import ipyleaflet as L from faicons import icon_svg from geopy.distance import geodesic, great_circle from shared import BASEMAPS, CITIES from shiny import reactive from import input, render, ui from shinywidgets import render_widget city_names = sorted(list(CITIES.keys())) ui.page_opts(title="Location Distance Calculator", fillable=True) {"class": "bslib-page-dashboard"} with ui.sidebar(): ui.input_selectize("loc1", "Location 1", choices=city_names, selected="New York") ui.input_selectize("loc2", "Location 2", choices=city_names, selected="London") ui.input_selectize( "basemap", "Choose a basemap", choices=list(BASEMAPS.keys()), selected="WorldImagery", ) ui.input_dark_mode(mode="dark") with ui.layout_column_wrap(fill=False): with ui.value_box(showcase=icon_svg("globe"), theme="gradient-blue-indigo"): "Great Circle Distance" @render.text def great_circle_dist(): circle = great_circle(loc1xy(), loc2xy()) return f"{circle.kilometers.__round__(1)} km" with ui.value_box(showcase=icon_svg("ruler"), theme="gradient-blue-indigo"): "Geodisic Distance" @render.text def geo_dist(): dist = geodesic(loc1xy(), loc2xy()) return f"{dist.kilometers.__round__(1)} km" with ui.value_box(showcase=icon_svg("mountain"), theme="gradient-blue-indigo"): "Altitude Difference" @render.text def altitude(): try: return f'{loc1()["altitude"] - loc2()["altitude"]} m' except TypeError: return "N/A (altitude lookup failed)" with ui.card(): ui.card_header("Map (drag the markers to change locations)") @render_widget def map(): return L.Map(zoom=4, center=(0, 0)) # Reactive values to store location information loc1 = reactive.value() loc2 = reactive.value() # Update the reactive values when the selectize inputs change @reactive.effect def _(): loc1.set(CITIES.get(input.loc1(), loc_str_to_coords(input.loc1()))) loc2.set(CITIES.get(input.loc2(), loc_str_to_coords(input.loc2()))) # When a marker is moved, the input value gets updated to "lat, lon", # so we decode that into a dict (and also look up the altitude) def loc_str_to_coords(x: str) -> dict: latlon = x.split(", ") if len(latlon) != 2: return {} lat = float(latlon[0]) lon = float(latlon[1]) try: import requests query = f"{lat},{lon}" r = requests.get(query).json() altitude = r["results"][0]["elevation"] except Exception: altitude = None return {"latitude": lat, "longitude": lon, "altitude": altitude} # Convenient way to get the lat/lons as a tuple @reactive.calc def loc1xy(): return loc1()["latitude"], loc1()["longitude"] @reactive.calc def loc2xy(): return loc2()["latitude"], loc2()["longitude"] # Add marker for first location @reactive.effect def _(): update_marker(map.widget, loc1xy(), on_move1, "loc1") # Add marker for second location @reactive.effect def _(): update_marker(map.widget, loc2xy(), on_move2, "loc2") # Add line and fit bounds when either marker is moved @reactive.effect def _(): update_line(map.widget, loc1xy(), loc2xy()) # If new bounds fall outside of the current view, fit the bounds @reactive.effect def _(): l1 = loc1xy() l2 = loc2xy() lat_rng = [min(l1[0], l2[0]), max(l1[0], l2[0])] lon_rng = [min(l1[1], l2[1]), max(l1[1], l2[1])] new_bounds = [ [lat_rng[0], lon_rng[0]], [lat_rng[1], lon_rng[1]], ] b = map.widget.bounds if len(b) == 0: map.widget.fit_bounds(new_bounds) elif ( lat_rng[0] < b[0][0] or lat_rng[1] > b[1][0] or lon_rng[0] < b[0][1] or lon_rng[1] > b[1][1] ): map.widget.fit_bounds(new_bounds) # Update the basemap @reactive.effect def _(): update_basemap(map.widget, input.basemap()) # --------------------------------------------------------------- # Helper functions # --------------------------------------------------------------- def update_marker(map: L.Map, loc: tuple, on_move: object, name: str): remove_layer(map, name) m = L.Marker(location=loc, draggable=True, name=name) m.on_move(on_move) map.add_layer(m) def update_line(map: L.Map, loc1: tuple, loc2: tuple): remove_layer(map, "line") map.add_layer( L.Polyline(locations=[loc1, loc2], color="blue", weight=2, name="line") ) def update_basemap(map: L.Map, basemap: str): for layer in map.layers: if isinstance(layer, L.TileLayer): map.remove_layer(layer) map.add_layer(L.basemap_to_tiles(BASEMAPS[input.basemap()])) def remove_layer(map: L.Map, name: str): for layer in map.layers: if == name: map.remove_layer(layer) def on_move1(**kwargs): return on_move("loc1", **kwargs) def on_move2(**kwargs): return on_move("loc2", **kwargs) # When the markers are moved, update the selectize inputs to include the new # location (which results in the locations() reactive value getting updated, # which invalidates any downstream reactivity that depends on it) def on_move(id, **kwargs): loc = kwargs["location"] loc_str = f"{loc[0]}, {loc[1]}" choices = city_names + [loc_str] ui.update_selectize(id, selected=loc_str, choices=choices)