Question,GroundTruth | |
Hello, "Hi there! I'm CalmBot, your AI-driven destressing buddy. I'm here to provide calming activities and answer questions to support your mental health! Your wellbeing is our top priority. We also provided student opportunities for you! Below are important and free resources to support your mental health" | |
What are some good opportunities for high school students?,"CalmConnect has provided lots of Student Opportunities for you! Feel free to click on it! Note that each year the opportunity deadlines may vary. It is best to check their website for more information." | |
Can you give me opportunities?,"CalmConnect has provided lots of Student Opportunities for you! Feel free to click on it! Note that each year the opportunity deadlines may vary. It is best to check their website for more information." | |
What are some Opportunities?,"CalmConnect has provided lots of Student Opportunities for you! Feel free to click on it! Note that each year the opportunity deadlines may vary. It is best to check their website for more information." | |
Student Opportunities,"CalmConnect has provided lots of Student Opportunities for you! Feel free to click on it! Note that each year the opportunity deadlines may vary. It is best to check their website for more information." | |
Where can I find Student Opportunities?,"CalmConnect has provided lots of Student Opportunities for you! Feel free to click on it! Note that each year the opportunity deadlines may vary. It is best to check their website for more information." | |
Can you give me a list of student opportunities?,"CalmConnect has provided lots of Student Opportunities for you! Feel free to click on it! Note that each year the opportunity deadlines may vary. It is best to check their website for more information." | |
Can you give me the student opportunities website?,"CalmConnect has provided lots of Student Opportunities for you! Feel free to click on it! Note that each year the opportunity deadlines may vary. It is best to check their website for more information." | |
Can I have the student opportunities site?,"CalmConnect has provided lots of Student Opportunities for you! Feel free to click on it! Note that each year the opportunity deadlines may vary. It is best to check their website for more information. " | |
Can I have the student opportunities sheet?,"CalmConnect has provided lots of Student Opportunities for you! Feel free to click on it! Note that each year the opportunity deadlines may vary. It is best to check their website for more information." | |
I feel stressed about the college process,"CalmConnect has provided lots of Student Opportunities for you! Feel free to click on it! Note that each year the opportunity deadlines may vary. It is best to check their website for more information." | |
I do not know what I want to do in the future, "That's totally okay! It's normal to feel unsure, and it's good to explore your options. CalmConnect has provided lots of Student Opportunities for you to explore your interest! Feel free to click on it! Note that each year the opportunity deadlines may vary. It is best to check their website for more information." | |
I am not sure what I want my career path to be, "That's totally okay! It's normal to feel unsure, and it's good to explore your options. CalmConnect has provided lots of Student Opportunities for you to explore your interest! Feel free to click on it! Note that each year the opportunity deadlines may vary. It is best to check their website for more information." | |
I feel like I am not doing enough for college, "CalmConnect has provided lots of Student Opportunities for you! Feel free to click on it! Note that each year the opportunity deadlines may vary. It is best to check their website for more information." | |
What should I do to prepare for college?, "CalmConnect has provided lots of Student Opportunities for you! Feel free to click on it! Note that each year the opportunity deadlines may vary. It is best to check their website for more information." | |
What should I do when I feel sad?, "If you're feeling sorrowful or unhappy, I'm here to listen and support you. Would you like to talk about what's on your mind?" | |
I am feeling stressed, "You’ve come to the right place! CalmConnect has three sections to help you destress : Online therapy, student opportunities, and destressing techniques. What section would you like to start with?" | |
I have 15 minutes. What arts and crafts can I do?, "15 minutes is a perfect period of time to do arts and crafts. An actiity I suggest is doodling! Doodling is a great quick arts and crafts that utilizes the most basic materials, pencil and paper. An alternative to doodling is warm-up shape practices. While doodling requires thinking of your own ideas, repeatedly sketching basic shapes can be seen as an easier task." | |
I have 30 minutes. What arts and crafts can I do?, "30 minutes is a perfect period of time to do arts and crafts. An activity I suggest is drawing a dreamscape. A dreamscape is just an image that captures events that seem dreamlike. Drawing a dreamscape can help release and ignore negative thoughts for a period of itme. An alternative to drawing a dreamscape is photography. With the widespread use of phone cameras, taking photos is an extremely accessible activity." | |
I have 45 minutes. What arts and crafts can I do?, "45 minutes is a perfect period of time to do arts and crafts. An activity I suggest is finger painting. While finger painting seems like a activity for little kids, finger painting is a easy activity that everyone can do. This activity only requires paint, paper, and yourself! An alternative to finger painting is playing with clay. Clay has a sastifying texture that can be used in many activities like creating sculptures or pottery. Using clay as a stress reliever is common because of its soft texture" | |
I have an hour. What arts and crafts can I do?, "An hour is a perfect period of time to do arts and crafts. An activity I suggest is a calm down jar. This activity involves filling a jar with water, glitter, or any decorations you prefer. Not only is the activity easy to do, the calm down jar can be taken on the go for stress relief. An alternative to creating a calm down jar is making a vision board. Whether you make a physical or digital vision board, a vision board visualizes your goals or dreams with images or ideas." | |
I have an hour and a half. What arts and crafts can I do?, "An hour and a half is a perfect amount of time to do arts and crafts. An activity I suggest is creating a mask. While this mask might not be extremely useful, creating a mask can help release stress via using your imagination and creative skills. An alternative to creating a mask is creating a collage! Similar to creating a visionboard, you can create a physical or digital collage. Either way, creating a collage can help you destress as you rip apart and piece together images." | |
I have 2 hours. What arts and crafts can I do?, "2 hours is a perfect amount of time to do arts and crafts. An activity I suggest is painting with your nondominant hand. Painting with your non-dominant hand can help you practice mindfulness and tap into a creative side that you may not even know existed! When we use our non-dominant hand to paint, it forces us to slow down and pay more attention to our movements. Two alternatives to painting with your nondominant hand is needle felting and creating stress balls. Needle felting involves stabbing together pieces of fabric using a needle. While this activity should not be given to those who have harmful thoughts, needle felting can be used to release minor stress when stabbing fabrics together. Creating a DIY stress ball is also a lot of fun! Filling a balloon with flower is an easy way to make a stress ball that you can take on the go!" | |
I have 2 hours and a half. What arts and crafts can I do?, "2 hours and a half is a perfect amount of time to do arts and crafts. An activity I suggest is art journaling! If you love to doodle or draw random drawings, create an art journal! Instead of drawing on loose pieces of papers, you can have a lot of your drawings in a art journal and use it to release stress via drawing. An alternative to creating an art journal is scrapbooking. Using the same methodology as making a collage or a vision board, you can piece together images of your friends, family, or your favorite things in to a scrapbook! This is a really fun way to gather all your favorite things and remind yourself some of your best memories." | |
I have 3 hours or greater. What arts and crafts can I do?, "3 hours or greater is a perfect amount of time to do arts and crafts. An activity I suggest is knitting or crocheting. For many, the repetitive actions of knitting and crocheting is extremely therapeutic for times of stress. You can also make many fun stuffed animals or household items to give to friends and family! An alternative to knitting and crocheting is pottery! Combining the fun use of clay and making new things, pottery is a great way to destress using clay! Clay has an extremely sastifying texture on its own, making it a destressing material by itself, but making cups, bowls, or plates can also be rewarding!" | |
What should I do if I am being abused?, "I would recommend talking to an online therapist, here are some specialized therapists..." | |
What should I do if I have been having depressing thoughts?, "Journaling is a great way to get your feelings out. To this, one would typically need a journal, some pens and pencils. There are many other forms of journaling, you can use a tablet to journal too. Remember, you’re journaling to get your feelings out, not for it to be perfect; so it’s okay if it’s not perfect." | |
What if I am too unmotivated to do journaling?, "You can engage yourself in activities that bring you comfort and joy. Please do not engage in any harmful activities." | |
What if there is nothing that brings me comfort and joy?, "You can do daily affirmations. Every morning when you wake up, you go to any mirror you have and you tell yourself affirmations. These can include, 'I am strong', 'I am amazing', etc." | |
What should I do if I am being bullied?, "If you’re being cyberbullied, report them and do not listen to anything they say. If you’re getting bullied in school, try confiding in any of the teachers." | |
What should I do if I am struggling with my identities?, "You can talk to someone you trust or any of these online therapists that specialize in identities..." | |
What if there is no one I trust?,"Talk to an online therapist. Here are some therapists you can talk to..." | |
What should I do if I have thoughts of self-harm?, "I would recommend reflecting, why do you feel this way? I would also recommend talking to any of the listed therapists." | |
What if I can not afford a therapist?, "Don't worry! Some of these therapists are free!" | |
Online Therapy, "This is the perfect place to be! What would you like to talk about?" |