.assertEqual( nested_simplify(outputs, decimals=6), [ { "sequence": "The largest city in France is Maul", "score": 2.2e-05, "token": 35676, "token_str": " Maul", }, {"sequence": "The largest city in France isELS", "score": 2.2e-05, "token": 16416, "token_str": "ELS"}, ], ) outputs = unmasker("My name is ", targets=[" Patrick", " Clara", " Teven"], top_k=3) self.assertEqual( nested_simplify(outputs, decimals=6), [ {"sequence": "My name is Patrick", "score": 2.1e-05, "token": 3499, "token_str": " Patrick"}, {"sequence": "My name is Te", "score": 2e-05, "token": 2941, "token_str": " Te"}, {"sequence": "My name is Clara", "score": 2e-05, "token": 13606, "token_str": " Clara"}, ], ) outputs = unmasker("My name is ", top_k=2) self.assertEqual( nested_simplify(outputs, decimals=6), [ [ { "score": 2.2e-05, "token": 35676, "token_str": " Maul", "sequence": "My name is Maul", }, {"score": 2.2e-05, "token": 16416, "token_str": "ELS", "sequence": "My name isELS"}, ], [ { "score": 2.2e-05, "token": 35676, "token_str": " Maul", "sequence": "My name is Maul", }, {"score": 2.2e-05, "token": 16416, "token_str": "ELS", "sequence": "My name isELS"}, ], ], ) @require_torch_gpu def test_fp16_casting(self): pipe = pipeline("fill-mask", model="hf-internal-testing/tiny-random-distilbert", device=0, framework="pt") # convert model to fp16 pipe.model.half() response = pipe("Paris is the [MASK] of France.") # We actually don't care about the result, we just want to make sure # it works, meaning the float16 tensor got casted back to float32 # for postprocessing. self.assertIsInstance(response, list) @slow @require_torch def test_large_model_pt(self): unmasker = pipeline(task="fill-mask", model="distilroberta-base", top_k=2, framework="pt") self.run_large_test(unmasker) @slow @require_tf def test_large_model_tf(self): unmasker = pipeline(task="fill-mask", model="distilroberta-base", top_k=2, framework="tf") self.run_large_test(unmasker) def run_large_test(self, unmasker): outputs = unmasker("My name is ") self.assertEqual( nested_simplify(outputs), [ {"sequence": "My name is John", "score": 0.008, "token": 610, "token_str": " John"}, {"sequence": "My name is Chris", "score": 0.007, "token": 1573, "token_str": " Chris"}, ], ) outputs = unmasker("The largest city in France is ") self.assertEqual( nested_simplify(outputs), [ { "sequence": "The largest city in France is Paris", "score": 0.251, "token": 2201, "token_str": " Paris", }, { "sequence": "The largest city in France is Lyon", "score": 0.214, "token": 12790, "token_str": " Lyon", }, ], ) outputs = unmasker("My name is ", targets=[" Patrick", " Clara", " Teven"], top_k=3) self.assertEqual( nested_simplify(outputs), [ {"sequence": "My name is Patrick", "score": 0.005, "token": 3499, "token_str": " Patrick"}, {"sequence": "My name is Clara", "score": 0.000, "token": 13606, "token_str": " Clara"}, {"sequence": "My name is Te", "score": 0.000, "token": 2941, "token_str": " Te"}, ], ) @require_torch def test_model_no_pad_pt(self): unmasker = pipeline(task="fill-mask", model="sshleifer/tiny-distilroberta-base", framework="pt") unmasker.tokenizer.pad_token_id = None unmasker.tokenizer.pad_token = None self.run_pipeline_test(unmasker, []) @require_tf def test_model_no_pad_tf(self): unmasker = pipeline(task="fill-mask", model="sshleifer/tiny-distilroberta-base", framework="tf") unmasker.tokenizer.pad_token_id = None unmasker.tokenizer.pad_token = None self.run_pipeline_test(unmasker, []) def get_test_pipeline(self, model, tokenizer, processor): if tokenizer is None or tokenizer.mask_token_id is None: self.skipTest("The provided tokenizer has no mask token, (probably reformer or wav2vec2)") fill_masker = FillMaskPipeline(model=model, tokenizer=tokenizer) examples = [ f"This is another {tokenizer.mask_token} test", ] return fill_masker, examples def run_pipeline_test(self, fill_masker, examples): tokenizer = fill_masker.tokenizer model = fill_masker.model outputs = fill_masker( f"This is a {tokenizer.mask_token}", ) self.assertEqual( outputs, [ {"sequence": ANY(str), "score": ANY(float), "token": ANY(int), "token_str": ANY(str)}, {"sequence": ANY(str), "score": ANY(float), "token": ANY(int), "token_str": ANY(str)}, {"sequence": ANY(str), "score": ANY(float), "token": ANY(int), "token_str": ANY(str)}, {"sequence": ANY(str), "score": ANY(float), "token": ANY(int), "token_str": ANY(str)}, {"sequence": ANY(str), "score": ANY(float), "token": ANY(int), "token_str": ANY(str)}, ], ) outputs = fill_masker([f"This is a {tokenizer.mask_token}"]) self.assertEqual( outputs, [ {"sequence": ANY(str), "score": ANY(float), "token": ANY(int), "token_str": ANY(str)}, {"sequence": ANY(str), "score": ANY(float), "token": ANY(int), "token_str": ANY(str)}, {"sequence": ANY(str), "score": ANY(float), "token": ANY(int), "token_str": ANY(str)}, {"sequence": ANY(str), "score": ANY(float), "token": ANY(int), "token_str": ANY(str)}, {"sequence": ANY(str), "score": ANY(float), "token": ANY(int), "token_str": ANY(str)}, ], ) outputs = fill_masker([f"This is a {tokenizer.mask_token}", f"Another {tokenizer.mask_token} great test."]) self.assertEqual( outputs, [ [ {"sequence": ANY(str), "score": ANY(float), "token": ANY(int), "token_str": ANY(str)}, {"sequence": ANY(str), "score": ANY(float), "token": ANY(int), "token_str": ANY(str)}, {"sequence": ANY(str), "score": ANY(float), "token": ANY(int), "token_str": ANY(str)}, {"sequence": ANY(str), "score": ANY(float), "token": ANY(int), "token_str": ANY(str)}, {"sequence": ANY(str), "score": ANY(float), "token": ANY(int), "token_str": ANY(str)}, ], [ {"sequence": ANY(str), "score": ANY(float), "token": ANY(int), "token_str": ANY(str)}, {"sequence": ANY(str), "score": ANY(float), "token": ANY(int), "token_str": ANY(str)}, {"sequence": ANY(str), "score": ANY(float), "token": ANY(int), "token_str": ANY(str)}, {"sequence": ANY(str), "score": ANY(float), "token": ANY(int), "token_str": ANY(str)}, {"sequence": ANY(str), "score": ANY(float), "token": ANY(int), "token_str": ANY(str)}, ], ], ) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): fill_masker([None]) # No mask_token is not supported with self.assertRaises(PipelineException): fill_masker("This is") self.run_test_top_k(model, tokenizer) self.run_test_targets(model, tokenizer) self.run_test_top_k_targets(model, tokenizer) self.fill_mask_with_duplicate_targets_and_top_k(model, tokenizer) self.fill_mask_with_multiple_masks(model, tokenizer) def run_test_targets(self, model, tokenizer): vocab = tokenizer.get_vocab() targets = sorted(vocab.keys())[:2] # Pipeline argument fill_masker = FillMaskPipeline(model=model, tokenizer=tokenizer, targets=targets) outputs = fill_masker(f"This is a {tokenizer.mask_token}") self.assertEqual( outputs, [ {"sequence": ANY(str), "score": ANY(float), "token": ANY(int), "token_str": ANY(str)}, {"sequence": ANY(str), "score": ANY(float), "token": ANY(int), "token_str": ANY(str)}, ], ) target_ids = {vocab[el] for el in targets} self.assertEqual({el["token"] for el in outputs}, target_ids) self.assertEqual({el["token_str"] for el in outputs}, set(targets)) # Call argument fill_masker = FillMaskPipeline(model=model, tokenizer=tokenizer) outputs = fill_masker(f"This is a {tokenizer.mask_token}", targets=targets) self.assertEqual( outputs, [ {"sequence": ANY(str), "score": ANY(float), "token": ANY(int), "token_str": ANY(str)}, {"sequence": ANY(str), "score": ANY(float), "token": ANY(int), "token_str": ANY(str)}, ], ) target_ids = {vocab[el] for el in targets} self.assertEqual({el["token"] for el in outputs}, target_ids) self.assertEqual({el["token_str"] for el in outputs}, set(targets)) # Score equivalence outputs = fill_masker(f"This is a {tokenizer.mask_token}", targets=targets) tokens = [top_mask["token_str"] for top_mask in outputs] scores = [top_mask["score"] for top_mask in outputs] unmasked_targets = fill_masker(f"This is a {tokenizer.mask_token}", targets=tokens) target_scores = [top_mask["score"] for top_mask in unmasked_targets] self.assertEqual(nested_simplify(scores), nested_simplify(target_scores)) # Raises with invalid with self.assertRaises(ValueError): outputs = fill_masker(f"This is a {tokenizer.mask_token}", targets=[""]) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): outputs = fill_masker(f"This is a {tokenizer.mask_token}", targets=[]) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): outputs = fill_masker(f"This is a {tokenizer.mask_token}", targets="") def run_test_top_k(self, model, tokenizer): fill_masker = FillMaskPipeline(model=model, tokenizer=tokenizer, top_k=2) outputs = fill_masker(f"This is a {tokenizer.mask_token}") self.assertEqual( outputs, [ {"sequence": ANY(str), "score": ANY(float), "token": ANY(int), "token_str": ANY(str)}, {"sequence": ANY(str), "score": ANY(float), "token": ANY(int), "token_str": ANY(str)}, ], ) fill_masker = FillMaskPipeline(model=model, tokenizer=tokenizer) outputs2 = fill_masker(f"This is a {tokenizer.mask_token}", top_k=2) self.assertEqual( outputs2, [ {"sequence": ANY(str), "score": ANY(float), "token": ANY(int), "token_str": ANY(str)}, {"sequence": ANY(str), "score": ANY(float), "token": ANY(int), "token_str": ANY(str)}, ], ) self.assertEqual(nested_simplify(outputs), nested_simplify(outputs2)) def run_test_top_k_targets(self, model, tokenizer): vocab = tokenizer.get_vocab() fill_masker = FillMaskPipeline(model=model, tokenizer=tokenizer) # top_k=2, ntargets=3 targets = sorted(vocab.keys())[:3] outputs = fill_masker(f"This is a {tokenizer.mask_token}", top_k=2, targets=targets) # If we use the most probably targets, and filter differently, we should still # have the same results targets2 = [el["token_str"] for el in sorted(outputs, key=lambda x: x["score"], reverse=True)] outputs2 = fill_masker(f"This is a {tokenizer.mask_token}", top_k=3, targets=targets2) # They should yield exactly the same result self.assertEqual(nested_simplify(outputs), nested_simplify(outputs2)) def fill_mask_with_duplicate_targets_and_top_k(self, model, tokenizer): fill_masker = FillMaskPipeline(model=model, tokenizer=tokenizer) vocab = tokenizer.get_vocab() # String duplicates + id duplicates targets = sorted(vocab.keys())[:3] targets = [targets[0], targets[1], targets[0], targets[2], targets[1]] outputs = fill_masker(f"My name is {tokenizer.mask_token}", targets=targets, top_k=10) # The target list contains duplicates, so we can't output more # than them self.assertEqual(len(outputs), 3) def fill_mask_with_multiple_masks(self, model, tokenizer): fill_masker = FillMaskPipeline(model=model, tokenizer=tokenizer) outputs = fill_masker( f"This is a {tokenizer.mask_token} {tokenizer.mask_token} {tokenizer.mask_token}", top_k=2 ) self.assertEqual( outputs, [ [ {"sequence": ANY(str), "score": ANY(float), "token": ANY(int), "token_str": ANY(str)}, {"sequence": ANY(str), "score": ANY(float), "token": ANY(int), "token_str": ANY(str)}, ], [ {"sequence": ANY(str), "score": ANY(float), "token": ANY(int), "token_str": ANY(str)}, {"sequence": ANY(str), "score": ANY(float), "token": ANY(int), "token_str": ANY(str)}, ], [ {"sequence": ANY(str), "score": ANY(float), "token": ANY(int), "token_str": ANY(str)}, {"sequence": ANY(str), "score": ANY(float), "token": ANY(int), "token_str": ANY(str)}, ], ], )